Jul 12, 2024  
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025 
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025

4.1.9 - Removal of a Faculty Member for Cause

Per Board of Regents Policy Manual 8.3.9, the President of a USG institution or designee may at any time remove any faculty member or other employee of an institution for cause. Cause shall include willful or intentional violation of the Board of Regents’ policies or the approved statutes or bylaws of an institution or as otherwise set forth in the Board of Regents’ policies and in the approved statutes or bylaws of an institution. A tenured faculty member or a non-tenured faculty member may be dismissed before the end of the contract term for any of the following reasons, provided that the institution has complied with procedural due process requirements:

  • Conviction or admission of guilt of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude during the period of employment - or prior thereto if the conviction or admission of guilt was willfully concealed;
  • Professional incompetency, neglect of duty, or default of academic integrity in teaching, research, or scholarship;
  • Unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, use, or possession of marijuana, a controlled substance, or other illegal or dangerous drugs as defined by applicable laws; teaching or working under the influence of alcohol or other drugs which interferes with the faculty member’s performance of duties or responsibilities to the institution or to profession;
  • Conviction or admission of guilt in a court proceeding of any criminal drug offense;
  • Physical or mental incompetency as determined by law or by a medical board of three or more licensed physicians and reviewed by a committee of the faculty;
  • False swearing with respect to official documents or statements filed with or given to the institution;
  • Disruption of any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service or other authorized activity; 
  • Violation of Board of Regents’ policies; and
  • Other grounds for dismissal as may be specified in the statutes of the institution, which may supplement the Board of Regents’ policies governing causes and procedures for dismissal.

Any student, faculty member, administrator or employee, acting individually or in concert with others, who clearly obstructs or disrupts, or attempts to obstruct or disrupt any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service, or any other activity at any University System Georgia institution is considered by the Board to have committed an act of gross irresponsibility and shall be subject to disciplinary procedures, possibly resulting in dismissal or termination of employment.

Procedures for removal of a faculty member shall be those specified in Board of Regents Policy Manual