Program Description
This program of study offers a Bachelor of Music degree. Students audition for placement into one of six concentrations (Instrumental Performance, Jazz Performance, Piano Performance, Voice Performance, Composition, and Music Theory).
Applied Instruction
All undergraduate music degrees offer applied instruction in piano, voice, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, percussion, harp, guitar, violin, viola, cello, and double bass. Only certain applied areas are offered in the jazz concentration within the Bachelor of Music degree.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
- Perform with appropriate technique and musicianship in at least one major performance area at a level appropriate for the particular music concentration.
- Demonstrate understanding of repertory in their major performance area and perform music from a cross section of that repertory, as appropriate for the particular music concentration.
- Demonstrate the ability to read at sight with fluency demonstrating both general musicianship and, in the major performance area, a level of skill relevant to professional standards appropriate to the particular music concentration.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills sufficient to work as a leader and in collaboration on matters of musical interpretation, including performance of rehearsal and conducting skills appropriate to the particular music concentration.
- Demonstrate keyboard competency as appropriate to the particular music concentration.
- Demonstrate growth in artistry, technical skills, collaborative competence, and knowledge of repertory within the context of ensemble participation.
- Analyze common elements and organizational patterns of music and their interaction, in aural, verbal, and visual contexts including aural dictation.
- Apply understanding of musical forms, processes, and structures in the context of performance, compositional, analytical, scholarly, and pedagogical applications.
- Place music in historical, cultural, and stylistic contexts.
- Compose and improvise music at a basic level.
For students pursuing a PERFORMANCE CONCENTRATON (instrumental, vocal, or jazz) - students will:
- Demonstrate advanced skills in performance on an instrument or voice at a level appropriate for a professional career in music performance and/or pursuit of a graduate degree in music performance. This shall encompass artistic and technical proficiency, development of an appropriate understanding of repertoire and stylistic elements, advanced sight-reading skills, diction skills (for vocal majors), and advanced improvisation skills (for jazz majors).
For students pursuing a MUSIC THEORY CONCENTRATION - students will:
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge of music theory including form and structure in tonal and non-tonal music, including diatonic and chromatic harmony, aural and sight-singing skills, and a working knowledge of various analytical approaches, as appropriate for pursuit of a graduate degree in music theory.
For students pursuing a COMPOSITION CONCENTRATION - students will:
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge of compositional techniques and musicianship, including style, structure, instrumentation, transposition, and music technology as appropriate to a career as a composer of music and/or pursuit of a graduate degree in music composition.
This program is a part of the Robert S. Geer Family College of The Arts .
This Bachelor of Music curriculum has been approved by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).
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Admissions, Enrollment and Graduation Criteria
Admissions Criteria
Admission to the Bachelor of Music program is separate from Admissions to Kennesaw State University. Students must meet the program requirements to pursue this degree program, outlined below.
- Students must complete a supplemental application and successful audition with the Bailey School of Music, and demonstration of successful academic performance.
- All prospective music majors and minors are required to audition for the faculty on their principal instrument or voice. If the student is not accepted based on their first audition, they may complete a second audition for admission in a later term. If, however, they are not accepted after the second audition, the student may not audition again.
- In order to be eligible for admission to the Bailey School of Music, prospective transfer students and current KSU students interested in becoming a music major or minor must have a minimum adjusted GPA of 2.0 to audition and apply for entrance into a music degree program.
- Applied music study may not be initiated until the student has been fully accepted as a major or minor by the Bailey School of Music. All students enrolling at KSU for a second degree in music must meet the same departmental audition requirements required of all incoming students.
- Prior to admission to a music degree program, the prospective music major/minor is required to submit an application form to the College of the Arts and present an audition in the principal area of applied concentration. Applicants may also elect to audition on more than one instrument or an instrument and voice. Auditions, conducted by the music faculty, are held on the Kennesaw State University campus on specific dates.
Audition Dates and Requirements
Auditions are held on specific dates prior to the term a student begins study as a music student. A description of the audition process, including specific dates and requirements, is detailed in the Supplemental Application for the School of Music located on the Bailey School of Music website ( Questions regarding the audition process, audition dates, or requirements can be directed to the College of the Arts Office of Admissions and Student Services, 470-578-5917;
Transfer Admissions
- Students who wish to transfer into the Bailey School of Music from another institution follow the same admissions procedure as all new students (see above).
- Transfer students are placed at an academic level in their principal area of applied concentration based upon the transferable amount of study earned at other institutions and the performance level demonstrated at the audition.
- Transfer credit for all course work is evaluated as quickly as possible after a student has been admitted to KSU. Students who transfer completed baccalaureate applied performance credit to KSU will be required to take additional applied performance study and additional ensemble credit so as to parallel remaining semesters of their designated degree program of study at KSU.
- The Bailey School of Music accepts students from other schools and colleges at Kennesaw State University on the same basis as new students and/or transfer students from other institutions. Interested and qualified students are encouraged to transfer into the program.
Change of Concentration
Students who wish to change their applied performance concentration must reaudition and be accepted for applied studio instruction in the new concentration.
Change of Degree Program
Students who wish to change degree programs in music must reaudition and gain admission status to the new degree program.
The Bailey School of Music holds the exclusive authority to determine appropriate admission level placement in the applied concentration, music theory, music history, piano proficiency, and continuity of study. Continuous study in the area of the applied concentration is a requisite. A lapse of two or more semesters of applied study will require an audition for readmittance to the Bailey School of Music.
Enrollment Criteria
In addition to meeting the requirements of Academic Policy 4.0 ACADEMIC STANDING, DISMISSAL, & REINSTATEMENT , students are expected to meet the following enrollment criteria:
- A variety of Bailey School of Music regulations and policies affect music majors and minors. Included are requirements for recital and ensemble participation, recital and concert attendance, piano proficiency, departmental assessment procedures, and applied juries. Enrollment in an applied area of concentration is required of all music majors as specified in the degree program. Further, music students must be enrolled in an appropriate large ensemble every semester in which the student is enrolled in applied music. The appropriate ensemble director determines a student’s large ensemble placement. To earn academic credit toward their degree, music students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all music courses.
Graduation Criteria
Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .
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Program Course Requirements