Sep 17, 2024  
University Handbook 2024- 2025 
University Handbook 2024- 2025

5.5.2 - Intellectual Property Policy

The Intellectual Property Policy (IPP) is to establish guidelines for how intellectual property created by the faculty, staff, and students at Kennesaw State University is to be protected and developed while preserving the rights of the USG Board of Regents through Kennesaw State University and the rights, privileges, and incentives of the inventor(s) and creator(s) (hereafter referred to as Originators). This policy is intended to support faculty, staff, and students in identifying and protecting intellectual property, defining the rights and responsibilities of all involved, administering intellectual property matters, and establishing a support committee to provide guidance and assistance.

The USG requires each institution to develop institutional policies and procedures for the administration of Intellectual Property.

More information about intellectual property is available at: