Feb 06, 2025  
University Handbook 2024- 2025 
University Handbook 2024- 2025

4.8 - Emergency and After-Hours Assistance

The Office of Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM), a division of the Department of Public Safety, has the primary responsibility of the emergency management function at Kennesaw State. Emergency management is broken up into four core functions or phases: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. Each phase makes up an integral aspect of the overall Emergency Management System. The four phases are generally identified as a cycle. The vast majority of the emergency management function at an Institute of Higher Education (IHE) are spent on mitigation and preparedness.

More information about KSU’s campus emergency procedures, FAQs, training opportunities, and other emergency preparedness resources is available at https://oem.kennesaw.edu/. You may also call OEM at 470-578-6985 or email oem@kennesaw.edu. The campus community is encouraged to follow OEM on Facebook and Twitter. It is important to make sure employee cell phone numbers are up to date in the OneUSG system.

Public Safety and University Police

Located in the Public Safety Building (building 351) adjacent to the West Parking Deck on the Kennesaw Campus and in the ground level of Norton Hall on the Marietta Campus, KSU’s Department of Public Safety and University Police is on duty twenty-four hours a day to protect lives and property at Kennesaw State University. The building lobbies are open 24/7 and there is a telephone inside to provide twenty-four-hour access to the KSU Police Communications Center, which is located in the ground level of Norton Hall on the Marietta Campus. The customer service window on the Kennesaw Campus is open during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.). Contact KSU Police at 470-578-6666 for emergencies. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to download the LiveSafe App (https://livesafe.kennesaw.edu/).

More information is available about the KSU Department of Public Safety and University Policy at https://police.kennesaw.edu/

Student Health Services

Wellstar Medical Group operates on-campus, primary-care facilities to provide world-class healthcare. The mission of Wellstar Medical Group and Student Health Services is to keep KSU healthy. Although our primary focus is to serve students, if you are a KSU faculty or staff member, we will be happy to assist you. Should you find yourself injured or feeling sick while on campus, please call our office 470-578-6644 to schedule an appointment. All faculty and staff visits will be billed to your insurance provider and a co-pay may apply.

Should you require travel immunizations, please schedule an appointment at least thirty days prior to travel as recommended by the CDC. An office visit co-pay may apply and many insurance providers do not cover travel immunizations. Please contact your insurance company for additional information.

Wellstar Medical Group encourages you to seek your own primary-care group for ongoing routine and acute visits. More information about Wellstar Group offices near your home is available at https://www.wellstar.org/.

More information regarding KSU’s Student Health Services is available at https://studenthealth.kennesaw.edu/.

Behavioral Response Team (BRT)

Kennesaw State University seeks to foster a proactive climate of care that can only be achieved through cooperative input from the entire community. To that end, KSU has created a Behavioral Response Team (BRT) that takes a planned approach to identifying and assisting individuals who are distressed and/or exhibiting abnormal, threatening, or dangerous behavior. Through early identification, the team can connect individuals of concern with the resources they need to succeed and hopefully prevent crises. The BRT is a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to assess and manage concerns that have been brought to the attention of the team. The team provides consultation to individuals and departments, outreach to the community, and coordinates a host of resources, including online “At Risk” training to help better prepare faculty, staff, and students to assess and respond to individuals in crisis. The BRT is facilitated through the Office of the Dean of Students and includes representatives and consulting members from Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Health Services, Academic Affairs, Public Safety, Housing and Residence Life, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, Human Resources, Legal Affairs, and Student Disability Services. More information about the Behavioral Response Team and the Red Flag Report form are available at https://brt.kennesaw.edu/.