About the Catalog
This catalog was prepared for the 2025-2026 academic year. The content in this catalog is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as the basis of a contract between a student and this institution.
While the provisions of this catalog will ordinarily be applied as stated, Kennesaw State University reserves the right to change any provision listed in this catalog, including but not limited to academic requirements for graduation, without notice to individual students.
It is incumbent upon students to keep apprised of the graduation requirements for the degree they are pursuing.
Students have the responsibility to read this catalog, official announcements, notices posted on electronic listservs, and otherwise to be informed completely in regard to the programs of studies, credits, degree requirements, quality points and other facts relating to life at this university. KSU has established a free student account email system and will periodically email students with important messages. The university will use this email system exclusively to communicate with students. Every effort will be made to keep students advised of any new information and/or changes in provisions listed in this catalog.
In the event that an administrative hearing officer or a court of record determines that “publications” issued by the university create a contractual or quasi-contractual relationship with any person, the amount of damages recoverable by the parties shall be limited to the amount of consideration paid by the person for the privilege of admission, enrollment, continued enrollment or other service rendered by the institution to such person.
As used herein, the term “publications” (without limiting the generality of the normal meaning of the term) shall be deemed to include any and all written forms or other documents issued by the institution concerning applications for admission, enrollment or continued enrollment, waivers of liability, consents to medical treatment and any and all other written forms, documents, letters or other materials issued by the university in furtherance of its educational mission.
Catalog Rights
Degree candidates are responsible for meeting the university requirements stated in the Kennesaw State University catalog to which they are officially assigned.
Students are initially assigned to the catalog for the academic year in which they are admitted to Kennesaw State University, provided the student attended at least one course in the academic year culminating in a record of enrollment on the student’s academic transcript.
Students who interrupt their enrollment in the university for one year or longer (three consecutive terms including summer) must be readmitted to Kennesaw State University. Students will be officially reassigned to the catalog in effect when readmitted. Students lose any previous catalog rights and must meet all graduation requirements in effect at the time of readmission.
Students who change their major will be officially reassigned to the catalog in effect at the time of the change. They will lose any previous catalog rights and must meet all graduation requirements in effect at the time of the major change.
A student may petition to the faculty to retain an old catalog’s graduation requirements. Please see the Registrar’s Office for more information.
This publication is not a contract. Kennesaw State University reserves the right to review and amend the content of the catalog with respect to course offerings, degree requirements, services provided and other subjects addressed in the publication. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication.
Students are expected to have read and remain familiar with the contents of the catalog. The information in this publication is provided solely for the convenience of the reader, and the university expressly disclaims any liability which may otherwise be incurred.