Program Description
The Data Science and Analytics minor prepares students to translate data into information to support and improve decision making in any discipline. This Minor has been developed to assist KSU students in three ways:
- Students will differentiate themselves in a competitive job market after graduation by learning knowledge and developing skills in advanced data science and analytics courses.
- Students can engage in undergraduate research, internships, and/or cooperative study, strengthening their employability after graduation.
- Students can also prepare for graduate degrees in computational, analytical, business, or professional fields.
The minor welcomes students from any major at KSU and is especially relevant to students who are looking for an applied analytical skill set to add to their knowledge from their chosen major.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
- Write code to perform data analytics using various statistical programming languages.
- Process and transform data for analysis utilizing legacy and modern modeling approaches.
- Apply the data science lifecycle steps to identify, build, and evaluate appropriate models for a variety of data science tasks.
- Interpret and effectively communicate decisions made, approaches used, and results found.
This program is a part of the College of Computing and Software Engineering .
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Admissions, Enrollment, and Graduation Criteria
Admissions Criteria
Admission to this program is open to all students who meet Kennesaw State University’s general admission standards. Students can officially declare the minor in OwlExpress after enrolling in DATA 3010 . Visit the Admissions section of the Catalog for more details.
Enrollment Criteria
Students must complete the following prerequisites STAT 1401 or ECON 2300 or STAT 3125 or STAT 2332 or MATH 3332
Graduation Criteria
Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policy 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .
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Program Course Requirements