Feb 10, 2025  
Student Handbook 2018-2019 
Student Handbook 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Activities

Office of the Dean of Students Behavioral Response Team Career Planning and Development Sports & Recreation Veteran Support Services
Student Life Cultural and Community Centers Counseling and Psychological Services Student Advocacy  
Student Leadership and Service  Campus Awareness, Resource and Empowerment Services (CARE) Student Conduct & Academic Integrity (SCAI) Student Disability Services
Center for Young Adult Addiction and Recovery Student-Athlete Success Services Health Promotion and Wellness Housing and Residence Life  

Division of Student Affairs

Kennesaw State University’s Division of Student Affairs prepares students for their future by fostering learning beyond the classroom through innovative and transformative experiences.  To learn more about the division, visit http://studentaffairs.kennesaw.edu/.


Office of the Dean of Students

The Dean of Students staff provides support, advocacy and resources to help maximize student success at KSU and beyond. The functions of the office include student rights and responsibilities, problem resolution, behavioral and crisis response, administrative emergency withdrawals, policy review and compliance, voter registration and education, civic learning and democratic engagement, emergency retention scholarship, student handbook, Student Activities Budget Advisory Committee (SABAC), Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) Education and Prevention Coalition.

The Office of the Dean of Students includes:  

  • Behavioral Case Management
  • Parent and Family Programs
  • Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI)
  • Student Government Association (SGA)
  • Student Leadership and Service
  • Student Life: Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Activities, Student Media, Student Center Operations, Student Organization Support

Office Location:

395 Cobb Ave. NW
Suite 274
Kennesaw, GA 30144

Phone: 470-578-6367
Fax: 470-578-9165

For more information visit:

email: deanofstudents@kennesaw.edu

Parent and Family Programs

Parent and Family Programs provides year-long programming and information for parents of KSU students to feel involved, informed and invested.  Beyone the comprehensive orientation experience, this also includes coordination of the KSU Parent and Family Association (PFA) membership program, printed publications and a variety of electronic communications including monthly newsletters, and hosting large scale events including Parent and Family Weekend as well as other event opportunities. 

To contact us:

Website: pfa.kennesaw.edu
Email: family@kennesaw.edu
Carmichael Student Center, Suite 172

Behavioral Response Team

Kennesaw State University seeks to foster a proactive climate of care that can only be achieved through cooperative input from the entire community.  To that end, KSU has created a Behavioral Response Team (BRT) that takes a planned approach to identifying and assisting individuals who are distressed and/or exhibiting abnormal, threatening, or dangerous behavior.  Through early identification, the team can connect individuals of concern with the resources they need to succeed and hopefully prevent crises.  The BRT is a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to assess and manage concerns that have been brought to the attention of the team. The team provides consultation to individuals and departments, outreach to the community, and coordinates a host of resources, such as the online “At Risk” training, to help better prepare faculty, staff, and students to assess and respond to individuals in crisis. The BRT is chaired by the Assistant Dean of Students for Behavioral Case Management, and includes representatives and consulting members from counseling and psychological services, health services, academic affairs, public safety, residence life, and student conduct and academic integrity, human resources, legal affairs, student disability services, and strategic safety and security. For more information visit: brt.kennesaw.edu.


Student Leadership and Service

Student Leadership and Service organizes and implements co-curricular and extra-curricular leadership development and service programs to help students increase their awareness of self and others, their understanding of complex social challenges, and their ability to engage with their campus and communities. Student Leadership and Service programs and activities expand learning beyond the classroom, enriching the development of core competencies such as critical self-reflection, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, self-management, and civic responsibility, and enhancing students’ ability to be successful in their personal, academic, and professional endeavors. Core programs and activities include but are not limited to:

  • Peer Leading, Odyssey Peer Mentoring, Engaged Owl Leaders, and Owl Leadership Fellows
  • Volunteerism, Alternative Breaks, Service Saturdays, Day of Service, Constitution Week
  • Leadership Academies for SGA, RSO’s, Inclusive Learners, and other student groups and organizations throughout the university

Students participating in the Student Leadership and Service programs and activities develop their personal capacity to serve others and engage with real world problems. For a list of current programs please visit the Student Leadership and Service website at http:/dls.kennesaw.edu


The Carmichael Student Center
Kennesaw Campus
Suite 267
(470) 578-6700

 Student Conduct & Academic Integrity (SCAI)

The Kennesaw State University SCAI Department administers and supervises the procedures surrounding alleged infractions of the KSU Student Code of Conduct. The SCAI Department strives to assure fair and impartial considerations of misconduct charges against any KSU student through a system of campus hearing boards and other administrative procedures (hearing officers).

The SCAI structure includes hearing officers and hearing boards. Most hearing boards are composed of both faculty/staff and student members of the SCAI panel. Members of the boards are trained to hear complaints, arrive at fair and impartial conclusions and deliver clear and direct recommendations.

Students are invited to apply to become a member of the SCAI hearing board. Requirements include:

  • a minimum 2.8 overall GPA;
  • a strong interest in protecting the reputation of the University by assuring that the rules of the Code of Conduct are upheld;
  • successful personal interview(s);
  • two personal references who will testify to the student’s character and integrity;
  • a commitment to uphold the SCAI Code of Ethics, attend training sessions, and volunteer to serve on hearing boards when available.

For more information, please visit the KSU SCAI Website at: scai.kennesaw.edu

Career Planning and Development

The Department of Career Planning and Development provides a variety of opportunities and experiences which empower the students and alumni of KSU to broadly explore career fields and successfully pursue their career goals. The Department has two main offices – on the second floor of Kennesaw Hall, Suite 2617, and on the first floor of the Student Center on the Marietta Campus, Suite A160. The phone number is 470-578-6555. http://careers.kennesaw.edu/

Services provided include:

  • Resume writing assistance
  • Experiential learning opportunities (Cooperative Education and Internships)
  • Videotaped practice interviewing
  • Career search strategies
  • Internet career search assistance: careers.kennesaw.edu
  • Handshake (a web-based career tool which enables the student (or alumnus) to create a resume and upload it to the Career Service database for referral to employees)
  • Handshake Jobs Postings: (hundreds of positions of all types are posted on the Handshake system each semester – employers who reach out to KSU are directed to this site, so that students and alumni have a hub for beginning their job search)
  • Current listings of government, educational, social service and communication opportunities
  • Information on thousands of companies, and advisers who work closely with major-specific industry partners
  • On-Campus recruiting (hundreds of companies interview graduating students and alumni in our officea for available positions each year, including internships and co-ops)
  • Career Fairs and Events: Eight major career fairs are held each year: two general career fairs (one in each semester), two multi-day STEM fairs (one in each semester), an accounting career fair, a non-profit and government fair, a nursing and health sciences fair, and an education fair. The Department also offers a host of smaller events throughout the year that allow students to interface with employers in relevant areas.

Cooperative Education and Internships

The Cooperative Education and Internship programs offer students work experience relevant to their majors. Most employers want students with practical experience and often prefer to hire those who have worked with them and others through internships or co-ops.

Co-op classes are taken on a pass/fail basis only; thus the grade of “S” or “U” will be assigned. The internship grade structure depends on the academic department involved. Students should check with the Career Planning and Development for more information about these programs. Co-op and internship course credit may be used as general elective credits in most majors. Students should see their academic advisor for information regarding co-ops and Internships applicable to their major.

Sports & Recreation

Participating in programs offered by the Department of Sports and Recreation can be one of the most memorable experiences at Kennesaw State for a student.  Our programs provide students a wealth of opportunities to compete at various levels, enhance leadership skills, socialize, develop positive fitness practices, explore the outdoors, discover resources that encourage well-being, and cultivate a connection to the university.  In addition to providing programs and services, our top notch professional and student staff manage operations of several facilities to include the award-winning Dr. Betty L. Siegel Student Recreation and Activities Center (Kennesaw campus), the Recreation & Wellness Center (Marietta campus), 6 beautiful synthetic turf fields along with the Owls Nest and The Perch at the KSU Sports and Entertainment Park, as well as the disc golf course, bike fix-it stations, and sand volleyball court at the Marietta campus.  We employ a number of students for various student staff positions that range from facility attendants to sport officials to fitness instructors.  Visit our website for more information about our programs, services, facilities and/or employment opportunities for enrolled students: sportsrec.kennesaw.edu.  Students need a valid KSU ID and a completed waiver/release form to begin participating.

Club Sports

Under the direction of the Department of Sports and Recreation, Club Sports are student-initiated organizations led by students with a common interest in a sport or activity, and exist to allow competitive opportunities for teams to play against other Club teams from around the Southeast and country. Clubs may be recreational, competitive, or some combination thereof. All Club teams are student initiated and student-managed, allowing clubs members numerous opportunities for leadership development, decision-making, financial management, and other transferable skills. The actual success and strength of each club is dependent on effective leadership of the Club officers and the degree of involvement of its club members. Kennesaw State University has approximately 40 active clubs; new Clubs are added based on student interest and desire to facilitate the process. All participants in Club Sports must be fee-paying, degree seeking KSU students, maintain a MINIMUM 2.0 GPA, and be in good academic standing.

Please visit: http://sportsrec.kennesaw.edu/clubsports/ to get additional information or contacts for individual teams.

Housing and Residence Life

Kennesaw State University Housing and Residence Life offers 9 distinct communities that 5,200 students call their home away from home. These communities are staffed by individuals who provide student support services through community development, residential curriculum, living-learning communities, academic support, diversity initiatives, crisis and emergency response, care and conduct outreach, and leadership development. We have facilities, finance and operations staff that support our efforts to provide quality customer service to our residents. Our diverse communities - Austin Residence Complex, Commons Apartments, Courtyard Apartments, Columns, Hornet Village Suites, Howell Hall, KSU Place, University Village, and University Village Suites - offer a variety of apartment, suite-style, and traditional floor plans with units that are fully furnished and with individual secure access. We have multiple Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) that establish a greater connection and engagement in the on-campus housing experience and connect to the academic mission. Programs for these communities are specifically designed to create an in-depth experience for students that engages them in the greater campus community and connects to the classroom. For more information visit: ksuhousing.kennesaw.edu, email: housing@kennesaw.edu, or call: 470-578-5483. You can also check us out on social media @HousingKSU. Love Where You Live. Live KSU.

Student Life

Student Life: http://studentlife.kennesaw.edu/ contributes to a vibrant campus environment through a variety of involvement opportunities, programs, activities, and spaces for students to connect with each other and the university. The unit provides support to the programs and services funded by student activity fees. By encouraging students to be involved in student activities, the goal is for them to learn how to plan and execute activities and how to work cooperatively and collaboratively with other groups and constituencies on campus.

General services provided by Student Life include management of the Carmichael & Wilson Student Centers, operation and staffing of the game rooms, management of student activity budgets, reservations of campus space for registered student organizations (RSOs), campus lost & found, and support for over 300 RSOs. Student Life is comprised of the Department of Fraternity & Sorority Life and the Department of Student Activities. 

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Kennesaw State University is home to over 30 national fraternities and sororities, each of which fall under one of four umbrella Greek Councils: Interfraternity Council (IFC), Panhellenic Conference (Pan), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), and the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC). The FSL also oversees two national honor societies for fraternity and sorority students: Order of Omega and Gamma Sigma Theta. For more information, please visit: http://greeklife.kennesaw.edu/.

Student Activities

The Department of Student Activities oversees all RSOs, the Marietta Activities Council (MAC), the Kennesaw Activities Board (KAB), the Student Government Association (SGA), all spiritual and faith-based student organizations, and the student media outlets: Owl Radio, The Sentinel student newspaper, Peak feature Magazine, and Share Literary and Art Magazine. 

Registered Student Organizations

Kennesaw State’s RSOs are organized into several categories: academic & professional, applied academic competition teams, community service, cultural & global, faith based  spiritual, fraternities and sororities, graduate, honor societies, military, performance & fine arts, political, pre-professional,  publications & media, social action, and special interest.

OwlLife: owllife.kennesaw.edu is our personalized Campus Labs Engage site, a database that chronicles student organization profiles, membership rosters, budgets, and events, as well as other engagement opportunities from around campus. OwlLife makes it easy for clubs to recruit members and for students to join a group. All student clubs and organizations must be registered with updated information on OwlLife in order to be recognized. The majority of student organization communication will be through OwlLife, so ensure that you are checking the events, announcements, and opportunities posted often.

The Kennesaw Activities Board (KAB)

KAB is a student organization that has responsibility for providing a wide variety of programming for the entire Kennesaw campus. Events include: Theme Weeks, KSU Day, Comedy/Musical Shows, Concerts, and other events throughout the year. For more information, please visit: http://ksu-kab.wix.com/ksukab.

The Marietta Activities Council (MAC)

MAC is a student organization that has responsibility for providing a wide variety of programming for the entire Marietta campus. Events include: Theme Weeks, Fall Carnival, Comedy/Musical Shows, Concerts, and other events throughout the year. For more information, please visit: http://studentactivities.kennesaw.edu/studentorganizations/mac.php

The Student Government Association (SGA)

SGA is the “Voice of the Students” at KSU to the administration and the Board of Regents. SGA makes decisions and recommendations on any issue that affects students at KSU. SGA representatives serve on campus-wide committees and represent all academic colleges and various KSU student constituencies. SGA meetings are open to all KSU students. While most SGA positions are elected, the SGA president appoints some positions. All students are welcome to attend SGA meetings, which occur Wednesdays at 7 PM during fall and spring semesters. There are at least two SGA meetings held during summer semester. For those who are interested in being a part of the SGA and need more information, please visit: sga.kennesaw.edu

Student Media

Four student media organizations provide opportunities for students to write, edit, photograph, and create designs, web pages and radio broadcasts for experience, academic credit or for pay. The Sentinel, KSU’s weekly newspaper, covers campus news, sports and student opinion. The Peak, KSU’s feature magazine, captures student life through photos and stories. Share, the student literary and art magazine, provides a publishing outlet for the creative talents of KSU students. Owl Radio allows students to gain experience on and off the air with KSU’s Internet streaming radio station. Experienced students are welcome as well as those who are willing to learn on the job. All students are welcome to explore KSU Student Media and get involved. For more information, please visit the website: studentmedia.kennesaw.edu.

Cultural and Community Centers

Location: Carmichael Student Center, Room 264

 Phone: 470-578-6443

 Website: https://ccc.kennesaw.edu

Located within the Division of Student Affairs, Cultural and Community Centers (CCC) serves as home to a vibrant array of offices, centers, and grants that focus on academic enrichment, campus and community engagement, and cultural and identity exploration for all KSU students. CCC assists in the advancement of the university’s mission to “…empower the members and graduates of the university community to have the vision, ability, and courage to transform the future.”

CCC provides specific support and programming around issues of first-generation student success; gender and sexuality; international student support; and race, culture, & ethnicity. In addition, CCC carries out its mission through the work of four dynamic student resource centers: Cultural Awareness Resource Center (CARC), Global Village (GV), LGBTQ Resource Center (LGBTQRC), and the Women’s Resource Center (WRC). All CCC Centers are open to all students!  


Cultural Awareness Resource Center (CARC)

Location: Carmichael Student Center, Room 262

 Phone: 470-578-4518

 Website: http://carc.kennesaw.edu

The Cultural Awareness and Resource Center uses engaging student programs to create and sustain an inclusive environment that promotes educational excellence through multicultural experiences. The Cultural Awareness and Resource Center sponsors academic, cultural, leadership, and social programs that enrich the educational experience of all Kennesaw State University Students, with an emphasis on topics of race and ethnicity.  


Global Village (GV)

Location: Carmichael Student Center, Room 255

 Phone: 470-578-4392

 Website: http://gv.kennesaw.edu

The mission of the Global Villiage (GV) is to provide international students with leadership, advocacy, guidance, out-of-class support, and personalized assistance. In addition, the GV exposes international students to social and intercultural contacts, and to campus resources. Through GV’s assistance, services, and activities, international students will be academically successful and upon graduation from Kennesaw State University will achieve their life’s goals.


LGBTQ Resource Center

Location: Carmichael Student Center, Room 253

 Phone: 470-578-7926

 Website: http://lgbtq.kennesaw.edu

The LGBTQ Resource Center uses engaging student programs to create and sustain an inclusive environment that promotes educational excellence through multicultural experiences. The LGBTQ Resource Center sponsors academic, cultural, leadership, and social programs that enrich the educational experience of all Kennesaw State University Students, with an emphasis on topics of gender identity and sexual orientation.


Women’s Resource Center

Location: Carmichael Student Center, Room 164

 Phone: 470-578-7858

 Website: http://wrc.kennesaw.edu

The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) povides support to enhance academic performance and empower members of the KSU community to reach their full potential by striving to create an inclusive, supportive, and violence free environment. The WRC offers:

  • Advocacy, support, resources, and referrals for sexual assault survivors and students who experience other forms of interpersonal violence
  • Presentations on topics including but not limited to healthy relationships, bystander intervention, and sexual health/well-being
  • Events and programs that address gender and women’s issues such as the Clothesline Project, Women’s History Month events, and salary negotiation workshops.

Student Advocacy

Student Advocacy addresses student concerns regarding campus civility, student welfare, and other issues that may compromise a culture of belonging at KSU, in direct accordance with the Kennesaw State Owl Creed. This office provides impartial perspective to assist currently enrolled students with resolving problems or concerns. We provide support to students seeking to resolve challenges they face while enrolled at KSU by:

  • helping students to examine resolution options and managing expectations
  • making appropriate referrals and informal inquiries
  • coaching students’ development of effective communication techniques
  • providing conflict mediation and educational workshops upon request

The scope of services provided to enrolled students includes:

  • Academic Consultation
  • Personal Guidance
  • Education and Outreach

Please visit our website for more information, and to submit concerns: http://advocacy.kennesaw.edu


Location: KSU Marietta Campus, Student Center, Room 230
Phone: 470-578-3546
Email: ksuadvocacy@kennesaw.edu
Owl Life:  https://owllife.kennesaw.edu/organization/studentadvocacy
FB: @ksuadvocacy:  https://www.facebook.com/ksuadvocacy/
Twitter: @ksuadvocacy
IG: @ksuadvocacy

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) provides a wide range of services aimed at fostering the developmental and emotional well-being of KSU students. CPS provides individual and group counseling for personal, academic, and career-decision concerns. We provide psychiatric evaluation and treatment, as well as case management for students needing multiple services. Additionally, CPS staff educate the campus community about good mental health practices through participation in on-campus events and delivering workshops and classroom presentations.

CPS has offices on both campuses. On the Kennesaw Campus, students can call the office at: 470-578-6600 to make an appointment or stop by the office, which is located in Kennesaw Hall, room 2401. On the Marietta Campus, students can call the office at: 470-578-7391 to make an appointment or stop by the office, which is located in Suite 170 of the Student Center. Both offices offer walk-in hours, and additional information about all of our services can be found at: counseling.kennesaw.edu

Student Disability Services

Kennesaw Campus
Location: Kennesaw Hall, Room 1205
Phone: 470-578-2666

Marietta Campus
Location: Student Center, Room 160
Phone: 470-578-7361
Website: http://sds.kennesaw.edu/

Student Disability Services provides program accessibility and reasonable accommodations for persons defined as disabled under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In order to make arrangements for services, students must make an appointment with Student Disability Services to develop an individual assistance plan. Certification of disability is required. Academic accommodations and services, testing accommodations, sign language interpreters, note taking assistance, audio recording, alternate format text materials, adaptive computer software, etc. Eligible students deliver Faculty Notification Letters to instructors identifying the accommodations approved by SDS. Students should notify SDS in writing within 2 business days of any disagreement between the student and the faculty member if agreed upon academic adjustments are not provided. Students taking courses online or at sites other than the main campus should contact SDS by phone or email: sds@kennesaw.edu to register and make arrangements. Accommodations and services at remote locations may require additional time to arrange, so please register early. Student Disability Services provides academic coaching for registered students. Additionally, students are encouraged to join ABLE, a student organization that promotes advocacy and awareness of disability issues.

Student-Athlete Success Services

Kennesaw State University participates in NCAA athletics, and sponsors 16 sports at the Division I level  with over 400 student-athletes. The SASS staff is responsible for monitoring the academic progress of these student-athletes to ensure their academic eligibility to participate. Student-athletes receive assistance such as advising, study skills, tutoring, mentoring, orientation and registration. Through athletics, Life skills programming is offered as well as opportunities to volunteer for community service. SASS is located in Building #65 at the corner of Big Shanty and Campus Loop Road and can be reached at 470-578-2402 or emailed at: sass@kennesaw.edu.

Center for Young Adult Addiction and Recovery

The Center for Young Adult Addiction and Recovery (CYAAR) supports and encourages addiction recovery and wellness by providing recovery-based programs and engaging in collaborative research and education. The Center for Young Adult Addiction Recovery strives to improve knowledge and understanding of young adult addiction through addiction recovery research.

The CYAAR helps students struggling with and recovering from addiction and provides education and intervention services for the entire campus. The CYAAR creates campus and community collaborations aimed at addiction education, young adult treatment and recovery research. The Collegiate Recovery Program and Community supports students in recovery from addiction by providing a peer based community, hosting recovery meetings, academic coaching and a safe and nurturing environment.

For more information please email us at: recovery@kennesaw.edu or call 470-578-2538. We are located in Kennesaw at University Village Building 6000 and in Marietta at the JM Wilson Student Center A272. Our website: http://cyaar.kennesaw.edu/

Health Promotion and Wellness

 The mission of Health Promotion and Wellness is to improve the balance of the intellectual, emotional, physical, social, environmental, and spiritual development of students through awareness and education. Health Promotion and Wellness strives to provide an environment that is supportive of positive health practices.

Health Promotion and Wellness promotes student health through three signature program areas:

Nutrition Services: Students can meet with a registered and licensed dietitian to get an assessment of their current eating habits and discuss nutrition for their current lifestyle, medical conditions, or other needs. Students will receive expert advice to encourage a healthy relationship with food, which may include intuitive eating education, nutrition for medical conditions, getting help with an eating disorder, sports nutrition, or other topics regarding nutrition.  Cooking demonstrations are available for students to learn how to prepare easy, nutritious, and budget-friendly meals on their own. Students will not only learn new recipes, but also basic culinary skills, healthy eating, and food safety tips.

Peer Health Outreach and Wellness Leaders (OWLs): Student volunteers who are trained and have obtained a national certification in developing, implementing, and evaluating fun interactive wellness programs for fellow students. The Peer Health OWLs make the campus healthier, safer, and more enjoyable.

Health Promotion Programs: Health promotion programs are provided to meet the health needs of students. Program focus areas are identified based on the results of the National College Health Assessment and may include but are not limited to stress management, alcohol awareness, healthy relationships, sexual health, nutrition, cooking demonstrations, body image, CPR/AED/first aid, physical activity, and general wellness.

Phone: 470-578-6394
Email: wellctr@kennesaw.edu
Website: http://wellness.kennesaw.edu/
Mailing address: 290 Kennesaw State University Road, MD 0301, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Location: Student Recreation and Activities Center, Suite 1200

Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Education and Prevention Coalition

Mission Statement: Engage the university community to make responsible and educated choices about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in support of the standards of the KSU community.


  • To provide and support clear ATOD policies for the campus community (students, faculty, and staff) in order to promote an educational environment free from alcohol and tobacco abuse and other drug use
  • To develop and disseminate educational information for members of the campus community regarding alcohol, tobacco and other drug issues in a collegiate environment for the purpose of prevention of alcohol and tobacco abuse and other drug use.
  • To make available counseling, treatment, and outside referrals if necessary to assist members of the campus community overcome ATOD problems
  • To implement campus policies and activities that promote and reinforce health, responsible living, respect for community and campus standards, individual responsibility, and the intellectual, social, spiritual or ethical, and physical well-being of the members of the campus community
  • To work towards these goals in a purposeful and coordinated manner with planning, record keeping, and assessment overseen by one central office charged with this responsibility. Please visit our website for further information: http://cyaar.kennesaw.edu/

Campus Awareness, Resource and Empowerment Center (CARE)

The Campus Awareness, Resource & Empowerment (CARE) Services offers support to students who have experienced homelessness, food insecurity and/or the foster care system.

CARE Services provides both on and off campus resources, operates the campus food pantries, provides personal care items and assists in accessing temporary and/or permanent housing.  As needed CARE collaborates with various KSU departments such as Admissions, Financial Aid, Residence Life, etc. in an effort to help students better navigate campus life. 

For more information and to schedule an appointment online: care.kennesaw.edu


Kennesaw Campus:
Willingham Hall, Room 128 and 130
University College, Room 126

Marietta Campus:
Wilson Student Center, Suite 184

Military and Veterans Services

Kennesaw State’s Military and Veteran Services is fully staffed by experienced veterans and offers a one-stop shop that is easily accessible and widely available to service members, veterans, and dependents. Our goal is to empower our military community with the tools necessary for accomplishing their academic goals. Through information sharing, referral services, and outreach programs, our Military and Veteran Services team seeks to provide an inclusive and educational environment that fosters student success and achievement. Whether you are a new or transferring student, we will help guide you to the resources you need to make the most of your experience at KSU.  Kennesaw State’s Military and Veteran Services is also the first and only campus in the state of Georgia to have a Veterans Affairs VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) program.  For more information on this program, you can visit here:  https://www.benefits.va.gov/vocrehab/vsoc.asp

For more information related to the various services that we offer, visit our web site at http://mvs.kennesaw.edu/ 

Military and Veteran Services has two locations to serve you.

Kennesaw Campus
Willingham Hall
Rm 200, MD #2305
420 Bartow Ave.
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591

Marietta Campus
Joe Mack Wilson Student Center
Rm 185, MD #9002
1100 South Marietta Pkwy
Marietta, GA 30060