Program Description
The President’s Emerging Global Scholars [PEGS] minor includes Honors courses related to community engagement, global competence, leadership, and professional development. Only students in the President’s Emerging Global Scholars cohort may participate.
*If a student enrolled in this minor at any point becomes ineligible for the PEGS program, the student will no longer be able to continue obtaining the PEGS Minor.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
- Apply relevant knowledge to action that will make a positive impact in their community.
- Implement intercultural competencies in new international environments.
- Create their own ethical framework.
- Identify leadership theories and develop their own leadership philosophy.
- Practice strategies for working effectively in teams.
- Apply interdisciplinary thinking to important issues and problems.
This program is a part of the Keeping Sights Upward Journey Honors College .
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Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria
Admissions Criteria
In addition to meeting the Admissions requirements to Kennesaw State University, applicants must meet the following additional criteria:
- 3.70 GPA,
- ACT of 25, or an SAT score of 1220.
Enrollment Criteria
To remain in good standing in PEGS, students must maintain a 3.50 GPA or higher; otherwise, they will be ineligible to continue taking courses in the minor.
Graduation Criteria
Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .
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Program Course Requirements