Gainey, Barbara, S, Director of the School of Communication and Media and Professor of Communication, Ph.D., Mass Communication, 2003, M.A., Journalism, 1985, B.A., New-Editorial, 1977
Galloway, Linda, L, Lecturer of Mathematics, Ph.D., Secondary Schools-Math, 1995, M.Ed., Secondary Schools-Math, 1988, B.S.Ed., Secondary Mathematics, 1985
Ganser, Lisa, R, Assistant Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biology, 2009, M.S., Biology, 1998, B.S., Biology, 1994
Gao, Hongmei, Coordinator of Asian Studies Program and Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D., Communication, 2005, M.A., Mass Communication, 2000, B.A., English, 1989
Garcia, Audrey, E, Associate Professor of Spanish, Ph.D., Spanish, 1996, M.A., Spanish, 1991, B.A., Communication, 1988
Gardner, Kimberly, D, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Ph.D., Teaching and Learning, Mathematics Education, 2008, M.Ed., Mathematics Education, 1998, M.S., Applied Statistics, 2012, B.A., Mathematics, 1991
Garner, Ricky, L, Professor of Art Education, Ph.D., Art Education, 2000, M.A., Psychology, 1994, BLS, Studio Arts and Architectural Design, 1989
Garofalo, David, Assistant Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Physics, 2008, B.S., Physics, 1999
Garrido, Jose, M, Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems, Ph.D., Information Technology, 1996, M.S., Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems, 1982, M.S., Computer Science, 1995, B.S., Electrical Engineering, 1975
Gayler, Richard, A, Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1976, M.S., Computer Science, 1990, M.S., Mathematics, 1974, B.S., Mathematics, 1971
Geist, Debra, Lecturer of Information Systems, M.S., Information Systems, 2007, B.S., Information Systems, 2005
Gentile, John, S, Professor of Performance Studies & Communication, Ph.D., Interpretation, 1984, M.A., Interpretation, 1980, M.A., Mythological Studies, 2006, B.A., Dramatic Arts, English, 1978
George, Angela, A, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Foreign Language Education, Ph.D., Hispanic and Luso-Brazil Literature and Linguistics, 2013, M.A., Hispanic Linguistics, 2009
Gephardt, Katarina, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., English, 2003, M.A., English, 1997, B.A., English, 1995
Gesick, Richard, A, Lecturer of Programming, M.S., Computer Science, 2009, B.S., Systems Science (Scientific), 1980
Ghadge, Ravi, R, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Sociology, 2012, M.A., Sociology, 1998, M.Phil., Sociology, 2001, B.A., Sociology, 1996
Ghavi, Mahmoud, R, Research Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Ph.D., Engineering, 1980, M.S.M.E., Mechanical Engineering, 1978, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1975
Giddens, Elizabeth, J, Professor of English, Ph.D., English, 1990, M.A., English, 1983, B.A., English, Literature, 1980
Giles, Alexander, L, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, M.A., Psychology, 2000, M.S.N., Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, 2010, B.S., Psychology, 1986
Gillespie, William, L, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Political Science, 2004, M.A., Political Science, 1997, B.S., Business Economics, 1986
Gillette, Ann, B, Professor of Economics & Finance, Ph.D., Economics, 1991, M.S., Economics, 1980, B.B.A., Marketing, 1979
Gilliam, Kenneth, P, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1976, M.Ed., Mathematics, 1968, M.S., Mathematics, 1974, B.S., Mathematics, 1964
Gillis, Bryan, P, Associate Professor of English Education & Literacy, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, English Education, 2007, M.A., Education-Elementary Education, 1990, B.A., English, 1983
Gillis, Nancy, L, Lecturer of Secondary & Middle Grades Education, M.A., Elementary Education, 1990, B.S., Education-Elementary Education, 1985
Glassmeyer, David, M, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Ph.D., Educational Mathematics, 2014, M.Ed., Adolescent Young Adult, Integrated Mathematics, 2009, B.S., Mathematics, Integrated Mathematics, 2008
Glawtschew, Rebecca, M, Assistant Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 2012, B.S., Economics, 2005
Glover, Ebony, M, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Ph.D., Psychology, 2010, M.A., Psychology, 2005, B.A., Psychology, 2002
Goldfine, Bernard, D, Professor of Sport Management, Ph.D., Physical Education, 1988, M.A., Physical Education, 1984, B.A., Political Science, 1975
Goldfine, Ruth, A, Chair of the Department of First-Year and Transition Studies and Professor of English, Ph.D., English, Rhetoric and Composition Tech and Professional Writing, 2005, M.A., English, 1995, B.A., English, 1986
Golian-Lui, Linda, M, Library Director of the Horace W. Sturgis Library, Associate Dean of Library Services and Librarian Professor of Library Science, Ed.D., Educational Leadership, 1998, Ed.S., Educational Leadership, 1995, M.S., Library Science, 1988, B.A., Criminal Justice, 1986
Golubski, Antonio, J, Assistant Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 2006, B.S., Marine Science and Biology, 1998
Goodsite, Michelle, B, Lecturer of English, M.Ed., Adolescent Education, 2005, B.S., Broadcast Communications, 1989
Goodwin, Randall, B, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 1982, B.A., Economics, 1976
Gordon, Elizabeth, D, Professor of Public Law/Conflict Resolution, Ph.D., Political Science, 1996, M.A., Political Science, 1992, B.A., Political Science, 1988
Graf, Karen, M, Lecturer of Spanish and Foreign Language Education, M.A., Spanish, 2007, B.A., Spanish, 1998
Gray, Katherine, M, Lecturer of English, M.A., English, 2009, B.A., English, 2006
Gray, Kimberly, C, Professor of Curriculum & Instruction, Ph.D., Education-Curriculum and Instruction, 1998, M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, 1996, B.A., History Education, 1991
Gray, Thomas, E, Senior Lecturer of Communication, M.A., Journalism, 1977, A.B., Speech and Theatre, 1973
Green, Andrew, W, Lecturer of Information Security and Assurance, M.S., Information Systems, 2007, B.S., Information Systems, 2005
Green, Mary, D, Lecturer of English, Ed.S., Reading Education, 1977, M.Ed., Reading Education, 1975, B.S.Ed., English Education, 1974
Greene, Jeffrey, D, Assistant Professor of Digital Writing and Media Arts, M.F.A., Creative Writing, 2006, B.F.A., Writing, Literature and Publishing, 2002
Greene, Juanne, Director of the DBA Program and Senior Lecturer of Management, D.B.A., Business Administration, Management Concentration, 2012, M.L.H.R., Labor and Human Resources, 1994, B.S., Marketing, 1993
Gregory, Diana, G, Department Chair of Inclusive Education and Associate Professor of Art Education, Ph.D., Art Education, 2002, M.S., Art Education, 1998, B.F.A., Art, 1972
Gregory, Sarita, M, Assistant Professor of Political Science in African American Politics and Urban Affairs, Ph.D., Political Science, 2003, M.A., Political Science, 1996
Greil, Rachel, H, Assistant Director of the Writing Center and Senior Lecturer of English, B.A., English, 1973, AM, English, 1975
Greipsson, Sigurdur, Associate Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biology, 1992, M.S., Biology, 1989, B.S., Biology, 1986
Griffin, Melanie, C, Assistant Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Microbiology, 2001, M.S., Microbiology, 1998, B.S., Biology, 1994
Griffin, William, C, Professor of French, Ph.D., French, 1980, M.A.T., French, 1973, B.A., French, International Studies (History and Political Science), Western Europe and South America, 1971
Griffiths, William, G, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Mathematics, 2004, M.S., Mathematics, 2001, B.S., Mathematics w Minor in Physics, 2000
Grindel, Patricia, Senior Lecturer of Communication, M.A., Journalism and Communication, 1987, B.A., Journalism and Communication, 1980
Grindell, Diane, F, Lecturer of Education, M.S., Human Resource Development, 1990, B.S.Ed., Social Studies Education, 1983
Grooms, Tony, M, Professor of Creative Writing, M.F.A., Creative Writing, 1984, B.A., Theatre and Speech, 1978
Grosch, Theodore, Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering Technology, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, 1993, M.S., Electrical Engineering, 1989, B.S., Electrical Engineering, 1982
Guerra, Paula, P, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Mathematics Education, 2011, M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, Mathematics Education, 2007, B.A., Mathematics Education, 2001
Guglielmi, Luc, D, Associate Professor of French, Ph.D., Francophone Studies, 2004, M.A., French, 2001, B.A., Elementary Education, 1996
Guglielmo-Colabelli, Letizia, Interim Director of Composition and Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., English, Rhetoric and Composition, 2009, M.A., English, 2001, B.A., English Language and Literature, 1998
Guillory, Nichole, A, Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 2005, M.Ed., Secondary Teaching, 1998, B.S., Secondary Education-English, 1993
Guimaraes, Ana, B, Collection Development Librarian and Librarian Assistant Professor of Library Science, M.S., Library and Information Science, 2007
Gulley, Jeremy, R, Assistant Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Physics, 2009, B.S., Physics, 2003
Guo, Jin Xiu, Head of Technical Services and Librarian Associate Professor of Library Science, M.I.LS, Library and Information Systems, 2004, B.C.E., Polymer Chemical Engineering, 1992
Guo, Rongkai, Assistant Professor of Gaming, Ph.D., Compute Science, 2014, MSCS, Computer Science, 2008, B.S., Computer Science, 2006
Gupta, Saurabh, Associate Professor of Information Systems, Ph.D., Business Administration, 2006, M.B.A., Business Administration, 2002
GuramatunhuCooper, Nyasha, M, Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies, Ph.D., Leadership Studies, 2013, M.P.A., Public Administration, Policy Management, 2007, B.A., French, 2006, B.A., International Relations, 2006
Gurkas, Hakki, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., History, 2008, M.A., History, 2002, B.A., Philosophy, 1997
Gurupatham, Sathish Kumar, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 2011, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2003, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1993
Gwaltney, Kevin, P, Director of Program Quality and Accreditation and Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Chemistry, 2000, M.A., Chemistry, 1993, B.S., Chemistry, 1992
Gwirtzman, Daniel, M, Assistant Professor of Dance, M.F.A., Performing Arts, 2007, B.F.A., Dance, 1999
Habers, Natasha, L, Assistant Chair of the Department of First-Year and Transition Studies and Associate Professor of Art, M.F.A., Art, 2001, B.A., Art, 1996
Haddad, Hisham, Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems, Ph.D., Computing and Information Science, 1992, M.S., Computer Science, 1988, B.S., Computer Science, 1986
Haffner, Matthew, D, Associate Professor of Visual Arts, M.F.A., Photography, 1998, B.F.A., Photography, 1995
Haimes-Korn, Kim, Professor of Digital Writing and Media Arts, Ph.D., English, 1996, M.A., English, 1991, B.A., Humanities, 1984
Hair, Joseph, F, Founder, DBA Program and Senior Scholar and Professor of Marketing and Professional Sales, Ph.D., Marketing, 1971, M.A., Marketing, 1969, B.A., Economics, 1966
Hales, Michael, E, Assistant Professor of Health Promotion and Physical Education, Ph.D., Sport Science, 2003, M.S., Exercise Science, 1997, B.S., Exercise and Health Science, 1994
Hallward, Maia, G, Associate Professor of Middle East Politics, Ph.D., International Relations, 2006, B.A., Leadership Studies and International Studies, 1998
Halstead-Nussloch, Richard, Professor of Information Technology, Ph.D., Psychology, 1978, B.A., Physiological Sciences, 1971
Ham, Chan, H, Interim Chair of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering and Associate Professor of Mechatronics Engineering, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, 1995, M.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 1991, B.E, Electronic Engineering, 1982
Hankey, Leslie, G, Lecturer of Communication Design, M.S., Information Design and Communication, 2010, B.B.A., Marketing, 1979
Hanks, Christopher, C, Founder and Executive Director, KSU Entrepreneurship Center and Lecturer of Management and Entrepreneurship, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1994
Hannan, Khyle, M, Learning Commons Librarian and Librarian Assistant Professor of Library Science, M.S.I.S., Library and Information Science, 2012, B.B.A., Management, 2005
Hansen, Jon, M, Head of Virtual Services and Librarian Associate Professor of Library Science, M.Ed., Instruction Technology, 1994, M.L.S., Library Science, 1996
Harbort, Robert, A, Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D., Statistics & Biom. Physics, 1987,M.S., Information and Computer Science, 1975, B.S., General Studies, 1968
Hardigree, Christian, E, Director of Michael A. Leven School of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality and Professor of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality, J.D.,Mercer University, Law, 1996
Hardy, Susan, M, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, M.S., Applied Statistics, 1986, B.S., Computational Math, 1982
Hariharan, Govind, Executive Director of the ICA Institute and Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 1991, M.A., Economics, 1984, B.A., Economics, 1981
Harmon, William, K, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Accounting, D.B.A., Accounting, 1982, M. Acc., Accounting, 1980, B.S.B.A., Accounting, 1977
Harper, Michael, T, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., English Rhetoric and Composition, 1998, M.A., English, 1990, B.G.S., English and Political Science, 1988
Harr-Lagin, Kelsey, A, Lecturer of Communication, M.A., Communication Studies, 2008, B.A., Sociology, 2006
Harris, Rochelle, L, Senior Lecturer of English, Ph.D., English, 2005, M.A., English, 1996, B.A., English, 1994
Hart, Patricia, L, Associate Professor of Nursing, Ph.D., Nursing, 2007, M.S., Nursing, Adult Health, 2001, B.S., Nursing, 1996
Haseltine, John, N, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Organic Chemistry, 1988, B.A., Chemistry, 1981
Hashas-Degertekin, Mine, H, Associate Professor of Architecture, Ph.D., Design, 2004, M.S., Building Design, 1999, B.A., Architecture, 1995
Hauge, Xueya, Associate Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Molecular and Medical Genetics, 1993, M.S., Biology, 1985, B.S., Biology, 1982
Hayes, Sherrill, W, Director of the Masters in Conflict Management Program and Associate Professor of Conflict Management, Ph.D., Politics and Sociology, 2005, M.S., Human Development and Family Studies, Human Development and Family Studies, 2000, B.S., Human Development and Family Studies, Child and Adolescent Development In Family, 1997
He, Jing, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D., Computer Science, Bioinformatics, 2012, M.S., Computer Science, 2012, M.S., Computer Science, 2002, B.S., Electronic Engineering, 2000
Head, Michelle, L, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Education, Ph.D., Chemistry, 2011, M.S., Chemistry, 2010, B.S., Adolescent Education of Biology, 2005, B.S., Chemistry, 2005
Hedeen, Timothy, K, Ombuds and Professor of Conflict Management, Ph.D., Sociology, 2001, M.A., Sociology, 1993, B.A., Nonviolent Conflict and Change, 1991
Hedrick, Alison, B, Lecturer of Information Systems, M.S.I.S., Information Systems, 2007, B.S., Computer Information Systems Technology, 2002
Helms, Jeffrey, L, Professor of Psychology, Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, 1999, M.A., Clinical Psychology, 1996, B.S., General Experimental Psychology, 1993
Hendrix, Jerald, D, Professor of Biology, Full-Time, Professor, Ph.D., Biochemistry, 1984, B.A., Biology and Chemistry, 1979
Henley, Amy, B, Associate Professor of Management, Ph.D., Business Administration, 2005, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1998, B.S.B.A., Accounting, 1997
Herbel, Jerry, E, Director of Masters in Public Administration and Associate Professor of Public Administration, Ph.D., Political Science, 2001, M.P.A., Public Administration, 1989, B.S., Public Affairs, 1983
Herbert, James, I, Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, 1985, M.A., Organizational Behavior, 1974, M.Phil., Organizational Behavior, 1976, B.S., Education, 1962
Hermanson, Dana, R, Dinos Eminent Scholar Chair of Private Enterprise and Professor of Accounting, Ph.D., Business, 1993, B.B.A., Accounting, 1986
Hermanson, Heather, M, Professor of Accounting, Ph.D., Business, 1993, B.S., Accountancy, 1987
Hesser, Marcia, Lecturer of Organismal Biology, Ph.D., Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2011, M.S., Animal Physiology, 2006, B.S., Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2004
Hiatt, Mark, S, Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior/Entrepreneurship, Ph.D., Business Administration, 2009, M.M., Marketing Organization Behavior Policy and Environment, 1989
Hicks, Willajoya, C, Associate Professor of Special Education, Ph.D., Special Education, 2000, M.Ed., Behavior/Learning Disabilities, 1995, B.A., Psychology, 1992
Hightower, Linda, A, Professor of Visual Arts, Ed.D., Art Education, 2000, M.V.A., Studio, 1982, B.A., Art, 1974
Hill, Kenneth, Program Manager of PEGS and Senior Lecturer of Management, M.A., Human Resource Development, 1993, B.M., Music, 1979
Hill, Mary Angela, C, Professor of Accounting, Ph.D., Business Administration, 1993, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1981, B.A., English Literature, 1978
Hill, Rebecca, N, Director of the Masters in American Studies Program, Coordinator of American Studies Undergraduate Minor and Associate Professor of American Studies, Ph.D., American Studies, 2000, B.A., History, 1991
Hillen, Amy, F, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Ed.D., Instruction and Learning, Mathematics Education, 2005, B.S., Mathematics, 1996
Himot, Leslie, B, Lecturer of Nursing, M.S., Nursing,Adult Health Nursing, 1979, B.S.N., Nursing, 1971
Hinds, Randy, C, Vice President for Operations & Chief Information Officer & Chief Business Officer and Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems, Ed.D., Human Resource Development, 1995, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1976, B.A., Business Management, 1974
Ho, Hai, T, Associate Professor of Telecommunications, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, 1994, M.S., Electrical Engineering, 1989, B.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 1988
Hoerrner, Keisha, L, Dean of the University College and Professor of Communication, Ph.D., Mass Communication, 1998, M.A., Journalism, 1995, B.S., Communication, 1989
Hoganson, Kenneth, E, Interim Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems, Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, 1997, M.S., Computer Science, 1990, B.S., Business Administration, 1980, B.S., Computer Science, 1987
Hold, Judith, L, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Ed.D., Instructional Leadership, 2013, M.S., Public Health Sciences, 1983, M.S.N., Nursing, Nurse Educator, 2008, B.S., Nursing, 1976
Holdzkom, Marianne, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., History, 1995, M.A., History, 1988, B.S., Drama, 1984
Holler, Emily, K, Senior Lecturer of Communication, M.A., Speech Communication, 1999, B.A., Speech Communication, 1997
Holliday, Sarah, H, Interim Director of Assessment and Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Mathematics - Discrete and Stat. Science, 2003, Master of Applied Mathematics, Applied Math - Discrete and Stat. Science, 1999, B.A., Mathematics, 1997
Holm, Christina, E, Undergraduate Education Librarian and Liaison Coordinator and Librarian Assistant Professor of Library Science, M.L.S., Library and Information Science, 2013
Holmes, Sarah, W, Lecturer of Dance, Ph.D., Dance, 2013, M.A., Dance, 2002, B.A., Economics, 1996
Holtz, Carol, S, Professor of Nursing, Ph.D., Nursing, Family and Community Nursing, 1993, M.S., Nursing, 1982, B.S.N., Nursing, 1969
Hooks, Jerry, D, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, M.S.N., Nursing, 2002, B.S.N., Nursing, 1990
Hoosier, Jennifer, L, Associate Director of Intensive English Program and Lecturer of TESOL, M.A., TESOL, 2008, B.M., Music Education, 2000
Hopper, Keith, B, Professor of Instructional Technology, Ph.D., Instructional Technology, 2000, M.A., Education, Curriculum & Instruction, 1984, B.S., Respiratory Therapy, 1982
Horton, Donald, D, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1972, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1970
Howard, Rose, M, Assistant Director of Integrative Studies Program and Lecturer of Leadership Studies, Ph.D., Motor Learning, Exercise Physiology, 1981, M.Ed., Physical Education, 1976, B.S., Physical Education, 1970
Howes, Daniel, R, Lecturer of Music and Entertainment Business,
Howes, Pauline, A, Associate Professor of Communication/Public Relations, Ph.D., Mass Communication, 2010, M.B.A., Business Administration, 2005, B.A., Journalism, 1977
Howrey, Shannon, T, Associate Professor of Reading and Literacy Education, Ph.D., Teaching and Learning, Language and Literacy Education, 2005, M.Ed., Elementary Education, 1996
Howton, Amy, D, Associate Professor of Health Promotion and Physical Education, M.F.A., Dance, 1977, B.F.A., Dance, 1976
Hoyt, Kristin, L, Associate Professor of French and Foreign Language Education, Ph.D., Language Education, 2005, M.S.Ed., Language Education, 1992
Huang, Rongbing, Professor of Economics & Finance, Ph.D., Business Administration, Finance, 2004, M.S., Agricultural and Applied Economics, 1998
Huang, Xiao, Associate Professor of Economics & Finance, Ph.D., Economics, 2005, M.A., Economics, 2003
Hubbard, Daphne, W, Associate Professor of English Education & Literacy, Ph.D., Secondary Education, 2001, M.A., Secondary Education-Language Arts, 1993, B.A., Public Relations, 1990
Huddlestun, Amos, C, Performance Arts Cataloger and Librarian Assistant Professor of Library Science, M.L.I.S., Library and Information Science, 2013, M.M.Ed, Music Education, 1984, B.M.E., Music Education, 1980
Hudson, Martin, L, Assistant Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biology, 2000, B.S., Applied Chemistry, 1991,
Hung, Chih-Cheng, Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D., Computer Science, 1990, M.S., Computer Science, 1986, B.S., Applied Mathematics, 1978
Hunt, Ruston, M, Interim Assistant Dean of Accreditation and Assessment and Associate Professor of Systems Engineering, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 1981, M.S., Industrial Engineering, 1979, B.S., Industrial Engineering, 1978
Hutchins, Amber, L, Director of Public Relations Program and Assistant Professor of Communication, Ph.D., Communication, 2008, M.A., Mass Communication, 2002, B.A., Journalism, 1999
Hutchins, Jennifer, D, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Ph.D., Business Administration, 2014, M.B.A., Marketing, 2005, B.S., Psychology, 1994
Hutchinson, Richard, N, Lecturer of Sociology, Ph.D., Sociology, 2003, M.A., Sociology, 1995, B.A., Anthropology, 1981
Hwang, Kristine, H, Associate Professor of Art, M.Ed., Counseling Psychology, 1988, M.F.A., Computer Graphics Design, 1998, B.A., Graphic Design, 1994
Hyon, Kathy, S, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., English, 2008, M.F.A., Creative Writing, 2001, B.A., English, 1977
Ikegwuonu, Patricia, R, Lecturer of Criminal Justice, J.D., Law, 1983, B.S., Speech Communication, 1979
Ilksoy, Erhan, Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1993, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1984, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1978
Ingram, Katherine, H, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Ph.D., Sport Science, 2010, M.S., Exercise Physiology, 1998, B.S., Sport Management, 1993
Ingram, Ulrike, K, Lecturer of Geographic Information Systems, M.A., Geography, 2005, B.A., International Affairs, 1998
Jackson, Kenneth, W, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 1980, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1976, M.S., Operations Research, 2002, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1970
Jackson, Paula, Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biology, 1996, B.S., Biology, 1986
Jambro, John, D, Assistant Professor of Construction Management, M.S., Construction Management, 2003, B.S., Construction Management, 1998
Jaramillo, Nathalia, E, Deputy Chief Diversity Officer and Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D., Education, 2007, M.Ed., Individualized, International Education Policy, 2000, B.A., Psychology, 1997
Jean-Sigur, Raynice, E, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Ph.D., Special Education, 1999, M.S., Human Development and Family Studies, 1994, B.A., Special Education/Early Childhood Education, 1993
Jenkins, Larry, B, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology, M.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 1989, B.S.E.E., Electronic Engineering, 1984,
Ji, Jun, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1993, M.S., Mathematics, 1985, B.S., Mathematics, 1982
Jiang, Binbin, Interim Director of Global Engagement and Professor of International Education, Leadership and Research, Ed.D., Educational Leadership, 1999, M.A., TESOL, 1996, B.A., English Language and Literature, 1985
Jimenez, Albert, M, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Ph.D., Educational Administration, 2014, M.S., Sociology, 2004, B.A., Sociology, 2000
Jin, Wenhua, Associate Professor of Chinese, Ph.D., Linguistics, 2008, M.A., English Language and Literature, 1997, B.A., English Language and Literature, 1992
Joffe, David, N, Assistant Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Physics and Astronomy, 2004, M.S., Physics, 1994, B.S., Physics, 1992
Johnson, April, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, D.Phil., Political Science, 2014, M.S., Psychology, 2008
Johnson, Arvin, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Ed.D., Educational Leadership, 2008, M.Ed., Educational Leadership, Instructional Leadership, 2001, B.A., Psychology, Sociology, 1998
Johnson, David, M, Professor of English, Ph.D., Linguistics, 1999, M.A., Modern Languages, 1994, B.A., Theology, 1990
Johnson, Lisa, B, Associate Professor of Social Work, Ph.D., Social Work, 2006, M.S.W., Social Work, 1996, B.S.W., Social Work, 1995
Johnson, Ping, H, Professor of Health Promotion and Physical Education, Ph.D., Education, Health Education, 1997, M.S., Health Education, 1994, B.S., Medicine, 1982
Johnson II, John, D, Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Ph.D., Human Performance, Administration and Teaching, 2004, M.S., Sports Administration, 2002, B.S., Physical Education, 1999
Johnston, Linda, M, Executive Director of the Siegel Institute for Leadership, Ethics & Character and Professor of Conflict Management, Ph.D., Conflict Analysis and Resolution, 2001, M.S., Institution Administration, 1976, B.S., Dietetics, 1974
Jones, David, E, Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Philosophy, 1988, M.A., Philosophy, 1975, A.B., Philosophy and English, 1973
Jones, Holly, G, Lecturer of English, M.A., Humanities and Social Thought, 1999, B.A., Philosophy, 1997
Jones, Jackie, H, Director of Institutional Quality and Accreditation and Associate Professor of Nursing, Ed.D., Higher Education, 2005, M.S.N., Perinatal Nursing, 1991
Jones, Tonya, C, Integrative Studies Advisor and Assistant Professor of Mathematics, M.S., Mathematics, 1993, B.S., Mathematics, 1991
Jordan, Esther, S, Associate Director for Faculty Support and Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Political Science, 2010, M.A., Political Science, 2005, B.A., Political Science, 1998
Jorrin Abellan, Ivan, M, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, Ph.D., Education, 2007, B.S.Ed., Education, 2001
Joyce, Teresa, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Professor of Management, Ph.D., Business Administration, 1987,M.B.A., Business Administration, 1982, B.B.A., Management, 1981
Juneja, Parminder, K, Assistant Professor of Construction Management, Ph.D., Architecture, 2010, Architecture, 1996, M.Tech, Building Science, 2000
Jung, Edward, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D., Computer and Information Services, 1994, B.S., Computer Science, 1987
Jung, Kyunghun, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Psychology, 2013, M.A., Experimental Psychology, 2006, B.A., Psychology, 2004
Jurchenko, Jacqueline, A, Senior Lecturer of Chemistry, M.S., Chemistry, 1996, B.A., Chemistry, 1991
Kalamas, Maria, Associate Professor of Marketing and Professional Sales, Ph.D., Administration, 2008, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1996, M.S., Management Systems, 1997, B.A., History, 1991, B.S., Microbiology and Immunology, 1989
Kaledin, Martina, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, 1995, M.S., Physical Chemistry, 1991, B.S., Physical Chemistry, 1991
Kane, Victor, E, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Statistics, 1975, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1982, B.S., Mathematics, 1970
Kang, Lu, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Chemistry, 2004, B.S., Chemistry, 1994
Kang, Yang, Lecturer of Mathematics, Ph.D., Mathematics, 2007, M.S., Mathematics, 2004, B.S., Mathematics, 2001
Karim, Mohammed, A, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, D.Eng., Civil Engineering, 2000, M.S., Civil Engineering, 1992, B.S.C.E., Civil Engineering, 1989
Katzman, Brett, E, Chair of the Department of Economics, Finance and Quantitative Analysis and Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 1996, M.A., Economics, 1993, B.S., Economics, 1991
Keating, Kenneth, Lecturer of Mathematics, M.S., Computer Science, 2008, M.S., Mathematics, 2004, B.S., Computational Mathematics, 1993
Keefe, Alison, M, Executive Director of EMBA Program and Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Agricultural Business and Econ, 2002, M.S., Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, 1998, B.S., Marine Biology, 1995
Keen, Diane, L, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, M.S.N., Advanced Care Management and Leadership, 2011, B.S.N., Nursing, 2008
Kehler, David, T, Director of Bands and Professor of Music, D.M.A., Music, 2009, M.M., Applied Music, 1992, B.M., School Music - Instrumental, 1987
Keith, Melissa, D, Senior Lecturer of English, Ph.D., English, 2012, M.A., English, 2008, B.A., English Literature, 1975
Kelani, Zeynep, A, Lecturer of Economics, M.S., Management, 2002, B.S., Statistics, 1994
Keleher, Michael, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., English, Rhetoric and Composition, 2013, M.A., English, 1997, B.A., English, 1993
Kelley, Susanne, A, Associate Professor of German, Ph.D., Germanic Languages, 2005, M.A., Germanic Languages, 1999, B.A., German and International Studies, 1997
Kelly-Jackson, Charlease, P, Associate Professor of Science Education, Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 2008, M.A.T., General Science, 2004, B.S., Biology, 1998
Keltner, Stacy, K, Coordinator of Gender and Women’s Studies and Associate Professor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Philosophy, 2002, B.A., Philosophy and Literature, 1997
Kenney, Michael, R, Assistant Professor of Social Work and Human Services, Ph.D., Social Work, 2013, M.S.W., Social Work, 2002
Keyser, Robert, S, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, 2008, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1992, M.S., Statistics, 2005, B.S.B.A., Statistics, 1988
Khalid, Adeel, S, Associate Professor of Systems Engineering, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, 2006, M.S., Aerospace Engineering, 2004, M.S., Industrial Engineering, 2005, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2000
Khayati, Amine, Assistant Professor of Finance, Ph.D., Business Administration, Finance, 2010, M.S., Business Administration, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, 2003, B.A., Accounting, 2000
Khazaei, Ali, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 1998, M.S.M.E., Mechanical Engineering, 1987, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1982
Kidonakis, Nikolaos, Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Physics, 1996, M.A., Mathematics, 1991, B.S., Physics, 1990
Kim, Heeman, Asian Studies Project Manager and Associate Professor of Communication, Ph.D., Communication/Mass Media, 2005, M.A., Communication Studies, 2000, B.A., Theatre, Film/Video, 1997
Kim, Helen, H, Associate Professor of Violin, M.M., Violin, 1997, B.M., Violin, 1995
Kim, Hyun, C, Authority Control and Serials Cataloging Librarian and Librarian Assistant Professor of Library Science, M.L.S., Library and Information Science, 2007, B.A., Sociology, 1992
Kim, Jihye, Assistant Professor of Educational Research, Ph.D., Educational Policy Studies, 2011, M.S., Mathematics, Biostatistics, 2004, B.S., Applied Statistics, 1997
Kim, Sung-Hee, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Ph.D., Civil Engineering, 2004, M.S., Civil Engineering, 2000, B.S., Civil Engineering, 1999
Kim, Yang Hee, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 1996, M.A., Early Childhood Education, 1988, B.A., Early Childhood Education, 1986
Kimitei, Symon, K, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, M.S., Mathematics, Scientific Computing, 2008, B.S., Computer Science, 1998, B.S., Mathematics, 1999
King, Adrienne, L, Assistant Professor of Organismal Biology, Ph.D., Environmental Health Sciences, 2010, M.S., Environmental Science, 2003, B.S., Biology, 1998
King, David, A, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., English, Interdisciplinary, 2001, M.A., English, 1992, A.B., English, 1990
King, Deborah, A, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, M.S.N., Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, 1999, B.S.N., Nursing, 1995
King, Stephen, H, Assistant Professor of Human Services, Ph.D., Social Work, 2009, M.S.W., Social Work, 1990, B.A., Social Work, 1985
King McKenzie, Ethel, L, Associate Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 1999, Ed.S., Secondary Education, 1993, M.A., Education, 1992, B.Ed., Curriculum Theory and Social Studies, 1982
Kinnick, Katherine, N, Associate Dean of Honors College and Professor of Communication, Ph.D., Mass Communication, 1994, M.C., Public Relations, 1987, B.A., Advertising/Public Relations, 1984
Kirby, Vivian, S, Senior Lecturer of Economics & Finance, M.A., International Relations, 1999, M.B.A., Business Administration and Management, 1999, B.S., Microbiology and Medical Biochemistry, 1997
Kirk, Alan, B, Professor of Social Work, Ph.D., Social Work, 1986, M.S.W., Social Work, 1972, B.S., Psychology, 1970
Kirk, Nancy, J, Senior Lecturer of Chemistry, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1984, B.S., Chemistry, 1977
Kirsner, Beth, R, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Psychology, 2005, M.A., Psychology, 1999, B.A., Economics, 1988
Kirwan, James, V, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Ph.D., Mathematics Education, 2015, M.A., Mathematics, 2009, B.A., Master of Arts in Teaching, 2007
Klingler, Lori, Clinical Assistant Professor of Chemistry Education, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1984, B.S., Chemistry, 1979
Kliszczewicz, Brian, M, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Ph.D., Kinesiology, 2014, M.S., Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, Human Performance, 2010
Klym, Kendall, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., English, 2010, M.F.A., Creative Writing, 2003, B.A., Journalism, 1994
Kochman, Ladd, M, Professor of Finance, D.B.A., Finance, 1980, M.B.A., Management, 1972, B.S., Journalism, 1967
Koether, Marina, Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1994, B.S., Chemistry, 1989
Kokil, Uttam, Assistant Professor of Interactive Design, M.F.A., Computer Graphics Design, 2004, B.F.A., Graphic Design, 1997
Kolenko, Thomas, A, Associate Professor of Management, Ph.D., Business, 1986, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1975, B.I.A., Organizational Development, 1974
Koppelman, Charles, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, M.A., Mathematics, 1972, B.S., Mathematics, 1968
Koz, Olga, O, Graduate Librarian and Librarian Associate Professor of Library Science, D.Mgt., Management, 2014, M.L.S., Library Science, 2010
Kperogi, Farooq, A, Assistant Professor of Communication, Ph.D., Communication, Public Communication, 2011, M.S., Communication, 2006, B.A., Mass Communications, 1996
Kraegel, Rebecca, H, Lecturer of English, M.A.P.W., Professional Writing, Composition and Rhetoric, 2012, B.A., English, 1987
Kremer, Mark, S, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Political Science, 1995, M.A., Political Science, 1986, B.A., Philosophy and Political Science, 1985
Kuemmerle, Daniel, L, Lecturer of Civil Engineering, M.S., Civil Engineering, 1999, B.S., Civil Engineering, 1997
Kuhel, Karen, A, Associate Professor of TESOL, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 2005, M.A., TESOL, 1995, B.A., Liberal Arts, 1993
Kulasiri, Ratnappuli, L, Assistant Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Physics, 2005, M.S., Physics, 1999, B.S., Physics, 1996
Kunst, Kimberly, P, Lecturer of Reading and Literacy Education, Ed.S., Teaching and Learning, 2000, M.Ed., Reading Education, 1996, B.A., English, 1995
Kuykendal, Dorothy, L, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., English, 2009, M.A., English, 2004, B.A., English, 2002
Lahey, Michael, D, Assistant Professor of New Media Arts, Ph.D., Communication & Culture, 2013, M.A., Communication & Culture, 2006, B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies, 2001
Lance, Julie, C, Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work, Ph.D., Clinical Social Work, 2015, M.S., Social Work, 1997
Lands, LeeAnn, B, Associate Professor of History, Ph.D., History of Technology, 2001, M.A., History, 1995, B.S.E., Materials Science and Engineering, 1991
Lang, Donald, G, Senior Lecturer of Management, M.B.A., General Business, 1988, B.A., Economics, 1975
Langub, Lee, W, Associate Professor of Elementary Curriculum and Assesment, Ed.D., Curriculum Studies, 2005, M.Ed., Early Childhood Education, 1994, B.S.Ed., Early Childhood Education, 1991
Lanning, Karen, M, Lecturer of English, M.Ed., Secondary Education, 1976, B.S.Ed., English Education, 1974
Laposata, Matthew, M, Professor of Environmental Science, Ph.D., Ecology, 1998, M.S., Biological Sciences, 1994, B.S., Biology Education, 1992
Larisch, Scott, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology, M.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 1985, B.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 1981
Larsen, Carolee, A, Lecturer of Sociology, Ph.D., Sociology, 1996, M.A., Sociology, 1989, B.A., Political Science, 1986
Larsen, Victor, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, M.S., Mathematics, 2014, B.A., Mathematics, 2009
Lartigue, Jonathan, Assistant Professor of Software Engineering, M.S., Computer Science & Software Engineering, 2002, B.A., Corporate Journalism, 1997
Laser-Hansen, Kelli, R, Senior Lecturer of Biology, M.S., Biology, 2004, B.S.Ed., Health Promotion and Behavior, 1995
Latino, Robin, C, Chair of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship and Associate Professor of Management, Ph.D., Business Administration, Management, 2004, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1994, B.A., Management, 1992
Laux, Charles, C, Assistant Professor of Music Education, M.M., Music, 2001, B.M., Music Education, Instrumental, 1996
Laval, June, K, Professor of French and Spanish, Ph.D., Romance Languages, 1973, M.A., French, 1967, M.A., Spanish, 1965, B.A., Spanish, 1962
Laval, Philippe, B, Assistant Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1998, M.S., Mathematics, 1995, B.A., Mathematics, 1986
Lawless, John, Senior Lecturer of Percussion Studies, B.M., Orchestral Instruments, 1983
Lawson, M, L, Professor of Statistics, Ph.D., Epidemiology, 1998, M.P.H., Public Health, 1994, B.S., Biology, 1981
LeBlanc, Maurice, J, Lecturer of Mathematics, Ph.D., Mathematics, 2013, M.A., Mathematics, 2010, B.S., Biology, 2000
Lebaron, Alan, V, Director of Maya Heritage Community Project, Interim Coordinator of Latin American Studies Program and Professor of History, Ph.D., History, 1988, M.A., History, 1978, B.A., History, 1974
Lebish, Alan, R, Head of Library Facilities and Librarian Professor of Library Science, M.A., History, 1979, M.L.S., Library Science, 1982, B.A., Russian, 1981, B.A., Brooklyn College, History, 1977
Lee, Gang, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Ph.D., Sociology, 1998
Lee, Hoseon, L, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ph.D., Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2013, M.S., Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2005, B.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 2002
Lee, Jeongyi, Assistant Professor of Korean, Ph.D., Linguistics, 2005, M.A., Linguistics, 2000
Leeds, Elke, M, Associate Vice President of Technology Enhanced Learning and Associate Professor of Information Systems, Ph.D., Applied Management and Decision Science, 2007, M.B.A., Operations Management, 1998, B.S., Business Administration, 1989
Lefebvre, Rebecca, K, Lecturer of Political Science, Ph.D., International Conflict Management, 2013, M.S., Computer Science, 1994, B.S., Electrical Engineering, 1986
Leger, Thierry, A, Senior Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of French, Ph.D., French Language and Literature, 1995, M.A., Psychology, 1987, B.A., Psychology, 1985, AM, French, 1989, A.S., Psychology, 1984
Lepadatu, Elena, D, Associate Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Sociology, 2007, M.S., Philosophy, 2000, B.A., Philosophy, 1999, B.A., Sociology, 1998
Lester, Deborah, H, Professor of Marketing, Ph.D., Clothing and Fashion Merchandising, 1982, M.S., Clothing and Textiles, 1976, B.S., Fashion Merchandising, 1975
Levy, Aaron, H, Associate Professor of English and English Education, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, English Education, 2004, M.F.A., Creative Writing, 1994, B.A., English, 1991
Lewin, Jonathan, W, Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Mathematics, 1970, M.A., Mathematics, 1969, B.S., Mathematics, 1964, B.S., Mathematics, 1962
Lewis, Amelia, C, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., English, 2015, M.A., English, 2009, B.A., English, 2006
Lewis, Catherine, M, Assistant Vice President for Museums, Archives & Rare Books and Professor of History & Women’s Studies, Ph.D., American Studies, 1997, M.A., American Studies, 1995, B.A., English and History, 1990
Li, Chien-Pin, Associate Dean for Curriculum and Technology and Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Political Science, 1988, B.A., Political Science, 1982
Li, Lei, Associate Professor of Information Technology, Ph.D., Computer Information Systems, 2007, M.S., Computer Science, 2002, B.S., Mining Engineering, 1995
Lieberman, Robbie, Chair, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Ph.D., American Culture, 1984, AM, American Culture, 1981
Lindsey, Douglas, B, Lecturer of Trumpet, D.M.A., Music: Performance, 2012, M.M., Trumpet, 2010, B.M., Music Education and Performance, 2008
Linenberger, Kimberly, J, Assistant Professor of Chemistry Education, Ph.D., Chemistry, 2011, B.S., Chemistry, 2007
Link, Tanja, C, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Ph.D., Sociology, 2006, M.A., Sociology, 2001
Liu, Xuepeng, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 2006, M.A., Economics, 2004, M.A., Economics, 2001, B.A., Economics, 1998
Lo, Dan, C, Professor of Computer Science, Ph.D., Computer Science, 2001, M.A. Applied Mathematics, 1990, M.S., Electrical Engineering, 1992
Loe, Terry, W, Professor of Marketing, Ph.D., Business Administration, Marketing, 1996, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1981, B.S., Marketing, 1980
Logan, Monique, C, Lecturer of Technical Communication, M.S., Technical and Professional Communication, 2004, B.A., English, 1986
Lombardo, Rick, J, Department Chair of Theatre and Performance Studies and Associate Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies, M.F.A., Theatre Directing, 1984, B.S., Psychology, 1981
Long, Harrison, Associate Dean of College of the Arts and Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies, M.F.A., Theatre, 1991, B.F.A., Acting, 1988
Long, Janice, M, Associate Professor of Nursing, Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Health Studies, 2008, M.S., Nursing, Adult Health, 1995
Loomis, Kimberly, S, Professor of Science Education, Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 1992, M.S., Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education, 1987, B.S., Microbiology, 1985
Louten, Jennifer, R, Associate Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Medical Science, 2006, B.S., Biotechnology, 2000
Love, Keisha, M, Chair of the Department of Psychology and Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, 2005, M.S.Ed., Education and Counseling Psychology, 1999, B.A., Psychology, 1998
Loverde-Dropp, Jo Ann, M, Lecturer of English, M.F.A., Creative Writing, 2010, B.S., English, 1991
Lowder, Margaret, L, Interim Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D., Bioengineering, 2007, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2005, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2001
Lu, Zhongjing, Associate Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Food Science, 2002, M.S., Food Science, 1999, B.S., Chemical Technology, 1978, B.S., Food Science, 1996
Lundy, Brandon, D, Associate Director of the PhD in International Conflict Management and Associate Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Anthropology, 2009, M.A., Anthropology, 2005, B.A., Africana Studies, 1998, B.A., Anthropology, 1998
Luther, Michael, E, Assessment Librarian and Librarian Assistant Professor of Library Science, M.S., Library and Information Science, 2010, B.A., Sociology, 1999
Lynn, Kathy, A, Senior Lecturer of English, M.A.P.W., Applied Writing, 1997, B.S., Electrical Engineering, 1985
Lyons, Linda, M, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Assistant Professor of Education, Ed.D., Adult Education, 2013, M.S., Human Resource Development, 2003
Ma, Kuosheng, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2005, M.S., Biochemistry, 1999, M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2002, B.S., Chemistry, 1994
Ma, Yongli, Head of Access Services - Johnson Library and Librarian Associate Professor of Library Science, M.L.I.S., Library and Information Science, 1991, M.Ed., Reading, 1990, B.A., Shanghai Foreign Language Institute, English, 1977
MacDonald,L eo, T, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Business Administration, 2007, M.S., Engineering, 1995, B.S., Engineering, 1991
Maddox, Beverly, B, Director of Research Administration and Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Ed.D., Educational Administration, 1976, M.S., Reading, 1974, B.S., History, 1969
Maguire, MaryBeth, R, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, M.S.N., Nurse Practitioner, 2002, B.S.N., Nursing, 1995
Majumder, Sarasij, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D., Anthropology, 2009, M.A., Sociology, 1999, M.A., Anthropology, 2006, B.A., Sociology, 1996
Makus, Rebecca, M, Associate Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies, M.F.A., Lighting Design, 2007, B.F.A., Theatre, 2000
Malewski, Erik, L, Chief Diversity Officer and Professor of Curriculum Studies, Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, 2003, M.Ed., Higher Education, 1998, B.A., Communication, 1995
Malgeri, Linda, M, Associate Professor of Accounting, M.B.A., General Business Administration, 1977, B.A., Economics, 1975
Mallavarapu, Suma, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Psychology, 2009, M.S., Psychology, 2004, B.S., Zoology, 2001
Malluck, John, F, Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, Ph.D., Engineering Science and Mechanics, 1976, M.S., Engineering Science and Mechanics, 1973, B.A.E., Aerospace Engineering, 1972
Maloni, Michael, J, Associate Professor of Management, Ph.D., Business Administration, 1997, M.A., Business Administration, 1995, B.S., Quantitative Business Analysis, 1991
Mangine, Gerald, T, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Ph.D., Education, 2015, M.Ed., Physical Education, 2006, B.S., Criminology and Justice Studies, 2002
Mann-Shahane, Betty Acheson Alison, Associate Professor of Choral Music Education, Ph.D., Music Education, Choral Conducting, 2008, M.Ed., Music Education, Choral, 2004, B.Ed., Music Education, Choral, 2001
Marchisio, Gaia, L, Executive Director, Cox Family Enterprise Center and Aronoff Professor of Family Business and Associate Professor of Management, Ph.D., General Management, 2006, B.A., Business Administration, 1998
Marek, Pam, J, Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Psychology, 1998, M.S., Psychology, 1995, B.S., Psychology, 1993
Mareno, Nicole, A, Associate Professor of Nursing, Ph.D., Nursing, 2009, M.S.N., Nursing, CNS Medical Surgical, 2005, B.S.N., Nursing, 2002
Markle, Gail, S, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Sociology, 2011, M.S., Interdisciplinary Studies, 2004, B.S.B.A., Accounting, 1981
Marks, Beth, W, Foundations Coordinator and Senior Lecturer of Secondary & Middle Grades Education, M.Ed., Middle Grades Education, 2000, B.B.A., International Business and Marketing, 1987
Marktanner, Marcus, Associate Professor of Conflict Management and Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 1997, M.A., Business Administration and Management, 1992, M.S., Applied Economics, 1999
Marshall, Matthew, Assistant Professor of Mechatronics Engineering, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 2013, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2003, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2001
Marshall, Victor, B, Senior Lecturer of Management and Entrepreneurship, D.B.A., Business Administration, Management, 2012, M.B.A., Business Administration, Career Growth, 2004, B.S.E.E., Electrical Engineering, 1976
Marsil, Dorothy, F, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, 2003, M.S., Psychology: Research, 1999, B.A., Psychology, 1995
Martin, Elizabeth, G, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Bachelor of Architecture, Architecture, 1987, M.ARCH, Architecture, 1992, M.ARCH, Urban Studies, 1987
Martin, Nicole, G, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Psychology, 2005, M.A., Psychology, 1999, M.S., Psychology, 2001, B.A., Anthropology and Sociology, 1996
Martin, Robert, A, Senior Lecturer of Accounting, M.B.A., Accounting, 1991, B.S., Accounting, 1979
Martin, Tim, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Psychology, 2005, M.A., Psychology, 1999, B.A., Psychology, 1995
Mathews, Timothy, M, Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 2002, M.A., Economics, 1998, B.A., Economics and Political Science, 1996
Mathis, Robin, S, Lecturer of Communication, Ph.D., Edu Human Resource Development, 2010, M.A., Communication Studies, 2004, B.A., Communication Studies, 1999
Mathisen, Richard, E, Professor of Marketing, Ph.D., Marketing, 1977, M.B.A., Marketing, 1970, B.S., Marketing, 1969
Matson, Ronald, H, Associate Vice President for Faculty and Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biology, 1987, M.S., Biology, 1980, B.S., Zoology, 1976
Matthews, Kathy, L, Coordinator of the First-Year Student Success Advocate Program and Assistant Professor of English, M.A., Literature, 1978, B.A., English, 1976
Mattord, Carola, L, Lecturer of English, Ph.D., English, 2009, M.A., English, 2003, B.A., English Literature, 2000
Mattord, Herbert, J, Assistant Department Chair of Information Systems, Coordinator of Information Security (ISA) Program, Associate Director of Center for Information Sec and Associate Professor of Information Security and Assurance, Ph.D., Information Systems, Information Security, 2012, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1982, B.B.A., Management Information System, 1979
Mauge-Lewis, Carole, Professor of Art, M.F.A., Graphic Design, 1989, B.F.A., Graphic Design, 1984
Mayeed, Mohammed, S, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 2002, M.S.E., Mechanical Engineering, 1997, B.S.E., Mechanical Engineering, 1995
Mayo, Charles, M, Director of the Master’s Program in Integrated Global Communication and Professor of Communication, Ph.D., Mass Communication, 1993, M.A., Marketing, 1989, M.S., Communication, 1976, B.S., Journalism, 1975
Mays, Valerie, W, Associate Vice President for Curriculum and Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, 1985, B.A., Psychology, 1980
Mazzotta, Stefano, Associate Professor of Economics & Finance, Ph.D., Management-Finance, 2005, M.B.A., Finance, 2000, B.S., Economics and Commerce, 1992
McAlpine, Cheryl, G, Associate Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction, English, 1995, M.A., English, 1984, B.A., Sociology, 1978
McCafferty, James, T, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Ph.D., Criminal Justice, 2013, M.S., Criminal Justice, 2007, B.A., Criminal Justice, 2003
McCarthy, Maureen, ACE Fellow and Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Applied Behavioral Studies, 1992, M.S., Applied Behavioral Studies in Education, 1984, B.S., Psychology, 1981, B.S., Sociology, 1981
McClane, Leslie, M, Field Coordinator-Human Services and Lecturer of Human Services, M.A., Counselor Education, 1981, M.A., Psychology-Clinical, 1997, B.A., English/Elementary Education, 1978
McClatchey, Irene, S, Associate Professor of Human Services, Ph.D., Social Work, 2006, M.S.W., Social Work, 1989
McClintock, Diana, L, Associate Professor of Visual Arts, Ph.D., Art History, 1998, M.A., Art History, 1986, B.A., Art History, 1983, B.A., Political Science, 1983
McComb, James, M, Lecturer of Accounting, M. Acc., Accounting, 1996, B.A., International Affairs, 1989
McCoy, Judith, A, Lecturer of Secondary & Middle Grades Education, M.A., Special Education, 1974, M.S., Library and Information Services, 1979, B.S.Ed., Elementary Education, 1971
McDaniel, Brent, A, Associate Professor of Physics, Ph.D., Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, 2005, M.S., Physics, 1997, B.S., Physics, 1995
McDaniel, Paul, N, Assistant Professor of Geography, Ph.D., Geography, 2013, M.A., Educational Leadership, 2007, M.S., Geography, 2006, B.S., Geography, 2004
McElroy, Thomas, C, Associate Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 1999, M.S., Biological Sciences, 1995, B.S., Biological Sciences, 1991
McFall, Kevin, S, Assistant Professor of Mechatronics Engineering, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 2006, M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1997, B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1995
McGarey, Donald, J, Interim Chair of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biology, 1991, M.S., Microbiology, 1987, B.S., Microbiology, 1984
McGovern, Bryan, P, Coordinator of History Education and Associate Professor of History Education and History, Ph.D., History, 2003, M.A., History, 1997, B.A., History, 1990
McGrath, Laura, L, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., English, 2003, B.A., English, 1998
McKelvey, Stephen, C, Senior Lecturer of Political Science, M.A., Political Science, 1983, A.B., Political Science, 1981
McKinzey, Jane, C, Assistant Professor of History Education, Ph.D., Social Studies, 1999, Ed.S., Social Studies, Broad Field Social Studies, 1993, M.A., Secondary Education, 1968, A.B., Political Science, 1967
McLaughlin, Noah, J, Senior Lecturer of French, Ph.D., French, 2007, M.A., French, 2002, B.A., French, 2000
McLester, Cherilyn, N, Associate Professor of Exercise Science, Ph.D., Education, Exercise Science, 2007, M.S., Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, 2004, B.S., Kinesiology, 1998
McLester, John, R, Interim Assistant Chair of the Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management and Professor of Exercise Science, Ph.D., Human Performance, 2000, M.A., Human Performance, 1997, B.S., Exercise Science and Wellness, 1994
McMahon, Jennifer, J, Assistant Chair of the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice and Associate Professor of Sociology, Ph.D., Sociology, 2009, M.A., Sociology, 2005, A.B., Criminal Justice, 2000, B.S., Psychology, 2000
McMorran, Andrew, G, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Ph.D., Computational & Applied Math, 1990, M.S., Computational & Applied Math, 1986, B.S., Mathematics, 1984
McMurry, Jonathan, L, Associate Dean of Research for the College of Science and Mathematics and Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Biochemistry, 2002, M.S., Biology, 1996, B.S., Biology, 1991
McNamara, Corinne, L, Associate Professor of Psychology, Ph.D., Psychology, Experimental Psychology, 2004, M.A., Neuroscience, 2000, B.A., Psychology, 1997
McNeal, Joel, R, Assistant Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biology, 2005, B.A., Biology, 1999
Neill, Stephen, J, Assistant Director of Distance Education, Mobile Learning Coordinator and Senior Lecturer of Communication, Ph.D., Media and Communications, 2009, M.A., Media Production, 2004, B.S., Journalism/Advertising, 2001
Meadati, Pavankumar, Associate Professor of Construction Management, Ph.D., Engineering with a Specialization in Construction, 2007, M.Tech, Civil Engineering, 2000, B.E., Civil Engineering, 1998
Meades, Glen, D, Lecturer of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 2010, M.S., Biochemistry, 2005, B.S., Physics, 1999
Meadows, Feland, L, Goizueta Endowed Chair and Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education, Ph.D., Education, 1970, B.A., Political Science, Earth Science and Education, 1951
Meals, Cory, Assistant Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Music Education, M.M., Conducting, 2012, B.M., Music Teacher Education, 2002
Melnik, Mikhail, Associate Professor of Economics, Ph.D., Economics, 2003, M.A., Economics, 1998, B.S., Economics w minor in Physics, 1995
Meng, Liuxi, Associate Professor of Chinese, Ph.D., Asian Studies, 2003, M.A., English, 1996, B.A., Chinese Language and Literature, 1982
Mero, Neal, P, Management Department DBA Coordinator and Professor of Management, Ph.D., Business Administration, Management, 1994, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1985, B.S., Business and Management, 1981
Mesbahi, Mehrdad, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, M.S.C.E., Civil Engineering, 1983, B.S.C.E., Civil Engineering, 1979
Miller, Tom, W, Professor of Finance, D.B.A., Quadruple-bend Achromatic/Statistics/Economic Analysis, 1974, M.A., Economics, 1968, M.B.A., Quantitative Business, 1973, B.S., Social Studies, 1965
Miner, Leslie, M, Lecturer of Nursing, M.S.N., Parent Child Nursing, 1993, B.S.N., Nursing, 1985
Misoc, Florian, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, 2007, M.S., Engineering Technology, 1999, B.S.E., Physics, 1989
Mitchell, David, B, Interim Associate Dean of Administration and Professor of Gerontology, Ph.D., Child Psychology, 1982, M.A., Psychology, 1978, B.A., Psychology, 1976
Mitchell, Mark, B, Chair of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1984, B.S., Chemistry, 1978
Mitchelson, Matthew, L, Associate Professor of Geography, Ph.D., Geography, 2010, M.A., Geography, 2005, B.B.A., Finance, 2001
Mixson-Brookshire, Deborah, Interim Assistant Dean of University College and Associate Professor of Management, M.B.A., Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, 2000, B.B.A., Accounting, 1996
Molitoris-Miller, Susanna, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Ph.D., Education, 2013, M.S., Mathematics, 2009, B.S., Mathematics, 2007
Monaghan, Marietta, Lecturer of Architecture, M.S., Architecture, 2009, M.S., Art History, 2004, B.F.A., Art History, 1970, B.F.A., Drawing and Painting, 1970
Montgomery, Robert, C, Associate Professor of English Education, Ph.D., Education, Teaching and Learning, 2009, M.A., Education, Teaching and Learning, 2001, B.S., Communication Education, 1995
Moodie, Douglas, R, Professor of Management, Ph.D., Business Administration, 1996, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1987, M.S., Operations Research, 1989, B.S., Engineering, 1973
Moomaw, Ellen, W, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Chemistry, 2007, M.S., Biochemistry, 1984, A.B., Biology, 1982, A.B., Chemistry, 1982
Moore, Julie, A, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology, Ph.D., Informational Systems Technology, 2003, M.Ed., Secondary Education, 1989, B.S.Ed., Education, 1985
Moran, John, P, Professor of Political Science, Ph.D., Political Science, 1998, M.Phil., Political Science, 1995, B.S., Russian, 1986
Moremen, Eileen, S, Director of Opera Theatre and Lecturer of Music, M.Mus., Voice, 1978, B.M., Voice, 1976
Morgan, Amanda, W, Assistant Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies, M.F.A., Theatre, 2009, B.A., Music, 2006, B.A., Theatre, 2006
Morgan, Nina, Y, Associate Professor of English, Ph.D., English, 1994, M.A., English, 1989, B.A., English, 1987
Morrison, Briana, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, M.S., Computer Science, 1995, B.S.E., Computer Systems Engineering, 1987
Morrissey, Julia, J, Assistant Director of the Undergraduate Honors Program and Assistant Professor of English, Ph.D., English, 1983, M.A., English, 1979, B.A., English, 1974
Mosholder, Richard, S, Associate Professor of Psychology, J.D., Law, 1980, Ph.D., Education: Educational Policy and Leadership, 2007, M.A., Education: Educational Policy and Leadership, 2006, M.S., Food Science and Nutrition, 1976, B.A., Zoology, 1972
Msimanga, Huggins, Z, Professor of Chemistry, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1988, M.S., Chemistry, 1983, B.Ed., Educational Administration and Supervision, 1979, B.S., Chemistry, 1975
Munson, April, S, Associate Professor of Art Education, Ph.D., Art Education, 2009, M.A., Art Education, 2005, B.A., Art Education, 2001
Murray, Mary, G, Professor of Information Systems, Ph.D., Information Systems, 1999, M.B.A., Business Administration, 1997, M.S., Education, 1983, B.S., Elementary Education, 1978
Mutchler, Troy, R, Assistant Professor of Biology, Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 2004, M.S., Biology, 1998
Mutlu, Canan, Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Ph.D., International Management, 2015, B.A., Business Administration and Management, 2007
Myers, Marrielle, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Ph.D., Mathematics Education, 2014, M.Ed., Mathematics Education, 2007, B.S., Mathematics, 2003
Myers, Rachel, E, Associate Professor of Nursing, Ph.D., Nursing Science, 2010, M.S.N., Nursing Administration, 1999, B.S.N., Nursing, 1990
Mzoughi, Taha, Professor of Physics Education, Ph.D., Physics, 1990, M.S., Physics, 1982, B.S., Physics, 1980