Program Description
This is a minor in political science requiring one lower division political science course, one upper division course in American politics, policy, or legal system, and one upper division course in international affairs. In addition, students will complete 6 credit hours of elective upper division political science courses.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of foundational political principles and ideals.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and operation of political systems and institutions.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the nature, role, and influence of various political processes.
- Demonstrate communication skills appropriate to convey their knowledge and understanding of political science.
This program is a part of the Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences .
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Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria
Admissions Criteria
Admission to this program is open to all students who meet Kennesaw State University’s general admission standards. Visit the Admissions section of the Catalog for more details.
Enrollment Criteria
This program does not have specific enrollment requirements.
Graduation Criteria
Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .
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Program Course Requirements