Sep 24, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Business Law

  • BLAW 3400:Negotiation

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ACCT 3100  with minimum grade of “C”, 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course.
    An examination of the theory and practice of negotiation. In addition to reviewing readings, students will participate in simulations and discuss negotiation cases to broaden their negotiating techniques.

  • BLAW 4100:Advanced Business Law

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course.
    A study of legislation regulating business partner-ships, corporations, commercial paper, secured transactions, sales, consumer credit and bankruptcy.

  • BLAW 4200:Employment Law

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course.
    A study of the influence of law on the personnel function, with special emphasis on discrimination laws and affirmative action issues. Provides an overview of various federal laws such as the National Labor Relations Act, The Fair Labor Standards Act and ERISA.

  • BLAW 4300:Real Estate Law

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course.
    Designed to provide the business student with an understanding of the nature, sources and principles of real estate law, and its importance in the business environment. Topics include: real property; contracts involving real estate, deeds and titles; transfer of real estate, mortgages, liens, zoning and land use controls, condemnation, real estate agents and landlord-tenant law.

  • BLAW 4400:Directed Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 3.0, (Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course), and approval of instructor and the Director of the School of Accountancy prior to registration.
    Special topics of an advanced nature not in the regular course offerings.

  • BLAW 4490:Special Topics In Business Law

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 3.0, (Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course), and approval of instructor and the Director of the School of Accountancy prior to registration.
    Selected topics of interest to faculty and students.

  • BLAW 4500:Franchise Law

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course.
    Designed to provide the business student with an understanding of the nature, sources and principles of franchise law and its importance in the business environment. Topics include: fundamentals of franchising, intellectual property, FTC Rules and disclosure, requirements of franchise registration and business opportunity law and earnings claims.

  • BLAW 4600:International Law: Business Applications

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or  student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course.
    Examines the international legal system and alter-native means of international dispute resolution. Covers laws that determine when and under what conditions companies are allowed to do business abroad. Cases used to explore choosing the most appropriate business relationship and entering the most advantageous agreement.

  • BLAW 4960:Current Issues in Business Ethics and Law

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: BLAW 2200 , 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, and Admission to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program or  student in a Coles College Partner Program that includes this course.
    An examination of contemporary issues in legal and ethical behavior in organizations. Stresses the application of ethical principles to business.


  • CHEM 1151:Survey of Chemistry I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    This course provides a survey of the general principles of atomic structure, bonding, reaction, solutions, equilibria as required for a basic understanding of physiological applications. A brief introduction to organic compounds that are of particular importance in pharmacological applications is given.

  • CHEM 1151L:Survey of Chemistry I Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    CHEM 1151
    Laboratory course to study and apply topics and concepts covered in CHEM 1151.

  • CHEM 1152:Survey of Chemistry II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1151  or CHEM 1211  
    This course includes a study of the classes of organic molecules including their common uses and physical and chemical properties. An introductory look at the structure and function of biological macromolecules is provided.

  • CHEM 1152L:Survey of Chemistry II Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1151L . Concurrent:
    CHEM 1152
    Laboratory course to study and apply the topics and concepts covered in CHEM 1152.

  • CHEM 1210:Introduction to Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    MATH 1111 or MATH 1112 or MATH 1113
    This course introduces basic concepts in general chemistry with concentration on problem solving, mathematical operations, nomenclature, measurements, classification of matter, stoichiometry, and atomic structure. This course is for students who want to take CHEM 1211 but do not meet the prerequisites for CHEM 1211

  • CHEM 1211:General Chemistry I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: High School Chemistry or CHEM 1151    Concurrent:
    MATH 1112 or MATH 1113 or MATH 1190
    This course is the first in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry for science majors. Course content includes electronic structure of atoms and molecules, bonding fundamentals, fundamentals of chemical reactions, and gas laws.

  • CHEM 1211L:General Chemistry I Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    CHEM 1211, and (MATH 1113 or MATH 1112 or MATH 1190)
    First laboratory course in general chemistry. Designed to introduce the student to the application of cognitive skills utilizing chemical knowledge in the laboratory.

  • CHEM 1212:General Chemistry II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1211  and a grade of “C” or better in MATH 1113  or MATH 1112  
    This course is the second in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry for science majors. Course content includes chemical kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, liquids and solids, properties of solutions, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and qualitative analysis.

  • CHEM 1212L:General Chemistry II Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1211 , and CHEM 1211L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 1212
    Second laboratory course in general chemistry. Designed to continue the application of cognitive skills utilizing chemical knowledge in the laboratory including qualitative analysis techniques.

  • CHEM 2050:Introduction to Directed Research

    0 Class Hours 3-9 Laboratory Hours 1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1211  and CHEM 1211L  and permission of the instructor
    This course enables freshmen and sophomores to conduct an applied research project that is directed by a faculty member. Students may earn between one and three credits per semester and this course may be repeated for up to a total of five credit hours only.

  • CHEM 2800:Quantitative Analytical Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: “B” or better in CHEM 1212  or “C” or better in CHEM 3361  
    This course introduces students to statistics; the use of spreadsheets; principles of gravimetric and volumetric analysis; concepts of chemical equilibria as applied to acid-base, precipitation and complex ion reactions; electrochemistry and potentiometry; ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy; and an introduction to modern chromatographic separations.

  • CHEM 2800L:Quantitative Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A “B” or better in CHEM 1212L  or a “C” or better in CHEM 3361L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 2800
    Laboratory experiments include: gravimetric analysis, precipitation, complexiometric, and reduction-oxidation titrations; potentiometric applications; calibration techniques using ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy. Tutorials on the application of spreadsheets.

  • CHEM 3000:Chemical Literature

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3361  
    An exploration of the process and practice of chemical research that leads to publication. An introduction to resources and methods for searching the chemical literature.

  • CHEM 3010:Medicinal Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3501  or CHEM 3500  
    This course covers fundamentals of pharmacology such as drug discovery/development and pharmacokinetics, with emphasis given to the role of chemistry and biochemistry in these areas. A main focus of the course will be how drugs function at the molecular level. Examples will be chosen from drugs that target enzymes, receptors, and DNA.

  • CHEM 3030:Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 2800  and CHEM 3000  
    This course describes the major techniques used in the analysis of pharmaceuticals following the United States Pharmacopoeia. The topics include quality control, physical and chemical properties of drug molecules and various chemical analysis including classical methods, spectroscopy, and chromatography.

  • CHEM 3030L:Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3362 , CHEM 3362L , and MATH 1190   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3030
    This course provides hands-on experience in the laboratory of the major techniques used in the analysis of pharmaceuticals following the United States Pharmacopeia. The laboratory experiments involve the analysis of drug molecules by dissolution, titration, molecular spectroscopy, atomic spectroscopy, GC, and HPLC including methods of extraction and thermal methods of analysis.

  • CHEM 3050:Physical Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in PHYS 2212  (or concurrent enrollment), MATH 2202  and CHEM 2800  
    This one semester course in physical chemistry provides a survey of thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, and kinetics. It also includes an introduction to the quantum mechanical principles important in understanding molecular spectroscopy and molecular modeling.

  • CHEM 3105:Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3050  or CHEM 3601   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3105L
    In-depth study of concepts and theories of inorganic chemistry. Topics include atomic structure, bonding, coordination chemistry, reaction mechanisms, symmetry, and a general survey of descriptive inorganic chemistry.


  • CHEM 3105L:Inorganic Synthesis

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    CHEM 3105
    Laboratory course to introduce the concepts and practices of inorganic synthetic chemistry. Emphasis is on the synthesis, characterization, reactivity, structure, and other properties of the inorganic compounds and complexes. The course introduces standard methodology for the synthesis and characterization of compounds.


  • CHEM 3110:Bioinorganic Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3050   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3110L
    General aspects of bioinorganic chemistry will be discussed including physical methods, roles of metals in biological systems, classes of metalloproteins and metalloenzymes, and metals in medicine. The primary focus is on understanding how metals make a variety of biological functions possible through their unique properties.

  • CHEM 3110L:Bioinorganic Chemistry Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    CHEM 3110
    The aim of this laboratory is to integrate concepts from biology and inorganic chemistry by performing experiments that lie at the interface of these two disciplines. Lecture topics will be reinforced through experiments covering synthesis and analysis of bioinorganic model com-pounds, enzyme activity as it relates to metal availability, and metal therapeutics.

  • CHEM 3120:Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3050   Corequisite: CHEM 3105L
    General aspects of inorganic chemistry including bond theory, periodicity, acid-base chemistry, energetics, reaction mechanisms, model systems, kinetics, redox chemistry, and descriptive chemistry of the elements with primary focus of taking students from the introductory principles of chemistry to a broader and deeper level of understanding of the chemistry across the periodic table.

  • CHEM 3200:Culture and Chemistry

    2 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3361  
    This global learning course will expose students to the predominant chemistry conducted in the host country at the university level, as well as in industry. The culture, history, and lifestyle of the host country population will be experienced through visits to museums, landmarks, restaurants and/or historical sites. Other scientific locations of interest will also be visited to increase the interdisciplinary nature of the science to which students are exposed.

  • CHEM 3361:Modern Organic Chemistry I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1212  
    This course is the first of a two-semester sequence in modern organic chemistry. The course includes a study of structure, properties, synthesis, and reactions of basic organic compounds using modern structural and mechanical theories.

  • CHEM 3361L:Modern Organic Chemistry Lab I

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 1212L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3361
    Laboratory experiments designed to introduce the students to modern experimental method used in organic chemistry for separation of mixture, purification of compounds, and reactions illustrating single functional group transformation.

  • CHEM 3362:Modern Organic Chemistry II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better grade in CHEM 3361  
    This course is the second of a two-semester sequence in modern organic chemistry. The course includes a study of structure, properties, synthesis, and reactions of basic organic compounds using modern structural and mechanical theories.

  • CHEM 3362L:Modern Organic Chemistry Lab II

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better grade in CHEM 3361L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3362
    Laboratory experiments designed to introduce the students to modern experimental methods used in organic chemistry synthesis, characterization of compounds, and multi step synthesis of useful target-compounds from readily available starting material.

  • CHEM 3396:Cooperative Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of coordinator of cooperative education/internship.
    A supervised, credit-earning work experience of one academic semester with a previously approved business firm, private agency or government agency.

    Notes: Credit is allowed only in elective areas.
  • CHEM 3398:Internship

    Variable 1-12 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of internship coordinator and chair.
    A supervised, credit-earning work experience of one academic semester with a previously approved business firm, private agency or government agency.

    Notes: Credit is allowed only in elective areas.
  • CHEM 3400:The Teaching and Learning of Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHEM 3361  with a grade of “C” or better.
    An introduction to the methods of effective chemistry teaching in both the classroom and laboratory settings. Current chemical education research literature on topics such as theories of teaching, active learning strategies, misconceptions, multiculturalism, laboratory design, demonstrations, and assessment will be introduced and discussed. Class meetings will include hands-on activities where demonstrations and laboratory investigations are designed, enacted, and assessed as well as discussions about research-based best practices in the presentation of chemistry concepts to diverse student populations. Time will also be devoted to ensuring that essential chemistry content such as electro chemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and bonding are thoroughly understood so that they can be communicated effectively in the classroom.

  • CHEM 3450:Peer Leading in Chemistry

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHEM 3361  or instructor consent.
    The purpose of this course is to support and prepare students for the role of peer leader. Peer leaders work with small groups of students that are enrolled in introductory chemistry courses on a weekly basis. The course involves training in pedagogical techniques and a review of relevant chemistry concepts. Emphasis is made on reflective practices within the peer led setting. Enrollment by permit only.

  • CHEM 3500:Biochemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better grade in CHEM 3362  
    This course is a one-semester, lecture-only biochemistry course. Concepts covered include the structure and function of biomolecules, membranes, enzyme kinetics, metabolism and bioenergetics, as well as biological information flow. Intended for chemistry, biology, or biotechnology majors.

    Notes: Biochemistry majors are required to take CHEM 3501/L and CHEM 3502.
  • CHEM 3500L:Biochemistry Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better grade in CHEM 3362L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3500
    This laboratory serves as an introduction to biochemistry laboratory techniques and includes biochemical applications of spectroscopy, electrophoresis and chromatography. CHEM 3500L is a laboratory companion to CHEM 3500 and is taken by general chemistry, forensic, professional, and chemistry education track chemistry majors and others needing a one semester biochemistry course with laboratory. This laboratory is not intended for biochemistry majors.

  • CHEM 3501:Biochemistry I: Structure and Function of Biological Macromolecules

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better grade in CHEM 2800  and CHEM 3362   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3501L
    Chemistry and biochemistry of macromolecules: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Introduction to enzymes.

  • CHEM 3501L:Biochemistry I Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: C or better grade in CHEM 2800L  and (CHEM 3362  and CHEM 3362L ) Concurrent:
    CHEM 3501
    Introduction to biochemistry laboratory techniques including centrifugation, chromatography, electrophoresis, spectroscopy, and exploration of bimolecular structure using computer graphics.

  • CHEM 3502:Biochemistry II: Metabolism

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3501  
    A detailed study of enzyme mechanisms, thermodynamics, and major metabolic pathways, including carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid metabolism.

  • CHEM 3512L:Biochemistry II laboratory

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3501  and CHEM 3501L   Corequisite: CHEM 3502
    A laboratory course designed to provide students training in essential tools of practical biochemistry, important for success in industry and graduate school. This laboratory combines the foundational concepts and techniques from Biochemistry I Lecture and Laboratory and applies them to a student-led research project.

  • CHEM 3540L:Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3501L  
    Laboratory course intended for students who plan to work in an industrial setting or attend graduate school in one of the biosciences. This laboratory combines the techniques from Biochemistry I Laboratory (CHEM 3501L) in a realistic, applied way to solve multi-step problems.

  • CHEM 3601:Physical Chemistry I: Atomic and Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2202 CHEM 2800 , CHEM 2800L , and PHYS 2212   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3601L
    This course is the first course in a two-semester sequence in physical chemistry. This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and its application to selected chemical systems, atomic structure, chemical bonding, atomic, rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy. This course also provides an introduction to statistical mechanics.

  • CHEM 3601L:Physical Chemistry Lab I

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2202 , CHEM 2800 , CHEM 2800L , and PHYS 2212   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3000, CHEM 3601
    Laboratory methods in physical chemistry.

  • CHEM 3602:Physical Chemistry II: Reaction Kinetics and Thermodynamics

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3601  and PHYS 2212   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3602L
    This course is the second in a two-semester sequence covering physical chemistry, and has its primary emphasis on chemical thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and dynamics, statistical thermodynamics. The course includes physical and chemical properties of real and ideal gases, the laws of thermodynamics and their application to physical and chemical systems, treatment of phase equilibria and chemical equilibria, and extends the application of quantum mechanics to thermodynamics in the development of statistical thermodynamics.

  • CHEM 3602L:Physical Chemistry Lab II

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3601L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3602
    Continuation of CHEM 3601L 

  • CHEM 3700:Environmental Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3361  
    This course will cover the environmental chemistry involving the transport, distribution, reactions, and speciation of inorganic, organometallic and organic chemicals occurring in the air, soil and water environments at the local, national and global scale. Environmental transformations and degradation processes, toxicology, pollution and hazardous substances will be discussed.

  • CHEM 3701:Atmospheric Chemistry

    3-0-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 2800  
    Atmospheric chemistry is the study of physical and chemical processes in the atmospheric layer. This course is aimed to improve our understanding of atmosphere layers, atmospheric transport, biogeochemical cycles of gaseous compounds, aerosol, acid rain, air pollutions, ozone depletion, greenhouse gases and global warming, chemical kinetics in mesosphere and thermosphere. Atmospheric chemistry is an elective for Environmental Science or Chemistry major students.

  • CHEM 3710L:Environmental Chemistry Lab

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3361L  
    This laboratory course is designed to teach sampling, environmental analysis, data handling, systems modeling, specialized instrumental techniques, and field techniques related to atmospheric, geologic, and freshwater environmental chemistry. Additionally, team research projects will be designed to address a specific question related to the topics mentioned above.

  • CHEM 3800:Forensic Analytical Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 2800  and CHEM 3361  
    This course covers fundamental topics of forensic analytical chemistry including statistics and data quality, sample preparation, drugs (pharmacology and toxicology), arson and the chemistry of combustion, and trace chemical evidence. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on modern chemical instrumentation as applied to forensic casework.

  • CHEM 3800L:Forensic Analytical Chemistry Lab

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHEM 2800L   and CHEM 3362L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 3800.
    Students will use modern chemical instrumentation to analyze simulated crime scene samples. Activities related to drug identification, arson debris analysis, and trace chemical analysis will be performed. Laboratory experiments will be designed to introduce students to the types of samples and analytical methodology encountered in a working crime lab.

  • CHEM 4000:Service Learning in Chemistry

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: 60 hours and permission of the instructor and department chair/program director.
    A community activity which links learning to life by connecting meaningful community service activities with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility. Activity will be designed with the instructor and approved by the chair/program director.

  • CHEM 4100:Directed Applied Research

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior level status; consent of the instructor and chair.
    Applied research project directed by a faculty member.

  • CHEM 4110:Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3100, CHEM 3602  
    Survey of modern inorganic chemistry and current theories concerning atomic structure, bonding, coordination chemistry, spectroscopy including a discussion of symmetry and group theory as they apply to the characterization of inorganic com-pounds, ligant field theory and other topics.

  • CHEM 4120L:Research Methods Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 2800  and CHEM 3362  
    This course will teach students advanced laboratory skills through work on a designed research project. Students will learn how to search the scientific literature, and will write a journal style report summarizing their research project.

  • CHEM 4300:Instrumental Analytical Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 2800  and a grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3050  or CHEM 3601  
    Introduction to chemometrics. Theoretical principles and uses of modern instrumental methods covering: spectroscopy, electroanalysis, and chromatographic separations.

  • CHEM 4300L:Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

    0 Class Hours 4 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHEM 2800L   Concurrent:
    CHEM 4300
    Laboratory experiments include: calibration techniques for analyzing single-component and multicomponent systems, application of spectroscopy (UV-VIS, AAS), electroanalysis (different forms of voltammetry), chromatographic separations (LC, GC) in quantitative and qualitative analysis.

  • CHEM 4310:Advanced Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3601  or CHEM 3050  
    This course will discuss the advanced theories and methods in analytical chemistry emphasizing newer analytical methods in practice in modern laboratories.

  • CHEM 4310L:Advanced Analytical Chemistry Lab

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in both CHEM 2800   and CHEM 2800L  
    Students will use modern chemical instrumentation to solve complex problems in analytical chemistry. Instrumentation will include FTIR, GC-FID, GC-MS, HPLC, CE, UV-Vis, LIBS and other techniques depending on faculty expertise.

  • CHEM 4400:Directed Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of instructor, major area committee and department chair prior to registration.
    Up to five hours may be applied to the major area. Special topics of an advanced nature that are not in the regular course offerings.

  • CHEM 4420:Identification of Organic Compounds

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3362  
    Advanced study of common spectrometric techniques for identifying organic compounds. Emphasis on interpretation of data obtained from Infrared Spectroscopy (IR), Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), including two-dimensional NMR.

  • CHEM 4430:Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3362  
    Advanced topics in organic chemistry as may fit the needs and interest of the students and faculty. Such topics might include stereochemistry, physical organic chemistry, heterocycles.

  • CHEM 4430L:Advanced Topics in Organic Chemistry Lab

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3362L   Corequisite: CHEM 4430
    Laboratory experiments designed to teach students the process of design, planning, and implementation of organic synthesis and the characterization of compounds using classic analytic methods and modern spectroscopic techniques.

  • CHEM 4440:Polymer Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3362  
    Topics in modern polymer chemistry including synthesis, kinetics, characterization, and uses.

  • CHEM 4500K:Methods in Nucleic Acid and Protein Biochemistry

    3 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: “C” or better in (CHEM 3501  and CHEM 3501L ), and (BIOL 3300  and BIOL 3300L )
    This course covers the chemical aspects of biochemical techniques routinely performed in the study of DNA, RNA, and protein. This course will build upon and complement the information on proteins and enzymes covered in biochemistry courses and the basic understanding of DNA, RNA, replication, transcription, and translation that students learn in biochemistry, genetics and other biology courses. The laboratory component of this course provides an opportunity for multi-week projects that combine methods learned in previous courses with new methods, and as such it serves as a capstone experience in biochemical methodology.

  • CHEM 4510:Advanced Topics in Biochemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3501  or CHEM 3500  
    Topics relating to the chemistry of metabolic processes in living organisms.

  • CHEM 4620:Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in CHEM 3602  
    Advanced topics in physical chemistry with emphasis in such areas as quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, kinetics, and molecular spectroscopy.

Chemistry Education

  • CHED 3421:Classroom Interactions

    2 Class Hours 1 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: EDSM 1102  and CHEM 3362  and Admission to the Teacher Education Program Corequisite: SCED 3010, ITEC 3300, INED 3305, INED 4435
    This course examines teachers, students, content, and interactions that lead students to develop conceptual understandings of chemistry. Science teacher candidates design and implement instructional activities informed by their understanding of science learning, then assess student learning. This course includes a 29 hour field experience as introduction to the adolescent learner, the equity imperative and science education reform. This course is restricted to participants in the UTeach program.

  • CHED 4422:Project-based Instruction

    2 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: SCED 2421 , Preservice Certification and Admission to Year-long Clinical Experience Corequisite: INED 3305 and INED 4435
    Teacher candidates will develop pedagogical content knowledge through the design and implementation of inquiry and project-based chemistry lessons appropriate to secondary learners. Candidates will use available student data and research-based literature and theory to help guide their lesson planning. Candidates will critically reflect upon their teaching practice, using videos, journals and discussions. This course is restricted to participants in the UTeach program.This course includes a 45-hour high school teaching experience.

  • CHED 4423:Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Chemistry

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHED 4422 , INED 3306 , and INED 4436  
    Teacher candidates will develop pedagogical content knowledge through the design and implementation of inquiry and project-based chemistry lessons appropriate to secondary learners. Candidates will use available student data and research-based literature and theory to help guide their lesson planning. Candidates will critically reflect upon their teaching practice, using videos, journals and discussions. This course is restricted to participants in the UTeach program.


  • CHIN 1001:Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    This introduction to Chinese language and culture Part I stresses progressive acquisition of effective communication skills in both the written and spoken language and an understanding of the practices and products of Chinese culture. 

    Notes: Not open to native speakers of Chinese.
  • CHIN 1002:Introduction to Chinese Language and Culture II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: One year of high school Chinese or CHIN 1001  or the equivalent.
    This introduction to Chinese language and culture Part II stresses continued progressive acquisition of effective communication skills in both the written and spoken language and an understanding of the practices and products of Chinese culture.

    Notes: Not open to native speakers of Chinese.
  • CHIN 2001:Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Two years of high school Chinese or CHIN 1002  or the equivalent.
    Students continue to develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese and learn to communicate in culturally appropriate ways.

    Notes: Not open to native speakers of Chinese.
  • CHIN 2002:Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Three years of high school Chinese or CHIN 2001  or the equivalent.
    Students continue to increase linguistic and cultural proficiency through the use of a variety of materials and activities.

    Notes: Not open to native speakers of Chinese.
  • CHIN 2003:Accelerated Intermediate Chinese Language and Culture

    6 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Two years of high school Chinese or CHIN 1002  
    This accelerated intermediate level course in Chinese language and culture covers in one semester the materials presented in CHIN 2001 and CHIN 2002. The course stresses continued, progressive acquisition of effective communication skills in both the written and spoken language and an understanding of the practices and products of Chinese culture.

    Notes: Not open to native speakers of Chinese.
  • CHIN 3200:Critical Reading and Applied Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002  or CHIN 2003  or the equivalent
    This course is a study of selected readings of signs, news, and literary and cultural works to increase vocabulary, enhance grammar skills, and develop reading skills. It is designed to give students extensive experience in reading Chinese.

  • CHIN 3302:Practical Conversation

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002  or CHIN 2003  or the equivalent
    This course stresses expansion of effective listening comprehension and speaking skills through culturally and linguistically appropriate activities.

  • CHIN 3303:Grammar and Composition

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002  or CHIN 2003  or the equivalent
    This course is a general review of grammar and composition and other writing activities, such as summaries, correspondence, descriptions, narration, literary analysis, and other rhetorical and culturally appropriate forms.

  • CHIN 3304:Readings in Culture I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3200  
    This course introduces students to selected readings in Chinese culture, through which they expand their vocabulary and learn new grammar. Students also learn about cultural issues within the Chinese context and develop their competence in critical analysis of the issues from a global perspective. Readings are in Chinese and discussions are in Chinese and English.

  • CHIN 3305:Readings in Culture II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3200  
    This course continues to introduce students to selected readings in Chinese culture, through which they expand their vocabulary and learn new grammar. Students also learn more about cultural issues within the Chinese context and develop their competence in critical analysis from a global perspective. Readings are in Chinese and discussions are in Chinese and English.

  • CHIN 3390:Upper-division Study Abroad in Chinese

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status and permission of the department chair.
    This course fulfills the study abroad elective for the minor in Chinese Studies. The content of the course may vary depending on available course offerings in the foreign institution. The chair of the Department of Foreign Languages must preapprove the use of this course as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the minor in Chinese Studies and/or for the degree in Modern Language & Culture.

  • CHIN 3398:Internship

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3302  or permission of the instructor.
    This course is a supervised, credit-earning work experience of one semester requiring the use of Chinese in the work place. Prior approval by the program coordinator and internship supervisor is required. No more than three semester hours may be applied toward the major.

    Notes: Prior approval by the program coordinator and internship supervisor is required. No more than three semester hours may be applied toward the major.
  • CHIN 4400:Directed Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002  or CHIN 2003  or permission of instructor
    This course covers special topics and seminars external to course offerings that allow a student to work individually with an instructor. It requires prior approval by the instructor and department chair.

  • CHIN 4402:Contemporary Culture

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3304  or CHIN 3305  or the equivalent.
    This course is an examination of the historical, social and political contexts of the contemporary Chinese experience through the analysis of different cultural representations such as film, media, plastic arts, music and literature. Readings are in Chinese and discussions are in Chinese and English.

  • CHIN 4404:Commercial Chinese

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002  or CHIN 2003  or permission of instructor
    This course is an in-depth study of business practices and the language of business that focuses on verbal and written communication as well as economic, social and political factors that are important to conducting business in the Chinese-speaking world. Readings and discussions are in Chinese and English.

  • CHIN 4434:Topics in Language, Literature, and Culture

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3304  or CHIN 3305  or the equivalent.
    This course explores a period, movement or genre in literature, a topic in culture, or language-related issues. Topics are chosen for their significance and impact on Chinese culture and society. Readings are in Chinese and discussions are in Chinese and English.

  • CHIN 4456:Advanced Grammar and Linguistics

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3303  or permission of the instructor.
    This course is an advanced study of grammar from a linguistic perspective. It provides an overview of phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax. The course exposes students to dialectical variations of the Chinese language and stresses development of oral proficiency. The course is taught in Chinese and English.

  • CHIN 4490:Special Topics

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3302  or permission of the instructor.
    This course covers special topics relevant to the study of Chinese-speaking societies.

  • CHIN 4499:Senior Seminar

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CHIN 3304  and CHIN 3305   and senior status
    This is a capstone course designed to synthesize and connect the students’ prior academic experiences in the major and related fields of study. Students prepare a reflective essay and a research paper to present to the faculty. Papers and presentations are in Chinese.

Civil Engineering

  • CE 1000:Orientation to Engineering and Surveying Professions

    1 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Introduction to the professional practice and options within the disciplines of civil engineering and construction engineering: engineering ethics, career opportunities, professional licensing, and industry expectations in the professional disciplines, as well as department policies on advisement and curriculum requirements to graduation.

  • CE 2003:Engineering Problem Solving

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGR 2214  
    This course introduces spreadsheet applications for civil engineering analysis and problem solving, calculating building loads, and linear and nonlinear regression. The course also covers fundamentals of dynamics relevant to the FE exam and to subsequent courses in structures. Topics include vector methods, force and acceleration, linear and angular momentum, and energy methods.

  • CE 3201:Structural Analysis

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 2003 , ENGR 3131 ENGR 3132  and Engineering Standing
    This course is the introductory course in identification and analysis of basic structural elements. Topics include the determination of beam deflections, methods for the computational analysis of statically indeterminate trusses, moment distribution, and the analysis of frames.

  • CE 3202:Design of Concrete Structures

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 3201  
    ACI design procedures for reinforced concrete beams, columns, footings, slabs and other members, Introductory to masonry design.

  • CE 3398:Internship in Civil Engineering

    0 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Dept Chair approval and Engineering Standing
    This course allows students to enhance their classroom knowledge through practical application of theories to real-world issues in a real-world work environment. Students explore specific interests within their academic discipline and refine their post-graduation goals.

  • CE 3501:Materials for Civil & Construction Engineering

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: CE 2003 , ENGR 3131 ENGR 3132  and Engineering Standing
    A study of different materials used for light and heavy construction projects, such as aggregates, woods, metals, concretes, masonry, and bituminous materials. An overview of materials science will be introduced, as well.


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