Mar 13, 2025
FIN 9902 - Research Methods & Dissertation Design II3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Admission into the Coles DBA program and completion of FIN 9901. In this course students defend their dissertation proposal. In addition, a variety of topics are offered to help them complete their dissertations. Students in consultation with their major professor choose appropriate topics. They include experimental, survey, qualitative and secondary data collection methods, methods of data analysis including regression based statistics (including hierarchical regression), ANOVA and structural equation modeling. They also include writing topics such as writing an introduction, writing a literature review, how to write up the methods and findings sections, writing up a conclusion and implications section, and writing a practitioner paper. In prior consultation with their major professor, students choose among the offered topics as well as schedule a time to defend their proposal.
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