Mar 03, 2025  
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Graduate Catalog 
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Graduate Catalog


7.1 Policy on Course Cross-Leveling 

A cross-leveled course is a course that is offered by departments across numbers and/or level. The two courses that are cross-leveled are owned by the same department. It must have documentation with the Office of the Registrar and a proper description in the course catalog. (Requests for policy exceptions may be submitted to UPCC and/or GPCC.) 

Cross-leveled courses are limited to the following two course pairs: 1) undergraduate upper division course/graduate course, and 2) graduate course/doctoral course. 9000-level, special topics, directed study, thesis, internships, practica, and dissertation courses may not be cross-leveled.

Cross-leveled courses must be supported by a rationale for combining students of different levels. 

Cross-leveled courses must ensure there is a clear distinction between the requirements of undergraduate and graduate students or graduate and doctoral students, with more advanced course work for the higher level degree program. This will be demonstrated in two different syllabi that include, but are not limited to, different objectives, assessments and/or outcomes. 
Cross-leveled courses at the graduate level must be taught by faculty with graduate faculty status. 

Sections of cross-leveled courses must share the same modality. 


7.2 Zero-credit Hour Policy 

Zero-credit courses allow students the opportunity to engage in innovative experiences beyond designated credit hours of a program. Programs may develop zero-credit courses for internships, participation in research, experiential learning, career preparation, international education, teaching assistantships, or other enhanced learning experiences for a major. Zero-credit courses may serve as pre-requisites for other courses. 

Courses offered for zero-credits must be approved through the regular KSU curriculum approval process. Zero-credit courses are offered for no credit and do not incur tuition or university fee charges; however, course fees may apply. Zero-credit courses have satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading and will be reflected on a student’s transcript but will not be included in a student’s GPA. These courses must have an instructor of record and a syllabus with all required elements. Courses developed for zero-credit must not exceed 45 experiential hours or 15 contact hours and must recognize faculty workload through teaching or service. Programs must limit the number of zero-credit courses required to prevent overburdening of the students and the faculty/staff. These courses are not required to adhere to the curricular calendar and may be offered at any point during the year. 

Zero-credit courses already in the catalog are exempt from this policy. As with all courses, if a course change is pursued, it is reconsidered under current policies. Exceptions to this policy will be considered if a justification is included in the proposal for curriculum committee review.