Feb 06, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Theatre and Performance Studies

  • TPS 3700 - Music Theory for Musical Theatre

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: None. Corequisite: TPS 1500.
    Music sight reading skills and aural techniques specifically tailored for the musical theatre performer are the focus of this course. Students will apply these skills through practical application using examples from musical theatre literature.

  • TPS 3703 - Broadway to Hollywood: Musical Theatre on Stage and Film

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. ENGL 1102.
    This course is an introduction to musical theatre which surveys the major shows in musical theatre literature, through the study of the plots, scores, characters, and songs of the shows. Students explore the genre’s place and function in theatere history as both an art form and popular entertainment and its influence on culture in general.

    Notes: Offered as an online course.
  • TPS 3713 - Acting in Musical Theatre

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS 2203 and TPS 3700.
    This course provides students the opportunity to develop an effective acting technique for the musical stage. Through in-class exercises and the study of the scores and libretti from major shows in the repertoire, students will develop performance techniques particular to the musical theatre genre, and an appreciation of its diverse styles.

  • TPS 3813 - Visual Imagination

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. Completion of 24 hours.
    A course in the visual aspects of the art of theatre that focuses on the principles, the elements and the history and current practice of visual design for the theatre.

  • TPS 3815 - Makeup Design and Application for the Performer

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3813.
    This course introduces the student to two-dimensional stage makeup, focusing on an understanding of facial structure, a proficiency in basic makeup concepts and application procedures, and a knowledge of the role of makeup as a critical component in a complete performance.

  • TPS 3820 - Scene Painting

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. .
    This course provides students with fundamentals in painting for the theatre, which includes scene painting material, tools, methods, processes, and techniques. It consists of instructional talks, demonstrations, hands-on experience and rationalization.

  • TPS 3823 - Design Skills

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3813.
    Basic design skills including drafting, sketching and rendering. Offered in versions oriented specifically toward set design or costume design in alternating years.

  • TPS 3853 - Period Styles

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3813.
    An examination of the history and interrelationships between dress, architecture and the visual arts as they relate to the field of theatrical design.

  • TPS 4010 - Storytelling Practicum

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS 1600 and permission of the instructor. Audition required.
    Advanced study of the methods and practice of storytelling as a performing art. Students develop a repertoire of stories suitable for various audiences and occasions. Off-campus and out-of-class performances comprise a major required component of the course.

    Notes: May be taken three times for a total of 6 credit hours.
  • TPS 4020 - Musical Theatre Ensemble

    1 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 1 (may be elected as 0 hours after taken twice) Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Entrance by audition to Musical Theatre Ensemble.
    Advanced practice and study in the craft and theory of musical theatre performance. Work will culminate each semester in either a production or a juried recital. May be repeated for credit; students who have taken the course twice may elect to take the course for 0 credit hours.

  • TPS 4030 - Actor’s Studio

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 0-2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition and/or the approval of the instructor.
    This practical-based course focuses on advanced practice and study in the craft and theory of acting. Students explore a variety of acting styles through intensive scene work and exercises. Actor’s Studio may be repeated for credit up to four times; students who have taken the course twice may elect to take the course for 0 credit hours.

  • TPS 4050 - Advanced Applied Performance and Production

    0 Class Hours 4 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS 2713.
    This laboratory course focuses on advanced study, rehearsal, and performance or production for a Department of Theatre and Performance Studies production. This course may be repeated for upper-division credit and may be used for applied professional sequence credit.

  • TPS 4243 - Audition Practicum

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS 3223.
    This course prepares students for the major forms of auditions they will encounter in the field of acting.

  • TPS 4313 - Principles of Directing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3403.
    Students will learn the fundamentals of directing for the stage. Theoretical studies will be combined with the direction of selected scenes and observation of working directors. Emphasis is on 20th century realism.

  • TPS 4323 - Directing Styles

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3403.
    Students will learn the fundamentals of directing for the stage. Emphasis is on non-realistic period and genre styles. Theoretical studies will be combined with the direction of selected scenes and observation of working directors. *This course may be repeated more than once for credit provided that the course content differs entirely from the previous offering.

  • TPS 4333 - Adapting and Staging Literary Texts

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS 3000 or permission of the instructor/department.
    Aesthetics, methods, and practice in presentational modes of group performance. Emphasis on the selection, adaptation, and staging of poetic, narrative, and nonfiction texts.

  • TPS 4400 - Directed Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor and department chair.
    Selected topics of an advanced nature, which may include original research projects.

  • TPS 4490 - Special Topics

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor and departmental chair.
    Topics of special interest to students and faculty.

    Notes: This course may be repeated more than once for credit provided that the course content differs entirely from the previous offering.
  • TPS 4513 - History and Theory I: Ancient through Renaissance Theatre and Performance

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3000 and TPS 3403.
    Studies in the history, theory, and literature of world theatre and performance traditions from ancient times through the Renaissance.

  • TPS 4523 - History and Theory II: Neoclassical through Romantic Theatre and Performance

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3000 and TPS 3403.
    Studies in the history, theory, and literature of world theatre and performance traditions from the Neoclassical Age through early Modernism.

  • TPS 4533 - History and Theory III: Victorian through Contemporary Theatre and Performance

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS 3403 and either TPS 3493 or TPS 3600.
    This course centers on studies in the history, theory, and literature of world theatre and performance traditions form the Victorian period through the contemporary era.

  • TPS 4813 - Scene Design

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3813.
    Building blocks for scene design with an emphasis on transforming written text into three-dimensional visual language, and working through fundamental scene design problems.

  • TPS 4823 - Lighting Design for the Stage

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3813.
    Study of lighting design for the stage, including study of lighting instruments and control.

  • TPS 4833 - Costume Design

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS Major. TPS 3813.
    Study of principles, methods and processes for costume design for the stage.

  • TPS 4999 - Senior Seminar: The Scholar Artist

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: TPS 3600 or TPS 3493; and one of the following: TPS 4513, TPS 4523, or TPS 4533.
    This capstone course investigates the roles creativity, scholarship, and artistic identity play in personal and professional lives via mission statements, career goals, and action steps. Projects include discipline-specific design, development, and integration of self-marketing tools into presentations for entering the professional world.


  • WRIT 3100 - Poetry Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    A workshop approach to poetry writing that emphasizes original writing, analysis and response from classmates, and revision. Some attention to the work of established writers for models.

    Notes: Offered as an online course.
  • WRIT 3109 - Careers in Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    This course exposes students from a variety of backgrounds to various careers in writing. (Students need not be English majors.) Students will analyze and create a wide variety of professional texts ranging from technical, business, and governmental documents to medical, community-based, and web-based documents.

  • WRIT 3110 - Playwriting

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    A workshop approach to playwriting that emphasizes original writing, analysis and response from classmates, and revision. Some attention to the work of established writers for models.

  • WRIT 3111 - Professional Editing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    This is a course in editing as a practice and a profession. This course focuses on editorial roles and responsibilities and introduces students to the skills, principles, and methods of editing. Course assignments provide ample practice in applying the techniques of editing, including editing for grammar, punctuation, and style.

    Notes: Offered as an online course.
  • WRIT 3120 - Fiction Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    A workshop approach to fiction writing that emphasizes original writing, analysis and response from classmates, and revision. Some attention to the work of established writers for models.

    Notes: Offered as an online course.
  • WRIT 3130 - Literary Nonfiction

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    The study and practice of selected genres of literary nonfiction. The course features extensive nonfiction writing and revision, workshop discussion, and readings in major authors of literary nonfiction.

  • WRIT 3140 - Technical Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    This is a course in the analysis and writing of business and technical documents. This course emphasizes audience awareness, effective design and organization, clarity and correctness, and mastery of writing forms frequently encountered in the workplace.

    Notes: Offered as an online course.
  • WRIT 3150 - Writing in Digital Environments

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    This is a course in the study and practice of computer-mediated writing. This course examines theories of new media and multimodal literacy as it engages students in mastering the conventions of writing for the Web and planning, designing, and composing a variety of rhetorically effective digital texts.

    Notes: These courses can be taken more than once provided the course content differs entirely from the previous offering.

    Offered as an online course.
  • WRIT 3160 - Argumentative Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    The study and practice of argumentative writing. The course includes the study of current models of effective arguments and the process of forming written arguments. The course features extensive writing and revision, workshop discussion, and readings of classical and contemporary arguments. These courses can be taken more than once provided the course content differs entirely from the previous offering.

    Notes: These courses can be taken more than once provided the course content differs entirely from the previous offering.

    Offered as an online course.
  • WRIT 3170 - Environmental Writing and Literature

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 2110.
    A course in writing ad reading about the environment, intended for students interested in major works of environmental literature and for those who wish to think and write about the interconnections between humans and the nonhuman world. The course studies pastoral literature, nature writing, and science writing, and provides instruction in the writing of environmental nonfiction prose for aesthetic, expressive, intellectual, and instrumental purposes. These courses can be taken more than once provided the course content differs entirely from the previous offering.

  • WRIT 4100 - Advanced Poetry Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: WRIT 3100.
    Building on the skills learned in WRIT 3100, this course offers advanced workshop experiences for practiced writers of poetry and includes lecture and discussion of contemporary approaches to poetics and the work of contemporary poets. This workshop approach stresses development and integration of all technical and artistic elements of poetry writing.

  • WRIT 4110 - Advanced Playwriting

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: WRIT 3110.
    This advanced workshop stresses development and integration of all technical and artistic elements of playwriting. Some readings from the work of established writers are included.

  • WRIT 4120 - Advanced Fiction Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: WRIT 3120.
    Building on the skills learned in WRIT 3120, this course offers advanced workshop experiences for practiced writers of fiction and includes lecture and discussion of contemporary approaches to fiction writing and the work of contemporary fiction writers. This workshop approach stresses development and integration of all technical and artistic elements of fiction writing.

  • WRIT 4125 - Advanced Techniques in Fiction Writing

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: WRIT 4120 or permission of the instructor.
    Advanced Techniques in Fiction Writing is a seminar-workshop that offers in-depth study of a topic in fiction writing. It builds on skills learned in WRIT 4120, but differs from this workshop in that it focuses on a particular topic rather than student-generated manuscripts. For example, students may study a specific author’s use of a technique or the use of a technique in a subgenre as a model for their own writing.

  • WRIT 4130 - Advanced Creative Nonfiction

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: WRIT 3130.
    This course offers advanced workshop experiences for practiced writers of creative nonfiction and includes lecture and discussion of contemporary approaches to writing creative nonfiction and the work of contemporary creative nonfiction writers. This workshop approach stresses development and integration of all technical and artistic elements of writing creative nonfiction.


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