Feb 07, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty S - Z

Sachs, Daniel, E, Assistant Professor, PHD, Art History, 1996, MA, Art History, 1990, BA, Art History, 1978


Sadre-Orafai, Jenny, R, Associate Professor, MA, English Writing, 2002, MFA, Creative Writing, Creative Writing - Poetry, 2010, BA, English and American Language and Literature, 2000


Salerno, John, C, Professor, PHD, Biophysics, 1977, BS, Physics, 1972,


Salman, Muhammad, Assistant Professor, PHD, Mechanical Engineering, 2012, MS, Mechanical Engineering, 2008, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1997


Salvador, Michael, S, Senior Lecturer, PHD, Operations Research, 1972, MS, Operations Research, 1970, BS, Mathematics, 1968


Salyer, Barbara, A, Assistant Professor, PHD, Science Education, 1998, MS, Biology, 1972, BS, Biology Education, 1968


Sanchez, Wendy, B, Associate Professor, PHD, Mathematics Education, 2001, MED, Mathematics Education, 1997, BSED, Mathematics Education, 1992


Sandefur, Amy, F, Lecturer, PHD, English, 2003, MA, English, 1995, BA, English, 1993


Santini, Federica, Associate Professor, PHD, Italian, 2004, BA, Comparative Literature, 1996,


Savoy, Elizabeth, A, Lecturer, MA, English, 2011, BA, English, 2009,


Scafidi, Benjamin, P, Professor, PHD, Economics, 1998, MA, Economics, 1992, BA, Economics, 1990


Schafer, Brad, A, Associate Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 2003, MACC, Accounting, 1995, BBA, Accounting, 1993


Schafer, Jennifer, B, Associate Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 2003, MACC, Accounting, 1994, BS, Accounting, 1992


Scheck, Lori, E, Senior Lecturer, MS, Physical Education, 1983, BS, Physical Education, 1982,


Scherer, Heidi, L, Assistant Professor, PHD, Criminal Justice, 2011, MS, Criminal Justice, 2007, BS, Criminal Justice, 2006


Scherrer, Christina, R, Associate Professor, PHD, Industrial Engineering, 2005, MS, Industrial Engineering, 2001, BIE, Industrial Engineering, 1999


Schmidt, David, M, Senior Lecturer, MAPW, Professional Writing, Composition and Rhetoric, 2005, BA, English, 2001,


Schulzke, Kurt, S, Associate Professor, JD, Law, 1998, BS, Accounting, 1986, MAC, Management Accounting, 1986


Schwaig, Kathy, S, Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 1996, MBA, Information Systems Management, 1986, BBA, Accounting, 1984


Schwartz, Jesse, A, Professor, PHD, Economics, 1999, MA, Applied Economics, 1994, BA, Economics, 1992


Scott, Gail, Senior Lecturer, EDD, Foundations of Education, 1976, MED, Education, 1968, BA, Education, 1967


Scott, Heather, I, Assistant Professor, PHD, Educational Leadership, 2010, MED, College Student Affairs Administration, 2001, BA, Theatre, 1999


Seaman, Kristen, E, Associate Professor, PHD, History of Art, 2009, MA, History of Art, 2009, BA, Archaeological Studies Classical Civilization, 1994


Seelarbokus, Chenaz, B, Associate Professor, PHD, Political Science, 2005, MA, Political Science, 2002, MPA, Public Administration, Nonprofit Management, 2002, MS, Environmental Sciences, 1998, BS, Chemistry, 1990, BS, Environmental Studies, 1990


Selden, Gary, L, Professor, EDD, Adult Education, 1998, MBA, Health Care Marketing, 1988, BA, Mathematics, 1969


Sen, Debarati, Assistant Professor, PHD, Anthropology, 2009, MA, Sociology, 2000, MA, Anthropology, 2006, MPHIL, Sociology, 2002, BA, Sociology, 1998,


Seo, Youngguk, Assistant Professor, PHD, Civil Engineering, 2003, MS, Civil Engineering, 1996,


Serkedakis, Michael, G, Lecturer, MBA, Management, 1974, BBA, Management, 1971,


Setiawan, Arief, B, Assistant Professor, PHD, Architecture, 2010, BARCH, Architecture, 1997, MCP, Urban Design, 2001


Setzer, Charles, B, Professor, PHD, Mathematics, 1972, AB, Mathematics, 1968, AM, Mathematics, 1969


Severson, Marvin, J, Lecturer, MA, English, 2008, BA, English and American Language and Literature, 2003, BS, Sociology and Anthropology: Anthropology, 2003


Shabo, Rebecca, L, Associate Professor, PHD, Nursing, Nursing Education, 1998, MSN, Pediatric Nursing, 1989, BSN, Nursing, 1985


Shade, Sherri, L, Associate Professor, MSIS, Information Systems, 2000, BS, Information Systems, 1990,


Shahriar, Hossain, M, Assistant Professor, PHD, Computing, 2012, MS, Computing and Information Science, 2008,


Sharma, Divesh, S, Professor, PHD, Accounting Banking and Finance, 1999, MA, Accountancy, 1992, BA, Accountancy, 1988


Sharma, Vineeta, D, Associate Professor, PHD, Accounting, 2006, BA, Accounting and Finance, 1997,


Sharpe, Christopher, R, Librarian Assistant Professor, MLIS, Library and Information Science, 2008, BA, History, 1999,


Shaver, Russell, T, Senior Lecturer, MS, Environmental Studies, Management/Natural Resources, 1978, MS, Systems Management, 1975, BS, Biology, 1970


Shaw, Alan, Assistant Professor, PHD, Media Arts and Sciences, 1995, MS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1988, AB, Applied Mathematics, 1985


Shaw, Janet, L, Associate Professor, PHD, Chemistry, 2005, BS, Chemistry, 2000,


Sheil, Mary, P, Senior Lecturer, MS, Accounting, 1978, BA, Economics, 1976,


Shelden, Ashley, T, Associate Professor, PHD, English, 2009, MA, English, 2007, BA, English and philosophy, 2002


Sherer, Robert, Professor, MFA, Fine Arts, Painting, 1992, BFA, Painting, 1986,


Sherr, Laurence, E, Professor, DMA, Musical Arts, 1988, MM, Music, 1981, BA, Music, 1978


Shi, Yong, Associate Professor, PHD, Computer Science and Engineering, 2006, ME, Computer Science, 1999, BE, Computer Science, 1996


Shields, Elisabeth, S, Librarian Professor, PHD, International Relations, 1989, MA, International Affairs, African Studies, 1977, MLS, Library and Information Services, 1996, AB, Anthropology and History, 1972,


Shinall, Cheryl, A, Lecturer, MA, Professional Writing, 1998, BA, Political Science, 1980,


Shock, David, R, Professor, PHD, Political Science, 2002, MA, Political Science, 1997, BA, Political Science, 1996


Shpuza, Ermal, Associate Professor, PHD, Architecture, 2006, MS, Architecture, 1995, BS, Architecture, 1997


Shumate, Laura, S, Lecturer, MACC, Accountancy, 2001, BS, Business Administration, 2000,


Siddiqi, Khalid, M, Professor, PHD, Civil Engineering, 1997, MENGR, Structural Engineering and Materials, 1980, BE, Civil Engineering, 1978


Siha, Samia, Professor, PHD, Industrial Engineering, 1989, MS, Electrical Engineering, 1976, BS, Electrical Engineering, 1968


Silva, Ernesto, P, Associate Professor, PHD, Spanish, 2004, MA, Spanish, 1996, BA, Comparative Literature, 1993


Simon, Robert, Associate Professor, PHD, Spanish, 2006, MA, Hispanic Language and Literatures, 2000, BA, Hispanic Language and Literatures, 2000


Singh, Rajnish, Associate Professor, PHD, Physiology and Biophysics, 1999, MS, Biochemistry, 1991, BS, Biochemistry, 1989


Sinha, Mona, Assistant Professor, PHD, Marketing, 2008, MMS, Marketing, 1993, BS, Design, 1991


Sink, Taylor, E, Lecturer, MS, Mathematical Sciences, 2012, BS, Mathematical Sciences, 2010,


Sipp, George, C, Professor, MFA, Visual Arts, 2000, BFA, Art, 1982,


Skaggs, Carmen, M, Associate Professor, PHD, English, 2006, MA, English, 2002, MTS, Theological Studies, 2000, BA, English, 1998,


Skelton, Samuel, B, Senior Lecturer, BM, Music, Jazz Studies, 1990,


Skott-Myhre, Hans, A, Associate Professor, PHD, Education, 2002, MED, Education, 1980, BA, Comparative Literature, 1976


Slater, Judith, R, Associate Professor, MSW, Social Work, 1991, BA, Psychology, 1972,


Sledd, Erin, J, Lecturer, MA, English, 1995, BA, English/Political Science, 1988,


Slinger-Friedman, Vanessa, Associate Professor, PHD, Geography, 2002, MA, Latin American Studies, 1996, BA, Geography, 1994


Smalt, Steven, W, Associate Professor, PHD, Accounting, 2000, MACC, Accounting, 1981, BBA, Accounting, 1979


Smith, Andrew, P, Senior Lecturer, MED, Physical Education, 1998, BSED, Exercise and Sport Science, 1995,


Smith, Deborah, N, Professor, PHD, Higher Education, 1995, MED, Student Personnel in Higher Education, 1989, BA, Psychology, 1986


Smith, Eric, A, Lecturer, MS, Physics, 2005, BS, Physics, 1999,


Smith, Garrett, Associate Professor, PHD, Geography, 1995, M.I.M., International Management, 1983, BA, International Relations, 1982


Smith, Herb, J, Professor, PHD, English, 1980, MA, English, 1970, BA, English, 1968


Smith, Keith, W, Associate Professor, MFA, Art, 1999, BS, Art Education, 1994,


Smith, Marvin, E, Associate Professor, PHD, Curriculum and Instruction, 2000, MBA, Business Administration, 1974, BS, Electrical Engineering, 1972


Smith, Sabine, Professor, PHD, German, Feminist Theory and Research, 1996, MA, American Studies, 1989,


Smith, Susan, K, Associate Professor, PHD, Anthropology, 1998, MA, Anthropology, 1993, BA, Anthropology, 1986


Smith, Susan, M, Associate Professor, PHD, Biology, 1994, MS, Biology, 1990, BS, Biology, 1984


Sneha, Sweta, Associate Professor, PHD, Computer Information Systems, 2008, BS, Computer Science, 2000,


Snook, Carl, D, Lecturer, PHD, Political Science, 2013, MA, Political Science, 2007, MA, Political Science, 2003, BA, Political Science, 2000,


Soiset, Roger, H, Senior Lecturer, MA, History, 1973, BA, History, 1968,


Soldatenko, Gabriel, M, Assistant Professor, PHD, Philosophy Interpretation, 2011, MA, Philosophy Interpretation, 2004, BA, Philosophy, 1999, BA, History, 1999,


Sooklal, Valmiki, K, Assistant Professor, PHD, Mechanical Engineering, 2007, MS, Mechanical Engineering, 2002, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1994


Sowell, Richard, L, Professor, PHD, Nursing Administration, 1990, MSN, Nursing Administration, 1983, BSN, Nursing, 1980


Spisak, Rita, J, Librarian Assistant Professor, M.L.I., Library and Information Science, 2007,


Spoletini, Paola, Associate Professor, PHD, Information Technology, 2005, MS, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2001, MS, Engineering of Computing Systems, 2001


St Pierre, Peter, E, Associate Professor, PHD, Physical Education, 2001, MS, Kinesiology, 1997, BS, Kinesiology: Physical Education Pedagogy, 1995, BS, Secondary Education, 1995,


Stallings, Lucy, L, Professor, PHD, Mathematics Education, 1995, MED, Mathematics Education, 1990, BS, Education, 1984


Starks, Brian, M, Associate Professor, PHD, Sociology, 2005, MA, Sociology, 2000,


Steiner, Hillary, H, Assistant Professor, PHD, Educational Psychology, 2003, MA, Education, 2000,


Stepakoff, Jeffrey, Associate Professor, MFA, Playwriting, 1988, BA, Journalism, 1985,


Stephens, Cristina, S, Assistant Professor, PHD, Sociology, 2005, MA, Public Policy, 1998, BS, Economics, 1996


Stephenson, Charlotte, Lecturer, MA, Speech and Drama, 1966, BA, Speech and Drama, 1964,


Stephenson, Jessica, J, Assistant Professor, PHD, Art History, 2006, MA, Art History, 2000, BA, Art History, 1993


Stephenson, Sandria, S, Assistant Professor, PHD, Adult Education, 2008, MBA, Business Administration Grad, 1998,


Steppe, Johnathan, D, Lecturer, MSN, Advanced Care Management and Leadership, Education Leadership, 2013, BA, Theatre, 1995, BSN, Nursing, 2010


Stewart, Linda, S, Assistant Professor, MA, English Literature, 1997, MAT, Secondary Education, 1991, BA, English, 1990


Stewart, Tracie, L, Associate Professor, PHD, Psychological Sciences, 1995, MS, Psychological Sciences, 1993,


Stiles, Cheryl, Librarian Associate Professor, MLN, Librarianship, 1983, BA, Religion, 1980,


Stockdale, Susan, L, Professor, PHD, Education, Educational Psychology, 2003, MED, Special Education, 1995, BSED, Elementary Education/Special Education, 1987, BSED, Middle/Junior High School Education, 1987,


Stollenz, Michael, Assistant Professor, PHD, Natural Science, 2003, MSC, Chemistry, 1998,


Story, Paul, A, Assistant Professor, PHD, Psychology, 2008, MS, Psychology, 2004,


Stricko, Tara, W, Associate Professor, PHD, Political Science, 2006, MA, Political Science, 2006, BA, Political Science, 1999


Strieker, Toni, S, Professor, PHD, Education, 1981, MA, Special Education, 1979, BA, Special Education, 1973


Stuart, Randy, S, Associate Professor, MBA, Business Administration, 1989, BS, Fashion Merchandising, 1974,


Sugalski, Mark, T, Associate Professor, PHD, Zoology, 2000, MS, Zoology, 1995, BS, Biochemistry, 1992


Sumner, Melanie, D, Associate Professor, MA, Creative Writing, 1987, BA, Religious Studies, 1986,


Suther, Bradley, E, Assistant Professor, PHD, Geography, 2013, MS, Geography, 2006, BS, Natural Resources, 2000


Sutherland, Erin, C, Assistant Professor, EDD, Science Education, 1997, MED, General Science 7-12, 1990, BS, Science Education, 1987


Sutton, Heather, Assistant Professor, PHD, Environmental Toxicology, 1996, BSC, Biology, 1990,


Sutton-Brown, Camille, Assistant Professor, PHD, Educational Policy Studies, 2011, MED, Behavior/Learning Disabilities, 2006, BS, Family and Society, 2003


Swaim, James, A, Lecturer, DBA, Business Administration, 2013, MBA, Business Administration, 1981, BSBA, Marketing, 1979


Swain, Brian, S, Assistant Professor, DPHIL, History, 2014, MA, History, 2009, BA, History, 2006


Sweigart, John, Associate Professor, MS, Engineering Mechanics, 1983, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1976,


Swint, Kerwin, C, Professor, PHD, Political Science, 1995, MED, Social Science Education, 1990, AB, Political Science, 1984


Taglialatela, Jared, P, Associate Professor, PHD, Biological Sciences, Neurobiology and Behavior Neuro, 2004, BA, Biology, 1997,


Taglialatela, Lauren, A, Associate Professor, PHD, Psychology, 2005, MA, Psychology, 2000, BA, Psychology, 1995


Tapu, Daniela, Associate Professor, PHD, Chemistry, 2005, MS, Chemistry, 2000, BS, Chemistry, 1998


Tashchian, Armen, Professor, PHD, Marketing, 1980, MBA, Business Administration, 1978, BBA, Statistics and Operations Research, 1975


Tatum, Dawn, Lecturer, MS, Information Technology, 2012, BS, Computer Science, 1986,


Taylor, Gloria, A, Professor, PHD, Nursing, 1998, MSN, Nursing, 1983, BSN, Nursing, 1968


Taylor, Katherine, J, Lecturer, MED, Education, 1993, BA, French, 9999,


Terantino, Joseph, M, Associate Professor, PHD, Second Language Acquisition and Instructional Technology, 2009, MA, Modern Languages, Spanish, 1999, BA, Spanish, 2001


Thackston, Michael, G, Professor, PHD, Physics, 1981, MS, Physics, 1976, BS, Physics, 1974


Thain, Walter, E, Associate Professor, PHD, Electrical Engineering, 1994, MS, Electrical Engineering, 1982, BEE, Electrical Engineering, 1981


Theriault, Corrie, L, Associate Professor, PHD, Educational Policy Studies, Research Measurement and Statistics, 2008, MA, Special Education, 1999, BS, Elementary Education, 1998


Thomas, Griselda, D, Associate Professor, PHD, African-American Studies, 2008, MA, African-American Studies, 2002, MA, English, 1996, BA, English, 1994,


Thomas, Joe, A, Professor, PHD, Art History, 1992, MA, Art History, 1988, BFA, Art, 1982


Thomas, Lawrence, B, Senior Lecturer, MS, Mathematics, 1972, BS, Mathematics, 1967,


Thompson, David, R, Professor, PHD, Journalism, 1993, MA, Journalism, 1990, BM, Trombone Performance, 1981


Thompson, Eva, M, Associate Professor, PHD, English, 1998, MA, Black Studies, 1992, BA, English, 1990


Thorne, Charles, J, Lecturer, MA, English, 2008, BA, English, 2006,


Thornton, Natasha, A, Assistant Professor, PHD, Teaching and Learning, 2014, MED, Educational Administration and Supervision, 2004, BS, Early Childhood, Early Childhood, 2002


Thrash, Mary, K, Lecturer, MSN, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, 1999, BS, Health and Exercise Science, 1995,


Tierce, Michael, T, Associate Professor, PHD, English, 1985, MA, English, 1980, BA, English, 1978


Tippens, Scott, Professor, MS, Electrical Engineering, 1989, BEE, Electrical Engineering, 1988,


Tis, Laurie, L, Professor, PHD, Education-Physical Education, 1992, MED, Education-Physical Education, 1989, BS, Physical Education, 1987


Tompkins, James, Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 1994, MBA, Business Administration, 1986, BS, Marine Transportation, 1979


Torkornoo, Hope, K, Professor, PHD, International Business, 1992, MBA, Business Administration, 1982, BS, Management, 1979


Toson, Sonia, J, Assistant Professor, JD, Law, 2000, MBA, Law, 2000, BA, Asian Studies, 1997


Totten, Christopher, D, Associate Professor, JD, Law, 2000, LLM, International and Comparative Law, 2002, AB, History, 1997


Traficante, Debra, L, Assistant Professor, DMA, Music-Conducting, 2010, MM, Music, 2007, BM, Music Education, 2001


Traille, Ethel, K, Associate Professor, PHD, History in Education, 2006, MA, History, 1988, BA, History and English, 1980


Treiber, Linda, A, Associate Professor, PHD, Sociology, 2005, MS, Nursing, 1997, BA, Sociology, 1979, BSN, Nursing, 1989,


Tresham, Harriet, Senior Lecturer, MS, Biological Sciences, 1981, BS, Biology, 1976,


Trivedi, Nirmal, H, Assistant Professor, PHD, English, 2009, BA, Comparative Literature, 2000,


True, Sheb, L, Professor, PHD, Business Administration, Marketing, 1992, MBA, Business Administration, 1987, BBA, Business Administration, 1985


Tsay, Bor-Yi, Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 1986, MBA, Business Administration, 1982, BS, Agricultural Business and Econ, 1977


Tseng, Tsai-Tien, Assistant Professor, PHD, Biophysics & Computational Biology, 2005, MS, Biology, 1999, BS, Molecular Biology, 1998


Tsui, Frank, Associate Professor, PHD, Information and Computer Science, 1974, MS, Applied Math, 1970, MS, Information and Computer Science, 1974, BS, Math/Computer Science, 1967,


Tu, Jun, Associate Professor, PHD, Earth and Environmental Science, 2008, ME, Environmental Geochemistry, 1998, MPHIL, Earth and Environmental Science, 2006, BS, Geology, 1995,


Tudor, Robert, K, Professor, PHD, Business Administration, Marketing, 1992, MBA, Administration, 1985, BA, History, 1980


Turner, Ariel, K, Librarian Assistant Professor, MLIS, Library and Information Science, 2012,


Turner, Nancy, J, Senior Lecturer, MSCE, Civil Engineering, 1980, BSE, Engineering, 1979,


Tutterow, Roger, C, Professor, PHD, Economics, 1990, MA, Economics, 1988, BS, Decision Science and Economics, 1983


Uddin, Mohammed, S, Professor, PHD, Architecture, 1999, BARCH, Architecture, 1981, MARCH, Design, 1988


Ukeje, Ikechukwu, C, Professor, EDD, Special Education, 1990, MBA, Business Administration, 1992, MS, Developmental and Child Psychology, 1985, MS, Education, 1985, BA, Psychology, 1981,


Ursits, Mary, L, Senior Lecturer, EDD, Educational Leadership, 1994, MED, Elementary Education, 1977, BA, Art Education, 1972


Usher, Carlton, A, Associate Professor, PHD, Political Science, 2002, MA, History, 1994, BS, Business Management, International Business, 1991


Vaezi, Seyed, M, Assistant Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 2013, MS, Management Information Systems, 2007,


Van Horne, Wayne, W, Associate Professor, PHD, Anthropology, 1993, MA, Anthropology, 1987, BA, Anthropology, 1981


VanBrackle, Anita, S, Professor, EDD, Curriculum and Instruction, 1991, MA, Curriculum and Instruction, 1977, BS, Elementary Education, 1969


VanBrackle, Lewis, N, Professor, PHD, Statistics, 1991, MS, Physics, 1972, MS, Statistics, 1977, BS, Physics, 1970,


VanDyke, Michael, W, Associate Professor, PHD, Chemistry, 1984, BA, “Chemistry, Physics”, 1979,


Vande Ven, John, Lecturer, MBA, Finance, 1985, MS, Computer Science, 2000, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1973


VandeVen, Susan, H, Senior Lecturer, MBA, Finance, 1985, MS, Computer Science, 1993, BS, Chemistry, 1979


Vandenbussche, Jennifer, R, Associate Professor, PHD, Mathematics, 2008, MS, Mathematics, 2005, BMUS, Music Education, 2000


Vasa-Sideris, Sandra, Professor, PHD, Industrial Relations, 1989, MA, French, 1975, MBA, Business Administration, 1981, BA, French, 1971,


Vasquez, Anete, Associate Professor, PHD, Curriculum and Instruction, English Education, 2008, MED, English Education, 1992, BA, English, 1990


Vaught, Seneca, D, Assistant Professor, PHD, History, 2006, MA, History, 2003, BA, History, 2001


Veazie, David, R, Professor, PHD, Mechanical Engineering, 1993, MS, Mechanical Engineering, 1987, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 1986


Vega, Anissa, L, Assistant Professor, PHD, Instructional Technology, 2010, MS, Education, Elementary Education, 2002, BS, Pre-Teaching, Pre-Teaching Mathematics, 2001


Veliyath, Rajaram, Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 1985, MBA, Finance, 1978, MBA, Marketing, 1978, BS, Aeronautical Engineering, 1973,


Verhoeven, Penelope, R, Associate Professor, PHD, Decision Sciences, 1989, MA, Mathematics, 1974, BS, Secondary Education, 1971


Viakinnou-Brinson, Lucie, Associate Professor, PHD, Educational Studies, 2006, MA, English, 1987, MA, French, 2001, BA, English Literature, 1985,


Vickrey, Mark, D, Senior Lecturer, MA, History, 1987, BA, History, 1979,


Vladimirov, Katya, Professor, PHD, History, 1998, MA, History, 1993, MA, History, 1985, BA, History, 1982,


Vogelien, Dale, Professor, PHD, Botany, 1993, MS, Life Sciences, 1987, BS, Biology, 1981


Voogt, Pieter, G, Professor, PHD, History, 1997, MA, History, 1980, BS, History, 1976


Wade-Berg, Jennifer, A, Associate Professor, DPA, Public Administration, 2000, MPA, Public Administration, 1995, BA, American Government, 1992


Wadsworth, Benjamin, K, Associate Professor, PHD, Music Theory, 2008, MA, Music Theory, 2003, BM, Performance Music Theory, 1998


Wagner, Jeffrey, H, Assistant Professor, MS, Electrical Engineering, 1990, BEE, Electrical Engineering, 1989,


Wagner, Vanda, D, Associate Professor, PHD, Nursing Science, 2007, MS, Nursing, Adult Health Nursing, 1993, ASN, Nursing, 1984


Wakeling, Victor, K, Senior Lecturer, MBA, Finance, 1989, BA, Economics, 1973, BA, Political Science, 1973


Wakeman, Paul, R, Lecturer, PHD, Literature, 2013, MA, Literature, 2007, BA, English, 1993


Walkiewicz, Kathryn, A, Assistant Professor, PHD, English, 2014, MA, English, 2007, BA, Art History, 2003, BA, English, 2003,


Wallace, Carolyn, S, Associate Professor, EDD, Education, 1993, MS, Botany, 1983, BS, Biological Science, 1978


Waller, Matthew, T, Lecturer, MA, Geography, 2010, MED, Social Science Education, 1997, BSED, Social Science Education, 1995


Walters, Margaret, B, Associate Professor, PHD, English, 1996, MA, Literature, 1983, BA, Literature, 1976


Wang, Jin, Professor, PHD, Kinesiology, 1992, MED, Interdisciplinary, 1987, BA, Physical Education, 1982


Wang, Liancheng, Professor, PHD, Mathematical Sciences, 2000, MS, Applied Mathematics, 1989, BS, Mathematics, 1984


Wang, Long, Professor, PHD, Mathematics w Minor in Computer Science, 1995, MS, Mathematics, 1989, BS, Mathematics, 1984


Wang, TzuShuo, Assistant Professor, PHD, Health and Human Performance, Sport Management, 2013,


Wang, Ying, Associate Professor, PHD, Mechanical Engineering, 2008, MS, Power Machinery and Engineering, 1999, BS, Power Machinery and Engineering, 1991


Ward, Jasmine, D, Assistant Professor, PHD, Health Education/Promotion, 2013, MPH, Public Health, Health Behavior, 2007,


Warner, Mark, L, Professor, EDD, Educational Leadership, 1997, MED, Guidance and Counseling, 1974, BS, Economics, 1970


Warren, John, A, Assistant Professor, BM, Clarinet, 1984,


Watanabe, Tadanobu, Professor, PHD, Math Education, 1991, MS, Mathematical Sciences, 1986, BA, Mathematics, 1984


Watson, Steven, C, Associate Professor, PHD, English, 1996, MA, English, 1992, BA, English, 1991


Watson, Virginia, R, Associate Professor, PHD, Mathematical Sciences, 1988, MS, Mathematical Sciences, 1986, BS, Mathematics and Chemistry, 1984


Watts, Alan, P, Lecturer, MA, Spanish, 2005, BA, Spanish, 2003, BS, Journalism, 2003


Way, Albert, G, Assistant Professor, PHD, History, 2008, MA, Southern Studies, 1999, BA, History, 1995


Way, Irene, H, Lecturer, PHD, History, 2010, MA, History, 2001, AB, English, 1995, AB, History, 1995,


Weand, Matthew, Assistant Professor, PHD, Soil Science, 2010, MS, Environmental Studies, 2002, BS, Engineering, 1997


Wedge, Todd, Assistant Professor, MM, Voice and Opera, Tenor Voice, 2005, BM, Music Education - Vocal, Voice, 2003,


Weerasena, Lakmali, P, Lecturer, PHD, Mathematical Sciences, 2013, MS, Mathematical Sciences, 2009, BS, Mathematics, 2003


Weidner, Maureen, M, Senior Lecturer, MS, Building Construction, 1980, BS, Environmental Design and Planning, 1978,


Welty, Christopher, Associate Professor, MARCH, Architecture, 1996, BS, Architecture, 1990,


Wermert, James, F, Senior Lecturer, MBA, Business Administration, 1978, BA, Government, 1971,


Wertz, Emma, K, Associate Professor, PHD, Communication and Information, Public Relations, 2008, MS, Communication, Public Relations, 2005, BS, Journalism, Public Relations, 1997


Westlund, Erik, E, Assistant Professor, PHD, Mathematical Sciences, 2010, MS, Mathematics, 2006, BS, Mathematics, 2003


White, Denise, C, Senior Lecturer, PHD, English, Literary Studies, 2012, MA, English, 2000, BA, English, 1998


White, Kenneth, M, Associate Professor, JD, Law, 2001, MA, Political Science, 2004, BA, English, 1998


White, Mary, A, Professor, PHD, Nursing, 2000, MN, Nursing, 1980, BS, Nursing, 1975


Whitehead, Andrew, K, Assistant Professor, PHD, Philosophy, 2012, MA, Philosophy, 2008, BA, Philosophy, 2007


Whitlock, Reta, U, Associate Professor, PHD, Curriculum and Instruction, 2005, MED, Curriculum and Instruction, 2001, BSED, “Secondary Education, English, History”, 1987


Whitlock, Susan, B, Assistant Professor, MED, Physical Education, 1979, BS, Health and Physical Education, 1976,


Whitman, Michael, E, Professor, PHD, Management Information Systems, 1994, MBA, Business Administration, 1991, BSBA, Management, 1986


Widmier, Scott, Associate Professor, PHD, Business Administration, 1999, BA, Marketing, 1991,


Wikstrom, Jan, K, Assistant Professor, MFA, Classical Acting, 2011, BFA, Drama, 1974,


Wilcox, Daren, R, Assistant Professor, MSEE, Electrical Engineering, 1992, BSEE, Electrical Engineering, 1990,


Wiles, Gregory, L, Assistant Professor, PHD, Management, 2014, MS, Industrial Engineering, 1992, BS, Industrial Engineering, 1981


Willard, Jennifer, L, Associate Professor, PHD, Psychology, 2008, MS, Psychology, 2006, BA, Psychology, 2002


Willett, Jennifer, B, Associate Professor, PHD, Human Performance, 2002, MS, Human Performance, Exercise Science, 1999, BS, Exercise Science, 1998


Williams, Adam, M, Assistant Professor, PHD, Public Administration, 2014, MA, Political Science, 2010, BA, Political Science, 2007


Williams, Brandi, L, Assistant Professor, MED, Adult Education, 2012, MS, Construction Management, 2011, BS, Construction Management w minor in Business Administration, 2008


Williams, Desha, L, Associate Professor, PHD, Teaching and Learning, Mathematics Education, 2008, MED, Mathematics Education, 2001, BS, Mathematics, 1995


Williams, Donna, J, Senior Lecturer, MED, Education, Exceptional Children, 1975, BSED, Education, Exceptional Children, 1970,


Williams, Stacey, G, Lecturer, MA, Counseling & Psychological Services, 1992, BA, Psychology, 1988,


Williamson, Adrienne, L, Associate Professor, PHD, Psychology, Experimental Psychology, 2006, MS, Psychology, 1995, BS, Chemistry, 1991


Williamson, Jo, Associate Professor, PHD, Education, Secondary Education, 2002, MA, Education, 1991, BA, English Education, 1987


Williamson, Kenneth, M, Assistant Professor, PHD, Anthropology, 2005, BA, Anthropology, 1988,


Wills, Brian, Professor, PHD, History, 1991, MA, History, 1985, BA, History, 1981


Wilson, Astrid, H, Professor, PHD, Nursing, 1991, MSN, Nursing, 1983, BSN, Nursing, 1981


Wilson, Matthew, M, Professor, MS, Civil Engineering, 1993, BS, Civil Engineering, 1991,


Wilson, Maurice, Associate Professor, EDD, Education, 2002, MS, Mathematical Sciences, 1996, BS, Mathematics, 1994


Wilson, Ralph, T, Professor, PHD, English, 1993, MA, English, 1983, BA, English, 1979


Wimer, Aaron, P, Librarian Associate Professor, MS, Library Science, 2005, BS, Communication, 2004,


Winchester, Woodrow, W, Associate Professor, PHD, Industrial and System Engineering, 2005, MS, Industrial & Systems Engineering, 1994, BS, Industrial & Systems Engineering, 1992


Witt, Leonard, Professor, MA, English, 1978, BS, Business Administration, 1966,


Wolf, Erin, L, Lecturer, MBA, Business Administration, 1984, BA, Economics and Spanish, 1979,


Womack, Deanna, F, Professor, PHD, Speech and Drama, Speech Communication and Human Relations, 1982, MA, Speech and Drama, Speech Communication and Human Relations, 1980, BA, Speech - Teacher Education, 1971


Wood, Patricia, P, Senior Lecturer, MA, Spanish Language and Culture, 2008, MBA, Business Administration, 1987, BS, Information Systems, 1983


Wooten, M, B, Assistant Professor, MPA, Public Administration, 2001, BA, History, 1994,


Worthy, Roneisha, Assistant Professor, PHD, Interdisciplinary, 2014, MENGR, Engineering, 2008, BS, Civil Engineering, 2006


Woszczynski, Amy, B, Professor, PHD, Industrial Management, Information Systems, 2000, MBA, Business Administration, 1991, BS, Industrial Engineering, 1988


Wright, Charles, W, Senior Lecturer, MM, Music, Jazz Studies, 2002, BA, Sociology, 1995,


Wright, James, M, Assistant Professor, EDD, Teacher Leadership for Learning, Instructional Technology, 2012, EDS, Educational Leadership for Learning, 2008, EDS, Instructional Technology, 1993, MED, Social Studies Education, 1990, BSED, Social Science Education, History, 1989,


Wuertz Hurley, Stefanie, C, Lecturer, MA, German, 2007,


Wynn, Charles, T, Assistant Professor, PHD, Social Studies Education, 1989, MA, History, 1983, AB, History, 1981


Xie, Ying, Professor, PHD, Computer Science, 2004, ME, Computer Science, 1998, MS, Computer Science, 2001, BS, Computer Science, 1995,


Xu, Taixi, Associate Professor, PHD, Mathematics, 2000, MS, Computer Science, 2000,


Yang, Bo, Professor, PHD, Mathematical Sciences, 2002, MS, Applied Mathematics, 1994, BS, Mathematics, 1991


Yang, Jidong, Assistant Professor, PHD, Civil Engineering, 2004, MSCE, Civil Engineering, 2001, BSCE, Civil Engineering, 1996


Yang, Ming, Associate Professor, PHD, Computer Science & Engineering, 2006, ME, Signal and Information Processing, 2000, BS, Electrical Engineering, 1997


Yarde, Cheryl, A, Lecturer, MSN, Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, 2011, BS, Professional Nursing, 1988,


Yee, Tien, M, Assistant Professor, PHD, Civil Engineering, 2009, MSCE, Civil Engineering, 2001, BSCE, Civil Engineering, 1999


Young, Jana, Assistant Professor, MM, Music, Performance, 1985, BM, Vocal Pedagogy, 1976, BME, Music Education, 1976


Young, Jennifer, S, Librarian Assistant Professor, MS, Library Science, 2010, BA, Journalism, 2006, BS, Anthropology, 2006


Yun, Soohyun, Assistant Professor, DMA, Music, Performance and Literature, 2008, MM, Music, 2002, MM, Music, 2000, BM, Piano Performance, 1995,


Zafar, Humayun, Associate Professor, PHD, Business Administration, Information Technology, 2010, MS, Information Technology, 2005, BS, Computer Science, 2003


Zamani, Pegah, Assistant Professor, PHD, Architecture, 2008, MARCH, Architecture, 1996, MPHIL, Architectural Engineering, 2001


Zeigler, Timothy, W, Professor, MS, Civil Engineering, 1969, BS, Civil Engineering, 1968,


Zhan, Ginny, Q, Professor, PHD, Developmental Psychology, 1995, MA, Developmental Psychology, 1991, BA, English and American Literature, 1986


Zhang, Chi, Assistant Professor, PHD, Information Technology, 2009, MS, Computer Science, 2000, MSED, Instructional Technology, 1998, BS, Educational Technology, 1990,


Zhang, Jiayan, Professor, PHD, History, 2004, MA, Agricultural History, 1990, MA, History, 2000, BA, Agronomy, 1984,


Zheng, Binyao, Professor, PHD, Educational Psychology and Research, Educational Psychology, 1996, MS, Foundations of Education, Cultural Foundations, 1991, BA, “English, Language and Literature”, 1982


Zheng, Guangzhi, Assistant Professor, PHD, Computer Information Systems, 2009, MS, Business Administration, 2003, BA, Accounting, 1999


Zhou, Wei, Associate Professor, PHD, Chemistry, 2005, MS, Environmental Science, 2000, BS, Applied Chemistry, 1998


Ziegler, Christine, B, Professor, PHD, Developmental Psychology, 1982, MS, Developmental Psychology, 1981, BS, Psychology, 1978


Ziegler, Marcella, Y, Lecturer, MSN, Health Care Systems Management, 2009, BS, Nursing, 1990,


Zimmer, Katherine, E, Assistant Professor, PHD, Special Education, 2013, MED, Curriculum and Instruction, 2007, BA, Elementary Education, 2002


Zimmermann, Ulf, Professor, PHD, Germanic Languages, German, 1971, MA, German, 1967, MA, Urban Studies, 1981, BA, German and Economics, 1965,


Zong, Guichun, Professor, EDD, Curriculum and Instruction, 1999, MA, Comparative Education, 1991, BA, Social Studies Education, 1988