Jul 06, 2024  
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025 
Faculty Handbook 2024 - 2025

3.2 - Overview of Faculty Responsibilities

For the purpose of clarification, administrative faculty are those members of the corps of instruction who receive a contract for faculty ranked administrators. Teaching faculty are all others with faculty rank and status.

As described in the KSU Faculty Handbook Section 3.3, the three basic performance areas in which faculty must be evaluated at KSU are teaching, scholarship and creative activity, and professional service. While faculty may focus in all areas of student success, they are to highlight activities promoting student success in at least one of these three areas in both their annual reviews and in their multi-year reviews. Depending upon college and departmental guidelines, faculty members need not demonstrate noteworthy achievements in all three areas but must be noteworthy in two and satisfactory in the third in their promotion and tenure reviews. All teaching faculty are expected to emphasize excellence in teaching and demonstrate noteworthy achievement in at least one other area (BoR Policy Manual 8.3.5, 8.3.6, and 8.3.7). Appropriate activities and noteworthy achievement in all three areas are defined by the specific departmental guidelines. These standards must be honored by all levels of review in the tenure and promotion process. Regardless of the individual’s relative emphasis in the performance areas, all faculty members are expected to devote at least 10% of their time to professional service activities, which are essential to the life of the institution.

In addition, it is important to note that effectiveness in any performance area requires a basic foundation of prerequisite degrees and credentials, as well as currency in one’s field. At KSU, such credentials and currency are known as professional development and all members of the faculty are encouraged to participate in professional development opportunities both on and off campus. Faculty should address in their portfolio narrative how their continuing development activities influence, support, and/or shape their activities in their performance area(s) of emphasis.

The differing proportions of emphasis given to each performance area for a given faculty member will depend upon written agreements between the faculty member, department chair, and dean, in alignment with the college and departmental guidelines. The role(s) upon which each faculty member will be evaluated will be outlined in the faculty member’s Faculty Performance Agreement (FPA) (see KSU Faculty Handbook Section 3.12). This agreement will be developed in consultation with the faculty member’s supervisor(s), who will have the responsibility to negotiate, assign, and coordinate the distribution of the various activities of individual faculty to assure that the collective work of the department, college, and University is accomplished. The overriding factor in determining the activities of each faculty member must be the needs of that faculty member’s college, department, and academic programs. The FPA lists the faculty member’s goals and priorities for a period agreed upon by the faculty member and supervisor(s) to fit current and anticipated circumstances.

The Faculty Performance Agreement (FPA) must:

  • clarify the general responsibilities and relative emphasis of the individual in teaching, scholarship and creative activity, and professional service,
  • articulate the way the faculty member’s activities relate to the departmental and college mission and goals,
  • identify the expectations for scholarly activity in all of the faculty member’s performance areas, and
  • identify the performance area(s) that will include scholarship expectations and describe those expectations. 
  • clarify how the faculty member will promote student success in one of the three areas.
  • identify how the faculty member will pursue continuous professional growth in one of the three areas


Consistent with the University’s culture of shared governance, the details of an individual FPA are worked out in consultation between the chair and the faculty member and are subject to final approval by the dean. If the faculty member and the chair cannot reach agreement on the FPA, the dean will make the final determination.

As a faculty member matures and develops and as the focus of colleges and departments evolve, an FPA may change. New agreements may reflect changes in the workload percentages assigned. It may, in fact, be necessary to change an FPA during the course of a given year due to unexpected circumstances, such as changes in departmental staffing and/or other opportunities. If this occurs, the faculty member, in consultation with supervisors, will draw up a new FPA that will be signed by all parties. Both this new and the old FPA will be used in the evaluation of the faculty member at the conclusion of the year and in subsequent promotion and tenure recommendations and decisions.