Contact Information
Phone: (470) 578-6888
Program Description
The Master’s Degree (Med) in Educational Leadership provides candidates with the content knowledge and credentials necessary to effectively lead schools, districts and multi-million-dollar organizations providing professional educational services. Applicants accepted into the program, completing all degree requirements, are eligible for a GaPSC Tier I Leadership Certification. At the conclusion of the program, candidates will possess the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to lead schools to higher levels of achievement for all students. This program is in accordance with leadership standards and outcomes required for licensure in Georgia by the Professional Standards Commission.
Admission Requirements
The following are requirements beyond the general KSU Graduate Admissions requirements.
Bachelor’s degree (or Master’s degree for certification only)
Employment role in an organization providing educational services
2.75 GPA in bachelor’s degree coursework or most recent graduate degree
Agreement of professionally-qualified supervisor to serve as a mentor during the program.
GRE or MAT required
Transcripts from each college attended
2 Years of Teaching Experience
Professional Resume
Reference Form (online)
Mentor Form (online)
Admission Criteria for Unique Cases
Students classified as non-degree students are not permitted to enroll in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership. This program will not provide graduate level course work for certification renewal purposes.
Transfer Credit
Graduate courses taken at other accredited institutions must be evaluated and approved by the program coordinator or department chair. A maximum of nine semester hours of transfer credit (with grades of “B” or better) may be applied toward a degree program. Transfer credit is rarely awarded toward Certification Only Programs. No courses will be accepted for transfer credit if they are more than five years old at the time of evaluation or have been used in completing another degree. Transfer credit includes all course work accepted into the M.Ed. program prior to admission in full standing (maximum nine semester hours), whether earned at another institution or at Kennesaw State University.
Petition to Graduate
Each M.Ed. candidate must petition to graduate at least one semester prior to completion of program requirements. The candidate should contact their program to request a petition. The Petition to Graduate form can be found online at For more information, please view the corresponding section of Academic Policies .
Program of Study