Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Advisement

The mission of academic advising at Kennesaw State University is to facilitate student success, development, and retention by supporting the design and implementation of educational and career plans.

Goals of Academic Advising

Because academic advising plays such an important role in student satisfaction and student retention, The University System of Georgia policy mandates advising programs throughout the system and clearly sets the parameters of responsibility. At Kennesaw State University, academic advising is conducted via a decentralized structure. Students who know their intended major are advised in their college and school’s academic department and undeclared students are advised in the Student Success and Enrollment Services division (Student Success Services). The Undergraduate Advising Council, represented by advisors from both the divisions of Student Success and Academic Affairs, oversees and coordinates the campus-wide advising efforts.

Recognizing that effective advising is a partnership between advisors and advisees and that each has its own role and responsibility, it is expected that, regardless of where the advising occurs, the academic advisor’s roles is to:

  1. Help the advisee to understand the academic and administrative processes of the university.
  2. Help the advisee to understand the expected standards of achievement and likelihood of success in certain areas of study.
  3. Discuss the educational and career objectives suited to the advisee’s demonstrated abilities and expressed interests. The advisors help the advisee to understand the relationships among the courses, programs, undergraduate research opportunities, internships, study abroad programs, and other academic and personal development experiences provided by the university.
  4. Help the advisee plan a course of study and give advice about courses and the adjustment of course loads. The advisor will inform the advisee about the prerequisites for subsequent courses in the advisee’s program and evaluate their progress.
  5. To familiarize advisees with, and direct advisees to, appropriate campus resources.
  6. Participate in the advisor training sessions provided by the university and each college and department to keep informed and current.
  7. Encourage students to utilize available resources in the development of effective study skills.
  8. Provide necessary mentorship and career development support.

The advisee’s role in the academic advising process is to:

  1. Acquire the information needed to assume final responsibility for course scheduling, program planning, and the successful completion of all graduation requirements.
  2. Seek the academic, personal development and career information needed to develop and meet educational and personal goals.
  3. Become knowledgeable about the relevant policies, procedures, and rules of the university, college, and academic program.
  4. Be prepared with accurate information and relevant materials when contacting the advisor.
  5. Consult with the advisor at least once per semester to decide on courses, review the accuracy of the audit, check progress towards graduation, and discuss the suitability of other educational opportunities provided by the university.
  6. Take personal responsibility for his or her own actions and behavior.


Declared Students

Students who have declared majors are assigned to trained faculty advisors in the department of their major or to the college advising center. These advisors can advise students on General Education requirements, major requirements, job possibilities, internships, research with faculty, applied community/campus experiences, grants, and scholarships in addition to knowing campus resources for referrals. Students should connect with their advisor each semester to register for appropriate courses and also to develop a mentoring relationship that will facilitate career development throughout college and after graduation. Each of the colleges and departments organize their advisement procedures differently; therefore, students should contact their faculty advisors or the departmental secretaries for specific information. We encourage you to declare a major as soon as possible so that you can be assigned an academic advisor.


Undeclared Students

Students who have not declared a major and those required to take Learning Support classes are assigned to First-Year & Undeclared Advising Services (FYUAS, http://www.kennesaw.edu/studentsuccess/adv/) in Student Success Services (SSS) to be advised by a staff of trained, professional advisors. (See Student Success Services section of the undergraduate catalog.) These advisers are trained and available to help students select courses that meet the General Education requirements, adjust to the university, and choose a program of study. First-Year & Undeclared Advising Services also refers students to other campus resources.


First-Year Students (Freshmen)

First-Year Advising Requirement: First-Year students (freshmen) are required to meet with an academic advisor prior to registration for their second and third semesters. This requirement is enforced by the placement of the “FY-Advising Required” registration hold. These students will not be able to register for the second and third semester until they have met with an advisor either in their major department or in First-Year and Undeclared Advising Services.


Student Guide to Degree Progression (DegreeWorks)

DegreeWorks is a web-based advising tool that provides real-time advice on degree completion. This system is designed to aid and facilitate academic advising. It is not intended to replace face-to-face advising sessions. DegreeWorks is available to:

  • degree-seeking undergraduate students who have a catalog year equal to Fall 2008 or later.
  • degree seeking graduate students who have a catalog year equal to Fall 2011 or later.

Students with a catalog year prior to those listed above should continue to meet with their academic advisor concerning degree progression.

Students who have not declared a major must use the “What-If option” and select an intended major and concentration, if applicable, to view a degree compliance audit.

Students can access DegreeWorks through Owl Express.
