Mar 04, 2025  
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog 
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog

Naval Science Minor

Location(s): On Campus

[linked graphic] Program Description [linked graphic] Program Student Learning Outcomes [linked graphic] Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria [linked graphic] Program Course Requirements [linked graphic] Have Questions? Contact Us!

Program Description

The Naval Science minor will familiarize the student with basic and advanced concepts of Naval Science with emphasis on naval history, technology, and leadership. All NROTC students who successfully complete all required credit hours of Naval Science classes will be eligible for the minor. Fifteen credit hours of the NROTC required credit hours will count towards the minor with the correct number of upper and lower division credit completed. All courses are offered exclusively on the Georgia Tech campus.

This minor is only available to students in the NROTC program. Students pursuing this minor may transfer in 100% of their coursework. This program is exempt from the KSU Residency Requirements. 

Program Student Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this program will be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate knowledge in specific areas of naval science. Achieve a basic level of knowledge required to begin follow-on career training in surface warfare, submarine warfare, aviation, and Marine Corps operations.
  2. Apply critical thinking to leadership, management, and ethics problems.
  3. Intelligently discuss, at a level expected of all military officers, naval history, engineering, warfare, military technology, and a breadth of general military knowledge topics.
  4. Better execute the duties of the office of which they take charge in the Navy or Marine Corps, if commissioning as officers. Civilian students not seeking military service after graduation will be educated in military topics outside their majors that will enrich and complement any career path.
  5. The success of the Naval Science Minor will be determined by specific graded assignments and examinations in the courses taken by students. Interviews are conducted twice per semester with each NROTC Midshipman during which personal progress and general content of the Naval Science courses are discussed. Course critique forms are utilized at the end of each semester to improve the next iteration of the course.

[icon]This program is a part of the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology .

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Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria

Admissions Criteria

Admission to this program is open to all students who meet Kennesaw State University’s general admission standards. Visit the Admissions  section of the Catalog for more details.

Enrollment Criteria

This program does not have specific enrollment requirements. 

Graduation Criteria

Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .

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Program Course Requirements

Required Courses (15 Credit Hours)

The minor requires 15 credit hours of course work. A minimum of 9 credit hours must be of upper-division coursework, courses numbered 3000 or above. Courses may be taken in any order, but students are highly encouraged to complete NS 1321  before enrolling in any other courses. Students may not repeat any course for double credit.

Program Total (15 Credit Hours)