Mar 04, 2025
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
Nonprofit Management and Social Innovation Certificate
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Program Description
The Department of Social Work and Human Services offers an academic experience-based approach to preparing students for administrative and leadership roles in the growing nonprofit sector. Certificate participants acquire an academic and on-the-job education in core nonprofit management competencies including, Communication, Marketing, & Public Relations; Cultural Competency & Diversity; Financial Resource Development and Management; Foundations and Management of the Nonprofit Sector; Governance, Leadership & Advocacy, Legal & Ethical Decision Making; Personal & Professional Development; Program Development; Volunteer & Human Resource Management; and the Future of the Nonprofit Sector.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
- Identify and demonstrate awareness of financial resources and financial management practices of nonprofit organizations.
- Recount the unique characteristics of the nonprofit sector and its management.
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of volunteer and human resource management for nonprofit organizations.
- Recall the stewardship and advocacy roles, responsibilities, and leadership of the board of directors, staff, and volunteers in the development of policies, procedures, and processes by which nonprofits operate and are held accountable.
- Discuss activities that nonprofit organizations use to understand, inform, and influence their various constituencies.
- Identify the basic laws, regulations, and professional standards that govern nonprofit sector operations, including a basic knowledge of risk and crisis management, ethics, and decision-making.
- Effectively apply nonprofit management core competencies in nonprofit and public agency settings (through a field/internship or work-based experience).
- Identify program design, implementation, and evaluation strategies applicable to all nonprofits.
- Utilize cultural competency preparation for professional practice in culturally diverse settings.
Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria
Admissions Criteria
Admission to this program is open to all students who meet Kennesaw State University’s general admission standards. Visit the Admissions section of the Catalog for more details.
Enrollment Criteria
Earn and be able to maintain an Institutional GPA of 2.50 or higher (or have earned a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited institution).
Graduation Criteria
Students are expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .
Completion of this Certificate prepares students to complete the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance’s Certified Nonprofit Practitioner (CNP) credentialing process. When credentialing, students should contact the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance directly.
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Program Course Requirements
Required Courses (18 Credit Hours) Elective Courses (6 Credit Hours)
Select two from the following (or two other courses with approval of the Campus Executive Director) Program Total (24 Credit Hours) |
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