Program Description
The Master of Education with a major in Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages degree is a fully online program that prepares practicing educators to be teacher-leaders in TESOL. This advanced program prepares teachers to educate an increasingly varied population of students within and outside the U.S. through research-based best practices. The program focuses upon teaching multilingual students within multiple program models in global contexts with core courses in language development, literacy, methods, curriculum, collaborative practices, and content area teaching strategies in reading and writing.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
- Design/plan culturally and linguistically relevant instruction for students learning English as an additional language.
- Implement culturally and linguistically relevant instruction for students learning English as an additional language.
- Apply ethical and non-biased principles and values in teaching students learning English as an additional language.
- Analyze concepts, theories, and pedagogies that address language and literacy development for multilingual learners.
- Evaluate and synthesize peer-reviewed research literature in the field of TESOL.
This program is a part of the Leland and Clarice C. Bagwell College of Education .
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Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria
Admissions Criteria
The following are program-specific criteria beyond the general Graduate Admissions requirements. To be considered for admission to this program, the following application materials must be submitted to the KSU Graduate Admissions Office:
- Résumé or Professional Vitae - Uploaded to graduate application. Should document education, teaching experience, community service, and your record of leadership.
- Interview - An interview may be required. If so, you will be contacted by the program to set up an interview.
- Those seeking an upgrade to their teaching certificate, upon completion, must upload a copy of their teaching certificate at time of admission.
* Please note: International Students (Visa and Green Card Holders)–Please visit KSU’s International Graduate Admissions site for additional requirements.
Admission Criteria for Unique Cases
Currently there are no exceptions to the admissions requirements.
Transfer Credit
Graduate courses taken at other accredited institutions must be evaluated and approved by the program coordinator or department chair. A maximum of 25% of transfer credit (with grades of “B” or higher) may be applied toward a degree program. No courses will be accepted for transfer credit if they are more than five years old at the time of evaluation. Transfer credit includes all course work accepted into the M.Ed. program prior to admission in full standing (maximum nine semester hours), whether earned at another institution or at Kennesaw State University.
Enrollment Criteria
This program does not have specific enrollment requirements.
Graduation Criteria
Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .
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Program Course Requirements