Feb 08, 2025  
University Handbook 2024- 2025 
University Handbook 2024- 2025

3.1.1 - University Bodies

Faculty Senate - advisory to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs or other vice presidents, as appropriate for the issue being discussed

  1. Membership: The membership of the Faculty Senate can be altered by the Senate’s elected membership in consultation with the University President and the administrator designated by the University President. The composition of the Faculty Senate is determined as follows.
    1. Each instructional department elects one senator.
    2. Eligibility to participate in elections of the department’s senator is restricted to the full-time-tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and temporary faculty of the department, excluding the department chair.
    3. Eligibility to serve as the department’s senator is restricted to the full-time-tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and temporary faculty of the department, excluding the department chair. The department’s senator is elected for a three-year term.
  2. Operating Procedures: Faculty who have an item that they would like to be considered in Faculty Senate should contact their senate representative. The senate representative will submit the item to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FSEC) to be considered as a potential item for the Faculty Senate agenda. Those not represented by a faculty senator should contact the President or Vice-President of Faculty Senate with proposals to be considered by the FSEC.
  3. Information Routing: Routing procedures have been established to ensure that the business of the senates is approved at all appropriate levels.

General Faculty Council (called as needed) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Faculty Senate, the Provost, and the University President.

  1. Purpose: The General Faculty Council is comprised of all the teaching faculty of KSU and meets when necessary (e.g., in the unusual event of an appeal of a decision by the Faculty Senate).
  2. Membership: The General Faculty Council is comprised exclusively of full-time-tenure-track, non-tenure-track, and temporary faculty who are not considered to have ex officio faculty status in the Board of Regents Policy Manual ( or who have not accepted an administrative position. The Part-Time Faculty Council department representatives are considered individual members of the General Faculty Council; otherwise, part-time faculty are ex-officio members of the General Faculty Council.
  3. Meetings: The Faculty Senate President as an individual or a majority of the FSEC may call a meeting of the General Faculty Council; alternatively, 33% of the Faculty Senate may call for a meeting of the General Faculty Council up to twice per year. The Faculty Senate President presides over a General Faculty Council meeting according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Part-Time Faculty Council (PTFC) - assigned to the Faculty Senate and advisory to the Faculty Senate.

  1. Purpose: The Part-Time Faculty Council is comprised of part-time faculty representatives elected by departments with 10 or more part-time faculty, subject to the approval of the respective chair. Departments with less than 10 part-time faculty may offer the same opportunity to their part-time faculty but they are not required to do so. The Part-Time Faculty Council advises the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Provost. The President of the Part-Time Faculty Council will represent that body in the Faculty Senate as a full voting member with the same rights of participation as a senator representing an academic department.
  2. Membership: Elected representatives of participating departments who are employed by KSU as part-time instructors. If a member elected in the fall is not employed in the spring semester, the department will offer its current part-time faculty an opportunity to elect a new representative during the first four weeks of the spring semester or by the time of the first meeting of the Part-Time Faculty Council, whichever comes first.
  3. Meetings: The Part-Time Faculty Council will meet at least twice each semester.

Chairs’ and Directors’ Assembly (CDA) - advisory to the Provost

  1. Purpose: This committee serves as a think-tank for academic department chairs and school directors to meet as a group, discuss concerns relevant to chairs and directors, and advise (give feedback) to the Faculty Senate and/or the Provost. on shared governance policy proposals.
  2. Membership: All chairs of academic departments and directors of academic schools.
  3. Meetings: To be determined by the Assembly.

Staff Senate - Advisory to the Office of the President

  1. Purpose: This senate serves as a think-tank for staff to meet as a group, discuss staff concerns and opportunities, and give advice (feedback) to the President on shared governance policy proposals.
  2. Membership: The Staff Senate members are elected from full-time, permanent employees excluding deans, vice-presidents/members of the President’s Cabinet, and employees holding the ranks of executive administrator and faculty. Upon recommendation of the Staff Senate, the University President may appoint two non-voting advisory members. Staff Senate members are elected for three-year terms and must allow for a one-year absence from Staff Senate before running for another term. The membership shall have representation from both the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses to include a staff member per college or division.
  3. Meetings: To be determined by Staff Senate.

Administrators Council - Advisory to the Provost

  1. Purpose: The purpose of the Administrators Council is to promote effective communication and collegiality in matters regarding the development of policy and to increase bi-directional communication about the implementation of policy. The Council reports to the Provost and is responsible for the implementation of shared governance decisions and policies among its constituents. In addition, the Administrators Council is also responsible for providing feedback on issues affecting administrators and their reports.  
  2. Membership: Officers of the Council include the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past President, and Secretary. Membership is open to all non-faculty administrators who meet the following criteria:
    1. Hold the Human Resource title/designation of director or above,
    2. Manage two or more direct reports,
    3. Manage a budget,
    4. Be responsible for strategic planning,
    5. Be responsible for implementation of policy, and
    6. Approval of supervisor.
  3. Meetings: To be determined by Administrators Council.