Dec 03, 2024  
University Handbook 2024- 2025 
University Handbook 2024- 2025

3.1.2 - University Standing Committees

Updated November 26, 2024.

University Standing Committees - standing committees are assigned to a governance body and the committees also provide feedback to administrative units on campus.

Academic Standing Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Registrar

Purpose: This committee will evaluate petitions for exemptions to academic regulations in the area of withdrawals, retention, dismissals, grade changes, graduation requirements, and other matters of academic standing. The results of this work will be sent to the Provost and the Registrar.


  1. Voting:
    1. One elected representative from each degree-granting college serving renewable two-year terms
      1. The following colleges shall elect a committee member in the spring of each even-numbered year to begin service in August of that year as a voting member: Bagwell College of Education, College of Computing and Software Engineering, College of Science and Mathematics, College of the Arts, Wellstar College of Health and Human Services.
      2. The following colleges shall elect a committee member in the spring of each odd-numbered year to begin service in August of that year as a voting member: Coles College of Business, College of Architecture and Construction Management, College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    2. The Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly shall elect a committee member in the spring of each odd-numbered year to serve a renewable two-year term to begin service in August of that year.
  2. Appointed: Registrar, Registrar Representatives, Financial Aid representative, Student Affairs representative, Office of the Provost representative. Appointed administrative members shall be non-voting with the exception that the Registrar (or proxy) shall vote in the case of a tie.


  1. Committee Chair: The Registrar or designee shall serve as the chair of the committee. The Chair will set dates and times of committee meetings.
  2. In order to provide timely and relevant answers to the students who petition the committee, the committee shall meet as needed.
  3. Quorum is determined to be at least four voting members. Members who will be absent are to provide for a proxy.
  4. Members must notify the Chair of a proxy, in the case of absence, at least one week before the committee meeting.

Administrative Review Process Committee (intermittent) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory the Provost

Purpose:  This committee will review the administrative review process every three years or as needed. The results of this work will be sent to the Provost and Faculty Senate.


  1. Provost
  2. Representative from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC)
  3. Representative from Staff Senate
  4. Representative from Administrators Council
  5. Representatives from Academic Deans Council
  6. Representative from the Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly
  7. A member selected by the Faculty Senate (but not necessarily a Senator) who is well informed about the evaluation process and can provide “institutional memory” regarding the evolution of the review process
  8. Committee chair appointed by FSEC

Term: 3 years

Adult Learning Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Provost

Purpose: The Adult Learning Committee (ALC) serves as an advocate for and facilitator of adult learning programs and prior learning assessment for KSU.


  1. Voting members are 1 representative from each of the following*:
    1. academic colleges:
      1. Bagwell College of Education 
      2. Coles College of Business
      3. College of Architecture and Construction Management
      4. College of Computing and Software Engineering
      5. Norman R. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences
      6. College of Science and Mathematics
      7. College of the Arts
      8. Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology
      9. Wellstar College of Health and Human Services
      10. Journey Honors College
    2. Graduate Policies and Curriculum Committee
    3. Undergraduate Policy Curriculum Committee,
    4. Office of Undergraduate Advising and Office of Undergraduate Advising and Retention
    5. Graduate College
    6. Student Affairs
    7. Enrollment Services
    8. Registrar
    9. Military and Veteran Services

*Votes to provide recommendations for new and revised credit for prior learning opportunities are reserved only for representatives from academic colleges.

  1. Non-Voting members are 1 representative from the following:
    1. Representative from Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly
    2. Provost designee

Term: 2 years, renewable

Athletics Admissions Advisory Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Provost

Purpose and Procedures: The Athletics Admissions Advisory Committee (AAAC) will advise the Admissions Office’s Undergraduate Admissions Appeals Committee (UAAC) regarding the applications for admission of prospective student-athletes who:

  1. do not meet all applicable NCAA initial eligibility standards and/or fall short of KSU admission standards in one or more areas, and/or
  2. have a past that contains an incident or incidents that may, if aired, provide negative publicity for the University. 


  1. Faculty (3 voting members)
    1. Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA will chair the committee.
    2. Two President’s Athletics Oversight Council (PAOC) teaching faculty representatives - elected by the teaching faculty representatives of the colleges on the PAOC from among their number. In case of absence, they may name a substitute from among the teaching faculty representatives of the colleges on the PAOC. The substitute will hold a proxy vote but will not chair the meeting.
  2. Administration (2 voting members)
    1. Representative of Undergraduate Admissions - Representative will chair the meeting if no faculty representatives are present. In the event the Undergraduate Admissions representative does not agree with the majority vote of the Admissions Advisory Committee on a particular applicant, the representative may submit a minority report to accompany the committee’s advisory recommendation to the UAAC.
    2. Representative of the Office of the Registrar
  3. Ex Officio Members (2 non-voting members)
    1. Representative of the Graduate Admissions Office
    2. Student-Athlete Support Services Director

Campus Services Advisory Committee - assigned to the University Council and advisory the Chief Administrative Officer

Purpose: This committee will advise the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), make recommendations for improvements and fee increases, and reflect campus opinion regarding campus services at KSU and other concerns, as directed by the CAO. The results of the committee’s work will be reported to the CAO, the University Council, and the President.


  1. Two faculty, at-large, elected by Faculty Senate
  2. Two elected by Administrators’ Council
  3. Two elected by Staff Senate
  4. Two appointed by the Student Government Association (SGA). The SGA representatives will serve a one-year term.

Term: Other than SGA representatives, members will be elected to serve two-year, staggered terms, beginning Fall Semester, and may be elected to one additional two-year term.

Meetings: The committee will meet at least twice during each fall and spring semester. Additional meetings will be held at the discretion of the chair.

Centers and Institutes Review Committee - advisory to the President and Provost

Purpose:  The committee reviews reports from centers and institutes, describing how the center or institute is meeting its goals, continues to support the University’s strategic vision and mission, and represents an appropriate use of University resources.   It will report  its recommendations for continuation, modification, or discontinuation to the overseeing administrator (e.g., dean or associate vice president), copying the Provost, the Vice President for Research for each research center or research institute, the center/institute director, and the chair of the department housing the center/institute, if applicable.  This committee will follow the policies and procedures as outlined in the Centers and Institutes Policy found on the KSU Policy Portal.


  1. Two faculty members selected by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
  2. One academic dean or other University administrator selected by the Provost.
  3. One member of the University faculty (instructional, research, or administrative) or professional staff member selected by the VP for Research.
  4. The VP for Research, as a non-voting, ex-officio member of each review of a research center or research institute.

Term: 2 years

Committee on Academic Freedom (CAF) - assigned to Faculty Senate and advisory to the Provost

Purpose: To investigate and report alleged violations of Academic Freedom on campus; to propose remedies to Academic Freedom violations or patterns. 

Membership: Members of the CAF shall be intimately familiar with the principles of Academic Freedom outlined in Faculty Handbook, Section 2.1 and promulgated by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) and ideally, trained in the application of those principles. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall solicit nominations for committee membership from faculty senators and non-senators.

  1. Five tenured faculty members elected by a vote of the Faculty Senate with no more than two from any single college
  2. One University Ombud (non-voting, ex-officio)

Meetings: As needed; this body will meet at least once per academic year.

Term: 5 years (staggered)

Committee on Committees - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Faculty Senate, the Staff Senate, the Student Government Association, and the University President

Purpose: This body is a non-policy making entity that serves to ensure an efficient committee structure to assist the shared governance process and ensure advisory input is given to the senior administration.

Membership: One representative from each of the following.

  1. Faculty Senate
  2. Staff Senate
  3. Student Government Association

Meetings: Once per semester

Term: 2 years

Community Engagement Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Executive Director for Community Engagement

Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to:

  1. identify ways in which Kennesaw State University may work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships that strengthen the educational experience and help build community capacity,
  2. serve as a think-tank for the Executive Director for Community Engagement and provide recommendations on policies and practices that impact the connection between KSU and the larger community, and
  3. support and provide guidance for others at KSU seeking to develop and/or manage relationships with the larger community that support the learning experience.

Membership: One teaching faculty from each degree-granting college

Meetings: At least once per semester

Term: 2 years

Digital Learning Advisory Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs designee

Purpose: This committee will recommend and advise on policy related to digital learning. The results of this work will be sent to the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs designee.


  1. Voting Members:
    1. One elected teaching faculty representative from each degree-granting college
    2. One faculty representative (appointed by the college dean) with demonstrated expertise in digital learning from each degree-granting college (i.e., a Distance Learning Coordinator)
  2. Non-Voting, Advisory Members - One representative from each of the following groups:
    1. Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly
    2. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
    3. Digital Learning Innovations
    4. Library Services
    5. Office of the Registrar
    6. University Information Technology Services

Meetings: Once per month during the academic year

Term: Elected members serve 3-year, staggered terms

Education Abroad Advisory Committee (EAAC) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Education Abroad Office

Purpose: The Education Abroad Advisory Committee (EAAC) is a decision-making committee to review education abroad program proposals and to make policy recommendations for KSU education abroad programs. The EAAC works collaboratively with the University’s academic colleges and departments, various campus partners and education abroad stakeholders, and the Education Abroad Office (EAO) to support programmatic development and program quality through the review of program proposals and associated guidelines, policies, and procedures.


  1. The senior EAO leadership (Director or Executive Director) leads and chairs this committee in an ex officio capacity.
  2. The committee reviews the faculty-led program proposal criteria each year in order to make recommendations for any revisions to the program proposal process. All criteria and internal policies will be posted on the EAO’s website and will be updated as needed. All meeting minutes will be posted to the EAO’s website.
  3. The committee will discuss and vote on policies and procedures, as needed, based on new institutional initiatives, best practices in international education, and topics introduced as a result of previous program areas of opportunity.
  4. Each committee member should attend every meeting and in cases where there is a conflict, is responsible for sending an active substitute to represent their college. This substitute should be prepared to vote on behalf of the college and be trained in committee activity expectations.
  5. Committee members must complete all faculty trainings required for education abroad program directors.
  6. Each committee member will receive an orientation from Global Education and relevant campus partners to introduce and train on responsibilities.
  7. Committee members will take part in a documented process to formally review and acknowledge assigned program proposals on behalf of their college.
  8. Committee members may be asked to serve on relevant tasks force groups related to education abroad programs.
  9. The committee will meet formally on a quarterly basis and on an as-needed basis to review education abroad program proposals, guidelines and policies governing education abroad, and new initiatives involving education abroad programs on the following schedule: October - General Meeting, December - General Meeting, February - General Meeting, April - General Meeting. Additional meetings may be called as necessary. 

Program Proposal Review:

  1. The applicable department chair/school director and college dean evaluate and select education abroad program proposals before the proposals are routed to the EAAC. The chair/director and dean approvals are based on academic/disciplinary requirements (academic rigor, quality, course content and delivery, format, institutional expectations, and contact hours) and ensuring the proposal meets criteria established by the respective college. In some cases, colleges will also have international committees to contribute to this process.
  2. Following proposal submissions, the international committee within each academic college (or designees) will be asked to prioritize proposals in the manner that best suits the academic college’s needs and submit the prioritizations to the EAO in advance of the formal committee meeting.
  3. The EAO will provide an annual timeline to ensure submissions have an opportunity to obtain appropriate approvals and are considered prior to the program’s submission deadline and to ensure academic colleges have a reasonable amount of time to review proposals in advance of the committee meeting.
  4. Each EAAC member coaches and supports the respective college through the review process based on the proposal review criteria. The EAO serves as a support and resource to partner with faculty and committee members to achieve quality proposal submissions.
  5. Program proposals approved by a college are submitted to the EAAC by the committee’s deadline and evaluated primarily on the following: aptitude, completeness, detailed itinerary, detailed budget, innovative program concept design, diversity, safety/risk management, knowledge and experience, previous success, and curricular significance.
  6. The EAAC will review syllabi and documented contact hours to assure compliance with approved policies and procedures of the University.
  7. The colleges will provide final course and contact hour approval according to approved policies and procedures of the University.
  8. Elected faculty representatives will serve as the primary reviewers and decision-makers on education abroad guidelines and lead discussion of proposals from the respective college. Faculty members who submit a proposal will not review their own programs.
  9. Following review, the committee’s recommendations, based upon the above criteria, will be reported to submitting faculty on behalf of the committee. The proposal notification categories are as follows: approved, approved with revisions, and revise and resubmit for the following academic year.
  10. Proposals designated for revision must receive final committee approval and meet all necessary criteria prior to program promotion or enrollment.


  1. Voting Members:

One tenured, tenure-track, or full-time, permanent faculty member elected from each academic college. Faculty elected to serve on this committee should have experience directing an education abroad program and have experience with budgeting and international risk management best practices. Faculty will serve two-year terms and due to the training and engagement expectations, academic colleges are encouraged to support multiple consecutive terms.

  1. Ex Officio, Non-Voting Members:
    1. Education Abroad leadership
    2. One administrator from the Division of Student Affairs
    3. One administrator from Enrollment Services
    4. One administrator from the Academic Affairs budget office

Ex officio members are either selected by the committee chair based on their involvement in education abroad programs or appointed by the respective departments.

Meetings: October, December, February, April, and as needed.

Term: 2 years

Faculty Development Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Provost

Purpose: This committee functions as the think-tank for and oversight body for all faculty development programs.


  1. One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college
  2. Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), ex officio
  3. Additional CETL staff, as needed, non-voting

Meetings: At least once per semester.

Term: 2 years

Faculty Handbook Committee - assigned to Faculty Senate and advisory to the Provost

Purpose: Maintain the most recent/up-to-date and approved version of the Faculty Handbook and incorporate any future approved changes to the handbook that went through the shared governance process.


  1. One member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
  2. Senior Associate Vice President for Faculty 

Meetings: As needed to ensure an up-to-date, correct Faculty Handbook and at least once per academic year

Term: 2 years

Foundation Award Committees - assigned to the Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and advisory to the Kennesaw State University Foundation

Purpose: Members of these committees evaluate applications and select recipients of the following Faculty Awards funded through the generosity of the KSU Foundation. There are five committees.


Committee for Teaching Awards (responsible for the Outstanding Teaching, Outstanding Online Teaching, and Outstanding Part-Time Teaching awards)

  1. One elected representative from each degree-granting college
  2. Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition, and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) - convener

Committee for the Outstanding Scholarship and Creative Activity Award

  1. One elected representative from each degree-granting college
  2. One representative from the Office of Research
  3. Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition, and CETL - convener 

Committee for the Diversity and Inclusion Award

  1. One elected representative from each degree-granting college
  2. One representative from the Office of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence
  3. Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition, and CETL - convener 

Committee for the Conference USA Faculty Achievement Award

  1. One elected representative from each degree-granting college
  2. Faculty Athletics Representative
  3. Student-Athletics Advisory Committee President
  4. Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition, and CETL - convener

Committee for Other Awards (responsible for University Distinguished Professor, Outstanding Early Career Faculty, and Outstanding Professional Service and Community Engagement Award)

  1. One elected representative from each degree-granting college
  2. Executive Director for Faculty Development, Recognition, and CETL - convener

Term: 2 years

General Education Council (GEC) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum and Academic Innovation

Purpose: The GEC is a faculty-driven, student-focused council. The primary goals of the GEC are to (1) develop and maintain a unified, integrated, and effective general education program; (2) ensure alignment with BoR policies, as well as KSU policies and mission; (3) identify and align the learning outcomes of core curriculum courses; (4) determine whether courses fit into the core curriculum; (5) communicate with administration, faculty, and staff regarding core curriculum and general education; and (6) serve as a resource to the KSU community.

The council is advisory to the Faculty Senate and the Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Innovation in the Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Membership: The council is chaired by the Faculty Executive Director of General Education and Curriculum Development. Membership is limited to full-time faculty. Members may have administrative duties in their department or college at or below a director level.

  1. Voting Members:

A voting executive committee membership is comprised of one representative per undergraduate-serving college. Executive committee members will be expected to ensure attendance and participation in the committee.

  1. Non-Voting Members:

A non-voting advisory membership is comprised of one representative per department teaching general education courses. Members of the advisory group advise their college executive committee representative. Colleges are encouraged to have their own meetings between advisory members and the executive committee representative to ensure appropriate communication between the GEC and administrators, faculty, and staff in the college.

  1. Non-Voting Advisory Members to the Executive Committee
    1. Faculty Director of General Education 
    2. Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum and Academic Innovation or designee
    3. Curriculum Support Office representative(s)
    4. Student Government Association representative
    5. Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly representative
    6. Advising representative
    7. Office of the Registrar representative
    8. Assessment Office representative
    9. University Libraries Faculty representative

Meetings: Monthly during the academic year. The executive committee may meet additionally, as required.

Term: 3 years. A voting member may serve two consecutive terms but must take at least one term off before serving again.

Graduate Policies and Curriculum Committee (GPCC) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Innovation and Dean of the Graduate College

Purpose: The GPCC receives graduate course and program proposals from colleges and departments and ensures their compliance with University policies and goals for graduate education. This committee also approves changes in post-baccalaureate curriculum, including the addition or deletion of courses, approval of new programs or concentrations, and changes in program requirements. The committee recommends or reviews changes in graduate policies and procedures and monitors assessment of graduate programs. The committee’s recommendations will be directed to the Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Innovation, Dean of The Graduate College, Provost, and President for their action, and to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for monitoring GPCC activities. The committee also makes recommendations regarding the curriculum development and review process to the Faculty Senate.


  1. Voting:

Two members of the Graduate Faculty (Full or Provisional status) from each college housing a graduate program. No more than one member from the Graduate Faculty from a college may be a graduate program director or coordinator.

  1. Ex-officio (non-voting):
    1. All graduate program directors or coordinators
    2. Associate and Assistant Deans of The Graduate College
    3. Office of Graduate Admissions
    4. One representative from the Curriculum Support Office
    5. One representative from Accreditation and Policy
    6. Director of Digital Learning Innovations
    7. Assistant Vice President of Library Services or designee
    8. Dean of Graduate College
    9. Registrar or designee
    10. One graduate student elected by the Graduate Student Association
    11. Two faculty from any academic college without a graduate program

Term: 3 years

Grievance Oversight Committee (ad hoc) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Faculty Senate and the Provost

Purpose: The committee, in collaboration with the Provost and the Ombuds, has the responsibility of evaluating the effectiveness of the Faculty Conflict Resolution Policy and recommending changes in the policy to the Faculty Senate and other shared governance bodies.


  1. Three Faculty Senate representatives elected by the Faculty Senate
  2. One chair elected by the Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly
  3. One dean or assistant/associate dean elected by the Academic Deans Council
  4. One representative from Legal Affairs
  5. One representative from the Office of Institutional Equity

Note: The chair and dean should not be from the plaintiff’s college.

Term: As needed

Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Chief Information Officer

Purpose: The purpose of the ITAC Committee is to: 1) facilitate dialogue between the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), the Faculty Senate, the colleges, and the operational units of the University; 2) provide a forum for students, faculty, and staff to make recommendations concerning access to and use of information technology; and 3) provide feedback about new applications, operating system upgrades, instructional technologies, and respective deployments. ITAC shall appoint working committees and subcommittees as needed to advance the work of ITAC.


  1. One representative from each degree-granting college
  2. One representative from Library Services
  3. One representative from Community and Professional Education with information technology background or interest
  4. One administrator or staff member with information technology background or interest will be appointed from each operational unit, including Academic Affairs, Enrollment Services/Office of the Registrar, University Advancement, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Student Affairs, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, and Office of the Chief Administrative Office
  5. Four undergraduate students selected by the Student Government Association
  6. Ex officio, nonvoting:
    1. CIO
    2. Members of University Information Technology Services

Meetings: At least twice per semester between August and May

Term: 2 years for faculty and staff; 1 year for students


Executive Committee:


  1. ITAC Chair
  2. ITAC Vice Chair
  3. ITAC Secretary

Meetings: The executive committee of ITAC will meet monthly from August through May (with the exception of December). 

Term: 1 year, renewable up to 3 consecutive terms

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for Research Using Animals - assigned to and reporting to the Vice President for Research

Purpose: Ensure all regulations pertaining to research on animals are met.

Membership: The Federal Animal Care and Use Assurance must include the names, position titles, and credentials of the IACUC chairperson and the members. The committee will consist of no fewer than five members, to include at least:

  1. One Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine, who has direct or delegated program authority and responsibility for activities involving animals at the institution
  2. One practicing scientist experienced in research involving animals
  3. One member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area (e.g., ethicist, lawyer, or member of the clergy)
  4. One individual who is not affiliated with the Institution in any way other than as a member of the IACUC and is not a member of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution

An individual, who meets the requirements of more than one of the categories above, may fulfill more than one requirement. However, no committee may consist of fewer than five members. 

Term: 3 years, renewable

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) - assigned to and reporting to the Vice President for Research

Purpose: The ensure the biosafety of the University. 

Membership: The IBC size and composition shall be large enough to represent the range of personnel across the University who perform activities listed in Section II-B of the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules and will include scientists and administrators from KSU and community representatives. Based on NIH Guidelines, Section IV-B-2-a-(1), the minimum number of IBC members is five. An effort is made to represent all major units served, to have a mix of technical expertise characteristic of the research protocols being reviewed, and to epitomize the diversity of the University community. Committee configuration will be kept in accordance with NIH Guidelines, Section IV-B-2-a. 

Full Members: The committee shall consist of no fewer than five full members, of whom:

  1. At least one member with appropriate infectious disease and recombinant DNA expertise
  2. At least two faculty members with experience in rDNA technology and/or biological safety and containment
  3. At least two community members, not affiliated with the University, who represent the interests of the surrounding community with respect to health and protection of the environment
  4. Biosafety Officer, Environmental Health and Safety Department
  5. One research compliance officer (National Institute of Health (NIH) Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA) contact person), Office of Research
  6. One research administrator, Office of Research
  7. At least one scientist with expertise in plant containment principles, when experiments utilizing NIH Guidelines, Appendix L, Physical and Biological Containment for Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecule Research Involving Plants, require IBC approval
  8. At least one scientist with expertise in animal containment principles, when experiments utilizing NIH Guidelines, Appendix M, Physical and Biological Containment for Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecule Research Involving Animals, require IBC approval
  9. Vice President for Research, as institutional authorized signing official

Subject Matter Expertise:

If a protocol registration is outside the area of expertise of IBC members, the IBC Chair is authorized to seek counsel from an individual knowledgeable in the subject matter to allow for appropriate review and approval or disapproval. 

Appointment to the IBC:

The Vice President for Research appoints members for a renewable term of three years. Terms of appointment are staggered in a manner such that one-third of the committee is appointed or renewed each year.

The IBC Chair:

The Vice President for Research appoints the committee chair from within the membership of the IBC for a term of three years. The chair’s responsibilities include prescreening submitted registrations, as necessary, approving registrations or recommending review by the full committee, reviewing and approving amendments and updates, as necessary, ensuring member training, a task that may be designated to another qualified individual, setting meeting agendas, establishing meeting dates, and conducting and managing meetings.

Term: 3 years, renewable

Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research with Human Participants

Purpose: This committee is charged with the prior review and approval of all research involving human subjects that is conducted under the auspices of Kennesaw State University.


  1. Vice President for Research
  2. Director of Grants and Contracts, Office of Research
  3. Ten faculty members appointed by the Vice President for Research in consultation with college deans for staggered three-year terms. Faculty representatives will have diverse backgrounds, as required to promote complete and adequate review of research activities reviewed by the committee. Faculty will have the professional competence necessary to review the specific assigned research activities. At least one faculty member appointed will have scientific research experience.
  4. One community member: The President, Provost, Vice President for Research, Dean of the Graduate College, or college deans will recommend volunteer appointments for staggered three-year terms. Neither this person nor the members of the person’s immediate family should be affiliated with Kennesaw State University.
  5. Wellstar Medical Staff appointed by the Vice President for Research

To allow for added expertise in review of biomedical studies, the Vice President for Research, through consultation with the Wellstar SVP & COO WMG Officer, or designee, and the Senior Vice President Chief Nurse Executive, will appoint four members of the Wellstar medical staff to the KSU IRB. KSU will appoint one physician as a regular voting member and one as an alternate and one nurse as a regular voting member and one as an alternate.  Regular members have full membership responsibilities with the KSU IRB. Alternate members are encouraged to attend board meetings, provide expertise on protocols under review, and assist the IRB Chair in conducting expedited reviews of protocols; but alternates are not to vote at meetings unless the regular member is absent.

Library Advisory Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Faculty Senate, the Dean of Library Services, and the Provost

Purpose: This committee will serve as an advisory group to the Dean of Library Services and liaison with each college and group represented regarding library needs and issues. It will make recommendations and advise the Dean of Library Services in the development and refinement of library policies. The results of this committee’s work will be reported to the Dean of Library Services, Provost, and President. 


  1. One elected faculty member from each degree-granting college
  2. One librarian appointed by the Dean of Library Services
  3. One library staff representative elected by the library staff members
  4. One undergraduate student appointed by the President of Student Government Association
  5. One graduate student appointed by the President of Student Government Association.

Term: 2 years

Policy Process Council (PPC)

Purpose: The Policy Process Council is a non-voting, collaborative, and representative body. The PPC reviews new and revised University-level policies and suggests revisions to policy drafts, when appropriate. PPC members notify their constituents about policy drafts and approved policies.  The PPC Chair assists responsible offices with policy development and revision, coordinates policy draft presentations to the shared governance bodies and administrative review groups. Feedback from these groups is compiled and presented to the President and Provost for consideration prior to policy approval.  The President and Provost make the final approval decisions for all university policies More information about university policies and the Policy Process Council is available at

Membership:  One representative from each senate, the Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly, and the Academic Deans’ Council plus each division/office/department listed:

  1. Staff Senate
  2. Faculty Senate
  3. Student Government Association
  4. Academic Deans’ Council
  5. Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly
  6. Administrators Council
  7. Division of Legal Affairs
  8. Division of Student Affairs
  9. Office of the Vice President of Administration
  10. Office of the Vice President for External Affairs
  11. Office of the Vice President of Finance
  12. Academic Affairs and Office of the Provost
  13. Division of University Advancement
  14. University Information Technology Services
  15. Department of Athletics
  16. Internal Audit Department
  17. Human Resources
  18. Office of Cybersecurity
  19. Office of Institutional Research
  20. Office of Research
  21. Records and Information Management Office

Term: 1 academic year, renewable

Presidential Commission on Disability Strategies and Resources - assigned to the Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence and advisory to the President

Purpose: The purpose of the Presidential Commission on Disability Strategies and Resources is to address issues and challenges faced by persons with disabilities. The group’s charge is to recommend programs, strategies, initiatives, and resources to ensure that persons with disabilities are not confronted with barriers to full participation in all aspects related to University life and to ensure that the University’s programs and services are inclusive to constituents with disabilities. The commission is tasked with:

  1. Assisting University officials in developing a vision and proactive strategies for addressing issues and concerns of persons with disabilities on campus,
  2. Fashioning a proactive set of conversations, programs, and training initiatives to guide the University’s strategic emphases surrounding disability strategies and resources,
  3. Providing advice on approaches that can contribute to KSU’s goals of becoming a national leader in the higher education community with regard to how it embarks on issues and concerns related to persons with disabilities and other underrepresented groups, and
  4. Identifying and suggesting other activities, actions, and policies that will lead to an increased understanding and acceptance of diverse viewpoints and perspectives between and among different members and groups of KSU’s diverse community.

Membership: Open and voluntary 

Meetings: Once per month during fall and spring semesters

Term: 1 year, renewable

Presidential Commission on Gender and Work Life Issues - assigned to the Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence and advisory to the President

Purpose: The purpose of the Presidential Commission on Gender and Work Life Issues is to address issues and challenges that pertain to gender and work life issues by recommending programs, strategies, initiatives, and resources to ensure appropriate gender and work life services/functions are being implemented throughout the campus community. The commission is tasked with:

  1. Assisting University officials in developing a vision and proactive strategies for addressing issues and concerns on gender and work life,
  2. Fashioning a proactive set of conversations, programs, and training initiatives to guide the University’s strategic emphases surrounding gender and work life issues,
  3. Providing advice on approaches that can contribute to KSU’ s goals of becoming a national leader in the higher education community with regard to how it engages in issues and concerns related to gender and work life issues, and
  4. Identifying and suggesting other activities, actions, and policies that will lead to an increased understanding and acceptance of diverse viewpoints and perspectives between and among different members and groups of KSU’s diverse community.

Membership: Open and voluntary

Meetings: Once per month during fall and spring semesters

Term: 1 year, renewable

Presidential Commission on GLBTIQ Initiatives - assigned to the Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence and advisory to the President

Purpose: The purpose of the Presidential Commission on GLBTIQ Initiatives is to serve as an advisory body to the President and other University officials for matters of concern to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning persons across the University. The GLBTIQ initiative will provide welcoming, visible, and tangible support to ensure that the University’s programs and services are inclusive. The Commission will assist the University in developing a vision and perform its charge by recommending, developing, and/or initiating plans, programs, strategies, and resources pertaining to the GLBTIQ community. More specifically, the commission is tasked with:

  1. Assisting University officials in developing a vision and proactive strategies for addressing issues and concerns of GLBTIQ persons on campus,
  2. Fashioning a proactive set of conversations, programs, and initiatives to guide the University’s strategic emphases,
  3. Providing advice on approaches that will contribute to KSU’s goals of becoming a national leader in the higher education community with regard to how the University deals with issues and concerns related to GLBTIQ persons and other underrepresented groups, and
  4. Identifying and suggesting other activities, actions, and policies that will lead to an increased understanding and acceptance of diverse viewpoints and perspectives between and among different members and groups of KSU’s diverse community. 

Membership: Open and voluntary

Meetings: Once per month during fall and spring semesters

Term: 1 year, renewable

Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue  - assigned to the Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence and advisory to the President

Purpose: The purpose of the Presidential Commission on Racial and Ethnic Dialogue is to shape appropriate plans, mechanisms, forums, and/or events for a continuing dialogue on issues of race and ethnicity on the KSU campus. With KSU’s changing demography, and our increasing focus on diversity, internationalism, and multiculturalism, the commission is tasked with:

  1. Addressing sensitive racial, religious, and linguistic concerns that exist on campus,
  2. Fashioning a proactive set of conversations and initiatives to guide the University’s strategic emphases,
  3. Advising the President and the Chief Diversity Officer on approaches that can contribute to KSU’ s goals of becoming a national leader in the higher education community with regard to how it tackles dialogue and issues, and 
  4. Identifying and suggesting other activities, actions, and policies that will lead to an increased understanding and acceptance of diverse viewpoints and perspectives between and among different members and groups of KSU’s diverse community.

Membership: Open and voluntary

Meetings: Once per month during fall and spring semesters

Term: 1 year, renewable

Presidential Commission on Sustainability - assigned to the Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence and advisory to the President

Purpose: The purpose of the Presidential Commission on Sustainability is to serve as an advisory body on matters of environmental sustainability at KSU. The commission is tasked with:

  1. Assisting University faculty, staff, and students in developing and delivering sustainability education through its curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities,
  2. Promoting the principles of environmental sustainability and preservation in our community by fostering social equity in access to and the fiscally responsible use of natural resources, and
  3. Assisting the administration, faculty, and staff in monitoring the University’s greenhouse gas emissions, as a signatory institution of the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, and in determining and meeting the goals of the University’s Climate Action Plan.

Membership: Open and voluntary

Meetings: Once per month during fall and spring semesters

Term: 1 year, renewable

Presidential Commission on Veterans Affairs - assigned to the Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence and advisory to the President

Purpose: The primary mission of KSU’s Presidential Commission on Veterans Affairs is ensuring that KSU provides an inclusive and active campus environment for all members of the veteran community (students, faculty, staff, and alumni) and community members who identify as veterans, service members, or survivors and associated spouses or dependents. The University will accomplish this mission by:

  1. Providing advice and consultation on how to maintain and enhance KSU as a “veteran and military friendly” institution,
  2. Raising awareness on veteran specific topics,
  3. Providing guidance on how to incorporate the local community to participate and support Kennesaw State veteran events and community veteran events, and
  4. Establishing community partners in efforts to reach out to the local and state-wide military organizations, which provide enriched opportunities for active involvement in the University and the surrounding community, culminating in a creative and supportive campus atmosphere affirming that veterans have a successful academic and professional experience at KSU.

Membership: Open and voluntary

Meetings: Once per month during fall and spring semesters

Term: 1 year, renewable

Promotion and Tenure Process Review Committee - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Provost

Purpose: Examine proposed revisions to the Promotion and Tenure process. The revisions can be about: a) promotion and tenure processes and procedures, including structure and content (e.g., conflict of interest or conflicting guidelines), (b) violations of process (late letters, committees not elected according to guidelines, etc.), or c) potential ethical indiscretions/violations, such as tampering with a candidate’s portfolio documentation during the promotion and tenure process. Note that potential ethical indiscretions during the promotion and tenure process should be directed to the Provost or designee.

Membership: Committee membership consists of all the chairs of college promotion and tenure committees from the previous year. 

Meetings: Called by the chair, as needed

Provost’s Athletics Oversight Council (PAOC) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Provost

Purpose: The Provost’s Athletics Oversight Council is charged with strategic oversight of all academic matters related to intercollegiate athletics and all policies that impact student-athlete academic success and welfare. It is advisory to the Provost. More specifically, the PAOC serves in conjunction with the Provost to assure institutional control expected by the NCAA and the Board of Regents is in place. The Council is tasked with providing advice and counsel to the Provost and the Athletic Director to ensure academic integrity of KSU’s intercollegiate athletics programs and its student-athletes, NCAA and conference rule compliance, and student-athlete welfare, particularly concerning academic success and career preparation. The PAOC will also aide in reviewing strategic and budget planning and implementation as it relates to student-athlete welfare and success. The PAOC ensures that KSU policies related to, but not limited to, special admissions, game scheduling, and academic support are consistent with the academic mission of the University.


  1. Teaching Faculty, voting:
    1. Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA (FAR), who chairs the council, appointed by the President
    2. Five faculty representatives elected by the KSU Faculty Senate following a call for nominations from the at-large teaching faculty. Faculty terms are staggered, three-year, and renewable. If a faculty member leaves midterm, a new member will be elected by the KSU Faculty Senate for the remainder of the term. No more than one elected faculty representative selected per college.  At least one faculty representative from each campus.
  2. Administrators, voting:
    1. Director of Athletics
    2. Vice President for Student Affairs or designee
    3. Athletic Department Senior Woman Administrator
    4. Assistant Athletics Director for Compliance
    5. Assistant Athletics Director of Student-Athlete Success Services
  3. Students, voting:
    1. Two student athletes appointed by the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee for a one semester term, one from a men’s sport and one from a women’s sport
    2. One student elected by the Student Government Association for a one-year term
  4. Community Members:
    1. One voting member with a one-year, renewable term
    2. Alumni or other community member appointed by the Provost (optional)
  5. Ex officio, non-voting:
    1. Provost or designee
    2. Chief Financial Officer or designee 

Meetings: The PAOC must meet at least once per fall and spring academic semester.

Term: 3 years, except where noted

Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) - assigned to and reporting to the Vice President for Research

Purpose: This committee is charged to provide oversight for all aspects of radiation safety at KSU related to the use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation sources, equipment or devices in facilities owned or controlled by KSU.

Membership: Committee size and composition should be representative of the distribution of radiation users across the University. Representation shall be determined by the Vice President for Research through collaboration with the Director of Environmental Health and Safety, who will suggest the appointment of knowledgeable users from the research and academic community

  1. Radiation Safety Officer, Environmental Health and Safety Department.
  2. A designated management representative of the Office of Research, who is neither a user nor the RSO.
  3. Qualified community members from departments where radiation is used or from other Universities.

RSC Chair: The Chairperson has the responsibility for conducting regular Committee meetings and implementing the control functions of the Committee. The Chair works closely with the RSO to ensure that the directives of the Committee are properly implemented. The Committee members elect the Chair from within the Committee membership for a renewable three-year term.

Term: 2 years, renewable

Undergraduate Policies and Curriculum Committee (UPCC) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Faculty Senate and the Provost

Purpose: This committee evaluates proposed changes to the undergraduate curriculum for consistency with University policies and goals and forwards approved proposals to the Provost. This body provides periodic reports of its actions to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. As needed, this body makes policy recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding the undergraduate curriculum development and review process.


  1. Voting
    1. Two elected faculty members from each degree-granting college
    2. One from Honors College
    3. One elected from the General Education Council
    4. Two undergraduate students appointed by the President of Student Government Association in consultation with the Vice President for Student Affairs
  2. Ex-Officio (Non-Voting)
    1. Assistant Vice President for Curriculum and Innovation
    2. Office of Curriculum Support
    3. One representative from Accreditation and Policy
    4. One librarian
    5. Registrar
    6. Director of Digital Learning Innovations

Term: 3 years

University Faculty Committee on Global Engagement (UFCGE) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory the Vice Provost for Global Affairs

Purpose: This committee will serve as an advisory group to the Vice Provost for Global Affairs and will represent their respective college or unit concerning global interests and issues. It will make recommendations and advise the Vice Provost in the area of global engagement and strategic planning, among other duties, as designated. The committee will review, measure and, evaluate strategic initiatives for global engagement programing, including the Global Engagement Certification. The results of this committee’s work will be reported to the Provost and President.

Membership: Each member shall possess a genuine interest and passion for global engagement. The representative must be ready, willing and able to represent the respective unit or faculty of the college and assist in coordinating international activities within the college or unit on behalf of the committee.

  1. One elected or appointed faculty member from each degree-granting college to serve as that college’s representative and global affairs coordinator. It is recommended that each degree-granting college have a global affairs committee and the chair or an active member of that committee, who has conducted a study abroad trip, serve as the college’s representative and coordinator and assist in coordinating international activities within the college on behalf of the committee. Faculty representatives should serve three-year, renewable terms.
  2. Ex Officio
    1. Vice Provost for Global Affairs
    2. One representative from Global Education
    3. One representative from the Division of Diverse and Inclusive Excellence
    4. Other ex officio members as recommended by the Vice Provost for Global Affairs

Term: 3 years, renewable