Just like navigating a large university can be challenging, easily finding what you need on the web can be challenging. Here are a few quick links to help you, and of course you are always free to contact the Office of the Dean of Students for help with anything. These links are accurate as of the posting of this document, but may not remain the most active and direct links in the future. Should you receive an error and are not able to find what you are seeking, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 470-578-6310 or email deanofstudents@kennesaw.edu.
Main University Website: http://www.kennesaw.edu/
Dean of Students: http://studentaffairs.kennesaw.edu/deanofstudents/index.php
Public Safety: http://police.kennesaw.edu/
Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS): http://studentsuccess.kennesaw.edu/cps/index.php
Student Health Services: http://studenthealth.kennesaw.edu/index.php
Annual Security Report: 2015 Annual Security and Safety Report
Clery Act Compliance: http://www.kennesaw.edu/police/cleryactcompliance.html
Reporting Crimes & Emergencies: 470-578-6666 http://www.kennesaw.edu/police/crimes.html
Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, & Sexual Misconduct: http://www.kennesaw.edu/diversity/complaint.php
Reporting “Red Flag” Behaviors/Crisis Concerns: http://brt.kennesaw.edu
Student Code of Conduct: http://scai.kennesaw.edu/codes.php
University Drug and Alcohol Policy: http://deanofstudents.kennesaw.edu/resources/information.php
Confidentiality of Student Records and Notification of Rights (FERPA): http://registrar.kennesaw.edu/ferpastudents.php