Oct 14, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Engineering Standing Requirements

The first two years of a program’s curriculum are considered to be lower division while the remaining two years are considered the upper division. For the most part, upper division engineering courses are those with course numbers in the 3000’s and 4000’s. In addition to the stated prerequisites and unless otherwise noted in the catalog, students must apply for and be granted Engineering Standing in order to enroll in any upper division Engineering course taught in the College of Engineering.  A 2.70 GPA is required to receive engineering standing in the courses noted below.

The following chart lists the course requirements for students seeking Engineering Standing.  Updated May 8, 2017.

Courses Civil Engineering Computer Eng Construction Engineering Electrical Engineering Environmental Engineering  Industrial & Systems Engineering Mechanical Engineering  Mechatronics Engineering 
Composition I (ENGL 1101  ) X X X X X X X X
Composition II (ENGL 1102  ) X X X X X X X X
Area B2 X X X X X X X X
Chemistry I (CHEM 1211   and CHEM 1211L  ) X X X X X X X X
Chemistry II (CHEM 1212   and CHEM 1212L  ) X   X   X      
Physics I (PHYS 2211   and PHYS 2211L  ) X X X X X X X X
Physics II (PHYS 2212  and PHYS 2212L  ) X X X X   X* X X
Biology I (BIOL 1107   and BIOL 1107 )         X      
Calculus I (MATH 1190  ) X X X X X X X X
Calculus II (MATH 2202  ) X X X X X X X X
Differential Equations (MATH 2306  ) X X X X X   X X
Probability & Data Analysis  (MATH 2332  )   X   X     X  
Applications of Probability (ISYE 2600  )           X    
Technical Writing (TCOM 2010  )           X X  
C++ Programming for Engineers (CSE 1311  )   X   X   X X X
Engineering Graphics I (EDG 1211  )               X

*(PHYS 2212   and PHYS 2212L  ) or (CHEM 1212  and CHEM 1212L  ) or (BIOL 1107    and BIOL 1107L 


Engineering Standing for Non-Engineering Majors

Non-engineering students who desire to enroll in upper-level engineering courses will need to satisfy the Engineering Standing prerequisite.  A 2.7 GPA in the following courses will fulfill the requirement:

12 additional credits from courses in the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology or with prefixes CHEM, CS, CSE, IT, MATH, PHYS, or STAT.