Mar 03, 2025  
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Graduate Catalog 
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Graduate Catalog

Teaching, M.A.T.

[linked graphic] Program Description [linked graphic] Program Student Learning Outcomes [linked graphic] Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria [linked graphic] Program Course Requirements [linked graphic] Have questions? Contact us!

Program Description

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree leads to initial certification of well-qualified candidates. The MAT is standards-based and meets the requirements of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) and the Georgia Board of Regents. Our innovative teacher preparation programs respond to state needs and contribute to the learning and achievement of Georgia’s P-12 school population. The responsibility for teacher education is shared by faculty in the College of the Arts, the Bagwell College of Education, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Science and Mathematics, the College of Health and Human Services, and the Graduate College in collaboration with master teachers and administrators in local schools.

Course work emphasizes scholarly rigor through research-based practices and engagement in a variety of field-based projects as well as supervised clinical experiences. Technology and multicultural considerations are infused throughout the programs. This master’s degree leads to initial certification and is not appropriate for teachers who already hold clear, renewable certificates.

Currently, there are nine concentrations within the Master of Arts in Teaching degree program, including

  • Elementary Education (P-5)
  • Pedagogy-Only (P-12) * Pending GaPSC Approval 
  • Secondary English (6-12)
  • Secondary Mathematics (6-12)
  • Secondary Biology (6-12)
  • Secondary Chemistry (6-12)
  • Secondary Physics (6-12)
  • Special Education (P-12)
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL; P-12)

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this program will be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate their understanding of current research-based practices and the ability to effectively plan and implement curriculum utilizing a range of instructional strategies to meet the needs of all learners.
  2. Demonstrate their understanding of appropriate research-based assessment strategies and their ability to design and implement effective assessment tools to measure student progress.
  3. Demonstrate their ability to create a positive, student-centered, and academically challenging learning environment where all students feel welcomed and valued.
  4. Demonstrate professional dispositions and the ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders.

[icon]This program is a part of the Leland and Clarice C. Bagwell College of Education 

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Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria

Admissions Criteria

The following are program-specific criteria beyond the general Graduate Admissions  requirements. To be considered for admission to this program, the following application materials must be submitted to the KSU Graduate Admissions Office:

  • Georgia Educator Ethics 360 Assessment
  • Resume
  • GaPSC Application for Pre-Service Certification (Note: This step occurs after acceptance by the Graduate College, prior to enrolling in courses and is a GaPSC requirement)

*Individual concentrations may have additional admission requirements: 

Secondary English (6-12)

  • A bachelor’s degree in English or a related field from an accredited institution or completion of 18 prerequisite hours that demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in English.

Secondary Mathematics (6-12)

  • A bachelor’s degree in Mathematics or a related field from an accredited institution or completion of Calculus I and II, Geometry and Statistics with grades of “C” or better. 

Secondary Science- Physics (6-12)

  • A bachelor’s degree in Science, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited institution or completion of 18 prerequisite hours that demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge. 

Secondary Science- Chemistry (6-12)

  • A bachelor’s degree in Science, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited institution or completion of 18 prerequisite hours that demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge. 

Secondary Science- Biology (6-12)

  • A bachelor’s degree in Science, Engineering, or a related field from an accredited institution or completion of 18 prerequisite hours that demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge. 

Special Education (P-12)

  • Nothing additional. 

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (P-12)

  • Nothing additional. 

Elementary Education (P-5)

  • Nothing additional. 

Pedagogy-Only (P-12) *Pending GaPSC Approval

  • Evidence of expertise in the content of the field of certification sought. This can be accomplished through one of three options:
  • A bachelor’s degree with a major in the field of certification sought,
  • A passing score on the Georgia state-approved content assessment (GACE) in the field of certification sought, or
  • Completion of 21 prerequisite hours that demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in the field of certification sought.  


Transfer Credit

Graduate courses taken at other accredited institutions must be evaluated and approved by the program coordinator and comply with the KSU Graduate College policy. No courses will be accepted for transfer credit if they are more than five years old at the time of evaluation.

Enrollment Criteria

  • Maintain a GaPSC Pre-Service or Provisional Teaching Certificate through entirety of degree program.

  • Earn the required Graduate College cumulative grade-point average in all graduate coursework at Kennesaw State University.

  • Successful completion of all field and clinical experiences.

  • Candidates must attempt the GACE Content exams, aligned with program of entry and certification field being sought, during year-long clinical and before degree will be awarded.  Passing scores on these exams are required for certification.

Graduation Criteria

Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION 

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Program Course Requirements

Education Core (21 Credit Hours)

Students in all concentrations must take the following courses:

Technology Course (3 Credit Hours)

All students must take a Technology Course. Select from the following: 

Culture & Community Course (3 Credit Hours)

Select from the following: 

Students with Exceptionalities (3 Credit Hours)

Select from the following:

Teaching Field Concentration (9-18 Credit Hours)

Select one of the following concentrations: 

Pedagogy-Only (9 Credit Hours)

***This concentration is PENDING GAPSC approval ***

Program Total (30-39 Credit Hours)