Oct 14, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • MATH 3396 - Cooperative Study

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the coordinator of cooperative education/internship.
    A supervised work experience program for a minimum of two academic semesters at a site in business, industry or government. For sophomore, junior or senior level students who wish to obtain successive on the job experience in conjunction with their academic training.

  • MATH 3398 - Internship

    1-9 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of major area committee and department chair.
    This course is a supervised, credit-earning work experience of one academic semester with a previously approved business firm, private agency, or government agency.

  • MATH 3405 - Probabilistic Foundations of Actuarial Science

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2203 and MATH 3332.
    This course serves as a preparation for Exam P of the Society of Actuaries. Emphasis is on joint continuous distributions, moment generating function, transformations and probability tools to assess risk.

  • MATH 3495 - Advanced Perspectives on School Mathematics Part I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2595 and either MATH 2390 or MATH 3390.
    Students’ understanding of the mathematics taught in middle school  and the first few years of high school will be deepened and broadened through the study of key topics including algebra, linear functions, exponential functions, quadratic functions, number theory, discrete mathematics, and mathematical modeling. This course is designed so that students can revisit key ideas in school mathematics, bringing with them the skills and understandings of college course work in mathematics, deepening and broadening their understanding, and connecting more advanced ideas to the topics they will teach in middle school and high school.

  • MATH 4260 - Linear Algebra II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 3260.
    Topics in this course include real vector spaces and their subspaces; inner product spaces, orthonormal bases, Gram-Schmidt process; best approximation; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; symmetric, positive definite, and similar matrices; matrices of general linear transformations, and various applications.

  • MATH 4310 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2203 and MATH 3310.
    This course is an introduction to partial differential equations (PDEs), their applications in the sciences and the techniques that have proved useful in analyzing them. These techniques include separation of variables, Fourier series, and Fourier transforms. The student will see how the sciences motivate the formulation of partial differential equations, as well as, the formulation of boundary conditions and initial conditions. Parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic PDEs will be studied.

  • MATH 4322 - Discrete Mathematics II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 3322 and CS 2301.
    This course is a continuation of the topics begun in MATH 3322: Discrete Mathematics I. Advanced counting techniques will include Stirling Numbers of the first and second kind, derangements and rook polynomials. Trees and other Graph Theory topics will be introduced. Optimization problems from Graph Theory will include the traveling salesman problem, matchings, and domination chain values. Additional topics will vary according to the instructor.

  • MATH 4345 - Numerical Methods II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 3310 and CS 2301.
    Topics included will be numerical methods for systems of equations, differentiation and integration, approximation theory, initial and boundary value problems and problems for ordinary differential equations.

    Notes: Extensive use of computing will be incorporated.
  • MATH 4361 - Modern Algebra I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2390 or MATH 3390.
    This course is an introduction to fundamental abstract algebraic structures, focusing on groups and monoids. Strong emphasis will be on theory, proofs, and the generalization and abstraction of familiar notions of equivalence, identities, inverses, and binary operations. Topics include: basic properties of groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, isomorphisms, homomorphisms, quotient groups, Lagrange’s Theorem, as well as permutation, dihedral, and cyclic groups. Selected topics such as finitely-generated Abelian groups, group actions, Cayley graphs, and automorphism groups may be discussed.

  • MATH 4362 - Modern Algebra II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 4361.
    This course is a continuation of MATH 4361 in which portions of the theory of abstract algebra will be developed more fully and specific applications will be examined more deeply. Some theoretical and applied areas from which the topics of this course will be chosen are Galois Theory (including straight-edge and compass constructability, Galois groups, and solvability of polynomials by radicals), lattices and Boolean Algebras, cryptography, and/or other application areas (at the instructor’s discretion).

  • MATH 4381 - Real Analysis I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2390 and MATH 3260.
    This course is a study of functions of a single real variable and of some of the finer properties of the real number system. Various foundational topics such as proofs, the theory of sets, infinity, etc., will present themselves naturally as the student deepens his/her understanding of concepts already familiar from Calculus. Topics to be included will be real number system, sequences, functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, and the Mean Value Theorem.

  • MATH 4382 - Real Analysis II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 4381.
    This course continues the study of functions of one real variable begun in Real Analysis I. Topics included are: the Riemann-Stieltjes integral; Sequences and series of functions; Introduction to orthogonal functions and Fourier series; Introduction to Lebesgue measure theory and integration.

  • MATH 4391 - Complex Variables

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2203.
    The study of complex variables is a central subject in mathematics, important for students in mathematics, engineering and physical sciences (due to so many applications to fluid mechanics, heat conduction, and electromagnetic theory). Complex variables are a very powerful tool for solving problems that are either difficult or virtually impossible to solve in any other way. Topics covered in MATH 4391 provide an introduction to the subject, including basics from complex function theory: numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, elementary functions, complex integration, Cauchy’s theorem and integral formula, power series, residues and applications. complex

  • MATH 4400 - Directed Study

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor, major area committee, and department chair.
    Special advanced topics external to regular course offerings.

  • MATH 4490 - Special Topics in Mathematics

    1-6 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 1-6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor and department chair.
    This course is comprised of special selected topics of interest to faculty and students.

  • MATH 4495 - Advanced Perspectives on School Mathematics Part II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 3495.
    Students understanding of secondary mathematics will be deepened and broadened through the study of algebraic structures, analytic geometry, and trigonometry, including conic sections, complex numbers, polynomials and functions. This course is designed so that students can revisit key ideas in high school mathematics, bringing with them the skills and understandings of college course work in mathematics, deepening and broadening their understanding, and connecting more advanced ideas to the topics they will teach in high school.

  • MATH 4699 - Undergraduate Research

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor.
    The student conducts original research in mathematics under the supervision of a faculty member. This research is the result of sustained effort on a problem in mathematics, either theoretical or applied. Making an original contribution to the field of mathematics is the focus of the course rather than a survey of existing work. Results are disseminated by on campus presentations, conference presentations and/or peer-reviewed journal publications.

  • MATH 4717 - Elementary Number Theory

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MATH 3260.
    An introduction to the basic principles of number theory. Topics include properties of integers, congruences, divisibility, greatest common divisors, the Euclidean algorithm, Pythagorean theorem, prime number theorems, Diophantine equations, Fermat’s Last Theorem, Goldbach’s conjecture, Euler’s theorem and applications in cryptology.

Mathematics Education

  • MAED 3475 - Historical and Modern Approaches to Mathematics

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education program.
    Students will investigate classical and modern mathematics through problem-solving and mathematics-specific technologies. Students will have opportunities to connect course content with the middle and secondary school curriculum.

  • MAED 4000 - Service Learning in Mathematics Education

    1-3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: 60 hours and permission of the instructor and department chair/program director.
    A community activity which links learning to life by connecting meaningful community service activities with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility. Activity will be designed with the instructor and approved by the chair/program director.

  • MAED 4400 - Directed Study in Mathematics Education

    1-5 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor and department chair.
    A concentrated investigation of a particular aspect of a topic within mathematics education. The content of the directed study will be determined jointly by the instructor and the student.

  • MAED 4415 - Teaching of Mathematics I (6-12)

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: EDUC 2110, EDUC 2120.
    This course consists of examination and application of curricular issues, learning theories, teaching strategies, instructional materials, and assessment procedures for teaching secondary school mathematics in the multicultural classrooms of today. The course includes field experience observations in secondary mathematics teaching. Emphasis is on those practices suggested by research in mathematics education and encouraged by the NCTM and the MAA. Proof of professional liability insurance is required prior to receiving a school placement.

  • MAED 4416 - Teaching of Mathematics II (6-12)

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: EDUC 2130, MATH 3495, MAED 3475, MAED 4415, and admission to the Teacher Education program.
    This course is an examination and application of advanced curricular issues, learning theories, teaching strategies, instructional materials, unit planning, and assessment procedures for teaching secondary school mathematics in the multicultural and diverse classroom of today. Includes a secondary school field experience in mathematics teaching and seminars. Emphasizes those practices suggested by research in mathematics education and encouraged by the NCTM and the MAA. Candidates should plan to spend three hours per week in the field observing mathematics classrooms. Proof of professional liability insurance is required prior to placement in a school.


  • MAED 4417 - Teaching of Mathematics (6-12) Practicum

    0 Class Hours 9 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to MAED 4416.
    Secondary school field experience in mathematics teaching with concurrent seminars. Proof of professional liability insurance is required prior to school placement. Repeatable.

  • MAED 4475 - Student Teaching: Mathematics (6-12)

    12 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Admission to Student Teaching.
    Full-time teaching experience in mathematics under the supervision of a public school cooperating teacher and a specialist in mathematics education. Includes a regularly scheduled seminar. Proof of professional liability insurance is required prior to placement in a school.

  • MAED 4490 - Special Topics in Mathematics Education

    1-6 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Approval of the instructor and department chair.
    Selected topics of interest to faculty and students.

  • MAED 4498 - Internship in Teaching Mathematics (6-12)

    12 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Provisional teaching license issued by the state of Georgia; full-time employment teaching mathematics.
    Student Teaching experience in mathematics for provisionally certified teachers. Supervision will be in collaboration with a mentor or teacher in the local school and a specialist in mathematics education.

    Notes: Successful completion of one semester of MAED 4495 at the same school will substitute for MAED 4475. Proof of professional liability insurance is required. Student must be employed in a secondary school to qualify. Repeatable.

Military Science

  • MILS 1021 - Leadership & Personal Development

    2 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: None.
    General introduction of cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn how the personal development of life skills such as time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to leadership, Officer-ship, and Army operations. Focus is placed on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army Leadership Dimensions while gaining a big picture understanding of the ROTC program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student.


  • MILS 1022 - Introduction to Tactical Leadership

    2 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: None.
    MILS 1022 overviews leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feed-back, and using elective writing skills. Cadets explore dimensions of leadership values; emphasis is placed on recruitment and retention of cadets. The building of stronger relationships among the cadets through common experiences and practical interaction are critical aspects of the MILS 1022 experience.

  • MILS 2021 - Innovative Team Leadership

    2 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MILS 1021, MILS 1022, prior military service or permission of the instructor.
    MILS 2021 explores the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership, strategies, and styles by examining team dynamics of two historical leadership theories that form the basis of the Army leadership framework – trait and behavior theories. Cadets practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises and participating in leadership labs. Focus is on continued development of the knowledge of leadership values and attributes through an understanding of Army rank structure, duties, and basic aspects of land navigation and squad tactics. Case studies provide tangible context for learning the Soldier’s Creed and Warrior Ethos as they apply in the contemporary operating environment (COE).

  • MILS 2022 - Found Tactical Leadership

    2 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MILS 1021, MILS 1022, MILS 2021, prior military service or permission of the instructor.
    MILS 2022 examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex contemporary operation environment (COE). The course highlights include dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. The course furthers study of the theoretical basis of the Army leadership framework and explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. MILS 2022 provides a smooth transition into MILS 3011. Cadets develop greater self awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills. COE case studies give insight into the importance and practice of teamwork and tactics in real-world scenarios.

  • MILS 2031 - Army Physical Fitness Training

    1 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must have a Department of the Army (DA) Form 3425-R signed by a Physician and be enrolled in the Military Science Levels 1-4.
    Develops skills needed to participate in, instruct, develop, and assess the Army Physical Fitness Test. Classes will meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 6:00 am to 7:00 am in or near the gymnasium for training and lecture period.

  • MILS 3011 - Adaptive Tactical Leadership

    3 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Advanced ROTC standing or permission of the department.
    MILS 3011 challenges cadets to study and practice adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback, as well as their own self evaluations. Cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. The focus is developing cadets’ tactical leadership abilities to enable them to succeed at ROTC’s summer Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC).


  • MILS 3012 - Leadership Change Environment

    3 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Advanced ROTC standing or permission of department.
    MILS 3022 uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build cadet awareness and skills in leading tactical operations up to platoon level. Cadets review aspects of combat, stability, and support operations. They also conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in garrison operation orders. The focus is on exploring, evaluating, and developing skills in decision-making, persuading, and motivating team members in contemporary operation environment (COE). MILS 3012 cadets are evaluated on what they know and do as leaders as they prepare to attend the ROTC summer Leadership Development Assessment Course (LDAC).

  • MILS 4011 - Developing Adaptive Leadership

    3 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MILS 3011, MILS 3012.
    MILS 4011 develops cadet proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Cadets assess risk, make ethical decisions, and lead fellow ROTC cadets. Lessons on military justice and personnel processes prepare cadets to make the transition to Army officers. MS IV cadets analyze, evaluate and instruct cadets at lower levels. Both their classroom and battalion leadership experiences are designed to prepare MS 4011 cadets for their first unit of assignment. They identify responsibilities of key staff roles, and use situational opportunities to teach, train, and develop subordinates.


  • MILS 4012 - Leaders Complex World

    3 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 4 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MILS 4011 or Advanced Course Standing.
    MIL 4012 identifies and resolves ethical dilemmas. This course explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the contemporary operating environment (COE). Cadets examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with non-governmental organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host national support. The course places significant emphasis on preparing cadets for their first unit assignment. It uses case studies, scenarios, and “What Now, Lieutenant?” exercises to prepare cadets to face the complex ethical and practical demands of leading as commissioned officers in the United States Army.

  • MILS 4090 - Special Topics in Military Science

    1-5 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in, or have successfully completed both MSIII and MSIV-level ROTC classes or obtain permission from the Professor of Military Science.
    MILS 4090 allows for independent study with a faculty member. Topics and research will pursue topics of military science not extensively treated in any other Military Science course.

  • MILS 4400 - Directed Study in Military Science

    1-10 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
    MILS 4400 is offered to military science students interested in investigating special topics external to regular course offerings. This course is primarily offered as a completion course. Its secondary intent is to afford the Military Science Department the flexibility to offer course work to students who have special circumstances in their academic and commissioning requirements such as nursing and accelerated commissioning program cadets.



  • MUSI 1020 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: None.
    The fundamentals of music theory including music reading, rhythm and pitch orientation, accidentals, key and time signatures, rhythmic organization, intervals, scale formation, triad construction and chord spelling, elementary ear training and sight singing, and an introduction to the keyboard. Open to all university students. May not be counted for credit towards a music degree.

  • MUSI 1107 - Arts in Society: Music

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 0099, READ 099, if required.
    Through an examination of the role of arts in society, and an in-depth study of musical works, this interactive course provides an understanding of the creative process and develops skills in creativity and critical analysis. Heightened perceptual abilities will be developed through class experiences and field visits to a variety of arts events in dance, theater, and visual arts, as well as in music. (Attendance at some events requires paid admission.)

    Notes: Offered as an online course.
  • MUSI 1110 - Introduction to World Music

    1 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 1121
    Introduction to music of the world’s cultures.

    Notes: Required laboratory component.
  • MUSI 1111 - Aural Skills I

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must be a fully admitted music major or minor; placement determined by proficiency test.
    For music majors and minors. Foundation work in sight singing including rhythmic and melodic dictation. Practical application includes some composition and improvisation.

  • MUSI 1112 - Aural Skills II

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1111.
    For music majors. Continuation of skill development in sight singing including rhythmic and melodic dictation. Practical application includes some composition and improvisation.

  • MUSI 1121 - Music Theory I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must be a fully admitted music major or minor; placement determined by proficiency test.
    For music majors and minors. A correlated study of rhythmic, melodic and harmonic aspects of music common practice. Development of basic skills in music theory and harmony including practical application through part-writing. Components include composition, improvisation and practical keyboard applications.

  • MUSI 1122 - Music Theory II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1121.
    For music majors. A continuation of correlated study of rhythmic, melodic and harmonic aspects of music common practice. Continuation of keyboard harmony is included with application at the keyboard. Components include composition, improvisation and practical keyboard applications.

  • MUSI 1143 - Jazz Ensemble

    0 Class Hours 4 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition and permission of the instructor.
    This course may be repeated for lower-division credit. The School of Music offers two large Jazz Ensembles that perform both on- and off-campus in concert. The ensembles perform a variety of styles within the jazz idiom including traditional swing, bop, Latin, Afro-Cuban, and funk.

  • MUSI 1144 - University Philharmonic Orchestra

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Membership is open to all students with previous experience playing an instrument.
    May be repeated for lower-division credit. Study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. No audition is required and non-music majors with previous orchestral experience are encouraged to play in the group.

  • MUSI 1145 - Concert Band

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Membership is open to all students with previous experience playing an instrument.
    May be repeated for lower-division credit. Study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for concert band. No audition is required and non-music majors with previous band experience are encouraged to play in the group.

  • MUSI 1146 - Chamber Singers

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition.
    May be repeated for lower-division credit. Study, rehearsal, and concert performance of choral literature. Membership in Chamber Singers is by audition only.

  • MUSI 1147 - Wind Ensemble

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition.
    May be repeated for lower-division credit. Study, rehearsal and concert performance of literature for wind ensemble. Membership in Wind Ensemble is by audition only.

  • MUSI 1148 - Symphony Orchestra

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition.
    May be repeated for lower-division credit. Study, rehearsal and concert performance of literature for orchestra. Membership in the Orchestra is by audition only.

  • MUSI 1149 - Chorale

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: None.
    May be repeated for lower-division credit. Study, rehearsal and concert performance of literature for choir.

  • MUSI 1165 - Class Piano I

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must be a fully admitted music major; placement determined by proficiency test.
    The purpose of class piano instruction is to equip non-piano majors with the keyboard proficiencies needed to be reasonably fluent in basic technical and reading skills for practical use as a professional musician.


  • MUSI 1166 - Class Piano II

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1165.
    Continuation of Music 1165.

  • MUSI 2100 - Technology in Music

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 1122.
    The development of practical experience with current computer applications and current technology specifically associated with music instruction and music performance. The course exposes students to current capabilities of technology as they relate to composition, instrumentation, performance and teaching.

  • MUSI 2111 - Aural Skills III

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1112.
    For music majors. Advanced skill development in ear training and sight singing. Includes rhythmic and melodic dictation. Practical application includes some composition and improvisation.

  • MUSI 2112 - Aural Skills IV

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 2111.
    For music majors. Continuation of advanced skill development in ear training and sight singing. Includes rhythmic and melodic dictation. Practical application includes some composition and improvisation.

  • MUSI 2221 - Music Theory III

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1122.
    For music majors. Advanced correlated study of music theory and harmony of common practice including chromatic harmony and 20th century harmonic techniques. Components include composition, improvisation, literature analysis and practical keyboard application.

  • MUSI 2222 - Music Theory IV

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 2221.
    For music majors. Continuation of advanced correlated study of music theory and harmony in common practice including analytical study of 20th century music. Components include composition, improvisation, literature analysis and practical keyboard application.

  • MUSI 3165 - Class Piano III

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1166.
    Continuation of MUSI 1166.

  • MUSI 3166 - Class Piano IV

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 3165.
    Continuation of MUSI 3165.

  • MUSI 3167 - Class Piano V

    1 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 1165, MUSI 1166, MUSI 3165, MUSI 3166.
    This course will allow students to continue their piano training and apply specific accompanying and instructional techniques to choral literature for the classroom.

  • MUSI 3302 - Vocal Literature: Musical Theater

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 1101 and permission of the instructor.
    Vocal literature, vocal techniques, and performance for the musical theater. This course will survey the musical repertory of standard major musical theater works. Students will prepare and perform songs, duets and group numbers from several musicals.

  • MUSI 3311 - History of Music I

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2222 and MUSI 1107.
    A survey of Western music history and literature from the Middle Ages to 1750.

  • MUSI 3312 - History of Music II

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 3311.
    A survey of Western music history and literature from 1750 to the present.

  • MUSI 3314 - History of Rock and Roll

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: ENGL 1102.
    This course is an in-depth study of the history and evolution of rock music, including the roots of rock and roll as well as rock styles and historical periods. Students will develop critical listening skills and will be able to identify important artists as well as artistic styles and song forms.

  • MUSI 3315 - Vocal Literature

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2222.
    Solo vocal literature from 1600 to the present.

  • MUSI 3316 - Music and the Holocaust

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1102.
    An examination of the music and musicians of oppressed groups during the Holocaust provides an example of musical marginalization and oppression in the past to foster global understanding and tolerance in the present. Classical, folk, and popular styles of music will be included, as will Holocaust memorial music.

  • MUSI 3317 - History of Opera

    3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2222.
    This course surveys the development of European Operatic literature from the Florentine Camerata to the present.

  • MUSI 3318 - Introduction to Symphonic Music

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: All developmental studies courses if required.
    Orchestral literature from preclassic to present including symphony, concert overture, incidental music, program symphony and tone poem.

    Notes: Emphasis on standard literature.
  • MUSI 3319 - History of Jazz

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1122 or permission of the instructor.
    This course is an in-depth study of jazz styles, historical periods and innovative artists in the jazz idiom.

  • MUSI 3320 - Form and Analysis

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 2222.
    Techniques of structural analysis of musical compositions in a variety of styles and periods with emphasis on harmony and form. The analysis of contrapuntal form is included.

  • MUSI 3321 - Advanced Ear Training

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2222 and MUSI 2112.
    Extended training in harmonic dictation, sight singing, aural analysis and rhythm.

  • MUSI 3322 - Jazz Theory and Composition

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 2222.
    This course introduces the language of jazz and its application to jazz performance, improvisation, analysis and composition.

  • MUSI 3323 - Jazz Arranging

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 3322, or permission of the instructor.
    A study of jazz arranging techniques for jazz ensembles. Students will arrange works for big band and jazz combos.

  • MUSI 3324 - Instrumentation/Arranging

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 2222.
    A study of the characteristics of orchestral instruments, including scoring principals and techniques. In addition the course includes the arranging of musical works for a variety of large and small vocal and instrumental ensembles.

  • MUSI 3326 - Class Composition I

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “B” or better in MUSI 1121, permission of the instructor.
    Students develop music composition skills by exploring basic techniques necessary for coherent creative expression. By writing original compositions for various instrumentations, students gain skills in the artistic use of pitch, rhythm, melody, timbre and harmony. 20th and 21st century styles and techniques are utilized, and students acquire skill in music improvisation. Students gain competency in the basics of music notation utilizing both calligraphy and composition software.

  • MUSI 3327 - Class Composition II

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 3326 or MUSI 3371.
    Students develop further music composition skill by exploring techniques necessary for coherent creative expression. By writing original compositions for various instrumentations, students gain abilities in the artistic use of pitch, rhythm, melody, timbre and harmony. 20th and 21st century styles and techniques are utilized. Students gain technology competency in the use of composition software and by learning the basics of digital audio and video editing of recorded performances.

  • MUSI 3331 - Choral Conducting

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2221.
    Fundamental elements of conducting including baton technique, score reading, cueing, expression, interpretation and rehearsal skills with an emphasis on applying these techniques in practical conducting experiences involving vocal and instrumental ensembles.

  • MUSI 3332 - Instrumental Conducting

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2221.
    Fundamental elements of conducting including baton technique, score reading, cueing, expression, interpretation and rehearsal skills with an emphasis on applying these techniques in practical conducting experiences involving vocal and instrumental ensembles.

  • MUSI 3333 - Accompanying

    1 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Must be a fully admitted music major; and permission of the instructor.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. For music majors. The practical application of accompaniment techniques.

  • MUSI 3334 - Italian and English Diction

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: All developmental studies courses, if required. Must be a fully admitted music major.
    Designed for the vocal music major. The study of the pronunciation, enunciation, and expression of the Italian and English language in singing.

  • MUSI 3335 - German and French Diction

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: All developmental studies courses, if required and a grade of “C” or better in MUSI 3334.
    Designed for the vocal music majors. An applied performance laboratory for the study of the pronunciation, enunciation, and expression of the German and French language in singing.

  • MUSI 3343 - Jazz Ensemble

    0 Class Hours 4 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition and permission of the instructor.
    This course may be repeated for upper-division credit. The School of Music offers two large Jazz Ensembles that perform both on- and off-campus in concert. The ensembles perform a variety of styles within the jazz idiom including traditional swing, bop, Latin, Afro-Cuban, and funk.

  • MUSI 3344 - University Philharmonic Orchestra

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Membership is open to all students with previous experience playing an instrument.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. Study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for orchestra. No audition is required and non-music majors with previous orchestral experience are encouraged to play in the group.

  • MUSI 3345 - Concert Band

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Membership is open to all students with previous experience playing an instrument.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. Study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for concert band. No audition is required and non-music majors with previous band experience are encouraged to play in the group.

  • MUSI 3346 - Chamber Singers

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. Study, rehearsal and performance of choral literature. Membership in Chamber Singers is by audition only.

  • MUSI 3347 - Wind Ensemble

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. Study, rehearsal and concert performance of literature for wind ensemble. Membership in the Wind Ensemble is by audition only.

  • MUSI 3348 - Symphony Orchestra

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. Study, rehearsal and concert performance of literature for orchestra.

    Notes: Membership in the orchestra is by audition only.
  • MUSI 3349 - Chorale

    0 Class Hours 3 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: None.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. Study, rehearsal and concert performance of literature for choir.

  • MUSI 3350 - Advanced Choral Conducting/Literature

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2112, MUSI 2222, MUSI 3331.
    Advanced elements of conducting including baton technique, score reading, cueing, expression, interpretation and rehearsal skills with an emphasis on applying these techniques through choral literature in practical conducting experiences involving choral ensembles. Required laboratory component.

  • MUSI 3351 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting/Literature

    2 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2222, MUSI 2112, MUSI 3332.
    Advanced elements of conducting including baton technique, score reading, cueing, expression, interpretation and rehearsal skills with an emphasis on applying these techniques through band and orchestra literature in practical conducting experiences involving instrumental ensembles. Required laboratory component.

  • MUSI 3352 - Opera Theater

    0 Class Hours 6 Laboratory Hours 0-1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: Audition.
    May be repeated for upper-division credit. Techniques for the singing actor studied through the production of scenes from the dramatic repertory.

  • MUSI 3353 - Jazz Improvisation I

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 1122.
    An introduction to jazz improvisation for any instrument and application of jazz improvisation techniques to jazz repertoire including modal compositions, blues, minor blues, and compositions with major cadences.

  • MUSI 3354 - Jazz Improvisation II

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 2222. A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 3353, or permision of the Jazz Studies director.
    A continuing methodology designed to improve jazz improvisation, for any instrument and application in jazz, that focuses on rhythm changes form, altered dominants, bebop concepts, and unconventional harmonies.

  • MUSI 3355 - Jazz Improvisation III

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 2222. A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 3354, or permission of the Jazz Studies director.
    A continuing methodology designed to improve jazz improvisation, for any instrument and application in jazz, that focuses on melodic minor derivations, cycling altered dominants, pentatonic concepts, and non-traditional harmonies.

  • MUSI 3360 - Jazz Piano

    0 Class Hours 2 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in MUSI 1165.
    An introduction to jazz piano skills for the non-pianist including interpreting chord symbols and sophisticated harmonies, learning functional voicings, and performance competency.

  • MUSI 3367 - Vocal Skills I

    1 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: All developmental studies courses if required. Non-music majors require permission of the instructor.
    Vocal proficiency for music majors and non-majors. Emphasis on tone production, diction, performing skills and the physiology of the voice.

  • MUSI 3368 - Vocal Skills II

    1 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 1 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 3367.
    Continuation of MUSI 3367.

  • MUSI 3371 - Composition I

    1 Class Hours 2 Credit Hours
    Prerequisite: MUSI 2222 and permission of the instructor.
    Individually tailored instruction is utilized for the development of music composition skills by writing in traditional and 20th century styles in both small and large forms and for a variety of media.


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