Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Undergraduate Admission Policies 


Kennesaw State University welcomes applications from all qualified students regardless of race, sex, religion, disability, or cultural background. Admission to Kennesaw State is based on a number of factors depending upon the applicant’s category of entry and previous educational experience. The university’s admission requirements have been developed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the KSU faculty and the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (BOR 4.2. BOR Academic Affairs Handbook 3.2). See Right of Refusal later in the Undergraduate Admission Policies section.

Applicant credentials must indicate a reasonable chance of successful completion of academic work at Kennesaw State University. Admission decisions are based on an applicant’s previous record of appropriate academic preparation, academic performance, test scores, personal qualities and experience. It is the responsibility of the potential applicant to review admission standards in advance to determine the likelihood of eligibility.

With appropriate administrative concurrence, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions reserves the right to make other exceptions on a limited basis to specific requirements when, in the professional judgment of the director of admissions, the special circumstances and offsetting strengths of a particular application file warrant such exceptions.

It may become necessary to request additional testing for a more accurate assessment of an applicant’s ability to succeed or to qualify for study at the university level or for placement. If an application file is not completed in time for such testing to be scheduled prior to registration, it may be necessary to defer the application to a future semester.

Admission is a selective process and meeting deadlines or minimum requirements will not necessarily guarantee acceptance. If an applicant fails to enroll for the term of application, a new application and application processing fee must be submitted. After twelve months, all documents are purged and destroyed and the entire application process including credentials must be repeated.

Approval for admission is valid only for the term specified at the time of acceptance and does not imply that approval will be granted for a term not specified. Any changes in an applicant’s record due to completion of additional course work prior to enrollment will necessitate a new review of the application file. Changing the semester of entry requires submission of a new application, processing fee and after one year, new supporting credentials will be required.


Admission Sequence

Admission to the university is primary and is a sequential prerequisite to any other program admission or departmental or athletic scholarship award.

Admission to Kennesaw State University as an undergraduate student does not automatically admit the individual to teacher education, nursing, business or other programs with internal admission criteria. Separate application processes are required for formal admission to such professional programs, and such admission decisions are typically made after a prescribed amount of course work has been completed with satisfactory grades by the applicant. Details of such program level admission requirements can be found in the section of this catalog that outlines degree program requirements.


Application and Document Deadline Procedures

Applications for admission and all required credentials (such as transcripts and test scores) must be submitted by established deadlines. New applications received after the deadline dates will be processed for the following term. Application deadlines are available from the KSU Office of Undergraduate Admissions and on the KSU academic calendar All application deadlines are subject to change. Unless otherwise noted for a specific category of applicant, the application file for admission is complete and ready for review when the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (Kennesaw State University, 1000 Chastain Road, Mailbox # 9111, Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591) has received the following:

  1. A completed Undergraduate Application for Admission to Kennesaw State University submitted online with a nonrefundable fee;
  2. Official scores on all required college entrance tests (typically SAT or ACT; some applicants may also be required to have SAT II subject test scores, TOEFL scores, or placement test scores). All test scores must be sent from the testing service to KSU;
  3. Official high school and college transcripts mailed directly from those institutions to KSU.

At any time during the application or enrollment process, the University may require any applicant to appear for a personal interview and/or to take standardized achievement, assessment, placement, and psychological tests which it deems appropriate in arriving at a decision regarding the applicant’s general qualifications for admission.

The University reserves the right to withdraw admission prior to or following enrollment if the student has falsified application materials or otherwise demonstrated ineligibility as determined by the standards of the University or Board of Regents.

The Undergraduate Admissions website may be used by applicants 24 hours a day to check on the status of application and documents.

Additional admission information, online applications and application status check as well as electronic undergraduate and graduate university catalogs are available at: www.kennesaw.edu

Upon acceptance and prior to enrollment, any student with a documented disability or special need must notify the University of any particular accommodations required. Please contact the Office of Disabled Student Support Services in the Student Development Center at (770) 423-6443.


Requirements for Admission from High School

Applicants are again reminded that university admission is a selective process and that meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance. Applicants with the strongest credentials for admission will typically be given preference when acceptances are restricted due to space and resource limitations and to a larger number of qualified applicants than can be reasonably accommodated by the university.

Required High School Curriculum

The Required High School Curriculum (RHSC)is a key factor considered in freshman admissions decisions. Completion of the University System of Georgia’s Required High School Curriculum (BOR Academic Affairs Handbook 3.2.3) requirements at a regionally accredited or University system recognized high school is expected of most successful traditional freshman applicants.

For applicants graduating from high school prior to 2012, a minimum of 16 RHSC units (Carnegie units which equate to four years of completed high school study) are required in the following subject areas:

Areas (Units) Required Course Emphases
*English (4): Grammar and Usage
  American & World Literature
  Advanced Composition Skills
  *ESL courses are not recognized to satisfy RHSC English unless documented by the high school.
Mathematics (4): Algebra I
  Algebra II
  Advanced Math
Science (3): Laboratory courses in Life
  Laboratory courses in Physical Science
Social Science (3): American Studies
  World Studies
  Economics & Government (or appropriate substitution)
Foreign Language (2): Must be in the same language
Applicants graduating from high school in 2012 or later must meet the above requirements with the following changes (17 units):  
*Mathematics (4):

Mathematics I, II, III and a fourth year of advanced math or equivalent courses

* In limited situations Mathematics III is acceptable as the fourth unit of math for 2012 and 2013 high school graduates.

Science (4): The four science units should include two courses with a laboratory component. Students graduating from a Georgia public high school should have at least one unit in biology; one unit of physical science or physics; one unit of chemistry, earth science or environmental science; and a fourth science.


Freshman Index

The freshman standards at KSU meet the Board of Regent Freshman Index (FI) requirement for the institution. The index is a weighted formula which adds: 1) the applicant’s highest SAT Critical Reading/Verbal score, 2) the highest SAT-Math score, and 3) the college recalculated high school grade point average (HSGPA) multiplied by 500. The University Admissions Office recalculates the applicant’s academic HSGPA and includes only acceptable academic units (RHSC) while excluding other high school courses such as physical education, vocational courses, ROTC, driver’s education, etc. from the recalculation. (All repeated RHSC courses are calculated in the GPA.)

Regular First Year Admission Standards - (Full Admission)

Regular freshmen are typically applicants who will be first-time college students and who apply 6-12 months before completing high school graduation.

KSU’s minimum requirements for admission as a regular first year freshman include the following:

  1. Graduation from a regionally accredited high school or a high school accredited by the Georgia Accreditation Commission (GAC), or from a public school under the authority of the state department of education.
  2. Completion of at least the 17 required units for graduates 2012 or later (16 units for graduates 2011 or earlier) in the University System’s Required High School Curriculum.
  3. Have a combined Critical Reading and Math total of 950 on the SAT (20 ACT Composite), Freshman Index of at least 1940, with a SAT-Critical Reading/Verbal of at least 490 (ACT 20) and a SAT-Math of at least 460 (ACT 19), and an academic HSGPA of at least 2.5 in the Required High School Curriculum as calculated by KSU. (The SAT essay portion must be submitted, but will not be used in the decision.)


Learning Support Program (LSP) First Year Freshman Admission Standards

The University System permits KSU to admit a limited number of traditional first year freshmen each year who do not meet all of the minimum requirements listed above, but whose records are sufficiently strong to show promise for success at the university. The minimum requirements to be considered for learning support freshman admission include the following:

  1. Graduation from a regionally accredited high school or a high school accredited by the Georgia Accreditation Commission (GAC), or from a public school under the authority of the state department of education.
  2. Completion of the 17 required University System RHSC units for graduates 2012 or later (16 units for graduates 2011 and earlier).
  3. Have a combined Critical Reading and Math total of 950 on the SAT (20 ACT Composite) Freshman Index of at least 1940, with a SAT Critical Reading/Verbal of at least 430 (ACT English 17), SAT Math of at least 400, (ACT Math 17) and a High School GPA of 2.5 in the Required High School Curriculum as calculated by KSU.
  4. Take COMPASS exams in writing and mathematics for applicants with SAT- Critical Reading/Verbal scores less than 490 (ACT 20), SAT-Math scores less than 460 (ACT 19). Minimum COMPASS scores must be achieved for admission, and if eligible for admission, based on placement exam results, successful completion of additional learning support course requirements which do not count toward a degree may be required.
  5. Transfer students with 30 semester hours of transferable college credit, satisfying RHSC requirements elsewhere in the University System will be recognized as having met those requirements at Kennesaw State University upon admission and evaluation of transcripts.

Transfer students with 30 semester hours of transferable college credit, satisfying RHSC requirements elsewhere in the University System will be recognized as having met those requirements at Kennesaw State University upon admission and evaluation of transcripts.


Alternatives for Home School Applicants and Others

Kennesaw State recognizes the choice and rights of a family to home educate their children. However, some home educated applicants bear the burden of demonstrating through proper documentation that they meet all of the standard requirements for regular or limited freshman admission.

Home school applicants are defined as completing a high school program of study that is not from a regionally accredited or University System recognized high school and those who have not satisfactorily completed the prescribed Carnegie units of the Required High School Curriculum in a manner acceptable to the University System.

Nevertheless, the University System of Georgia permits home educated applicants to be considered if they demonstrate sufficient Required High School Curriculum preparedness on appropriate standardized subject matter tests (specific SAT II subject exams or through a portfolio review process) and meet or exceed the required minimum freshmen average scores on the SAT I or ACT. 

The portfolio review approach for handling exceptions for home school students waives the high school graduation requirement, the academic HSGPA requirement, the Freshman Index requirement, and the Carnegie unit requirements of the Required High School Curriculum. These waivers are in exchange for satisfactory performance on additional standardized testing, which validates college preparedness, and demonstration of a satisfactory comprehensive high school academic experience.

Prospective home school applicants are encouraged to contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at least six months prior to the planned date of entry to obtain information and direction as to how to pursue these alternatives and exceptions for admission. High school graduates who did not complete all of the required Required High School Curriculum units may also be granted an exception to that requirement if they validate their college preparedness in their deficient subject areas with satisfactory scores on the appropriate standardized tests (SAT II subject exams).

With appropriate administrative concurrence, the Undergraduate Admissions Office reserves the right to make other exceptions on a limited basis to specific requirements when, in the professional judgment of the director of university undergraduate admissions, the special circumstances and offsetting strengths of a particular application file warrant such exceptions.

Refer to the website: http://admissions.kennesaw.edu/ for the current accepted freshman average test scores and for information regarding portfolio procedures and standardized test options.


Honors Opportunities and Early Entry Options

Honors Opportunities for First Year Students

Honors Opportunities are available for students who have recently graduated from high school, are entering Kennesaw State as first-year students, have a high school grade point average of 3.5 or better in their academic courses, and have made a composite score of 1200 or better on the Critical Reading and math sections of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. (The equivalent composite ACT score, a 26 or higher, is also accepted.) (See the Honors Program catalog section under University Studies.)

Dual Enrollment Honors Program (DEHP)

Dual Enrollment Honors Program Admission Criteria

The admission deadline for DEHP is typically in mid-January. For the current deadline, admissions instructions, and additional program information, visit www.kennesaw.edu/dehp or contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. 

Rising high school juniors and seniors are eligible for the Dual Enrollment Honors Program if they earn:

  • a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better in their core academic course work (not electives) and are on track to complete the Required High School Curriculum


  • a composite score of 1100 on the SAT, with minimum subparts of 530 critical reading and 530 math; or an ACT of at least 24 composite with subpart minimums of 23 English and 22 math.

To be admitted to DEHP, students must submit an online application and application processing fee, official SAT or ACT score report sent directly from the testing agency, high school transcript, and consent form signed by a parent and a high school counselor. Accepted students are required to attend a mandatory KSU advising session prior to registration and a summer orientation program specifically for DEHP. Students and parents must also sign a Policy Statement acknowledging their understanding of the academic and behavioral conduct policies of the program. Students are accepted to begin the program in the Fall semester only. A KSU GPA of 2.0 is required to continue in the program for Spring semester.

Advance Placement Opportunities

Kennesaw State University welcomes students who have pursued accelerated academic course work while in high school or through recognized national standardized programs. Such programs include College Board’s Advance Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Subject Examination Program (CLEP), and Defense Activity for Nontraditional Educational Support (DANTES).

CLEP exams are administered nationally through Educational Testing Service (ETS) testing centers or through the University’s Student Success Services for currently enrolled students only. AP tests are given at many high schools throughout the country and qualified applicants are advised to take these tests in the spring of their senior year in high school. CLEP and AP credits do not count toward the KSU residency requirement or grade-point average.

In addition, students who have pursued advanced and rigorous college preparatory course work in high school and who have performed well in those courses may be exempted from equivalent prerequisite courses at KSU and continue their studies at more advanced levels. Approvals for such waivers may be secured from the dean of undergraduate and university studies or the appropriate academic department chair.


Admission From Other Colleges


Transfer applicants for admission are students who have earned college credit elsewhere at collegiate institutions accredited in a manner acceptable to KSU, and wish to transfer to KSU in order to continue their collegiate studies.

KSU’s Office of the Registrar conducts transfer evaluations and accepts transfer credit only from such approved institutions, only in courses comparable to KSU courses or in subject fields appropriate for KSU degrees, only when the grades earned are sufficiently high for the transfer courses to meet KSU degree requirements, and only when the GPA for all acceptable transfer courses is 2.0 or better. Course work completed more than 10 years prior to admission to Kennesaw State University may not be accepted for transfer unless its currency is validated by the appropriate university officials.

Students planning to transfer from another college must make arrangements for each college previously attended to forward a complete official transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at Kennesaw State University.

Official transcripts are required, regardless of the applicant’s wishes concerning transfer credit, or financial holds, and must be mailed directly from the sending institution to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Transfer students’ records will be evaluated in the same manner as Kennesaw State University resident students. Transfer students must have completed 30 semester hours of transferable credit with a 2.0 GPA or above. A limited number of transfer applicants who are eligible to re-enroll at their last college or university attended and have cumulative grade point averages less than 2.0 will be admitted and placed automatically on academic probation at KSU. Probationary admission is not typical and may only be extended in limited situations. Transfer students admitted on academic probation must complete 12 semester hours at KSU with at least a 2.0 grade point average before probationary status is removed. Failure to maintain a 2.0 average in any semester while on academic probation will result in academic dismissal from the University. Refer to the section labeled “Academic Policies” for a more complete discussion of the Academic Probation/Dismissal Policy. Dismissed students must reapply to KSU, meeting appropriate deadlines.

Transfer applicants who have been academically dismissed from their previous institution may not enter Kennesaw State until they are fully eligible to return to their former institution and have attained a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.

Students transferring from another institution in the University System of Georgia must have satisfied any and all learning support requirements before being admitted to KSU. Transferring students taking physical education hours at one institution will not be required to duplicate these hours at KSU. However, students taking an orientation course at another institution may be required to take the KSU 1101 orientation course. All admission application deadlines cited earlier apply to transfer applicants. All of the documents cited earlier and required for a complete application file apply to transfer applicants with the following exceptions:

  1. High school transcripts are not required for applicants with 30 or more earned semester hours of acceptable transfer credit. (All college and university transcripts are required, however);
  2. SAT I or ACT scores are not required for applicants with 30 or more earned semester hours of acceptable transfer credit;
  3. Freshman transfer applicants (less than 30 semester hours of transferable credit) may be required to take the COMPASS in English and/or math depending upon SAT/ACT scores. Meeting appropriate minimums will be required for enrollment effective fall semester 2012.

Transfer Freshman Admission Standards

Applicants with fewer than 30 semester hours of acceptable transfer credit must meet the same admissions requirements identified earlier for freshmen admitted from high school. Freshman transfer applicants may be required to take the COMPASS in English and/or math depending upon SAT/ACT scores, and are held to appropriate standards based upon results. Transfer freshmen must be in good standing at previous institutions.

Transfer Admission Standards for Sophomores and Upperclassmen

Transfer applicants with sufficient transferable hours to be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior at KSU must have completed any and all learning support requirements prior to admission and have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in the previous institutions attended.


Special Admission Categories

KSU has a number of special admission categories other than those for freshmen and transfer applicants.

Nontraditional-Adult Learners-Freshmen Admission Standards

First year adult learners are those students who have not attended high school within the previous five years (graduated or should have graduated five or more years ago) and have earned fewer than 30 transferable semester hours of college credit, and who hold a high school diploma or have satisfactorily completed the GED.

Applicants eligible for review in this category are exempt from the SAT/ACT and Required High School Curriculum requirements. However, nontraditional students applying in this category will be required to take the COMPASS examination. Minimum scores are required to be admitted. If the applicant meets the minimum COMPASS scores for admissions, test results may place the applicant in the Learning Support program for extra non-degree course work in reading, writing and mathematics skills. As an alternative, non-traditional freshmen who have, within the past seven (7) years, posted SAT scores of at least 500 in both Verbal/Critical Reading and Mathematics or ACT scores of at least 21 on both English and Mathematics may provide an official score report from the testing service to exempt COMPASS testing.

International Student Admission Standards

International students should apply through the Office of Global Admissions. Application processing and other United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) procedures will be handled from this office.

Kennesaw State University supports international education and the philosophy that cross-cultural understanding is vital for creating mutual respect, appreciation and understanding of diversity. The presence of international students fosters cultural exchanges, which are beneficial to the student body and to the community at large.

International students may enroll in any program of study offered at Kennesaw State University. In addition, there are on campus apartment complexes where an international student can make arrangements for living accommodations. For information, visit the housing website at www.kennesaw.edu/housing/

Students are responsible for their own transportation needs. There is limited county bus service to the campus.

KSU has no designated financial assistance for international students. All international applicants must pay nonresident fees unless the individual receives one of the nonresident fee waivers available to international students through the Institute for Global Initiatives. As per USCIS regulations international applicants must present documented evidence that they have sufficient funds to meet their educational and living expenses.

All international students requesting admission to Kennesaw State University must submit the following credentials at least one semester prior to the semester of enrollment:

  1. A completed Undergraduate Application for Admission to Kennesaw State University submitted online with a nonrefundable fee;
  2. Sworn affidavit of support from the applicant’s financial sponsor;
  3. A letter from the sponsor’s bank showing that funds (in U.S. dollars) are available for one year of support;
  4. Official or certified true copies of all high school and/or college/university records with a certified English translation. International students are required to have an official evaluation of credentials done by an outside agency at the student’s expense. International applicants may contact NACES at http://www.naces.org/members.htm to select an accredited credential evaluation service. Official transcripts must be mailed directly from the sending institution or hand delivered in sealed college envelope. A KSU evaluation of credits will not occur until satisfactory documents are on file. It is up to the academic department as to which credits will actually apply to the degree program;
  5. An official score of 75 or more on the Internet based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam or 537 on the paper exam, or 203 on the computer based exam, or IELTS score of 6.0. Satisfactory scores on the TOEFL or IELTS exams do not waive the mathematics portion of the SAT;
  6. Official scores on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), or American College Test (ACT);
  7. A valid Certificate of Immunization required upon enrollment, must be submitted to the KSU Health Clinic. Requirements are listed on their website at http://www.kennesaw.edu/col_hhs/hc.

*The TOEFL or IELTS requirement may be waived if the applicant:

  • has completed and transferred the English composition courses (I and II from an accredited American institution) for the core requirement at the college level;
  • has satisfactory scores on the SAT II test of English usage;
  • has a SAT I Critical Reading/Verbal score of at least 490 (ACT 20).

To be eligible to register and remain in compliance with the Student Exchange and Visitor Information System (SEVIS), international students must have a current valid F1 visa status. An I-20 Form will be issued only upon the student’s full acceptance into the University.

International students with a student visa are required to be full-time students (at least 12 semester hours) for spring and fall semesters, excluding summer term of the academic year in order to maintain F-1 status with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The University is required to notify the USCIS whenever a student’s load drops below 12 semester hours.

Also, upon arriving at Kennesaw State University, all international students are required to visit the Global Admissions Office and have their passports and I-20 ID copied and placed in their student file.

This procedure facilitates the replacement of lost records and is required by the USCIS. International transfer students applying to Kennesaw State University from other educational institutions in the United States are also required to have their passports, I-20 ID copied before enrollment.


Transient Students

A student who has been enrolled in another college or university and who expects to return to that college or university may apply for temporary (one term) admission and registration at Kennesaw State University as a transient student. Transients must have all documents filed by the deadline to be considered for admission. In fairness to its degree seeking students and because of limitations on available space, KSU must give its regular students higher priority for registration than transient students. Transient students have no guarantee that space will be available in the classes they seek.

In addition to completing an online application for admission which includes paying the non-refundable application fee, a prospective transient student must present a written statement from the registrar of the institution last attended recommending his/her admission as a transient student and stating that the student is academically eligible to continue college study at the institution. A student who is ineligible to return to the institution formerly attended will not be admitted as a transient at KSU.

Enrollment at KSU as a transient student ordinarily is limited to one semester. Transient students wishing to continue at KSU beyond the initial semester of entry must reapply for admission and present a new written statement of permission from the previous institution’s registrar by the deadline for the term they wish to re-enroll. Transient students desiring to continue as transfer students must reapply for admission in that category through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and furnish all required documents and transcripts by the published deadline. Transient status is not intended as an alternative to meeting admission standards as a degree seeking student. Credits earned at KSU will not be considered when a transient student applies to become a transfer student to Kennesaw State University. For purpose of admission or readmission as a transient student, the summer term will be treated as a semester.


Non-Degree Students

The non-degree category exists for those students who have previously earned a baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited in a manner acceptable to KSU, and who wish to enroll in undergraduate courses for which they are eligible, for personal or professional reasons instead of degree completion. Students applying for non-degree status must submit an online application for admission, which includes payment of the non-refundable application processing fee, and an official transcript from the institution that awarded the initial degree (meeting all deadlines). Non-degree students who later wish to pursue another undergraduate degree at KSU must meet all pertinent transfer admission requirements and deadlines and complete an application for readmission to change status from non-degree to degree seeking. Non-degree students do not qualify for financial aid, do not receive a transfer evaluation of previous coursework and are not considered degree-seeking students.


Auditors attend classes and may participate in course assignments but are not graded and do not receive degree credit for completing the audited courses. To be admitted as an auditor, the individual must complete an online application for admission, which includes payment of the nonrefundable application-processing fee; and provide an official high school (or college) transcript which reflects a minimum of high school graduation or equivalency.

Students are not permitted to receive retroactive credit at any future date for their participation in a course as an auditor nor change from an audit to a credit status while enrolled in a course. Audited courses are counted at full value in computing the student’s load for fee purposes. A student wishing to change his/her classification from an auditor to a degree-seeking student must reapply for admission for a future term in the appropriate category and meet all pertinent requirements and deadlines.

Audited courses do not qualify for educational benefits or financial assistance under the social security laws, veterans and other federal and state programs.



Prior to registration, a valid Certificate of Immunization is required to be on file in the KSU Health Clinic upon enrollment. Students must meet the immunization requirements found at the KSU Health Clinic website, http://www.kennesaw.edu/col_hhs/hc/ . Mail immunizations to the KSU Health Clinic at 1000 Chastain Road House #52, MB 5200, Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591 or fax to 678-797-2224. Questions may be directed to the immunization coordinator at 770-423-6894.



Students who must apply for readmission include: academically dismissed students, transients and students who have not been enrolled for 24 consecutive months (6 terms) as well as students changing classification. If the student applies for readmission for a term but do not enroll, the process must be repeated for the term for which the student wishes to re-enroll. The application for readmission is available by going to www.kennesaw.edu and selecting Prospective Students & Parents, Undergraduate, Readmissions. The readmission application must be submitted along with the non-refundable processing fee and any required supporting credentials by the deadline for the term for which the student wishes to re-enroll.


Lawful Presence Verification

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia has implemented a policy requiring University System Institutions to verify the lawful presence in the United States of all admitted students entering Kennesaw State University who are seeking in-state (resident) tuition status. BOR Policy 4.3.4 states: “University System institution shall verify the lawful presence in the United States of every successfully admitted person applying for resident tuition status (in-state tuition).

Information regarding this requirement and how it can be satisfied are found at http://www.kennesaw.edu/enrollmentservices/lawfulpresence.html


Right of Refusal

If an applicant (a) is on probation, suspension, expulsion, or any other type of academic warning at any previously attended institution, (b) is ineligible to enroll at any previously attended institution, (c) is currently charged with, or has been found guilty of, any violation of academic honesty, honor code, or conduct regulations of a previously attended institution, (d) left a previous institution while there were pending charges of any violation of academic honesty, honor code, or conduct regulations, (e) is currently charged with or has been found guilty of any violation of a federal, state, or municipal law, regulation or ordinance other than minor traffic violations, including offenses for which any type of first offender status has been granted, (f) has ever entered a plea of guilty, no contest, nolo contendere, or an Alford plea, or has otherwise accepted responsibility for the commission of a crime, (g) has received any type of discharge from military service other than honorable discharge, then the applicant’s case will be reviewed to insure that the applicant meets the satisfactory academic performance, good character, and good conduct requirements noted above. If, after a letter of acceptance has been issued, information comes to light that shows that an applicant did not meet all admission requirements, or that an applicant’s application contained omissions or misrepresentations, the applicants offer of admission will be automatically revoked. If this information comes to light after the student has enrolled, the applicant’s enrollment at Kennesaw State University will automatically be terminated and earned credit may be revoked.

Any changes in a student’s record prior to enrollment will necessitate a new review of the application. Any omissions or misrepresentations on a student’s application for admission will automatically invalidate consideration by, acceptance to, and continuation at Kennesaw State University.


Sources for Test Scores and Required Forms

SAT I Tests:
  College Entrance Examination Board, Box 6200
  Princeton, NJ 08541
  (609) 771-7600 or (770) 908-9737
  KSU’s Institutional Code: 5359
ACT Tests:
  American College Testing Program
  3355 Lenox Road NE, #320
  Atlanta, GA 33026-1332
  (404) 231-1952
  KSU’s Institutional Code: 0833
Undergraduate Admission Application:
  On Kennesaw State Undergraduate Admissions website http://admissions.kennesaw.edu
TOEFL Exams:
  TOEFL Services
  P.O. Box 6151
  Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 USA
  (609) 771-7100
  KSU’s Institutional Code: 5359
Social Security Numbers:
  Social Security Offices
COMPASS Placement Exams:
  KSU Testing
  Student Success Services
  (770) 423-6600
Dual Enrollment Forms:
  On Kennesaw State Undergraduate Admissions website for Dual Enrollment http://www.kennesaw.edu/dehp



Formal appeals of the University’s admission decision may be filed with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to the attention of the Admission Appeals Committee. If an appeal is approved the student may have a probation status and must complete any prescribed conditions as specified by the Committee. Students on probation may not register in priority registration until probation has been satisfactorily removed. Additional information regarding probation status may be found in the Academic Advisement and Academic Policies section. For further information on Admission Appeals or questions about an admission decision, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. You may access the admission website at admissions.kennesaw.edu, and select Contact Us for the email address and telephone number.


KSU Online

Visit KSU’s home page at: http://www.kennesaw.edu and select the link to Admissions, and find links to important enrollment offices, including admissions.

On the admissions website, the student can check the status of his/her application or submit an application. Take advantage of the online services including:

  • The Q/A Ask feature
  • VIP Personal Web Page
  • Freshmen Admission Predictor
  • Review standards for admission to KSU
  • Learn about the admissions office
  • Check the status of an application
  • Check on application deadlines for a particular term
  • Check on current tuition costs
  • Attain information about KSU by requesting an e-brochure
  • View the most recent university catalog

It is the responsibility of the student to review admission standards in advance to determine the likelihood of eligibility.
