Program Description
The Curriculum & Instruction Educational Specialist (CIES) program is fully online and designed for working education professionals to explore traditional studies of curriculum development and evaluation and investigate newer research on how curriculum and instruction is understood as autobiographically, culturally, and politically situated. With the goal of understanding the synergy between curriculum theorizing and the teaching-learning process, this research-based and standards-aligned program is as intellectual as it is practical. Candidates engage in advanced curriculum-focused coursework, select electives that deepen their pedagogical knowledge, and complete four P-12 field experiences across grade bands that broaden their expertise. Furthermore, they develop research skills to conduct field investigations in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and program evaluation. Ultimately, students in this program become:
- evidence-based curriculum specialists who know how to build on the strengths of and meet the needs of all learners
- curriculum specialist-intellectuals who refine their analytical abilities and research skills; and,
- praxis-oriented curriculum specialists who make an impact in their P-12 school communities.
Completion of the CIES program, and subsequent passage of the GACE exam in Curriculum and Instruction, results in a new Service (S) field being added to the candidate’s existing Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) teaching, service or leadership certificate. Candidates admitted to this degree must possess at a minimum, a clear renewable Level 5 Teaching, Service, or Leadership certificate and/or hold a master’s degree in an education-related field. Through this program, candidates develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to serve as curriculum specialists at the classroom, department, building, or system level.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
- Design, implement, and evaluate curriculum that promotes student learning.
- Plan, implement, and evaluate instruction to facilitate student learning.
- Apply their advanced knowledge and skills in their academic discipline and pedagogy to curriculum and instruction.
- Apply their advanced knowledge of how students are influenced by cognitive, social, cultural, environmental, and economic factors to develop curriculum and deliver instruction that promotes student learning.
- Use research to promote student learning and to contribute to the curriculum and instruction field.
- Use multiple sources of assessment to maximize student learning.
- Use high standards for professional practice in an educational setting.
This program is a part of the Leland and Clarice C. Bagwell College of Education .
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Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria
Admissions Criteria
The following are program-specific criteria beyond the general Graduate Admissions requirements. To be considered for admission to this program, the following application materials must be submitted to the KSU Graduate Admissions Office:
Please upload the following documents before submitting your application:
- A copy of your Georgia Clear, Renewable Teaching, Service and/or Leadership Certificate, out-of-state equivalent or departmentally approved equivalent. To print a copy of your Georgia clear, renewable certificate, you may visit The CIES program Department of Curriculum & Instruction recognizes and appreciates that many independent schools and 21st century learning environments do not require educators to hold traditional state teaching certification. In such instances, department faculty will make a case-by-case determination as to whether the educator’s qualifications are sufficiently equivalent to a traditional teaching, service or leadership certificate and/or whether the educator has the background necessary to ensure successful completion of the program.
TWO Evaluations: Submit the contact information for two sources who can address your teaching ability, commitment to the education of all learners, and potential success as a graduate student. The KSU Graduate College will send electronic evaluation forms to these sources. Two evaluations must be submitted for this admission requirement to be noted as complete.
ONE Mentor Form: This program provides degree candidates with authentic, field-based learning experiences. Completion of these experiences often requires the facilitation of an educator (usually a current administrator or Lead Teacher) who agrees to serve as the candidate’s mentor during his or her degree program. The mentor contact operates as part of a learning team with the candidate and university faculty, ensuring the candidate has an opportunity to complete his or her field experiences and/or working with university faculty and candidates to identify appropriate alternative experiences. As this program leads to a field addition by the GaPSC, the mentor must meet the GaPSC requirements, as listed on the program Mentor Form available in the application.
Master’s Degree: Applicants must hold master’s degree in an education-related field.
Interview: An interview may be required. If so, you will be contacted by the program to set up an interview.
Admission Criteria for Unique Cases
Currently, there are no exceptions to the admission requirements.
Transfer Credit
Submit a copy of the Transfer Credit Request Form. A maximum of 25% of transfer credit may be awarded at the discretion of the program director.
Enrollment Criteria
This program does not have specific enrollment requirements.
Graduation Criteria
Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .
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Program Course Requirements