Mar 13, 2025
EDL 8730 - Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.S. in Leadership for Learning program. This course is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to make critical curriculum and assessment decisions that focus on instructional best practices. Through course readins and projects, candidates will develop an in-depth understanding of theory theoretical frameworks that support the knowledge and skills necessary for making data-driven decisions with respect to the development of meaningful curriculum, research-based instructional practices, and sound assessment techniques that will increase student learning and achievement. In addition, candidate will be guided to explore ways to address the needs of diverse students, social and cultural forces, and collaboration among all stakeholders to foster a positive school culture and maximize the academic success of all students. This course is non-performance based.
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