Gadzanku, Livingstone, E., Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, 2024
Gaines, Rachel, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin, 2018; M.Ed., University of Massachusetts Boston, 2012; B.A., Connecticut College, 2007
Gainey, Barbara, S., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of South Carolina at Columbia, 2003; M.A., University of South Carolina at Columbia, 1985; B.A., University of South Carolina at Columbia, 1977
Gainey, Trace, Assistant Professor; M.ARCH,
University of South Florida, 2017
Gala, Prachi, B., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Mississippi, 2018; B.E., University of Mumbai, 2010
Galloway, Linda, L., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Auburn University, 1995; M.Ed., Auburn University, 1988; BSED, Auburn University, 1985
Gammill, Donald, I., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2017; MAPW, Kennesaw State University, 2009; B.S., Georgia State University, 2000
Gao, Hongmei, Professor, Ph.D.,
University of South Florida, 2005; M.A., Brigham Young University, 2000; B.A., Shanghai International Studies University, 1989
Garcia, Audrey, E., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Purdue University, 1996; M.A., Purdue University, 1991; B.A., Anahuac University, 1988
Garcia, Macario, M., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Virginia, 2019; M.A., American Public University System, 2011; M.A., Univ ersity of Virginia, 2014; B.A. University of Central Florida
Garcia, Oscar, R., Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, 2021
Gardner, Kimberly, D., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2008; M.Ed., Georgia State University, 1998; M.S., Kennesaw State University, 2012; B.A., Mercer University, 1991
Gardner, Roberta, P., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2013; MLIS, Clark Atlanta University, 2002; B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993
Garner, Ricky, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 2000; M.A., Towson University, 1994, BLS, Mary Washington College, 1989
Garofalo, David, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Maryland, 2008; B.S., University of Maryland, 1999
Garringer, Maureen, M., Clinical Assistant Professor, EDD,
Aspen University, 2019; M.S., Aspen University, 2015
Gebru, Shimlis, B., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Washington University in St. Louis, 1998; AM, Washington University in St. Louis, 1990
Geil, Mark, D., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, 1997; B.S., North Carolina State University, 1993
Gentry, Jonathan, C., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Brown University, 2015; M.A., Portland State University, 2007; AM, Brown University, 2008
Gephardt, Katarina, Professor, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, 2003; M.A., The Ohio State University, 1997; B.A., John Carroll University, 1995
Gerda, Monica, S., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
James Madison University, 2002; B.S., Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2000
Gesick, Richard, A., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Southern Polytechnic State University, 2009; B.S., University of West Florida, 1980
Ginn, Meredith, K., Lecturer, M.A.,
Auburn University, 2004; B.A., Auburn University, 2002
Giordano, Sara, B., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Emory University, 2008; B.S., Getttysburg College, 2001
Giorgis, Daniel, N., Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, 2021; B.S., Southern Polytechnic State University, 2006
Gittner, Kevin, B., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Northern Colorado, 2021; MBA, The University of Akron, 2009; M.S., University of Northern Colorado, 2015; B.S., Bethany College, 2008
Glasgo, Victor, D., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Case Western Reserve University, 2020; B.S., Wittenberg University, 2015
Glassmeyer, David, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Northern Colorado, 2014, M.Ed., Wright State University, 2009, B.S., Wright State University, 2008
Glover, Ebony, M., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Emory University, 2010; M.A., Emory University, 2005; B.A., Spelman College, 2002
Godfrey, Raymond, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Univeristy of Florida, 2007; M.Ed., Florida Atlantic University, 1994; M.S., University of Florida, 2002; B.S., University of Florida, 1984
Goebert, Chad, Assisttantt Professor, Ph.D.,
Virginia Commonwealth University, 2021; M.S., Barry University, 2010; B.S., Clearwater Christian College, 2005
Goldfine, Bernard, D., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Southern California, 1988; M.A., The University of Southern California, 1984; B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1975
Goldfine, Ruth, A., Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2005; M.A., University of Dayton, 1995; B.A., University of Dayton, 1986
Gomes, Paulo, M., Assistant Professor, MBA,
Federal University of Parana, 2019; M.S., University of South Florida, 2016
Gong, Quing, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022
Goodgame, Cathey, Clinical Assistant Professor, EDD,
Vanderbilt University, 2009; MAED, Wake Forest University, 1998; BBA, Emory University, 1991
Gooding, Alice, F., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2017; M.S., The University of Georgia, 2011; B.A., Occidental College, 2008
Goodsite, Michelle, B., Senior Lecturer, M.Ed.,
Kennesaw State University, 2005; B.S., East Carolina University, 1989
Gordon, Elizabeth, D., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992;
B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988
Goss, Stephen, M., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2012; M.Ed., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2005; B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002
Goswami, Uddipana, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2012; M.A., University of Delhi, 2002; B.A., University of Delhi, 1999
Gould, Jonathan, D., Lecturer, M.ARCH,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012
Grant, Linda, J., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2009; M.A., Montclair State University, 1991
Gravitt, Bryn, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Tufts University, 2020; M.A., Tufts University, 2013; B.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
Grazer, Jacob, L., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
East Tennessee State University, 2016; M.S. East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, 2012; B.S., East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, 2011
Green, Andrew, W., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Nova Southeastern University, 2020; M.S., Kennesaw State University, 2007; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2005
Green, Denise, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2004; MSW, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985; B.A., University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 1981
Green, Nicholas, S., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Baylor University, 2012; B.S., University of Luisville, 2006
Green, Tammy, B., Clinical Assistant Professor, MSN,
Jacksonville University, 2013; BSN, Kennesaw State University, 2003
Greene, Jeffrey, D., Professor, MFA,
Florida International University, 2006; BFA, Emerson College, 2002
Greene, John , F., Lecturer, MAPW,
Kennesaw State University, 2023; MPA, Auburn University, 2007; B.A., Auburn University, 2000
Greene, Juanne, V., Clinical Assistant Professor, DBA,
Kennesaw State University, 2012; MLHR, The Ohio State University, 1994; B.S., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 1993
Greensmith, Cameron, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Toronto, 2014; M.A., University of Toronto, 2009; B.A., Brock University, 2008
Greenwell, Ricky, A., Assistant Professor, MFA,
Wayne State University, 2004; B.S., Eastern Michigan University, 1996
Gregory, Diana, G., Professor, Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 2002; M.S., Florida State University, 1998; BFA, San Francisco Art Institute, 1972
Greil, Rachel, H., Senior Lecturer, B.A.,
Millsaps College, 1973; AM, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1975
Greipsson, Sigurdur, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of East Anglia, 1992; M.S., Queen’s University at Kingston, 1989; B.S., University of Iceland, 1986
Griffin, Melanie, C., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001; M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998; B.S., Jackson State University, 1994
Griffiths, William, G., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Florida, 2004; M.S., University of Florida, 2001; B.S., University of Florida, 2000
Gruss, Amy, B., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Florida, 2013; BSEE, University of Florida, 2009
Guerra, Paula, P., Professor, Ph.D.,
Arizona State University, 2011; M.Ed., Arizona State University, 2007; B.A., Uruguay National Teacher’s Institute, 2001
Guerra-Zubiaga, David, A., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Loughborough University, 2004; M.S., Instituto Technologico y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey, 1996;
MSE, Instituto Technologico y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey, 1992
Guglielmi, Luc, D, Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2004; M.A., University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2001;
B.A., Institut d’Enseignement Superieur Pedagogique du Hainaut Occidental, 1996
Guglielmo-Colabelli, Letizia, Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2009; M.A., Middle Tennessee State University, 2001; B.A., Auburn University, 1998
Guillory, Nichole, A., Professor, Ph.D.,
Louisiana State University and A&M College, 2005; M.Ed., University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 1998; B.S., Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1993
Guinocor, Monique, C., Lecturer, MSN,
Kennesaw State University, 2021; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2017
Guitar, Amanda, E., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
The University of Alabama, 2024; M.A., The State University of New York at New Paltz, 2013; M.A., Binghamton University State University of New York, 2015;
B.A., New Mexico State University, 2010
Gupta, Mahesh, Professor, Ph.D.,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1990; M.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, 1986; B.TECH, Indian Institute of Technology, 1984
Gupta, Saurabh, Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2006; MBA, The University of Georgia, 2002
Gurkas, Hakki, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Purdue University, 2008; M.A., Purdue University, 2002 B.A., Bogazici University, Turkey, 1997
Gurupatham, Sathish Kumar, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2011; M.S., National Institute of Technology, 2003; B.S., Madras University, 1993
Gutierrez, Robert, D., Lecturer, M.A.,
University of Texas at El Paso, 2008; B.A., University of Texas at El Paso, 2006
Guy, Erica, D., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Temple University, 2015; M.A., George Mason University, 2011; B.S., George Mason university, 2009
Guzzi, Marco, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Salento - Lecce Italy, 2006; M.S., University of Salento - Lecce Italy, 2002
Return to Top ↑
Ha, Seoyoon, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Oklahoma, 2021; M.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and technology, 2014; B.COM, University of New South Wales, 2011
Habers, Natasha, L, Professor, MFA,
University of Florida, 2001; B.A., University of South Florida, 1996
Haddad, Hisham, Professor, Ph.D.,
Oklahoma State University, 1992; M.S., Northrop University, 1988; B.S., Yarmouk University, 1986
Haddad Kolour, Hosain, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Maine, 2019
Haffner, Matthew, D., Professor, MFA,
Temple University, 1998; BFA, The University of Akron, 1995
Haimes-Korn, Kim, Professor, Ph.D.,
The Florida State University, 1996; M.A., The Florida State University, 1991; B.A., The Florida State University, 1984
Halder, Srijeet, Assistant Professor; Ph.D.,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2024; MSE, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2023
Hale, Jessica, J., Lecturer, M.A.,
Stanford University, 2007; MSM, University of West Georgia, 2012; B.A., San Francisco State University, 2005
Hales, Michael, E., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2003; M.S., Georgia State University, 1997; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 1994
Halim, Mohammad Abdul, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Lyon College, 2017; M.S., Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2012
Hall, Shannon, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Oklahoma, 2015; M.S., The University of Georgia, 2004; B.S., University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1998
Hall, Wendasha, J., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2017; M.S., Morgan State University, 2011; B.A., University of Central Florida, 2009
Hallward, Maia, G., Professor, Ph.D.,
American University, 2006; B.A., University of Richmond, 1998
Hamash, Kawther, I., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Kent Statte University, 2015; M.S., University of Jordan, 2009; B.S., University of Jordan, 2007
Hamidullah, Madinah, Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2009; MPA, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2005; B.A., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2003;
B.A., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2003
Hardy, Susan, M., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Brigham Young University, 1986; B.S., Brigham Young University, 1982
Hariharan, Govind, Professor, Ph.D.,
The State University of New York at Buffalo, 1991; M.A., University of Delhi, 1984; B.A., University of Kerala, 1981
Harkins, April, L., Clinical Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Medical University of South Carolina, 2005; B.S., Marquette University, 1998
Harmon, William, K., Professor, D.B.A.,
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1982; M. Acc., The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1980; BSBA, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1977
Harper, Michael, T., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Louisville, 1998; M.A., Emporia State University, 1990; BGS, The University of Kansas, 1988
Harrington, Katherine, Lecturer, MSN,
University of Southern Indiana, 2017; BSN, Kennesaw State University, 2010; B.S., Boston University, 2004
Harrington, Keneisha, L., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Clemson University, 2022; MAL, The University of Georgia, 2014; BSA, Fort Valley State University, 2012
Harris, Johari, A., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2018; M.S., Georgia State University, 2015; B.S., City College of New York, 2009
Harris Cox, Rochelle, L., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2005; M.A., East Tennessee State University, 1996; B.A., Carson-Newman College, 1994
Harrison, Elizabeth, Clinical Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Florida International University, 2014; B.S., Howard University, 2005
Harron, Jason, R., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin, 2020; MBA, University of North Texas, 2008; MMUS, University of North Texas, 2007; BMUS, University of North Texas, 2003
Haseltine, John, N., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 1988; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1981
Hashas-Degertekin, Mine, H., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
North Carolina State University, 2004; M.S., Istanbul Technical University, 1999; B.A., Yildiz Technical University, 1995
Hauser, Megan, M., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
The University of Arizona, 2015; B.A., University of Wisconsin - Madison
Havard, John, C., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Rochester, 2012; M.A., University of Rochester, 2010; M.A., The University of South Carolina at Columbia, 2007;
B.A., University of South Alabama, 2004
Hawkains, Billy, J., Lecturer, MFA,
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2021; BFA, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2017
Hayes, Sherrill, W., Professor, Ph.D.,
Newcastle University, 2005; M.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2000; B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1997
He, Jing, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2012; M.S., Georgia State University, 2012; M.S., Utah State University, 2002; B.S., Wuhan Institute of Technology, 2000
Head, Michelle, L., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Connecticut, 2011; M.S., University of Connecticut, 2010; B.S., The State University of New York at Cortland, 2005;
B.S., The State University of New York at Cortland, 2005
Hedeen, Timothy, K., Professor, Ph.D.,
Syracuse University, 2001;, M.A., Syracuse University, 1993; B.A., Syracuse University, 1991
Hedenstrom, Margot, A., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2015; MBA, Brenau University, 1998; MSN, Georgia Regents University, 1989; BSN, Georgia Southern University, 1984
Hedjazi, Saman, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Tehran Polytechnic, 2005; M.S., Tehran Polytechnic, 1999; B.S., Tehran Polytechnic, 1997
Hedrick, Alison, B., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, 2007; B.S., Purdue University, 2002
Heflin, Kristen, H., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2010; M.A., The University of Georgia, 2005; B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003
Helms, Jeffrey, L., Professor, Psy.D.,
Spalding University, 1999; M.A., Spalding University, 1996; B.S., University of South Carolina at Spartanburg, 1993
Henry, Robert, B., Associaate Professor, D.M.A.,
University of Maryland at College Park, 2008; M.M., University of Maryland at College Park, 2001; B.M., Kennesaw State University, 1999
Herbel, Jerry, E., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Oklahoma, 2001; MPA, The University of Oklahoma, 1989; B.S., Emporia State University, 1983
Hermanson, Dana, R., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1993; B.B.A., The University of Georgia, 1986
Hermanson, Heather, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993; B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987
Hess, Christian, L., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Washington, 2019; M.A., University of Washington, 2016; B.A., Louisiana State University, 2013
Hesser, Marcia, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Clemson University, 2011; M.S., Clemson University, 2006; B.S., Clemson University, 2004
Hester, Garrett, M., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Oklahoma State University, 2016; M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2012; B.S., Northeastern State University, 2010
Hetzel, Elizabeth, A., Lecturer, M.A.,
University of West Georgia, 2005; MAT, Georgia State University, 2011; B.A., The University of Georgia, 1997
Hicks, Willajoya, C., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Syracuse University, 2000; M.Ed., Georgia State University, 1995; B.A., Hampton University, 1992
Hill, Adrienne, W., Clinical Assistant Professor, MHA,
The George Washington University, 2018; B.S., Spelman College, 2006
Hill, Cvetelina, D., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2021; MAT, Georgia State University, 2012; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017
Hill, Kenneth, Senior Lecturer, M.A.,
The George Washington University, 1993; B.M., The University of South Alabama, 1979
Hill, Mary, S., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Alabama, 2013; B.S., The University of Alabama, 1992
Hill, Rebecca, N., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota, 2000; B.A., Wesleyan University, 1991
Hill, Sheila, D., Senior Lecturer, M.E.,
The North Carolina State University, 2002; B.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1987; BSEE, Southern College of Technology, 1997
Hillen, Amy, F., Associate Professor, Ed.D.,
University of Pittsburgh, 2005; B.S., University of Pittsburgh, 1996
Hilley, Chanler, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Arizona State University, 2020; M.Ed., Arizona State University, 2014; B.S., Coastal Carolina University, 2013
Hinkel-Young, Sarah, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 2017; MBA, University of Tampa, 2009; B.S., University of South Florida, 2008; B.S., University of South Florida, 2008
Ho, Hai, T., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Colorado at Boulder, 1994; M.S., University of Colorado at Denver, 1989; BSEE, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1988
Holdzkom, Marianne, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, 1995; M.A., Ball State University, 1988; B.S., University of Evansville, 1984
Holland, Melanie, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Old Dominion University, 2016; M.S., University of Alabama, 2010; B.S., University of Alabama, 2008; B.S., University of Alabama, 2008
Holler, Emily, K., Senior Lecturer, M.A.,
Eastern Illinois University, 1999; B.A., Eastern Illinois University, 1997
Hollingsworth, Carole, L., Lecturer, D.B.A.,
Kennesaw State University, 2015; M.B.A., Kennesaw State University, 1995; MIT, The University of Georgia, 2011;
BSBA, University of South Carolina at Columbia, 1993
Holtzhower, Darby, L., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Florida, 2015; B.ARCH, University of Florida, 2002; MBS, University of Florida, 2002
Holtzhower, Maia, K., Lecturer, M.S.,
Western Governors University, 2020; B.S., Western Governors University, 2019
Hong, Duanping, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Pittsburgh, 2017; M.S., University of Utah, 2011; M.S., University of Utah, 2009; B.S., Tsinghua University, 2006
Hook, Kristitna, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Notre Dame, 2020; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 2019; M.A., University of Denver, 2012; B.A., University of Florida, 2010
Horan, Kristin, A., Assisttantt Professor, Ph.D.,
Bowling Green State University, 2018; M.A., Bowling Green State University, 2016; B.A., Georgia College & State University, 2011
Hornsey, Elizabeth, M., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Cincinnati, 2021; M.A., University of Maine, 2016; B.A., Saint Louis University, 2014
Hossain, Md. F., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Kokkaido University, 2000; M.S., Shimane University, 1996; B.S., University of Dhaka, bagladesh, 1990
Howard, Dexter, M., Senior Lecturer, MBA,
Univeristy of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997; M.S., Southern Polytechnic State Univeristy, 2005; B.S., North Carolina State University, 1989
Howes, Daniel, R., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, 2019; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2015
Howes, Pauline, A., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2010; MBA, Emory University, 2005; B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977
Hrinsin, Amy, M., Lecturer, B.A.,
Catawba College, 1996; MAC, North Carolina State University, 2000
Hriso, Peter, M., Professor, MFA,
The Ohio State University, 1994; B.S., University of Southern Indiana, 1991
Hu, Da, Assistantt Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2022; M.S., Texas Tech University, 2018; M.S., University off Chineses Academy of Sciences, 2017
Huang, Jiajing, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Arizona State University, 2024; M.S., Arizona State University, 2020; M.S., The State University of New Jersey at Rutgers, 2018
Huang, Rongbing, Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Florida, 2004; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University at Blacksburg, 1998
Huang, Sha, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Iowa, 2016; M.A., Sichuan Normal University, 2006; M.A., University of Iowa, 2014; B.A., Sichuan Normal University, 2003
Huang, Xiao, Professor, Ph.D.,
University of California at Riverside, 2005; M.A., University of California at Riverside, 2003
Huang, Yan, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2019; M.E., Heilongjiang University, 2014; B.E., Heilongjiang University, 2011
Hubbell, Jody, M., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Nebraska att Lincoln, 2014; MAT, Kennesaw State University, 2014; M.S., university of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2007; B.S. Georgia Southern University 1995
Hudson, Martin, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Sussex, 2000; B.S., University of Hertfordshire, 1991
Huet, Kevin, Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2015; B.S., Georgia Southwestern State University, 2012
Huh, Yeol, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Indiana University, 2016; MSED, Indiana University, 2015; MSED, Indiana University, 2010; B.A., Yonsei University, 2005; B.A., Yonsei University, 2005
Hulsey, Carol, J., Lecturer, M.Acc,
Kennesaw State University, 2011; BBA, Kennesaw State University, 1999
Humphrey, Rosemary, Librarian Associate Professor, MLIS,
Valdosta State University, 2017, B.A., Emerson College, 2003
Hung, Chih-Cheng, Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Alabama, 1990; M.S., The University of Alabama, 1986; B.S., Soochow University, 1978
Hunter, Lee, A., Clinical Assistant Professor, DNP,
Georgia Southern University, 2011; MSN, Kennesaw State University, 1997; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 1993
Hurgobin, Yossina, D., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Syracuse University, 2016; M.Phil., Syracuse University, 2012; M.A., Syracuse University, 2011; MPA, Syracuse University, 2009; B.A., The University of Mississippi, 2005
Hutchins, Amber, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Utah, 2008; M.A., Arizona State University, 2002; B.A., Arizona State University, 1999
Hutchinson, Richard, N., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
The University of Arizona, 2003; M.A., The University of Arizona, 1995; B.A., Northern Illinois University, 1981
Huxtable, Megan, E., Lecturer, M.S.,
University of St. Francis, 2020; B.S., Lakweview College of Nursing, 2012
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Id-Deen, Lateefah, A. , Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Michigan State University, 2015; M.S., Iowa State University, 2005; B.S., University of Arkansas, 2003
Indrei, Emmanuel, G., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin, 2013; B.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007
Ingram, Katherine, H., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2010; M.S., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1998; B.S., Tulane University, 1993
Ingram, Ulrike, K., Senior Lecturer, M.A.,
Georgia State University, 2005; B.A., Kennesaw State University, 1998
Inks, Scott, A., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Memphis, 1997; MBA, Ball State University, 1993; B.S., Purdue University, 1987
Irvine, Daniel, R., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Michigan, 2020; B.S., University of Notre Dame, 2014
Islam, Kazi Aminul, Assistant Proffessor, Ph.D.,
Old Dominion University, 2021; M.E., Lamar University, 2016
Islam, Rifatul, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at San Antonio, 2022
Islam, Sahidul, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at San Antionio, 2024; M.S., University of Texas at San Antionio, 2023
Iyer, Pramod, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of North Texas, 2016; MMS, University of Mumbai, 2010; BMS, University of Mumbai, 2007
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Jackson, Dorian, L., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin, 2015; M.A., The University of Georgia, 2009; BBA, The University of Georgia, 2005
Jackson, Leonard, A., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Oklahoma State University, 2007, MAcc, Florida Atlantic University, 2011; MBA, University of Guelph, 2000;
M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2011; MSE, University of Florida, 2016; BCOM, Ryerson Polytechnic University, 1998
Jackson, Paula, Professor, Ph.D.,
University of California at Los Angeles, 1996; B.S., University of Simon Bolivar, 1986
Jackson, Tremeze, S., Clinical Assistant Professor, DNP,
Valdosta State University, 2023; M.S., Walden University, 2017; B.S., Georgia Southwestern State University, 2005; BSN, Winston-Salem State University, 2011
Jackson, Tyrone, M., Senior Lecturer, M.M.,
Georgia State University, 2013; B.A., The University of New Orleans, 2007
Jackson, Virginie, Assistant Professor, Ed.D.,
Nova Southeastern University, 2014; M.S., Florida International University, Broward/Davie Campus, 2009; B.S., Florida State University, 2003
James, Russell, B., Lecturer, MFA,
Ohio University, 2021; BFA, Utah State University, 2016;
Jaramillo, Nathalia, E., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of California at Los Angeles, 2007; M.Ed., Harvard University, 2000; B.A., University of California, Riverside, 1997
Jayamaha Hitihamilage, Ruvini Kumari, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Western Michigan University, 2024; M.S., Western Illinois University, 2020
Jeyeola, Olufemi, A. Librarian Assistant Professor, MLIS,
University of Nortth Carolina at Greensboror, 2018
Jean-Sigur, Raynice, E., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Texas at Austin, 1999; M.S., University of North Texas, 1994; B.A., Xavier University, 1993
Jenkins, Larry, B., Associate Professor, MSEE,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989; BSEE, University of Missouri at Rolla, 1984
Ji, Jun, Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Iowa, 1993; M.S., Shanghai Teachers’ University, 1985; B.S., Shanghai Teachers’ University, 1982
Ji, Yiming, Professor, Ph.D.,
Auburn University, 2006; M.E., Nanjing Univeristy, 1995; M.S., Southern Polytechnic State University, 2002; B.E., Nanjing University, 1992
Jia, Dongyu, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Florida State University, 2015; B.S., Chongqing University, 2007
Jia, Xuegang, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Southern Illinois University, 2008; M.S., Harbin Engineering College, 1999
Jiang, Biebei, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016; M.S., Peking University, 2012
Jimenez, Albert, M., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2014; M.S., Mississippi State University, 2004; B.A., Georgia Regents University, 2000
Jin, Wenhua, Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Texas at Arlington, 2008; M.A., Liaoning University, 1997; B.A., Liaoning University, 1992
Jocic, Marko, R., Clinical Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Florida, 2018; MBA, University of South Carolina, 2009; BSEE, University of Florida, 2004
Joffe, David, N., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Northwestern University, 2004; M.S., University of British Columbia, 1994; B.S., University of Toronto, 1992
Johnson, April, Associate Professor, D.Phil.,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2014; M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2008
Johnson, Arvin, Associatet Professor, Ed.D.,
University of North Florida, 2008; M.Ed., University of North Florida, 2001; B.A., University of North Florida, 1998
Johnson, David, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
Purdue University, 1999; M.A., Texas A&M University, 1994; B.A., University of Dallas, 1990
Johnson, John, D., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Southern Mississippi, 2004; M.S., The University of Southern Mississippi, 2002; B.S., Auburn University at Montgomery, 1999
Johnson, Joshua, M., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2014; B.A., Creighton University, 2008
Johnson, Monique, R., Senior Lecturer, M.A.,
Pacific Oaks College, 2012, B.S., San Diego State University, 2005
Johnson, Rebecca, A., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of North Texas, 2016; M.S., Texas Woman’s University, 2012; M.S., The Ohio State University, 2020; B.S., Texas Woman’s University, 2003
Johnson, Sarah, Senior Lecturer, MAPW,
Kennesaw State University, 2009; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2003
Johnson, Toni, P., Clinical Assistant Professor, DNP,
Troy University, 2014; MSN, Troy University, 2001; BSN, Columbus State University, 1988
Johnson, Wendell, A., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Northwestern University, 1994; M.A., Northwestern University, 1984
Johnson, Zachary, G., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2020; M.Ed., Georgia State University, 2012; B.A., Georgia State University, 2006
Jonaidi, Mohammad, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Sydney, 1998; M.S., Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), 1989;
BSE, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), 1985
Jones, Alan, M., Clinical Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Emory University, 2019; MSN, University of West Georgia, 2016
Jones, David, E., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1988; M.A., Washington State University, 1975; A.B., Adrian College, 1973
Jones, Laura, Clinical Assistant Professor, M.S.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008; B.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005
Jones, Sandra, H., Senior Lecturer, MBA,
Mercer University, 2005; M.S., Columbus State University, 2016
Jordan, Jeannette, Senior Lecturer, M.A.,
University of Hamburg, 2012; M.Div., Mercer University, 2006; B.S., Queens University of Charlotte, 1992
Jordan, Lois, A., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of South Florida, 1997; MBA, University of South Florida, 1988; BIE, The Georgia Institute of Technology, 1979
Jorrin Abellan, Ivan, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Valladolid, 2007; BS.Ed., University of Valladolid, 2001
Joseph, Lori, A., Lecturer, MAT,
Kennesaw State University, 2012, B.S., The University of Alabama, 1993
Juneja, Parminder, K., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010; M.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, 2000; B.ARCH, Chandigarh College of Architecture, 1996
Jung, Kyung, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of New Mexico, 2013; M.A., Korea University - Seoul, 2006; B.A., Korea University - Seoul, 2004
Jung, Sungchul, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Central Florida, 2018; M.S., University of Central Florida, 2016; M.S., Chung-ang University, 2012; B.S., Hanyang University, 2009
Justus, Sidni, A., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2019; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017; B.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
Return to Top ↑
Kaledin, Martina, Professor, Ph.D.,
Slovak Technical University, 1995; M.S., Slovak Technical University, 1991; B.S., Slovak Technical University, 1991
Kamburugamuwe Loku Acharige, Sundeera, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Maine, 2020; B.S., University of Colombo, 2011;
Kammerdiener, Kimberly, D., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, 2018; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2008; B.S., Southern Polytechnic State University, 1992
Kang, Charles, Y., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of California - Irvine, 2007, M.S., University of California - Irvine, 2004, B.S., Washington State University, 2001
Kang, Junseog, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State Universityt, 2001; M.S., Georgia State University, 1999; M.S., Korea University at Seoul, 1992
Kang, Lu, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Wesleyan University, 2004; B.S., Xiamen University, 1994
Kang, Ranbir, S., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Oklahoma State University, 2007
Kang, Sunny, Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
California State University at Pamona, 2004; B.S., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999
Kang, Yue, Lecturer, M.S.,
Michigan Technological University, 2022
Kaplan, Adam, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Colorado, 2001; M.S., University of Colorado, 1995; B.S., Middle East Technical University, 1992
Kaplan, Ela, Lecturer, M.S.,
Georgia State University, 2018; B.S., Uludag University, 2000
Karakaya, Mahmut, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Ttennessee at Knoxville, 2011; MSEE, University off South Alabama, 2007; B.S., Faith University, 2005
Karg, Joseph, Assistant Professor, MFA
Savannah College of Art and Design, 2011; BFA, The Art Institute of Atlanta, 2008
Karimi, Zamila, R., Senior Lecturer, M.ARCH,
McGill University, 2013; MFA, The University of Georgia, 2007; B.ARCH, Southern California Institute of Architecture, 1982
Katzman, Brett, E., Professor, Ph.D.,
Duke University, 1996; M.A., Duke University, 1993; B.S., Georgia State University, 1991
Kaukinen, Catherine, E., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of toronto, 2001; M.A., University of Windsor, 1995; B.A., University of Windsor, 1995
Keating, Kenneth, Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Emory University, 2008; M.S., Georgia State University, 2004; B.S., The Pennsylvania State University, 1993
Keefe, Alison, M., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Auburn University, 2002; M.S., Auburn University, 1998; B.S., Auburn University, 1995
Keen, Diane, L., Assistant Professor, DSN,
Kennesaw State University, 2017; MSN, Kennesaw State University, 2011; BSN, Kennesaw State University, 2008
Kehler, David, T., Professor, DMA,
The University of Texas at Austin, 2009; M.M., Michigan State University, 1992; B.M., Michigan State University, 1987
Keith, Angela, C., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Central Florida, 2021; MSN, Jacksonville University, 2016; BSN, Jacksonville, University, 1993
Kelani, Zeynep, A., Lecturer, M.S.,
Southern Polytechnic State University, 2002; B.S., Mimar Sinan University, 1994
Keleher, Michael, Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2013; M.A., University of South Carolina, 1997; B.A., University of South Florida, 1993
Kelley, Jennifer, M., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Georgia State University, 2011; B.S., University of West Georgia, 2008
Kelly, Carlos, G., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, 2022; M.A., San Diego State University, 2013; MFA, San Diego State University, 2015; B.S., San Diego State University, 2010
Keltner, Stacy, K., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Memphis, 2002; B.A., University of Evansville, 1997
Kennedy, Charles, R., Senior Lecturer, MBA,
Liberty University, 2010; MSSE Kennesaw State University, 2016; B.S., Southern Polytechnic State University, 1989
Kerber, Noelle, K., Lecturer, M.A.,
Baylor University, 2020; BSED, Baylor University, 2018
Kersey, Timothy, E., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Indiana University, 2011; B.A., University of Illinois at Springfield, 2001
Kessler, Stacey, R., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of South Florida, 2007; M.A., University of South Florida, 2004; B.A., Rutgers University, 2002
Keyser, Robert, S, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2008; MBA, East Tennessee State University, 1992; M.S., The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2005;
BSBA, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 1988
Keyvanfar, Ali, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2013; M.S., Universiti teknologi Malaysia, 2009; B.S., Islamic Azad University, 2004
Khalid, Adeel, S., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2006; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005;
B.S., GIK Institute of Technology, 2000
Khan, Md Abdullah Al Hafiz, Ph.D.,
University of Maryland Baltimore County, 2019; B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, 2009
Khayati, Amine, Clinical Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2010; M.S., University of Memphis, 2003; B.A., University of Tunis, 2000
Khazaei, Ali, Professor, Ph.D.,
Tehran Azad University, 1998; MSME, University of Tehran, 1987; B.S., University of Tehran, 1982
Khazaii, Javad, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
the Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012; MBA, Georgia State University, 2002; B.S., Isfahan University of Technology, 1985
Khote, Nihal, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2014; M.Ed., Kennesaw State University, 2008; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2004
Kidonakis, Nikolaos, Professor, Ph.D.,
The State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1996; MAST, University of Cambridge, 1991; B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1990
Kihei, Billy, M., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2017; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010; BSEE, The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009
Kilinc, Ramazan, Professor, Ph.D.,
Arizona State University, 2008; MBA, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2022; M.A., Bilkent University, 2001
Kim, Christine, G., Lecturer, MFA,
Savannah College of Art and Design, 2012; B.S., The University of Georgia, 2010
Kim, Dal Hyung, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Drexel University, 2013; M.E., Korea Univeristy at Seoul, 2007; B.E., Kore University at Seoul, 2005
Kim, Eun Sik, Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2022
Kim, Heeman, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Temple University, 2005; M.A., Northern Illinois University, 2000; B.A., The University Of Toledo, 1997
Kim, Helen, H., Professor, M.M.,
The Juilliard School, 1997; B.M., The Juilliard School, 1995
Kim, Hye Won, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Yonsei University, 2018; M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013; B.A., Yonsei University, 2003
Kim, Hyun Ji, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Oregon, 2020; M.A., Dongguk University 2015; B.A., Dongguk University, 2011
Kim, Jihye, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2011; M.S., Georgia State University, 2004; B.S., San Diego State University, 1997
Kim, Jin, H., Assisociate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2009; M.Ed., The University of Georgia, 2004; BSED, Ewha Women’s University, 1999
Kim, Jonggwang, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Purdue University, 2023; M.S., Columbia University in the City of New York, 2011
Kim, Kristine, Associate Professor, MED,
Hanyang University, 1988; MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, 1998; B.A., San Diego State University, 1994
Kim, Yang Hee, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Maryland, 1996; M.A., Ewha Women’s University, 1988; B.A., Ewha Women’s University, 1986
Kim, Yoon Hee, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Wisonsin-Madison, 2010; MBA, The Ohio State University, 2004; B.A., Sungkyunkwan University, 1996
Kimitei, Symon, K., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Georgia State University, 2008; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 1998; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 1999
King, David, A., Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2001; M.A., Georgia State University, 1992; A.B., The University of Georgia, 1990
King, Ian, Lecturer, M.A.,
Bowling Green State University, 2020; B.A., Indiana University Purdue University For Wayne, 2017
King, John, Assistant Professor, MFA,
Savannah College of Art and Design, 1996; BFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, 1994
King McKenzie, Ethel, L, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1999; Ed.S., Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1993;
M.A., Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1992; B.Ed., University of the West Indies Mona Campus, 1982
Kirk, Alan, B., Professor, Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 1986; MSW, The University of Alabama, 1972; B.S., Samford University, 1970
Kirwan, James, V., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Illinois State University, 2015; M.A., Eastern Illinois University, 2009; B.A., Eastern Illinois University, 2007
Kitchens, Emily, K., Assistant Professor, MFA,
American Conservatory Theater, 2010; BFA, University of Evansville, 2007
Klein, Benjamin, D., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000; M.S., University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1995; B.S., University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1994
Kliszczewicz, Brian, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
Auburn University, 2014; M.S., University of Florida, 2010
Knapp, Denise, R., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Oklahoma State University, 2013; B.S., Kansas State University, 2011
Knapp, Sarah, E., Lecturer, MSN,
Kennesaw State University, 2024; BSN, Kennesaw State University, 2014
Knotts, LaNita, W., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Oklahoma, 2017; MPH, University of Oklahoma, 2011; B.S., Auburn University, 2009
Knowlton, Andrea, Associate Professor, MFA,
California Institute of the Arts, 2014; BFA, Marymount Manhattan College, 2006
Kochman, Ladd, M., Professor, DBA,
University of Kentucky, 1980; MBA, West Virginia University, 1972; B.S., West Virginia University, 1967
Koether, Marina, Professor, Ph.D.,
Queen’s University at Kingston, 1994; B.S., McMaster University, 1989
Kogler, Geza, F., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Univer4sity of Srathclyde, 1998; BFA, Wayne State University, 1982
Koopman, Heather, N., Professor, Ph.D.,
Duke University, 2001; M.S., University of Guelph, 1995; B.S., University of Guelph, 1992
Kornweibel, Karen, R., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at Austin, 2000; M.A., Univeristy of Texas at Austin, 1997;
Kowis, Alyssa, C., Librarian Assistant Professor, M.A.,
Univeristy of Wisconsin at Madison, 2017; B.A., University of Wisconsin at Madison, 2015
Koz, Olga, O., Librarian Professor, DMGT,
Colorado Technical University, 2014; MLS, Emporia State University, 2010201
Kozlovsky, Dovis, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Nevada, 2017; B.S., Towson University, 2012;
Kperogi, Farooq, A., Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2011; M.S., University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2006; B.A., Bayero University Kano, 1996
Kraegel, Rebecca, H., Lecturer, MAPW,
Kennesaw State University, 2012; B.A., Mercer University, 1987
Kretlow, Betty, C., Lecturer, M.Ed.,
Valdosta State University, 1971; M.S., Kennesaw State University, 2017; B.A., Valdosta State University, 1964
Krone, Elizabeth, E., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, 2021; M.A., Standford University, 2010; M.A., Middlebury College, 2016; B.A., Swarthmore College, 2008
Krueger, Charae, Senior Lecturer, B.M.,
New England Conservatory of Music, 1992
Kulibert, Danica, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Tulane University, 2023; M.S., University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 2017; B.S., University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 2015
Kwon, Jayhyun, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007; M.S., University of Illinois, 2001; B.S., Hanyang University, 1999
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Laaman, John, H., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Auburn University, 2016; M.A., Auburn University, 2012; B.A., Covenant College, 2009
Lagrange, Victoria, A., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Indiana University Bloomington, 2022; Ph.D., Universite de Politiers, 2021; M.A., École Normale Superieure de Lyon, 2009;
B.A., École Normale Superieure de Lyon, 2009
Lahey, Michael, D., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Indiana University, 2013; M.A., Indiana University, 2006; B.A., University of Florida, 2001
Lair, Elicia, C., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2014; M.A., College of William and Mary, 2010; B.A., College of William and Mary, 2007
Lamle, Keaton, K., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2024; MAPW, Kennesaw State University, 2015; B.A., Cameron University, 2013
Landis, Daniel, A., Lecturer, JD,
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992; B.S., Miami University, 1987
Lands, LeeAnn, B., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001; M.A., Florida Atlantic University, 1995; BSE, University of Florida, 1991
Lang, Kristina, S., Librarian Assistant Professor, MLIS,
Valdosta State University, 2018; B.A., Kennesaw State University, 2009
Langman, Julet, N., Professor, Ph.D.,
Stanford University, 1989; M.A., Stanford University, 1987; B.S., Georgetown University, 1980
Laposata, Matthew, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Pennsylvania State University, 1998; M.S., Bowling Green State University, 1994; B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1992
Larsen, Carolee, A., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Northwestern University, 1996; M.A., The University of Kansas, 1989; B.A., The University of Kansas, 1986
Latino, Peter, G., Lecturer, M.S.,
The University of Southern Mississippi, 1991; B.A., Louisiana State University, 1989
Latino, Robin, C., Professor, Ph.D.,
Louisiana State University and A&M College, 2004; MBA, The University of New Orleans, 1994; B.A., Southeastern Louisiana University, 1992
Lavrov, Mikhail, P., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Carnegie Mellon University, 2017; B.S., Duke Univeristy, 2011
Law, Jeanne, B., Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2012; M.Ed., Western Governors University, 2006; B.A., Georgia State University, 1995
Lawler, Brian, R., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2008; M.A., California State University, Dominguez Hills, 1999; M.A., The University of Georgia, 2006; B.S., Colorado State University, 1992
Lawless, John, Senior Lecturer, B.M.,
Georgia State University, 1983
Laws, Michael, E., Lecturer, M.S.,
North Carolina State University, 2006; B.S., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, 2002
Le, Linh, T., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Kennesaw State University, 2019; M.S., Marshall University, 2015; B.E., Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 2013
Lebedev, Sergey, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Texas at Dallas, 2016; M.S., Moscow State University, 2009; B.S., Moscow State University, 2007
Lee, Ah Young, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Colorado, 2011; M.S., University of Colorado, 2006; B.S., Hansung University, 2001
Lee, Albert, C., Assistant Professor, MFA,
Columbia University in the City of New York, 2006; B.A., Pomona College, 1995
Lee, Dabae, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Indiana Univeristy, 2015; MSED, Indiana University, 2012
Lee, Gang, Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Florida, 1998
Lee, Hoseon, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005; BSEE, The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002
Lee, Jeongyi, Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2005; M.A., The University of Texas at Arlington, 2000
Lee, Matthew, Clinical Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Arkansas, 2021; B.A., Davidson College, 2011
Lee, Megan, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2023; MSW, The University of Toledo, 2013; B.A., The University of Toledo, 2010
Lee, Michelle, C., Librarian Assistant Professor, MLIS,
Valdosta State University, 2020; B.A., Barnard College, 2015
Lee, Sang Pil, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, 2023; M.ARCH, University of Pennsylvania, 2012; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015
Lee, Sanghoon, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2016; M.S., Georgia State University, 2014; M.S., University of Suwon, 2006
Lee, Seung Yup, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., The University of Michigan, 2015; M.S., Seoul National University, 2006
Lee, Soon, C., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, 2012; M.A., The Ohio State University, 2011; M.Ed., Yonsei University, 2008
Lee, Soon Goo, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Washington University in St. Louis, 2012; B.S., Sogang University, 2006
Leeper, Thomas, C., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2001; B.S., Truman State University, 1995
Lefebvre, Rebecca, K., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Kennesaw State University, 2013; M.S., Walden University, 1994; B.S., Rice University, 1986
Leger, Thierry, A., Professor, Ph.D.,
Washington University, 1995; M.A., Universite De Caen, 1987; B.A., Universite De Caen, 1985; AM, Washington University, 1989; A.S., Universite De Caen, 1984
Lepadatu, Elena, D., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Kentucky, 2007; M.S., University of Bucharest, 2000; B.A., University of Bucharest, 1999; B.A., University of Bucharest, 1998
Levy, Aaron, H., Professor, Ph.D.,
Arizona State University, 2004; MFA, Arizona State University, 1994; B.A., Arizona State University, 1991
Lewis, Amelia, C., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Auburn University, 2015; M.A., University of West Georgia, 2009; B.A., University of West Georgia, 2006
Lewis, Catherine, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Iowa, 1997; M.A., The University of Iowa, 1995; B.A., Emory University, 1990
Li, Bo, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015; M.S., Xian Jiaotong University, 2010; B.S., Xian Jiaotong University, 2008
Li, Lei, Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2007; M.S., Georgia State University, 2002; B.S., China University of Mining and Technology, 1995
Li, Lin, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Columbia University in the City of New York, 2007; M.Phil., Columbia University in the City of New York, 2007;
M.S., Columbia University in the City of New York, 2004; B.S., University of Science and Technology of China, 2002
Li, Xia, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Texas at Dallas, 2020; M.S., The University of Texas at Dallas, 2020; M.S., Shandong University, 2012;
M.S., University of Texas at Dallas, 2014; B.S., Jiangxi University, 2008
Li, Yi, Associate Professor, Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2018; M.S., University of Louisville, 2012; B.S., Communication University of China, 2010
Li, Yuanxia, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Arizona, 2023
Li, Zhigang, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Central Florida, 2011; M.A., University of Central Florida, 2006; B.E., Lanzhou University, 1999
Likely, Rasheda, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Drexel University, 2020; M.S., University of North Florida, 2014; B.S., University of North Florida, 2011
Lim, Kougjin, Assistant Professor
Lim, Kyugeun, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Indiana University Bloomington, 2017; M.A., Seoul National University, 2010
Link, Tanja, C., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2006; M.A., The University of Georgia, 2001
Liu, Xuepeng, Professor, Ph.D.,
Syracuse University, 2006; M.A., Syracuse University, 2004; M.A., Renmin University of China, 2001; B.A., Renmin University of China, 1998
Livingston, Molly, A., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State Universtiy, 2015; M.Ed., The University of Georgia, 2005; B.A., Oglethorpe University, 2003
Lo, Dan, C., Professor, Ph.D.,
Illinois Institute of Technology, 2001; M.A., National Chung-Hsing University, 1990; M.S., National Taiwan University, 1992
Loe, Terry, W., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Memphis, 1996; MBA, Mississippi State University, 1981; B.S., Mississippi State University, 1980
Logan, Michael, K., Assistant Professor, Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2020; M.A., Radford University, 2015
Long, Harrison, Professor, MFA,
Southern Methodist University, 1991; BFA, Florida State University, 1988
Loomis, Kimberly, S., Professor, Ed.D.,
The University of Tennessee, 1992; M.S., The University of Tennessee, 1987; B.S., East Tennessee State University, 1985
Loreto, Giovanni, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federica II, 2011; B.ARCH, Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federica II, 2006
Louis, Kaitlyn, E., Lecturer, MSN,
Kennesaw State University, 2020; BSN, Kennesaw State University, 2018
Lowder, Margaret, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005 B.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001
Lowman, Graham, H., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Alabama, 2019; M.S., The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2015; B.S., The University of Alabama, 2011
Lu, Zhongjing, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
North Carolina State University, 2002; M.S., North Carolina State University, 1999; B.S., Yunnan University, China, 1978;
B.S., Louisiana State University Health Shreveport, 1996
Lundy, Brandon, D., Professor, Ph.D.,
The State University of New York at Buffalo, 2009; Ph.D., Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, 2009;
M.A., The State University of New York at Buffalo, 2005; B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1998; B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1998
Luo, Bin, Assistant professor, Ph.D.,
The University of North Carolina at Greensboror, 2020; M.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboror, 2016
Lyons, Matthew, J., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2021; M.S., Harvard University, 2012; MSW, University of Southern California, 2016; B.A., Georgia State University, 2010
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Mabry Wang, Hannah, R., Librarian Assistant Professor, MILS,
Valdosta State University, 2024; M.A., University of North Alabama, 2021; B.A., Kennesaw State University, 2014
MacDonald, Leo, T., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Western Ontario, 2007; M.S., University of Guelph, 1995; B.S., Ryerson Polytechnic University, 1991
MacIvor Thompson, Lauren, M., Assistantt Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2016; MHP, Georgia State University, 2006; B.A., University of Virginia, 2003
Madanoglu, Melih, Professor, Ph.D.,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2005; M.S., Oklahoma State University, 2001; B.S., Mersin University, 1998
Maddox, Monica, M., Lecturer, DC,
Life University, 2000
Madison, Carmen, J., Lecturer, MFA,
Chapman University, 2000; BFA, Florida State University, 1997
Mahmoud, Yousef, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Waterloo, 2016; M.S., masdar Institute of Science and Technology, 2012; B.S., Al-Balga Applied University, 2009
Mahmud, M. Rasel, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Texas at San Antionio, 2023; M.S., University of South Dakota, 2019;
Mainella, Felicia, C., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Maryland at College Park, 2003; M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1992; B.S., University of Evansville, 1990
Majumder, Sarasij, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The State University of New Jersey at Rutgers, 2009; M.A., University of Delhi, 1999; M.A., The State University of New Jersey at Rutgers, 2006;
B.A., University of Calcutta, 1996
Maitra, Debalina, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Wyoming, 2017; M.A., Amity University, 2010;
Majeed, Waqas, Lecturer, M.S.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014
Malewski, Erik, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Pennsylvania State University, 2003; M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University, 1998; B.A., Loyola University Chicago, 1995
Mallavarapu, Suma, Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004; B.S., Southern Illinois University, 2001
Malone, Christopher, A., Assistant Professor, MFA,
Savannah College of Art and Design, 2016; BFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2008
Malone, Muun Queen, E., Lecturer, MSN,
Mercer University, 2014; B.S., Hampton University, 2000
Maloni, Michael, J., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Ohio State University, 1997; M.A., The Ohio State University, 1995; B.S., The Pennsylvania State University, 1991
Mamo, Ermias, Lecturer, DBA
De La Salle University - Manila, 1993; M.S., University of the Philippines, 1988; M.S., Southern Polytechnic State University, 2003;
B.S., Columbus State University, 1990; B.S., Mountain View College, 1987
Mangine, Gerald, T., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Central Florida, 2015; M.Ed., The College of New Jersey, 2006; B.S., The College of New Jersey, 2002
Mango, Alana, M., Assistant Professor, MFA,
Savannah College of Art and Design, 2021
Marino, Louis, D., Professor, Ph.D.,
Indiana University Bloomington, 1997; MBA, The State University of New York at Buffalo, 1992
Markle, Gail, S., Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2011; M.S., University of North Texas, 2004; BSBA, East Carolina University, 1981
Markowsky, George, Professor, Ph.D.,
Harvard University, 1973; M.A., Harvard University, 1969
Marks, Beth, W., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State Universittty, 2022; M.Ed., Kennesaw State University, 2000; BBA, The University of Texas at Austin, 1987
Marktanner, Marcus, Professor, Ph.D.,
Technische Universitat Ilmenau, 1997; M.A., Universitat Bayreuth University of Bayreuth, 1992; M.S., University of North Texas, 1999
Marshall, Madalynn, Assisttant Professor, Ph.D.,
The State University of New Jersey at Rutgers, 2022; B.S., Iowa State University of Science and Technology, 2017;
Marshall, Matthew, Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013; M.S., University of Florida, 2003; B.S., University of Florida, 2001
Marsil, Dorothy, F., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Kentucky, 2003; M.S., The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 1999; B.A., The University of Tennessee, 1995
Martin, Allison, L., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2003
Martin, Christopher, B., Senior Lecturer, MAPW,
Kennesaw State University, 2013; B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2009
Martin, Jennifer, S., Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State Univeristy, 2002; MSN, Georgia State University, 2015
Martin, Nicole, G., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of New Mexico, 2005; M.A., Golden Gate University, 1999; M.S., The University of New Mexico, 2001; B.A., Mills College, 1996
Martin, Tim, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of New Mexico, 2005; M.A., New Mexico State University, 1999; B.A., New Mexico State University, 1995
Mashayekhi, Somayeh, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Mississippi State University, 2015; Ph.D., Alzahra University, 2013; M.S., Alzahra University, 2006
Mashburn, Cody, A., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2024
Matheny, Lauren, M., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Univeristy of Northern Colorado, 2021; MPH, Univeristy of Colorado at Denver, 2015; B.A., Miami University, 2005
Mathews, Timothy, M., Professor, Ph.D.,
The State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2002; M.A., University of Virginia, 1998; B.A., Wilkes University, 1996
Mathis, Robin, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Texas A&M University, 2010; M.A., Texas State University, 2004; B.A., Texas Tech University, 1999
Mattord, Carola, L., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2009; M.A., Georgia State University, 2003; B.A., Kennesaw State University, 2000
Mattord, Herbert, J., Professor, Ph.D.,
Nova Southeastern University, 2012; MBA, Texas State University, 1982; BBA, Texas State University, 1979
Matute Castro, Arturo, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Pittsburgh, 2015; M.A., University of Pittsburgh, 2015; M.A., La Universidad de la Habana, 2000; B.A., La Universidad de la Habana, 1994
Mazzotta, Stefano, Professor, Ph.D.,
McGill University, 2005; MBA, McGill University, 2000; B.S., Bologna University, 1992
McAleer, Salme, D., Clinical Assistant Professor, Ed.D.,
Montana State University, 2008; M.S., university of Pennsylvania, 2001; B.S., University of pennsylvania, 2000
McCafferty, James, T., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Cincinnati, 2013; M.S., University of Cincinnati, 2007; B.A., Lycoming College, 2003
McCandless, Jamie, A., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Western Michigan University, 2015; M.A., University of Utah, 2004; B.S., Southern Utah University, 1999
McClane, Leslie, M., Clinical Associate Professor, M.A.,
Appalachian State University, 1981; M.A., Loyola College in Maryland, 1997; B.A., Centre College of Kentucky, 1978
McClintock, Diana, L., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Emory University, 1998; M.A., Emory University, 1986; B.A., Duke University, 1983; B.A., Duke University, 1983
McComb, James, M., Senior Lecturer, M.Acc.,
Kennesaw State University, 1996; B.A., Kennesaw State University, 1989
McConville, Thomas, A., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Minnesota, 2015; M.S., University of Minnesota, 2013; B.A., St. Olaf College, 2009
McCulloch, Brent, M., Lecturer, M.S.,
Faulkner University, 2000; B.A., The University of Alabama, 1982;
McDaniel, Brent, A., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005; M.S., Georgia State University, 1997; B.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995
McDaniel, Dominique, S., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2022; M.Ed., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2013; B.S., University of North Carollina at Greensboro, 2010
McDaniel, Paul, N., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2013; M.A., The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007; M.S., The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2006;
B.S., Samford University, 2004
McDonald, Alexander, K., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Rochester, 2021; M.S., California Institute of Technology, 2017; B.A., University of Rochester, 2014
McElroy, Thomas, C., Professor, Ph.D.,
Mississippi State University, 1999; M.S., Mississippi State University, 1995; B.S., Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, 1991
McGee, Traci, E., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
Clemson University, 2018; B.S., Eastern Nazarene College, 1992
McGovern, Bryan, P., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2003; M.A., University of Cincinnati, 1997; B.A., Northern Kentucky University, 1990
McGrath, Laura, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2003; B.A., Smith College, 1998
McIntosh, Leslie, P., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Texas A&M University, 2015; M.S., University of Texas at Arlington, 2011; B.A., The University of Georgia, 2007
McIntyre, Ruth, A., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2008; M.A., Middle Tennessee State University, 2000; B.A., Middle Tennessee State University, 1997
McKallip, Robert, J., Professor, Ph.D.,
The George Washington University, 2000; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1993;
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1991
McKelvey, Stephen, C., Senior Lecturer, M.A.,
The University of Georgia, 1983; A.B., The University of Georgia, 1981
McLaughlin, Noah, J., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Pennsylvania State University, 2007; M.A., University of Pittsburgh, 2002; B.A., James Madison University, 2000
McLester, Cherilyn, N., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2007; M.S., The University of Tennessee at Knoxville, 2004; B.S., San Diego State University, 1998
McLester, John, R., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Alabama, 2000; M.A., The University of Alabama, 1997; B.S., Jacksonville State University, 1994
McMahon, Jennifer, J., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2009; M.A., The University of Georgia, 2005; A.B., The University of Georgia, 2000; B.S., The University of Georgia, 2000
McMorran, Andrew, G., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Old Dominion University, 1990; M.S., Old Dominion University, 1986; B.S., Heriot-Watt University, 1984
McMurry, Jonathan, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Connecticut, 2002; M.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996; B.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991
McMyne, Mary, N., Assistant Professor, MFA
New York University, 2007; MFA, Louisiana Staaate University and A&M College, 2002; B.A., Louisiana State University and A&M College, 2000
McNamara, Corinne, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Mississippi, 2004; M.A., Baylor University, 2000; B.A., The University of Mississippi, 1997
McNeal, Joel, R., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Pennsylvania State University, 2005; B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1999
McNeill, Stephen, J., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
European Graduate School EGS, 2009; M.A., University of Canterbury, 2004; B.S., Southern Illinois University, 2001
Meacham, Charles, D., Professor, MFA
University of Illinois, 1997; B.A., Wake Forest University, 1992;
Meadati, Pavankumar, Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2007; M.S., Indian Institute of Technology at Madras, 2000; B.E., Osmania University, 1998
Meades, Glen, D., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Louisiana State University and A&M College, 2010; M.S., Louisiana State University and A&M College, 2005;
B.S., Louisiana State University and A&M College, 1999
Meek, Shelby, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
IE University, 2021; MHS, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 2010; B.S., The Ohio State University, 2008
Meeks, Brandon, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
Florida State University, 2021; MMED, Florida State University, 2018; B.S., Western Carolina University, 2009
Meimandi Parizi, Reza, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2012; M.S., Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2008; B.S., Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2005
Melnik, Mikhail, Professor, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2003; M.A., Boston University, 1998; B.S., Georgia State University, 1995
Meng, Louis, L., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of British Columbia, 2003; M.A., The State University of New York at Oswego, 1996; B.A., People’s University of China, 1982
Mensa-Wilmot, Kojo, A., Professor, Ph.D.,
Jons Hopkins University, 1988; B.S., University of Ghana, 1979
Meurs, James, A., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The Florida State University, 2008; MBA, Grand Valley State University, 1999; B.A., Grand Valley State University, 1998
Meyers, Caroline, L., Librarian Assistant Professor, MILS,
Valdosta State University, 2024
Meyers, Peter, J., Lecturer, M.S.,
Brigham young University, 2014; B.S., Brigham young University, 2011;
Michaelson, Laurie, R., Lecturer, MADV,
University of Florida, 2011; B.A., University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 2007
Milberger, Kurt, E., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Notre Dame, 2017; M.A., University of Notre Dame, 2015; M.S., St. Cloud State University, 2011; B.A., St. Cloud State University, 2008
Miles, Michelle, R., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Emory University, 2011; M.Phil., Trinity College, 2002; B.A., Montana State University, 1999; B.A., Montana State University, 1999
Miller, Brandi, N., Lecturer, MSN,
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2014; B.S., Medical College of Georiga, 2002
Miller, Stephanie, K., Senior Lecturer, M. Acc.,
The University of Georgia, 1999; BBA, The University of Georgia, 1998
Miller, Tom, W., Professor, DBA,
Indiana University Bloomington, 1974; M.A., Ball State University, 1968; MBA, Indiana University Bloomington, 1973; B.S., Ball State University, 1965
Mills, Ann, Librarian Assistant Professor, MLIS,
Valdosta State University, 2017; B.S., Southern Polytechnic State University, 2003
Miner, Leslie, M., Clinical Assistant Professor, MSN,
Medical University of South Carolina, 1993; BSN, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1985
Minooie, Milad, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018; M.A., University of Texas at Arlington, 2013;
Mirzakhan, Karolin, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
DePaul University, 2016; M.A., DePaul University, 2012; B.A., St. Edward’s University, 2008; B.A., St. Edward’s University, 2008
Mishra, Suchita, Assistant Professor, MFA,
California College of the Arts
Mitchell, Mark, B., Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Utah, 1984; B.S., Northwest Missouri State University, 1978
Mitchelson, Matthew, L., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Georgia, 2010; M.A., East Carolina University, 2005; BBA, University of Kentucky, 2001
Mixson-Brookshire, Deborah, Professor, MBA,
Kennesaw State University, 2000; BBA, Kennesaw State University, 1996
Mohit, Hossein, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of North Texas, 2024; M.S., University of Science and Culture, 2014; B.S., Islamic Azad University, 2011
Monaghan, Marietta, Senior Lecturer, M.A.,
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2004; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009; BFA, The University of Georgia, 1970;
BFA, The University of Georgia, 1970
Monge, Mario, A., Lecturer, M.S.,
Florida International University, 2017; B.A., Florida International University, 2015
Montgomery, Cynthia, S., Lecturer, MSN
Purdue University, 2016; BSN, University of South Alabama, 2001
Montgomery, Robert, C., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of California at Santa Barbara, 2009; M.A., University of California at Santa Barbara, 2001; B.S., Miami University, 1995
Moodie, Douglas, R., Professor, Ph.D.,
Syracuse University, 1996; MBA, Cornell University, 1987; M.S., Cornell University, 1989; B.S., Bristol University, 1973
Moore, Brian, C., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993; M.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, 1989; B.S., Maine Maritime Academy, 1984
Moore, Brian, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Texas, 2019; M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2011; B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2009
Moore, Joseph, S., Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2011; M.A., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007; B.A., Anderson College, 2000
Moore, Julie, A., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Indiana University Bloomington, 2003; M.Ed., University of North Texas, 1989; B.S.Ed., The University of Texas, 1985
Moran, John, P., Professor, Ph.D.,
The George Washington University, 1998; M.A., University of London, 1987; M.Phil., The George Washington University, 1995; B.S., Georgetown University, 1986
Morgan, Amanda, W., Associate Professor, MFA,
University of Central Florida, 2009; B.A., Florida State University, 2006; B.A., Florida State University, 2006
Morgan, Heather, L., Clinical Assistant Professor, DBA,
Cleveland State University, 2014; MBA, Clarion University, 2002; BSBA, Clarion University, 2001
Morgan, Nina, Y., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of California at Riverside, 1994; M.A., University of California at Riverside, 1989; B.A., University of California at Riverside, 1987
Morris, Doris, J., Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.,
Georgia State University, 2021; M.S., California University of Pennsylvania, 2008, B.S., Kennesaw State University, 2000
Morrow, Darin, J., Senior Lecturer, M.S.,
University of Southern Mississippi, 1992; B.S., Louisiana Tech University, 1987;
Msimanga, Huggins, Z., Professor, Ph.D.,
The Georgia Institute of Technology, 1988; M.S., Clark Atlanta University, 1983; B.Ed., University of Zululand, 1979; B.S., University of Zululand, 1975
Mueller, Jason, C., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of California at Irvine, 2020; M.A., University of California at Irvine, 2016; B.A., Stony Brook University, 2013; B.A., Stony brook University, 2013
Mueller-Hill, Karlyn, Lecturer, Ph.D.,
University of Wisconsin, 1999; B.A., San Francisco State University, 1992; B.S., San Franciscco State University 1992
Mulkey, Marie, H., Clinical Assistant Professor, DNP,
University of South Alabama, 2015; MSN, Emory University, 1977; BSN, Medical College of Georgia, 1976
Munandar, Vidya, D., Assistant Professor, Ph.D.,
University of Kansas, 2020; MED, University of Kansas, 2016; B.A., University of Indonesia, 2007
Murphy, Nicholas, D., Lecturer, M.S.,
Kennesaw State University, 2018; B.A., The University of Georgia, 2011; B.S., The University of Georgia, 2012
Murray, Mary, G., Professor, Ph.D.,
Nova Southeastern University, 1999; MBA, Morehead State University, 1997; M.S., University of Kentucky, 1983; B.S., Skidmore College, 1978
Mutchler, Troy, R., Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
Mississippi State University, 2004; M.S., University of Oregon, 1998
Mutlu, Canan, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Texas at Dallas, 2015; B.A., Bogazici University, Turkey, 2007
Mutlu, Sunay, Associate Professor, Ph.D.,
The University of Texas at Dallas, 2015; B.A., Bogazici University, Turkey, 2007
Myers, Marrielle, Professor, Ph.D.,
North Carolina State University, 2014; M.Ed., North Carolina State University, 2007; B.S., Hampton University, 2003
Myers, Rachel, E., Professor, Ph.D.,
University of South Florida, 2010; MSN, George Mason University, 1999; BSN, Florida State University, 1990
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