ARCH 7400 - Applied Research I (Thesis)6 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 6 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Approval of advisor. The applied research thesis provides student an opportunity to develop Research Designs that integrate inter, cross and multi-disciplinary tenets within design and planning and with other non-design disciplines. Students investigate their research question in light of paradigm shifts and changes using epistemological, theoretical and applied body of work. Their research must contribute to the existing body of knowledge and/or provide new insights to the existing body of knowledge to extend further research in a field of study or development of new exploratory frameworks and/or policies.
Learning Outcomes:
- Prepare an applied Research Design followed by a research methodology and a hypothesis contributing to extensive analysis and synthesis to test the research question.
- Investigate a research question or body of work at a point in time and its significance and its modus operandi to master and contribute to new knowledge.
- Investigate a research question or body of work that developed over time and its modus operandi to master and contribute to new knowledge.
- Hone critical thinking and applied research skills to present solutions to defend their critical research agenda and investigative strategies leading to mastery and contribution to new knowledge.
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