Feb 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Environmental Science, BSES

[linked graphic] Program Description [linked graphic] Admission, Enrollment, and Graduation Policies [linked graphic] Program Course Requirements [linked graphic] Have questions? Contact us! Hyperlink to Program Student Learning Outcomes

Program Description

Environmental Science is a broad and interdisciplinary field primarily concerned with the interrelationships between the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere. It integrates diverse scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, geology, hydrology, atmospheric science, oceanography, and toxicology. Environmental science also touches on many other disciplines such as engineering, psychology, economics, communications, business, and public policy. Environmental science is very inclusive, because we all interact with the environment every single day and it is so critical to our survival.

Kennesaw State University’s Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science provides students a truly interdisciplinary program drawing on faculty expertise and existing courses in the natural sciences, engineering technology, policy, and law. Students completing this program are prepared to enter into industry, consulting, state agencies, or advanced professional programs in the environmental sciences. Graduates will be educated in assessment and control of pollutants, remediation and restoration of toxic sites, sustainable development, management and conservation of natural resources, and conducting environmental research.


This program is a part of the College of Science and Mathematics .


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Admission, Enrollment, and Graduation Policies

Admission Requirements

This program does not have specific admission requirements and only admission to Kennesaw State University is required. For more information, please visit the Admissions  section of the Catalog.

Graduation Requirements

Each student is expected to meet the requirements outlined in Academic Policies 5.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS & GRADUATION .


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Program Course Requirements

Core IMPACTS Curriculum (42 Credit Hours)

General Education Core IMPACTS Curriculum  

Core IMPACTS Curriculum Requirements Specific to This Major

Science Majors: Should take MATH 1113  or higher in Mathematics & Quantitative Skills and MATH 1179  or higher in Applied Math.


Science and Engineering Majors: Should take two four-hour laboratory sciences in Natural Sciences. Students may choose from CHEM 1211  / 1211L  , CHEM 1212  / 1212L  , PHYS 1111  / 1111L  *, PHYS 1112  / 1112L  , PHYS 2211  / 2211L *, PHYS 2212  / 2212L  , BIOL 1107  / 1107L  , or BIOL 1108  / 1108L .

*Students cannot take both PHYS 1111/L and PHYS 2211/L nor PHYS 1112/L and PHYS 2212/L.

Major Requirements (39-47 Credit Hours)

Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in these courses.

Major Electives (7-15 Credit Hours)

Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in these courses.

Environmental Science Electives (7-15 Credit Hours)

A maximum of 8 credit hours from BIOL 3110L , BIOL 4400 , ENVS 3110L , or ENVS 4400  and a maximum of 4 credit hours of ENVS 3398  may be used to satisfy environmental science electives.  Choose from the following list of courses:

University Electives (6 Credit Hours)

In accordance with KSU Graduation Policy , students must earn a grade of “D” or better in these courses while maintaining a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA.

Free Electives (6 Credit Hours)

Select 6 credit hours of 1000-4000 level coursework from the University Catalog.

Program Total (120 Credit Hours)