Oct 03, 2024  
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025 
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025

3.8.A - Promotion for the Non-Tenure Track Librarian Faculty Professorial Ranks

The professorial ranks are typically linked to the different stages of career development and accomplishment for university faculty. Faculty members at the different stages of an academic career tend to have different levels of experience, expertise, accomplishment, effectiveness, and productivity. They also tend to have different opportunities for contribution, leadership, and mentorship. Consequently, KSU’s general expectations for faculty performance and for promotion in rank will be dependent on experience levels and the faculty member’s career path.

Experience is correlated with professorial rank, but years of service or successful annual reviews alone are not sufficient to qualify for a promotion in rank. When a faculty member’s experience, accomplishments, and career development evolve to the point where expectations applicable to the beginning level of the next highest rank are being met, the faculty member can make a strong case for promotion. A decision of promotion will result from a thorough review of a faculty member’s accomplishments and contributions to the University by KSU teaching and administrative faculty colleagues. This review is accomplished in consideration of the faculty member’s situation and context and in relation to their stage of academic career development.

Only faculty who were hired in professorial rank with credit toward promotion (USG Academic & Student Affairs Handbook 4.6) can undergo a promotion review before the fifth full academic year of service at KSU. A faculty member who was hired without credit toward promotion may apply for promotion during the fifth year of service (after serving a minimum of four years in rank).

Board of Regents policy allows for consideration of early promotion. According to USG Academic & Student Affairs Handbook 4.6, strong justification must be provided to support any consideration of “early” promotion wherein the individual has served fewer than the minimum number of five years in rank at the current institution.

At KSU, before a faculty member submits an application for early promotion, the faculty member should seek guidance from the department chair, dean, and Provost. However, in the rare case where a faculty member has served less than four years in rank at the current institution, prior presidential approval to be reviewed for promotion is required.

In addition to the minimum criteria above, promotion to the rank of associate or full professor requires the terminal degree in the appropriate discipline or its equivalent in training, ability, and/or experience (BoR Policy Manual Kennesaw State University takes the view that the qualities of knowledge, experience, and ability that would qualify as equivalent to the earned doctorate or terminal degree must be demonstrated at a high level of achievement. Equivalency should be awarded only in cases when the demonstrated evidence is clear and convincing. In addition, the judgment of equivalency depends on many variables specific to the particular discipline in question and to the individual achievements of the person making the case for equivalency.

The following criteria are established as a guideline for faculty committees and administrators who will use their professional judgment to recommend doctoral or terminal degree equivalency for hiring and promotion and tenure.

Required criteria for terminal degree equivalency include:

  1. Demonstrating broad and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the body of information in the discipline beyond a masters’ degree
  2. Demonstrating the ability to implement one’s own scholarship and creative activity agenda, to apply research and creative methodologies, and to produce scholarship that meets the criteria for quality and significance outlined in departmental guidelines

A variety of other factors may be considered in determining doctoral equivalency. Additional supporting evidence might include the following:

  1. Holding a master’s degree in the appropriate discipline
  2. Completing graduate coursework in the discipline beyond what would be expected for a masters’ degree
  3. Holding appropriate professional licensure or certifications in the discipline
  4. Achieving a leadership position in and/or honors and awards from a professional society or societies which indicates regional, national, and/or international peer recognition of professional accomplishments
  5. Having professional work experience relevant to the faculty member’s teaching assignments that are significant in level of responsibility and duration
  6. Having already been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor

In addition to the criteria mentioned, there may be other discipline-specific achievements that constitute doctoral or terminal degree equivalency that colleges and/or departments have outlined in their promotion and tenure guidelines.

Faculty members submitting portfolios for promotion to associate or full professor who do not hold the doctorate or terminal degree must address the criteria for equivalency in their portfolios. The review committee or administrator will consider equivalency at the time the promotion recommendation is considered. Candidates without a doctorate or terminal degree can be promoted if, in addition to the criteria for promotion, they meet the requirements for equivalency as stated in departmental, college, and University guidelines. Each level of review will make a recommendation for promotion and a decision on doctoral or terminal degree equivalency.

The criteria for the optional promotion review are based on criteria established for librarian faculty for the beginning level of the next higher rank as articulated in department, college, and University guidelines. The same committee structure that is used for promotion review of tenured and tenure track faculty will be used for the promotion review of librarian faculty.

Non-tenure track librarian faculty with professorial rank must prepare a portfolio for the optional promotion consideration. The portfolio contents will follow the guidelines for tenure track faculty who are reviewed for promotion, see KSU Faculty Handbook Section 3.12 (Portfolio Guidelines and Contents).

Annual reviews and/or portfolio feedback indicating poor performance with little or no improvement over time and based on the department and college promotion and tenure guidelines, provide the basis for nonrenewal of non-tenure track librarian faculty with professorial rank. Non-tenure track librarian faculty with professorial rank have the option to respond in writing within 10 calendar days after receiving reviews of their performance, should an appeal be necessary. Response letters are directed to the reviewing committee or administrator and copied to the next level of review. This response will become part of the portfolio that will be forwarded to the subsequent levels of review. The response letter should address the interpretation of the information in the portfolio but it should not include new evidence to be considered in the review process. The reviewer (committee or administrator) does not respond to this letter.