Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Computer Engineering

  • CPE 4490:Special Topics in Computer Engineering

    1-4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Varies by Topic
    This course covers advanced topics of special interest to faculty and students that are not in the regular course offerings. Offered on a demand basis. This course may be taken more than once.

  • CPE 4750:Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CPE 3000  or EE 3501 
    This course provides an overview of the system architecture, covering fundamental knowledge for each core technology stack: the device layer, the communication network layer, and the application layer. Students will gain exposure to various smart IoT applications and explore the design trade-off in power consumption, real-time constraint, and size limitation. Students will learn hands-on labs and projects, the basics of data analytics by using off-the-shelf IoT HW and commercial IoT platform to solve real-world problems.

  • CPE 4800:Senior Project Proposal

    2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CPE 3030 , Senior Status, and Engineering Standing  
    This course involves an in­-depth examination of the principles and methods associated with the engineering design process. Students will be grouped into design teams where the engineering design principles and methods are put into practice in the developing of a computer engineering project. The final product for each design team will be a project proposal that will be assessed via design review.

  • CPE 4850:Senior Project Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CPE 4800  and Engineering Standing  
    This course will require a design team to complete the computer engineering project they proposed in the senior project proposal course. The steps to completing this project will include building a prototype of the system/device, programming this system/device, and testing this system/device. The design team will also be responsible for drafting the project report, demonstrating that the system/device functions according to specifications, and making an oral presentation of the project.

  • CPE 4903:Neural Networks and Machine Learning

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CSE 1321  and CSE 1321L  and MATH 2202  and Engineering Standing 
    This course introduces the student to the principles and theories associated with neural networks. Several neural networking-related architectures, algorithms, and training techniques associated with real-world applications (e.g. detection & tracking systems, traffic patterns, classification schemes) are discussed. Also, several in-class examples are given and a term project is assigned to aid the student in a practical understanding of the theory covered-Class examples and the project are conducted using OOP and the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox. Additionally, a survey of various AI hardware implementations will be conducted to further enhance the student’s knowledge.

Computer Game Design and Development

  • CGDD 2012:Fundamentals of Game Design

    2 Credit Hours
    This course presents an overview of the history of computer games and the theory of gaming. Topics include game genres, content, patterns, playability, suspension of disbelief and immersion, storytelling, and game balance and fairness. Students are required to analyze historic and current games and must also develop an original game.

  • CGDD 2014:Fundamentals of Digital Game Development

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher inCSE 1321  and CSE 1321L  Concurrent:
    CGDD 2012 
    Students will learn to develop computer-based video games using a modern game engine and a programming language. Students are required to develop a computer-based prototype of an original game.

  • CGDD 2290:Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Special topics selected by the CGDD Department. The course covers special topics at the intermediate level that are not in the regular course offerings.

  • CGDD 3103:Application Extension and Scripting

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CGDD 2012  and a grade of “B” or better in both CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L  
    This course provides an introduction to the use and extension of applications for content creation and management. Both the theoretical as well as applied aspects of extensible application architectures and plug-ins are covered. Existing and emerging scripting languages will also be discussed extensively, and programming in these scripting languages is covered. Students will explore and utilize current applications and must create extensions to these applications.

  • CGDD 4003:Digital Media and Interaction

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CGDD 3103  or CS 3305  or IT 3883  
    This course explores how digital media is created and utilized within computer games and simulations. Topics include sound, video, text, images, character modeling, animation, game world and level generation (2D and 3D), and current and emerging interaction techniques. Students are required to work in teams to produce a multimedia term project.

  • CGDD 4113:3D Modeling and Animation

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  
    This course explores the theory and application of 3D geometric model generation and animation. Topics include mesh and Non-uniform Rational B-Spline (NURB) modeling, textures, subdivision and levels of model detail, rigid/constrained body dynamics, and non-rigid/fluid dynamics. Students will be required to develop and animate a complex model, and a significant project is required

  • CGDD 4203:Introduction to Mobile and Immersive Gaming

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CGDD 4003 
    This course explores the segments of mobile (handheld, tablet, and mobile phone) and immersive gaming. The technical and hardware requirements and constraints of mobile and immersive game development are investigated. Students will learn to design and develop within these constraints. Patterns and methodologies for designing and developing these games are covered. Several projects are required (both mobile and immersive).

  • CGDD 4242:Agent-Based Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  
    This course introduces students to the key concepts of Artificial Intelligence in single-agent, adversarial, and multi-agent systems. This includes topics such as agency, knowledge representation, searching, planning, algorithms, and machine learning in both single and multiple agent scenarios. The students will also apply this knowledge to games, serious games, and simulations and implement their solutions within serious game and simulation environments such as Unity or Unreal.

  • CGDD 4303:Educational and Serious Game Design

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CGDD 4003  
    This course presents the history, theory, and current best practices of serious gaming and the use of serious games to educate and train. This course focuses on how to engage and entertain while presenting informative interfaces to the user. Topics include motivation, designing engaging learning interfaces, knowledge transfer from the game environment to the real world, assessment of learning, and instructional value. A design/prototype project is required.

  • CGDD 4313:Designing Online Learning Content and Environments

    3 Credit Hours
    This course explores the use of online environments to present educational content for users. Topics include: interaction patterns in online learning environments, providing accessible and intuitive materials, multi-modal presentations of content, and the benefits and limitations of online learning environments. This course requires a critique of existing online environments and the development of a new learning environment, and human-computer interaction issues are an important consideration for this course.

  • CGDD 4400:Directed Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: By Instructor’s or Department’s permission.
    This course enables the study of special topics of an advanced nature that are not in the regular course offerings. Students will complete a research project on a topic in the subject area of computer game design and development or related areas supervised by a faculty member. Credit hours vary from one to three depending on the nature and content of the project student involved. Up to three credits may be applied to the major area.

  • CGDD 4490:Advanced Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of the CGDD Department
    This course offers advanced topics selected by the CGDD Department. The course covers special topics at the senior level that are not in the regular course offerings.

  • CGDD 4603:Production Pipeline and Asset Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 4722  
    This course provides an in-depth exploration of the production of media content. This course covers elements of the production pipeline from concept to content generation to post production and quality assurance. Topics include asset creation and management, cost-quality tradeoffs, and phases of production. Current and emerging models of the production pipeline such as user-generated content and participation will also be discussed. A significant, team-based project is required.

  • CGDD 4703:Data Modeling and Simulation

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: STAT 2332  
    This course provides an introduction to modeling and simulation. Both the theoretical as well as applied aspects of simulation are covered. Topics include discrete-event simulation, states, transitions, model definition, model quality, input and output analysis, input distributions, experimental design, optimizing models, levels of model detail, cost-quality tradeoffs, verification, and validation. Students will be required to simulate a complex system which necessitates the creation of models. Students will explore and utilize a simulation API.

  • CGDD 4803:Studio

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CGDD 4003  
    This course begins the studio experience and explores the application of game design and development in a structured environment; teams build applications utilizing best practices in software engineering including asset, project, configuration, and requirements management. Students in this Studio course will assume an apprentice position within their teams and learn from more senior students taking the Capstone course. This course involves weekly status, design, and development meetings.

  • CGDD 4814:Studio 2

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CGDD 4803  
    This course continues the studio experience from and further explores the application of game design and development in a structured environment; teams build applications utilizing best practices in software engineering including asset, project, configuration, and requirements management. Students taking this Capstone course will assume a senior position within their teams and provide mentoring to students taking the Studio course. This course involves weekly status, design, and development meetings.

Computer Science

  • CS 2290:Special Topics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor, major area committee, and department chair.
    The course covers special topics at the intermediate level that are not in the regular course offerings.

  • CS 3305:Data Structures

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: (MATH 2345  or CSE 2300 ) and [(CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L  each with a “B” or better), or MTRE 2610  with a “B” or better, or CPE 3000  with a “B” or better]
    This course introduces data structures, specification, application, and implementation. The case studies will illustrate how data structures are used in computing applications. The emphasis of the course is on linear and some nonlinear data structures and object oriented principles. Topics include: abstract data types, stacks, queues, lists, binary search trees, priority queues, recursion, algorithm efficiency, trees, heaps, hash tables, and analysis of search and sort algorithms and their performance for implementation and manipulation. The programming language to be used in this course is any standard high-level object-oriented programming language such as C++, Java, and Ada.

  • CS 3410:Introduction to Database Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in both CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L 
    Introduction to database management systems, database processing, data modeling, database design, development, and implementation. Particular emphasis is placed on the relational approach to database management and processing, which focuses more on the logical nature of a database than its physical characteristics. Relational database programming assignments are drawn from the fields of business. Includes implementation of current DBMS tools and SQL. Ethical and security topics related to databases will be introduced.

  • CS 3502:Operating Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and CS 3503  
    The course covers the basic concepts, design and implementation of operating systems. Topics include an overview of basic computing hardware components, operating system structures, process management, memory management, file systems, input/output systems, protection and security. The Windows and/or UNIX/Linux operating systems will be reviewed as example systems.

  • CS 3503:Computer Organization and Architecture

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in both CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L 
    The course covers computer architecture. Topics include data representation and encoding, binary arithmetic, fixed- and floating-point representation, numbering systems, error-control, instruction set architecture, assembly language and programming, microcode, memory organization and addressing, I/O, interrupts, internal architecture, instruction pipelining, multi-core architectures and CPU/ALU basics. The course also covers computer organization. Topics include Boolean Algebra, logic gates, flip-flops, counters, registers, combinational and sequential circuits, K-maps, circuit design, and various digital components.

  • CS 3622:Fundamentals of Data Communications

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or better in both CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L .
    An introduction on the fundamentals and underlying theory of data communication networks, their architecture, principles of operations and performance analyses. Topics include OSI reference model and standards, communication codes, network protocol concepts, synchronous and asynchronous transmission methods, line coding, signaling, effects of bandwidth and noise, digital and analog modulation, interfacing, error/flow/media-access control, switching and routing methods, and network topologies. Other areas studied are Local area networks (LANs), Wide area networks (WANs), Wireless networks, Fiber optic networks, internetworking technologies, and an introduction to the Internet, TCP/IP, cryptography and network security.

  • CS 3626:Cryptography

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 2345  or CSE 2300   Concurrent:
    CS 3305  
    The course covers both mathematical and practical foundations of cryptography. Topics include basic number theory for cryptography, conversion of text, and implementation using a programming language. The course includes historical cryptography, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, hash functions, and well-known attack strategies with countermeasures. Exercises cover programming of simple cryptography in a programming language.

  • CS 3642:Artificial Intelligence

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  
    The primary objective of this course is to provide a introduction to the basic principles and applications of Artificial Intelligence. It covers the basic areas of artificial intelligence including problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning, decision making, planning, perception and action, and learning – and their applications. Students will design and implement key components of intelligent agents of modern complexity and evaluate their performance. Students are expected to develop familiarity with current research problems, research methods, and the research literature in AI.

  • CS 4265:Big Data Analytics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and (CS 3410  or CSE 3153 )
    This course covers algorithms and tools that are needed to build MapReduce applications with Hadoop or Spark for processing gigabyte, terabyte, or petabyte-sized datasets on clusters of commodity hardware. A wide range of data algorithms will be discussed in this course.

  • CS 4267:Machine Learning

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3642  
    This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition including supervised, unsupervised, and ensemble learning. Topics include K-NN, Naïve Bayes Classifier, parametric and non-parametric methods, support vector machines, kernel machines, neural networks, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and model evaluation. The learning theory including bias/variance tradeoffs and large margins will be introduced. This course will also discuss recent applications of machine learning such as data mining, autonomous navigation, speech recognition, and text and web data processing.

  • CS 4270:Intelligent Systems in Bioinformatics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and (CS 3410  or CSE 3153 )
    Biological sciences are undergoing a revolution in how they are practiced. In the last decade, a vast amount of biological data has become available, and computational methods are playing a fundamental role in transforming this data into scientific understanding. Bioinformatics involves developing and applying computational methods for managing and analyzing information about the sequence, structure and function of biological molecules and systems. This course covers a wide range of machine learning, data mining, and computational algorithms to solve various bioinformatics research problems.

  • CS 4277:Deep Learning

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3642   Concurrent:
    CS 4267  
    This course covers the foundations of Deep Learning; how to build neural networks and how to design successful deep learning projects. The course topics include convolutional networks, sequence modeling such as recurrent and recursive neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM), Adam, Dropout, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization, state-of-the-art technologies, and research topics leveraging Deep Learning. The course includes programming assignments in Python and in TensorFlow.

  • CS 4305:Software Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3410 CSE 3801 , COMM 1100  
    This course provides an overview of the software engineering discipline with emphasis on the development life cycle and UML modeling. It introduces students to the fundamental principles and processes of software engineering, including Unified, Personal, and Team process models. This course highlights the need for an engineering approach to software with understanding of the activities performed at each stage in the development cycle. Topics include software process models, requirements analysis and modeling; design concepts and design modeling; architectural design and styles; implementation; and testing strategies and techniques. The course presents software development processes at the various degrees of granularity.

  • CS 4306:Algorithm Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  
    Algorithm analysis using formal and mathematical techniques and fundamental algorithm design strategies are studied. Topics include asymptotic analyses of complexity bounds using big-O, little-o, omega, and theta notations. The algorithmic strategies (brute-force, greedy, divide-and-conquer, recursive backtracking, dynamic programming, branch-and-bound, heuristics, and reduction) are covered. Also included are standard graph and tree algorithms. Additional topics include standard complexity classes, time-and-space tradeoffs in algorithms, and analyzing both recursive algorithms and non-recursive (iterative) algorithms.

  • CS 4308:Concepts of Programming Languages

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and CS 3503  
    This course covers the fundamental concepts on which programming languages are based and the execution models supporting them. Topics include values, variables, bindings, type systems, control structures, exceptions, concurrency, and modularity. Languages representing different paradigms are introduced.

  • CS 4322:Mobile Software Development

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and (CS 3410  or CSE 3153 ) and SWE 3313  
    This course primarily focuses on mobile sensor application development and security of smartphones and mobile telecommunication systems. The goals of the course is to provide students with real world relevant mobile sensor app development and improve their knowledge and skills on mobile application development and mobile security.

  • CS 4400:Directed Studies

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor, major area committee, and department chair.
    This course covers special topics of an advanced nature that are not in the regular course offerings. Up to three hours may be applied to the major area.

  • CS 4412:Data Mining

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and (CS 3410  or CSE 3153 )
    This course covers fundamental data mining concepts and techniques for discovering interesting patterns from data in various applications. Topics include data preprocessing, data warehousing and OLAP, mining frequent patterns, classification, clustering, and tend analysis.

  • CS 4422:Information Retrieval

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and (CS 3410  or CSE 3153 )
    This course covers the fundamentals of Internet search engines, including Web crawlers, inverted indices, hyperlink analysis, and relevance ranking. Also covered are advanced topics including information extraction for knowledge base construction, question answering, search marketing and ad targeting, and activity mining for relevance optimization and personalization.

  • CS 4491:Advanced Topics in Computer Science

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in any prerequisite course. Prerequisite course(s) vary depending upon the topic.
    This course provides the current and relevant topics in an advanced Computer Science area of interest to faculty.

    Notes: It may substitute for a CS major elective.
  • CS 4492:Undergraduate Research

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Department Permission and (CS 4265  or CS 4267  or CS 4270  or CS 4322  or CS 4412  or CS 4504  or CS 4512  or CS 4514  or CS 4522  or CS 4523  or CS 4524  or CS 4612  or CS 4622  or CS 4632  or CS 4712  or CS 4720  or CS 4722  or CS 4732 ).
    This course promotes undergraduate research in Computer Science. Students develop research ideas and conduct research work to investigate topics aligned with the department’s research plan and with the guidance of Computer Science faculty members. Students document their findings in final reports, present their findings, and prepare research papers for publication in appropriate venues.

  • CS 4493:Research Seminar

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Department Permission and GPA of 3.0 or higher.
    Discussion of the latest developments and research areas in Computer Science. Students will share among each other research ideas related to current research areas with interactions with faculty or invited speakers. Students will compile, discuss, present, and report their research ideas.

  • CS 4504:Parallel and Distributed Computing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and CS 3503   Concurrent:
    CS 3502  
    This course introduces students to the fundamental principles common to the design and implementation of programs that run on two or more interconnected computer systems - in parallel or distributed configurations. Topics to be covered include: essentials of operating systems, network protocols for process communication, and synchronization using message queues; understanding of client-server paradigms, web-based group or collaborative communication systems; advanced distributed computing paradigms for parallel computing and handling concurrency issues; and sockets. Programming will focus on using API’s for parallel or distributed applications (e.g., MPI and RMI).

  • CS 4512:Systems Programming

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and CS 3502  
    This course presents an introduction to systems programming in Linux/Unix. Topics include file I/O, process control and communication, threading, and network-aware systems programs.

  • CS 4514:Real-Time Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3502  
    This course covers the software-development life cycle as it applies to real-time systems. Alternatives: • Including labs that involve the use of a real-time operating system and an associated development environment, or • Modeling with UML, and object oriented simulation. Introduction to formal specification of real-time systems. A course project is required to be completed by the end of the semester.

  • CS 4522:HPC & Parallel Programming

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 4504  
    This course will introduce parallel programming techniques for shared memory and distributed memory systems. Topics include threading, OpenMP, and MPI.

  • CS 4523:Programming Massively Parallel Processors

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and CS 3502  
    A study of practical parallel algorithms with an emphasis on implementation and performance issues on massively parallel processors. Design and implement high performance computing applications using CUDA running on Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Topics include heterogeneous parallel programming, hardware threading models, synchronization, parallel blocking algorithms, register allocations, memory performance, and inter-thread communication.

  • CS 4524:Cloud Computing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 4504  
    This course discusses the fundamental concepts and techniques of cloud computing. Students will develop an understanding of cloud computing architecture, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Virtualization, and Application Development on Cloud.

  • CS 4612:Software Security

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3502  and CS 3626  
    The course introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of software security. Topics covered include buffer overflows, defense mechanisms, return oriented programming, reverse engineering, vulnerabilities analysis. Additional topics: mobile security, hardware platform security, embedded system security.

  • CS 4622:Computer Networks

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3503  and CS 3622  
    This course covers computer networking and includes software application-related, protocol-related and security-related issues involved in the Internet. Topics include basic network structures, mechanisms for application-to-application communications, protocol layering, Internet addressing, unicast and multicast routing, connection establishment and termination, data flow and congestion control, and error handling. A specific protocol suite will be examined in detail. More advanced topics that build on the student’s understanding of network protocols are also introduced, such as network security, mobile networks and the future Internet.

  • CS 4626:Computer and Network Security

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3626  and CS 4622  
    This course is a comprehensive study of the security principles and practices for computer systems and networks. Topics to be covered include basic security concepts, common network attack techniques and impacts, common security policies, Internet protocol vulnerabilities, basic cryptographic tools and secure protocols. Defense techniques such as authentication, access control, encryption, and network intrusion detection will be discussed. This course will also survey new and emerging network security topics, applications and technologies. Exercises for this course will include network programming in some language and using various tools in understanding and analyzing packet traces and network traffic.

  • CS 4632:Modeling and Simulation

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  
    This course covers the modeling and simulation of the structure and behavior of real-world systems using object-oriented discrete-event simulation techniques. The course emphasizes the modeling and computer programming perspective of simulation; design and implementation of simulation models. The fundamental concepts of object-oriented simulation are introduced. Model implementation will require programming in an object-oriented simulation language such as OOSimL, or in a general purpose programming language (Java or C++). Students will also be exposed to a commercial integrated simulation software tool: Arena.

  • CS 4712:User Interface Engineering

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L  
    A comprehensive study of techniques in design and implementation of user interfaces engineering. Topics include the foundation of human-computer interaction and interface related to software lifecycle, building a graphic user interface engineering, interaction devices and technologies, human-computer dialogue, cognitive models, usability, the design and development process, user interface management systems (UIMS), interface style and techniques, user learning, and diversity in interaction styles. Major research and the building of a working graphic user interface are included.

  • CS 4720:Internet Programming

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  and (CS 3410  or CSE 3153 )
    This course introduces current technologies for modeling, designing, implementing, and developing Web applications. Topics include developing for the server and the client, programming frameworks, server administration and integration with databases. Practice will involve platforms and language such as Linux, Python, PHP, Ruby and JavaScript.

  • CS 4722:Computer Graphics and Multimedia

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3305  
    The basic principles and practices of interactive computer graphics and multimedia systems are covered in this introductory course. The design and implementation of state-of-the-art computer graphic rendering and visual multimedia systems are the main part of the course. The sub-topics of the course deal with specific input/output hardware devices and their technology, software and hardware standards, programming methods for implementing 3-dimensional graphical applications and interactive multimedia applications, and a study and evaluation of the effectiveness of graphic/multimedia communications. A large component of the class is the building of a large-scale application.

  • CS 4732:Machine Vision

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3642  
    This course introduces concepts and techniques in machine vision. Students successfully completing this course will be able to apply a variety of image processing techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms for real-world applications, such as optical character recognition, face detection and recognition, motion estimation, human tracking, and gesture recognition. Topics include basic image enhancement, corner and edge detection, image morphology, linear and non-linear filters, image transformations, camera models, two-dimensional and three-dimensional image geometry, clustering and segmentation (and classification), object recognition and Bag-of-Words models, image texture, shape analysis, and tracking.

  • CS 4742:Natural Language Processing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3642  
    This course provides an introduction to the field of natural language processing (NLP). The topics include creating systems that can understand and produce language for applications such as information extraction, machine translation, automatic summarization, question-answering, and interactive dialogue systems. This course covers linguistic (knowledge-based) and statistical approaches to language processing in the areas of syntax (language structures), semantics (language meaning), and pragmatics/discourse (the interpretation of language in context). Students will design and develop programs for analyzing and extracting information from large online corpora.

  • CS 4850:Computer Science Senior Project

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CS 3502  and SWE 3313 
    This course provides a capstone experience for CS majors to promote a successful transition into the work place or further academic study. Students will have the opportunity to practice essential project management skills and work with current software tools and technologies. Student teams will develop a project scope, project plan, document functional specifications, develop a design document, implement specified functions, provide weekly progress reports, give project presentations to the class, conduct final project presentation to the instructor and/or project sponsor, and provide a complete final report that includes documentation of all class activities. Each team will designate a team leader who is responsible for coordinating work tasks, team meetings, communications with the instructor and/or project sponsor, and team effort.

  • CSCI 1301:Computer Science I

    4 Credit Hours
    This course is an introduction to computer science with coverage of algorithmic foundations, hardware concepts, and introductory programming in Java. Specific topics include data storage, data manipulation, and data abstractions. Programming concepts covered are algorithm design, primitive data types, and expressions, loops, modular programming, conditional execution, program logic, and arrays. This course is managed through the cooperative academic agreement known as eCore.

Computing and Software Engineering

  • CSE 1300:Introduction to Computing Principles

    3 Credit Hours
    This course is an introductory computing principles course. Instruction centers on an overview of the history, scope, and impact of computing as well as critical, algorithmic and computational thinking on problem decomposition and fundamental programming concepts.

  • CSE 1321:Programming and Problem Solving I

    3 Credit Hours
    CSE 1321L  
    This course provides an introduction to computing with a focus on programming. Instruction centers on an overview of programming, problem-solving, and algorithm development. Particular topics include object-oriented design/programming, primitive data types, arithmetic and logical operators, selection and repetition structures, interactive user input, exception handling, using and designing basic classes, single-dimensional data structures with searching and sorting, and arrays. Programming assignments focus on techniques of good programming style including proper documentation. The student is taught to efficiently design, code, and debug problem solutions and the relationship between correct code and security.

  • CSE 1321L:Programming and Problem Solving I Laboratory

    1 Credit Hours
    CSE 1321  
    Lab activities with programming and game design to accompany CSE 1321.

  • CSE 1322:Programming and Problem Solving II

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or higher in CSE 1321  and CSE 1321L   Concurrent:
    CSE 1322L  and (MATH 1113  or MATH 1190  or MATH 1179  or MATH 2202 )
    The second course in computing provides coverage of more advanced topics of object-oriented programming. This includes the use of static variables and classes, non-linear data structures, inheritance and polymorphism, file input/output, exception handling, recursion, and parameterized types. Elementary data structures (linked lists, stacks, and queues) are introduced to solve application problems. Graphical user interfaces, parallel programming, database programming, and event-driven programming are also introduced. Students will use good programming style including proper documentation.

  • CSE 1322L:Programming and Problem Solving II Laboratory

    1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CSE 1321  and CSE 1321L  with a grade of ‘B’ or better in both. Concurrent:
    CSE 1322  
    This course is the required and supervised lab course to accompany CSE 1322 .

  • CSE 2300:Discrete Structures for Computing

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ((CSE 1321  and CSE 1321L  with a grade of “B” or higher) and (MATH 1113  or MATH 1190  or MATH 1179 )
    Coverage of discrete structures is crucial to any program in computing. This course covers propositional and predicate logic, proofs, set theory, relations and functions, algorithms and complexity theory, matrices, graphs and trees, and combinatorics. Throughout, the emphasis will be on applications of these concepts in computing.

  • CSE 3153:Database Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: (CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L ) or IT 1113  or (IT 1114  and IT 1114L )
    The topics in this course span from a review of the traditional file processing systems to database management systems. Topics include files systems and file processing logic, planning, and major phases of database development: analysis, design and implementation. Labs use an SQL based database product such as Oracle.

  • CSE 3203:Overview of Mobile Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L  
    This course explores the use and issues of mobile applications in business including information security issues, connecting to cloud computing services, and mobile interface and programming. A significant design or development project will be created in the course.

  • CSE 3801:Professional Practices and Ethics

    2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: (CSE 1322  and CSE 1322L ) or IT 3123  (may take concurrently)
    This course covers the historical, social and economic consideration of the discipline. It includes studies of professional conduct, risks, and liabilities, and intellectual property relative to the software engineering and computing professions. Software engineering/computing case studies will be used.

  • CSE 4973:Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENTR 3001  
    In this course, students will learn how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to technology innovation and commercialization. Topics of this course include practicing customer-centric innovation in IT and computing, matching customer needs with innovation seeds, evaluating readiness and market fit, building an IT startup team, creating a winning business model, and developing an investor pitch for the innovative solution.

  • CSE 4983:CSE Computing Internship

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Senior standing or at least 20 major hours in a CCSE degree program.
    This course helps students gain practical experience through real-world projects and professional work. Students will demonstrate an ability to apply computing principles and technologies relevant to their major in a specific real-world project jointly supervised by an industry mentor and a faculty advisor. Students will work in a project team in an enterprise environment demonstrating ethical behavior as a computing professional, an understanding of social, professional and ethical issues related to computing, and an ability to integrate the knowledge acquired in preceding courses. Communication skills and leadership are also evaluated as well as professional computing skills and knowledge. 150+ hours per semester required at an internship site. The course can not be repeated for credit.

Construction Management

  • CM 1000:Orientation to Construction and Development

    2 Credit Hours
    An introduction to construction industry careers; an overview of construction industry sectors and the industry’s impact on the economy; and discussion of the basics of the construction process. Also includes a preview of the construction degree curriculum and an overview of Kennesaw State University policies, procedures, and resources.

  • CM 2000:Construction Graphics

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 1000  
    A study of the fundamentals of graphic language used by construction professionals, with an emphasis on developing skills in expressing concepts in visual form and in reading architectural and engineering construction documents.

  • CM 2210:Introduction to Structures

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: (PHYS 1111  and PHYS 1111L ) or (PHYS 2211  and PHYS 2211L )
    The study of basic structural design and analysis. Primary aim of this course is to develop and present structural concepts, introduce structural theory, provide a sound understanding of statics and strength of materials to establish a basis for understanding structural principles as it relates to building components.

  • CM 3000:Computer Applications in Construction

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 2000  
    An introduction to microcomputers and commercial software. Students learn DOS and Windows manipulations, spreadsheets, word processing, visualization, and presentation software by actively using tutorials and help screens in a structured laboratory setting. Scheduling and estimating software are introduced.

  • CM 3040:Building Information Modeling I

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: (CM 2000   and CM 3000 ) or (EDG 2160   and CE 2003 )
    A course on study of building information modeling for pre-construction applications. The course will enable the students to develop and modify building information models. It includes integration of estimates and schedules with building information models. It also prepares the students to identify conflicts caused by architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems during pre-construction stages.

  • CM 3110:Residential and Light Construction Methods

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 2000  or EDG 2160  or EDG 1211  
    A study of materials, techniques, and methods used in residential and light construction. Foundations, wood frame and masonry structural systems, interior and exterior finishes, residential electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems are included. Also included are residential building code requirements.

  • CM 3160:Construction Equipment

    3 Credit Hours
    Study of the basic principles, practices, and techniques used in the construction industry for selecting and managing construction equipment. Focuses on understanding the time value of money, estimating equipment ownership and operating costs, selecting the proper equipment for specific construction tasks, and estimating equipment production.

  • CM 3170:Heavy Construction Practices

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3110  
    Introduction to the various heavy construction systems such as roads, bridges, sewer/water treatment facilities, and other transportation systems.  Topics include: contract analysis, work breakdown, equipment selection, site logistics planning, and project scheduling, cost productivity and performance management, quality control, and risk management.

  • CM 3180:Mechanical and Electrical Building Systems

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3110  
    A study of mechanical and electrical system types, how they are built, and how they affect the construction project. Topics will include air conditioning, heating, plumbing, fire protection, electrical power, electrical lighting, and building control materials and systems. The analysis of current construction drawings will be integrated into each topic.

  • CM 3190:Sustainable Construction

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3180  
    This course will emphasize the techniques and methods of sustainable construction. Importance of a collaborative team effort from owners, architects, engineers, constructors, and consultants will be integrated into the course. Influences on the cost and schedule due to a sustainable construction project will be analyzed. Topics will include performance certification techniques for sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy & atmosphere, materials & resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation and design. MEP systems such as ventilation, air conditioning, heating, electrical lighting and building control systems will be covered from a sustainable perspective.

  • CM 3210:Applied Structures

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CET 2200  
    A study of structural design analysis and design concepts used in steel and concrete construction. Topics include selection of structural systems and the design of columns, beams, and other structural components.

  • CM 3230:Heavy Materials & Temporary Structures

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CET 2200  
    Materials commonly used and the various methods employed with an emphasis on heavy, civil and highway construction. An introduction to the materials, methods, and techniques associated with the design of temporary structures used to support construction operations such as shoring systems, cofferdams, underpinning, slurry walls, and construction dewatering systems. Lab exercises of heavy construction operations with emphasis on productivity enhancement focusing on an integrated approach to planning, modeling, analysis, and design of construction operations, and the use of simulation models and other analytical tools.

  • CM 3260:Temporary Structures

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 2210   
    A study of structural design and analysis concepts of temporary structures used in the construction process. Topics include formwork design, scaffolding, and material handling equipment and staging.

  • CM 3270:Facility Management Strategies

    3 Credit Hours
    Students in this course will learn about the history, practice and profession of Facility Management (FM). Core competencies of the FM profession as detailed by key FM organizations such as IFMA, BIFM, and FMAA will be introduced and analyzed for similarities and differences. Students will also learn about the organizational, ethical, and leadership strategies for the delivery of facility management services.

  • CM 3280:Building Mechanical and Electrical Codes and Loads

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3180  
    Study of building mechanical and electrical system loads and applicable codes. Emphasis on how they affect the construction project. Topics will include air conditioning, heating, plumbing, fire protection, electrical power, electrical lighting and building control systems. The analysis of current construction drawings will be integrated into each topic.

  • CM 3290:Finance for Facility Managers

    3 Credit Hours
    Students in this course will study the methods and techniques for managing facilities. The core consists of knowledge on process and techniques for strategic planning, estimating and budgeting, life cycle costing, and integrated decision making. Students also learn about the role and responsibilities of facility manager in different business forms and organization models. FM technology and its future is discussed and explored.

  • CM 3310:Real Estate Development Practices

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ACCT 2101 , CM 3110  
    The course provides an overview of the land development process and provides a foundation for the advanced land development courses. The course focuses on the steps in planning and carrying out the land development project and on the legal issues encountered in the land development profession. The course includes lectures, readings from the texts and closed library reserves, class discussion, problems, exercises and student presentations.

  • CM 3398:Construction Management Internship

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3110  
    A supervised credit-earning work experience of one academic semester with a previously approved business firm, private agency, or government agency working within the Construction or Facility Management industry. Internship sites must be secured in advance of the semester of the placement and must be approved by the internship coordinator. The goal is for students to attain practical experience while using their acquired academic skills.

  • CM 3400:Risk and Quality Management

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3110   Concurrent:
    CM 3180  
    This course focuses on developing risk management steps before and after signing the construction contract. It includes the development of a risk log, risk assessment, risk response planning, and risk control strategies. The course also briefs on quality assurance, quality control, costs of quality, and quality management tools and methods.

  • CM 3410:Construction Quantity Surveying

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3110  and (CM 3000  or CE 2003  )
    A study of techniques in the process of construction estimating, with an emphasis on development of the quantity survey. The completion of a specification takeoff and a quantity survey of commercial construction are required.

  • CM 3411:Construction Estimating Software

    2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3410  
    Hands-on computer application of commonly used commercial construction estimating software to construction projects. Instruction in use of the software.

  • CM 3420:Construction Estimating and Bid Preparation

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3410  
    The continued study of the estimating process emphasizing pricing the general contractor’s work, including estimating procedures, development of direct and indirect unit costs, evaluation of subcontractor bids, bidding strategy and bid opening. The completion of an estimate, bid submission, and development of a schedule of values are required. Also included is an introduction to conceptual estimating.

  • CM 3430:Construction Estimating for Development

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3410  
    A study of quantity take-off techniques and equipment productivity analysis necessary to development. Small scale development project budgeting will be analyzed from the developer viewpoint. Initial conceptual design budget is based on square foot or assembly pricing for the various construction systems and detailed estimate for the infrastructure costs including site work and utilities. Indirect costs associated with zoning, local codes, and ordinances, as well as soft cost associated with design and engineering will be discussed.

  • CM 3440:Heavy Estimating

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3410  
    Advanced estimating techniques and bid preparation for heavy construction projects. Study of the principles used in developing cost estimates for heavy construction projects. Includes interpretation of contact documents, quantity take-off, pricing, and preparation of unit-price bid documents. Introduction and practice with takeoff software for bidding earthwork, paving, utilities, roads, and bridges.

  • CM 3480:Mechanical and Electrical Systems Estimating

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3280  
    A continuation of the study of the estimating process emphasizing the specialty contractors portion of the construction project. Topics covered will include the estimating procedure, soft costs, using standard industry references and software, and bidding strategy. A current set of mechanical, plumbing and electrical plans will be estimated.

  • CM 3500:Building Codes

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3110  
    This course will provide an overview of building codes from the perspective of construction managers and superintendent. Various issues related to building codes, which must be considered by the PM/CM/superintendent, will be discussed and follow the scheduled reading assignments.

  • CM 3620:Construction Finance and Feasibility

    4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ACCT 2101  
    A study of Financial Management for the Contractor, and Builder/Developer Organization. Topics include: balance sheet analysis using Percentage of Completion Method, Completed Contract Method with Absorption Analyses, and Work in Process Accounting regarding construction progress payments in excess of costs and estimated earnings. Ratio analysis for construction industry and bid and payment/bond performance. Cash flow projection for construction projects. Also included is building construction economics in terms of: Value Engineering, Constructability, building delivery systems and real estate processes for the Builder/Developer and Construction Management organizations. Graduate students will do additional work on construction cost accounting.

  • CM 3710:Market and Site Analysis

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CM 3310  
    An integrated theory and applications course that provides an exposition of theoretical principles associated with the site planning process, and then involves the students in hands-on application. The inter-relationship between site planning decisions and their potential consequences will be demonstrated through practical exercises.

  • CM 3800:Construction Finance

    3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ACCT 2101  
    Students in this course study the management of company and project finances. They learn the fundamentals of construction accounting and depreciation, prepare financial statements, analyze company’s financial health, conduct cost and profit center analysis, prepare and forecast cash flows, and use the technique of time value of money for economic decision making.


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