Jul 06, 2024  
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025 
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025

3.13 - Multi-Year Review Schedules


Promotion and Tenure Reviews (for Tenure Track Faculty), and Promotion Reviews (for Lecturers, Non-Tenure Track Faculty with Professorial Rank including Clinical, Research and Librarian Faculty), and Tenured Faculty with Professorial Rank

Mid-January to Early February Chair and Faculty decide on external letter writers as required (if applicable)
Mid-February to Early May Chair sends request for external letters (If the letter writer declines, the chair will choose another letter writer in the order of the list.)
July 1st Due date for external letters (If fewer than the number of letters requested by the chair are received, the chair will so note in the portfolio and the review will proceed.)
Mid-August Candidate submits portfolio to digital portfolio workflow
Mid-August to Mid-September Department P&T Committee review (see NOTE)
Mid-September to Early October Department chair review (see NOTE) (Department chair review can begin earlier, but no chair recommendations should be made before the end of the optional faculty response deadline to the Department P&T Committee review.)
Early October to Early November College dean’s review (see NOTE)
November to December College Committee review (portfolios with any negative recommendations or requests for additional review)
November-December-January Provost Review and Referral to College Committee as needed
January to Early February College reviews as needed based on Provost’s request (see NOTE)
February and March Provost recommendations and President decisions (see NOTE)
April Submission to Board of Regents for their records


For Pre-Tenure Reviews
Mid-November Candidate submits portfolio to digital portfolio workflow
Mid-November to Early December Department P&T Committee review (see note)
Mid-December to Mid-January Department chair review (see note) (Department chair review can begin earlier, but no Chair decision should be made before the end of the optional faculty response deadline to the Department P&T Committee review)
Mid-January to Mid-February College dean review (see note)


For Post-Tenure Review (for Tenured Faculty)
Mid-August Candidate submits portfolio to digital portfolio workflow
Mid-August to Early September Department Chair Review
Mid-September to Late September College P&T Committee reviews teaching faculty (see note)
Mid-November to Mid-December  College dean reviews teaching faculty (see note)

The exact dates for the promotion and tenure, pre-tenure, and post-tenure review schedules can be found on the Faculty Affairs webpage.

NOTE: Within 10 calendar days from the review recommendation, the candidate has the right to respond to the committee’s or administrator’s recommendation and justifications by submitting a letter written by the faculty member to the reviewing committee or administrator and copied to the next level of review. The reviewer (committee or administrator) does not respond to this letter. The next level of review will place the response letter into the digital portfolio workflow.