Mar 04, 2025  
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog 
[DRAFT] 2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog

Teacher Education Admission, Enrollment, and Graduation Requirements

Admission Requirements

Admission to education preparation program is separate from Admissions  to Kennesaw State University. Students must meet the program requirements to pursue a degree program that leads to a teaching certificate in Georgia issued by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC).

Candidates typically apply for admission to Teacher Education as sophomores, as they are completing their general education requirements. Applications for admission to Teacher Education should be submitted online through Owl Express under the “Student Services” menu.  There are two phases of the application process and requirements as described below: 

Phase 1: 

  1. Coursework:
    • At least 36 semester hours of accredited college coursework.
    • ENGL 1101  and ENGL 1102  with grades of “C” or higher. 
    • EDUC 2110 * with a grade of “C” or higher and a satisfactory field experience evaluation. (*or provide proof of credit from a approved Georgia Pathways Program)
  2. GPA Requirements: 
    • Achieved a minimum, adjusted or cumulative GPA of 2.5 for all coursework completed at Kennesaw State University
    • Transfer students with a cumulative transfer GPA (as used by KSU Admission) may be considered for teacher education for their first semester at KSU. After their first semester at KSU without teacher admission, transfer students will be required to earn a cumulative or adjusted KSU GPA as explained above. 
    • No grade lower than “C” in Lower Division Major and Teaching Field courses as required by the programs in teacher education. 
  3. Register with the GaPSC to obtain a MyPSC account and GaPSC identification number. 
  4. Pass the Georgia Educator Ethics (test code 360) exam. 
  5. Some degree programs in teacher education have additional admissions requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to consult those departments and program advisors. 

Candidates will be informed that they have met Phase 1 admission requirements by email to their Kennesaw State University Student email account. Notification dates will vary depending upon many variables.  At that time, you must proceed to Phase 2 to obtain your Pre-service Certification to completion the final admission phase.

Phase 2: Pre-service Certification

  1. Obtain Pre-Service Certificate from the GaPSC 
    • KSU will request that teacher education candidates be issued a Pre-Service Certificate by the GaPSC. 

To be eligible for this certificate, candidates must: 

  • Be admitted to and enrolled in an education preparation program leading to initial teaching certification. 
  • Complete the following steps through their personal MyPSC account:
    • Complete GaPSC Personal Affirmation questions.
    • Verify enrollment in a KSU education preparation program.
    • Submit GaPSC required Verification of Lawful Presence (notarized) and copy of government issued ID. 
    • Apply electronically for the Pre-Service Certificate. 
  • Have a successful background check (conducted as part of the application process).  The GaPSC will NOT award a Pre-Service Certificate to anyone who is currently on probation, regardless of the crime. The GaPSC requires a copy of the Final Disposition, signed by a judge, in order to consider the issuance of a Pre-Service Certificate.

A Pre-Service Certificate is required before the start of the first semester in which you are admitted to a teacher education program and must be maintained throughout the program to participate in field experiences associated with courses required in teacher education programs.  Any field experiences beyond the Core Field of Study requires a PSC issued Pre-Service Certificate.

If you are unable to receive your pre-service certificate prior to the start of the semester or if your pre-service certificate is revoked at any time during the program, please contact

Admitted and Enrolled

Candidates must enroll in the semester for which they have been admitted, or their admission is nullified, and they must re-apply and meet the admission requirements for a subsequent semester of intended enrollment. 

Retention in Teacher Education

Once admitted to Teacher Education, a candidate may not be eligible to continue in Teacher Education if:

  1. Responsible, professional behavior is not exhibited in all classes, field/clinical experiences and interactions with peers and faculty, as judged by the program faculty and/or collaborating teachers and school personnel. 
  2. Unacceptable dispositions are exhibited in classes, meetings, and field/clinical experiences, as determined by the program faculty. 
  3. The candidate is found guilty of a major violation of KSU’s student code of conduct or civil law. 
  4. Two or more “D” or “F” grades are earned in required lower and upper division courses in the candidate’s institutional (adjusted) or cumulative GPA falls below 2.5 at KSU. 
  5. The candidate fails to observe or meet the required course and program prerequisites, including field-based teaching methods courses and clinical experiences/internships. 
  6. Teaching skills and effectiveness are judged by two or more faculty instructors and/or collaborating teachers to be unsatisfactory. 
  7. The candidate fails to adhere to professional growth feedback, formal notifications of areas for improvement, or remediation plans. 
  8. Any field-based classes (ex., Yearlong Clinical Experience I & II, practicums, internships, etc.) are not completed satisfactorily. 
  9. KSU adjusted GPA falls below 2.5 prior to the last clinical experience in the program. (ex., Yearlong Clinical Experience II). 
  10. The GaPSC suspends or revokes the Pre-Service Certification. 
  11. The individual fails to immediately self-report to the GaPSC and to the CEPP Directory any arrests or potential violations that occur after a criminal background check has been completed. 

One or more of these deficiencies will trigger a review by the Admissions and Academic Standing Committee of the appropriate program area, which will determine whether the candidate will be permitted to continue in the Teacher Education program under an individualized remediation plan. Decisions to remove a candidate from the Teacher Education program will be recommended by that committee and approved by the program coordinator, department chair, and the Associate Dean of the Bagwell College of Education. When a candidate is removed from a Teacher Education program, he/she is precluded from entering or transferring into any other Teacher Education program at KSU.

Graduation Requirements

Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policies: 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .

Graduation from a teacher education program requires that you at least attempt the GACE Content exams associated with your degree field.  Passing scores are required for certification by the GaPSC. All upper-level course work requires a grade of “C” or better and there must be a successful completion of all field experiences.

A degree is granted by Kennesaw State University upon completion of all university and program requirements while meeting minimum requirements. Individuals completing a program in education that prepares teachers at the baccalaureate level, and petitioning KSU for a degree, are expected to have met the following requirements:

  1. Grades of “C” or higher in all Core Field of Study areas with teaching field and professional education course work. 
  2. Grades of “B” or higher in Exceptional Child course (i.e. INED 3304  or similar) taken to fulfill Georgia HB671-Education of the Child with Exceptionalities, as set forth by the GaPSC. 
  3. A 2.5 institutional (adjusted) or cumulative GPA in all course work at Kennesaw State University. 
  4. Maintenance of current GaPSC issued Pre-Service Certificate. 
  5. Responsible professional behavior in all classes, field experiences, and interactions with peers and faculty. 
  6. Acceptable dispositions as determined by program faculty. 
  7. Attempted the GACE Content Assessment in degree field, as required for the certification area, by November 15 for Fall graduation or April 15 for Spring graduation.
  8. Successful completion of the Yearlong Clinical Experience (YCE) while demonstrating the achievement of program and unit outcomes and proficiencies through the following:
    • The entire YCE experience unless otherwise stated by the program area
    • Candidate Assessment on Performance Standards (CAPS)- The evaluation instrument used for clinical experiences 
    • End-of-semester YCE surveys from school-based personnel
  9. Some degree programs in teacher education have additional requirements for program completion. It is the student’s responsibility to consult those departments and program advisors. 

Georgia Teacher Certification Requirements

Individuals completing a program in education at KSU, seeking a teaching certificate through the Georgia PSC, must have met the following requirements: 

  1. Awarded a KSU bachelor’s degree in a teacher education program with a 2.54 institutional (adjusted) or cumulative GPA. 
  2. Grades of “B” or higher in course taken to meet Georgia HB671-Education of the Child with Exceptionalities.
  3. Current GaPSC issued Pre-Service Certificate or cleared GaPSC background check if certification is sought after expiration of Pre-Service Certificate. 
  4. Approved Program Completion Form electronically submitted by KSU Certification Officer. 
  5. Passing scores on GACE Content Assessment aligned with degree field. 
  6. Successful completion of field experiences in all required grade bands, as tracked by the CEPP office.
  7. Successful completion of the Yearlong Clinical Experience (YCE) under the guidance of a qualified collaborating teacher with 3 or more years of certified teaching experience. 
  8. Application for GaPSC certification is made within 5 years of degree completion. Delaying application beyond 5 years may result in additional course work or exam requirements to demonstrate candidates meet current knowledge requirements. 

Graduates seeking certification outside of Georgia must first meet Georgia certification requirements. It is only after meeting eligibility requirements for certification in Georgia that paperwork for certification in another state may be completed.