Feb 15, 2025  
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ACCT 9901 - Research Methods & Dissertation Design I

3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Admission into Coles DBA Program and completion of two of the four courses in the sequence of ACCT 9601, ACCT 9611, and/or ACCT 9650 and permission of the advisor.
This course serves as an introduction to writing the dissertation. In this course we focus on a variety of issues including how to pick your topic, developing a research design (including how data is to be collected and what methods are to be employed in analyzing the data), developing a research plan, the structure and design of the Coles DBA dissertation (including how practitioner papers differ from academic papers), writing an introduction, writing a literature review, writing up the methods and findings sections, and writing up a conclusion and implications section. Each topic is introduced through selected papers and students come prepared to present and discuss their own dissertation ideas. The course is conducted in coordination with the course professor and student’s research advisor.

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