Sep 17, 2024  
University Handbook 2024- 2025 
University Handbook 2024- 2025

3.7.2 - Curriculum Review Process

There are three categories of proposals, each with a different set of reviewing levels. In the description below, UPCC denotes the university-wide Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee and GPCC denotes the university-wide Graduate Policies and Curriculum Committee.

Category 1. Proposals for Special Topics courses require approval by the:

  1. Department chair/school director
  2. Department/school curriculum committee (if special topics course)
  3. Education Abroad Director (if study abroad course)
  4. Honors College Dean or designee (if honors course)
  5. Registrar

Category 2. All other complete course and program proposals require approval by the:

  1. Department/school curriculum committee
  2. Department chair/school director
  3. College curriculum committee
  4. College dean
  5. Education preparation council for an education course or program
  6. Education dean for an education course or program
  7. General education council for a general education course
  8. UPCC or GPCC
  9. Provost or designee
  10. President for a new program

Category 3. Expedited course and program proposals require approval by the:

  1. Department/school curriculum committee (if special topics course)
  2. Department chair/school director
  3. College curriculum committee
  4. College dean
  5. Education preparation council for an education course or program
  6. Education dean for an education course or program
  7. Provost or designee

Note: The final decision of any proposal is at the discretion of the Provost and/or the President.

Rejection of a proposal at any of the designated levels of review precludes adoption of the proposal in its present form and must be accompanied by a written explanation of the rationale behind the rejection. This explanation is to be distributed by the rejecting level of review to all earlier levels of review and to the originator of the proposal.

The curriculum process begins with a faculty originator and must be approved through the process identified for the proposed type of change. The Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee and Graduate Policies and Curriculum Committee will ensure proposals compliance with University policies and goals. The recommendations of UPCC and GPCC will be directed to the Provost designee, Provost, or President as required by the approval needed for the proposed type of action. These committees will maintain in writing and make available upon request a list of major criteria used in evaluating proposals. Originators of proposals under review will be invited to discuss those proposals at scheduled meetings.

Each college curriculum committee will include representatives from all the departments in the college. It will maintain in writing and make available upon request a list of major criteria used in evaluating proposals. Originators of proposals under review will be invited to discuss those proposals at scheduled meetings. Input will be solicited from departments within the college that may be affected by substantive proposals under review. Each college curriculum committee chair should attend, or send a designee to attend, meetings of the UPCC or GPCC, as applicable, to relay input from departments within the college that may be affected by substantive proposals under review from other colleges.

Each department curriculum committee will maintain in writing and make available upon request a list of major criteria used in evaluating proposals. It will discuss substantive proposals with the department before passing those proposals on to the chair. It will share with the department the written explanation of the rejection provided by any level of review.